Page 20, Hourglass, Friday, October 16, 1987 The K wajalein Shultz In Israel For Mideast Peace Talks A FUiICATioN ot TI-E • Ul\ITEd STATES AR\1)I By Barry Schweld dIstnbuted m east Jerusalem we all care a great deal about The proposed conference AP Diplomatic Writer and other West Bank CItIes, peace and about movmg In that would be held under U N aus­ K\vA~ElN ~T<?,-~_ urgmg PalestImans not to meet drrecuon," he saId In an rurport pIces and would mclude the five ~llSlAMlS TEL AVIV, Israel-Secre­ with Shultz The leaflets were news conference permanent members of the Hourglass tary of State George Shultz ar­ sIgned by an unknown group Peres, who heads the left­ U N Secunty CouncIl - the ! "\ l (l Volume XXIV No 195 --------F-ri-d-a-y-,-O-c-to-b-e-r-1-6-,-1-9-g-,- oved 10 Israel today on the fITst called the "natIonal forces m the leanmg Labor Party, has In­ Untted States, the SovIet leg of a Middle East top aimed OCCUPied terntooes " sisted the conference IS the only UOlon, Botam, ChIna, and at In jectmg lIfe mto the stagnant An expected focus of way to bong Jordan to the nego­ France - along With Israel, Middle East peace process Shultz's talks IS the proposed tIatmg table He says It would Jordan and Palesuman repre­ Shultz met WIth pome Mm­ mternatlOnal peace conference serve only as a launchmg pad sentatIves Missile Hits U.S.-Flagged Tanker Ister Yltzhak Shamlr shortly advocated by Peres and rejected for drrect talks and would not Duong a refuelIng stop m 1 after hiS arnval at Ben Guoon by ShamIT Peres rudes have lIDpose solutIOns on the parties 1 Shannon, Ireland, Shultz ac­ ) InternatIOnal arrport, and was said pnvately they expect But ShamIT, leader of the cused the Soviets of supportIng Wounds American Captain, 15 Crewmen scheduled to meet soon after Shultz to bong new Ideas to oght-wmg LIkud bloc, has said "rejectlOmst tendenCies" m the , By Nabda Megalh hiS scheduled weekend top to hiS but a U S military source here hIt In a nearly Idenucal attack at WIth ShamIT's coahtIon oval, budge Shamlr from hiS long­ the Idea of an mternauonal Arab world and of havmg ASSOCiated Press Writer Camp DaVId, Md , retreat said It was "99 percent certam" Ai-AhmadI, on the central Ku­ ForeIgn MInIster Shimon standmg opposluon to the Idea conference IS a Soviet-engI­ worked to sabotage an attempt Nunn, D-Ga , told reporters, that It was a missIle waIti coast Both attacks occurred Peres But Shultz has saId he would neered lOck aImed at forcmg by Jordan's Kmg Hussem last MANAMA, Bahrrun - An "It's my understandmg It was a A Pentagon spokesman, 10 Kuwruu terntonal waters, and Shultz also planned to meet not mtervene In the dIspute, Israel to concede tern tory occu­ year to patch up hiS differences Iranian mISSile struck and set Silkworm missIle Cmdr Bob Prucha, later said U S OffiCIalS declined to say how In the next few days WIth a WhICh has dIVided Israel's coa­ pIed smce the 1967 Middle With the PalestIne LiberatIon ablaze a US-flagged tanker m For Its part, the White House that the source of the attack was the Umted States might respond group of PalestImans from the hUon government "ObVIOusly East war OrganizatIon the Persian Gulf today, wound­ was saymg very lIttle about the not bemg released, but "there re­ Consensus mounted that the West Bank and Gaza Stop, but mg the ship's AmeTican captam attack, even 12 hours afterward portedly was an rurcraft In the missiles that hit both the Sea Isle recent VIOlence m the occupied and 15 other crewmen, U S offi­ Reagan had hIS dally morn­ City and the Sungan were Chl- terntooes could affect that en­ Top-Secret Plane Crashes, Pilot Dead vlclmty at the tIme" Cials srud Ing meeung WIth natIOnal secu­ On Thursday, the U S - counter By Tim Dahlberg he srud 1986 10 Cahfornla It was the second missIle oty adViser Frank CarlUCCI - owned supertanker Sungan was Contmued on page 2 Arab newspapers today ASSOCiated Press Writer Air Force offiCials refused The plane went down Wed­ strike on an Amencan-owned or who boefed Nunn and the urged a boycott because of what to say publIcly what type of nesdayabout 100 miles north­ Amencan-flagged vessel 10 commIttee's semor RepublIcan, they called Shultz's rejectIOn of LAS VEGAS, Nev - An plane crashed, but Pentagon west of Las Vegas, and about 50 Kuwrutl waters In two days John Wamer of V ITgInla, sepa­ Rescue Attempt Slowed PalestmIan oghts AIT Force plane said by Penta­ sources who spoke on conditIon mIles south of a base where a The AmeTican radIo man of rately - and had a preViously "Boycott thiS fake propa­ gon sources to be a top-secret of anonymity said Thursday the top-secret squadron of about 50 By Ken Herman rock so hard that It dulled dia­ ( \eshlphlttodaywasalsoamong arranged afternoon sesSIon on gandIst," srud an edltooal AI Stealth fIghter crashed and plane was a Stealth fighter Simi­ Stealth fighters IS believed to be ( ; lie wounded, a U S milItary tap With Defense Secretary Cas­ ASSOCiated Press Writer mond-tIpped dolls, have about 7 Shaab, a daIly based m Arab burned m the dark In the rugged lar to the one that crashed In undergomg testmg spokesman 10 Manama srud The par WeInberger to 8 mches to chip through as they east Jerusalem "It IS obvIOUS desert, killing the pilot, offiCials mJured crewmen's Identities One White House offiCial, MIDLAND, Texas - The try to cut a 20-mch diameter hole that With every new Ameocan dIsclosed more than 18 hours PAN AMiDYNCORP REPRESENTAlVES were not released decliOlng to be named, mdIcated rescue of 18-month-old JeSSIca to remove the foghtened child move 10 the area, we must ex­ after the aCCident to VISIt ROl-Namur on Tuesday Secretary of State George that Reagan would not be mak­ McClure, trapped for two days PolIce said at 10 30 a m a pect another consplTacy " Emergency crews secured Shultz, In Israel to dISCUSS Ing hIS routIne weekend foray to In a well, hit a snag today when rescue was stIll at least a few ''ThIS VISit IS only a passmg the crash Site after the plane RepresentatIves from Pan Am and DynCorp wIll be at ROl­ MIddle East peace, called the the Catoctm MountaInS, but workers dIscovered she was hours away InCIdent In the Arab-Israeh went down on the NellIs Air Namur on Tuesday, October 20 to review job applIcatIons and attack a "seTious matter" would say no more about the stuck 10 the narrow shaft WithOUt "It's gOIng to be at least three conflIct," srud the druly Al Fajr, Force Gunnery range about conduct famIhanzatlOn tours of facilities If you haven't com­ Kuwait's Cabmet met m presIdent's plans enough room to get her out, and probably seven (hours)," said also based In east Jerusalem 845 pm Wednesday, srud pleted an apphcatlOn, they will be available at the ROI-Namur emergency session to diSCUSS It The tanker, the 81,283-ton police saId Sgt Jeff Hrule The Arab-owned PalestIne Maj Victor AndnJauskas The AdmInlstratlon BuildIng In WashIngton, Sen Sam Sea Isle City, IS part of the "We're gOIng to do some He said the child had been Press SeTVIce srud leaflets were pilot was the only one aboard, ~ ~ Nunn, the chrurman of the Senate Kuwruu fleet reflagged by the more dlggmg," said Police cryIng for her mother thiS morn­ Armed Services CommIttee srud Umted States 10 July to protect It Chief Richard Czech, who estI­ Ing, and IS no longer smgmg nurs­ posals that the UOlted Nations SAN FRANCISCO (AP)­ results today, followmg a WhIte House from attack Iran clrums KuwaIt mated at 1 p m the work would ery rhymes as she was Thursday take a more actIve role m Cocame can Inflame arteTies In Contmental reported bnefmg, that he understood the ruds Iraq, Iran's enemy In the 7- take another hour BreachIng the shaft early to­ peacekeepmg In regIOnal con­ the bram and cause paralYSIS, Thursday that 80 percent of Us missile was a Silkworm, which year-old Persian Gulf war About 12 Inches below day was a great morale boost to Briefly flicts such as the Iran-Iraq War doctors reported today 10 a case flights dunng September ar­ Iran IS known to have Also today, a helicopter car­ where tIny Jessica was lodged, the workers who had been tryIng *** mvolvmg a forklIft operator nved at then destInatIOn As the admmlstratlon rymg a U S teleVISIOn crew workers had bored a hole large to reach Jessica for nearly two LONDON (AP) - ForeIgn who was stocken for eight wlthm 15 mInutes of schedule weIghed Its response to the at­ came under fITe from an Iraman enough for a paramedic to reach days, srud PolIce Cpl Jim White UNITED NATIONS (AP) Secretary SIT Geoffrey Howe weeks after he repeatedly Information from the other tack, there were mdlcatIons gunboat In the southern gulf, 10 and check her condltlon, "I think It set them (rescue work­ - The SOVIet Umon says It said today that BotaIn must find snorted the drug alTlines about September PreSident Reagan was cancelmg shIppmg sources reported Czech saId ers) on fire" will pay about $197 million m a new workmg relatIOnShIp "I would adVise people that flights was sent to the Trans­ A member of the NBC teleVI­ Workers mserted two Indus­ "Every man that goes down 10 bills that have been mountmg WIth FIJI after the South PaCific perhaps any dose of cocrune portation Department In raw sion network team told The As­ lOal balloons below Jessica to there now knows that we're just a SInce 1978, and has paId Its country severed Its allegiance could cause thiS problem" said form on computer tapes and sociated Press there were no m­ keep her from slIppIng farther short time away" WhIte srud past-due $28 mIllIon share of to the BTitIsh crown, threaten- Dr Bnan R Kaye, a San Jose must be processed junes
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