The Tidings | March 30, 2012 ARCHDIOCESE 13 Cardinal Mahony on immigration: Remember Matthew 25 BY R.W. DELLINGER port for immigration reform. Moreover, he’s cans,” he said. “Some feared job competi- The answer to these demographic quanda- Staff Writer brought together college presidents, urging tion from foreigners. Others disliked the ries is obvious, observed the cardinal. Immi- them to take up the cause of their immigrant religion or politics of the newcomers. Has grants will be needed to fill the growing void “dreamer” students. anyone heard that recently? We’re still hear- in skilled as well as unskilled labor. And the n his wide-ranging “Surprise: We All Em- The cardinal noted how Adam and Eve ing the same thing today.” church — as it has so many times in the past ploy Undocumented Workers” March 24 were actually the first immigrants and mi- Then Cardinal Mahony asked the provoc- — has a vital role to play in helping these new- morning session, Cardinal Roger Maho- grants in recorded history; how Moses led ative question: So where did the last fourth comers assimilate into to their new nation. ny stressed how “all of us as disciples of his imprisoned Jewish people out of Egypt wave of immigrants go wrong? “So as disciples of Jesus Christ, though Ithe Lord are really called by Jesus to look at to the Promise Land; and how Mary and Jo- “Well, simply as a nation we sent two clear we are a people of hope, we don’t rely on the strangers in our midst as looking at the seph fled to Egypt to protect the life of their messages at the same time: ‘no trespassing’ the guys in Congress,” Cardinal Mahony face of Jesus.” newborn son. and ‘help wanted,’ ‘no, we don’t want you said. “We go forward as hope-filled people, As proof of this sacred mandate, he said During his Power Point presentation, Car- here’ and ‘yes, we need you,’” he explained. trusting in God’s providence for the family one had to go no farther than Matthew dinal Mahony also went through the major “So that’s created a big, big problem now of God. We need to end polarization, em- 25:35: “For I was a stranger and you wel- historical waves of immigrants to the U.S., and especially for the future. And this is the bracing the new opportunities across gen- comed me.” from the pilgrims in England fleeing religious part that a lot of people don’t get. Guess erations and groups. Since retiring as archbishop of Los Ange- persecution to today’s Hispanics seeking a what? Beginning Jan. 1, 2011, until 2030, “And I think we in the church have a great les last year, Cardinal Mahony has devoted better economic life. In addition, he spoke 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day. opportunity to be a civil voice in this discus- himself to advancing the cause of compre- about the different backlash movements That’s happening for 19 years to come. sion,” he added. “We don’t yell and scream hensive immigration reform in the nation. against immigrants, starting with the Know “Hello! Something’s going to go wrong here, and use all these generalities: ‘Those illegals Specifically, he has headed an effort to or- Nothing Party of the 1850s up to today’s and you know why? Because baby boomers ….’ It’s really important for us to take that ganize Catholic college students around the border-guarding militiamen. are having 40 percent fewer children. So there role seriously. So we come back to where biblical and moral principles that are the “The so-called ‘flood of immigrants’ has isn’t a replacement workforce for them. And, we started: ‘For I was a stranger and you foundation for the church’s ongoing sup- always alarmed some native-born Ameri- secondly, who’s going to take care of them?” welcomed me.’” TD ing religious sisters to care for patients in their what Congress is about: it helps us to guide church,” said his peer Miguel Hernandez. CONGRESS leper colony. others as well. It’s not only about my own Speaking to The Tidings in front of the Dio- Continued from page 9 “Isn’t that just that the way that sometimes ship.” cese of San Bernardino exhibit booth, San we hear Jesus’s voice?” Archbishop Gomez “We want to learn to listen to His voice Bernardino Bishop Gerald Barnes, who has asked the assembly. “A normal letter, or among other voices,” said Tom Miller, from St. attended Congress for 16 years, shared why reach out to others and “bring them to the through an encounter, or a conversation. And James Church in Redondo Beach, who was he comes every year to mingle with attend- Teacher” for “God’s honor and glory.” that’s how Mother Marianne read this letter, as attending Congress for the first time together ees. “Acercar a los hombres y mujeres de the voice of Jesus calling her.” with his wife Jeanne. “Basically I’m here to affirm and thank nuestro tiempo a Dios (bring men and women Archbishop Gomez encouraged partici- “Forty thousand people can’t be wrong,” people for their ministries — have them think of our time closer to God); that is the essence pants to help others come out of their self- they both said when asked why they had de- beyond,” said the bishop. “I think this is the of catechesis, the essence of evangelization,” made “prisons” such as selfishness, broken- cided to attend this year. “We’re here to renew group that’s committed and dedicated; they he said, referring to the day’s Cycle A Gos- ness and sinfulness, into the “new light of the our faith.” The members of JustFaith minis- carry the burdens and now it’s kind of like pel reading from John when Martha — based resurrection!” tries said they were particularly interested their way to be refreshed and do some think- on her faith in the resurrection of her brother He described catechesis as more than a job, in all the arena events and in Father Greg ing. Lazarus — reaches out to her sister Mary tell- but a “part of God’s plan of redeeming love. Boyle’s presentation on his social justice work “I heard a lot this year, which I was hoping ing her, “the Teacher is here and is asking for “Catechesis is at the heart of the Church’s with at-risk youth. would happen, that people get together when you.” mission” of proclaiming His salvation until the “I’m interested in seeing how he (Arch- they get back and they process or evaluate The Gospel was dramatically re-enacted end of time, the archbishop said. bishop Gomez) interacts with kids” in the live what they’ve learned,” added Bishop Barnes. by two lay readers, Dione Grillo and Douglas He urged the faithful to renew their faith chat, said Kim Tuverson, technology coordi- “It just isn’t an experience they had; it’s an ex- Leal, from the Office of Religious Education, every day by “always having that intimate nator at St. Monica School who has attended perience that’s reflected, and that’s good for and Deacon David Estrada, executive director friendship with Jesus.” Congress “off and on” since 1976. me to hear that. I want to thank the archdio- of the archdiocesan Synod Implementation The nearly three-hour Mass ended with a During the 45-minute online chat March 23 cese for sponsoring this and allowing others and Stewardship Office. standing ovation for Religious Sister of Char- with St. Dorothy seventh and eighth graders to come in and, not only to learn, but to share “Our task is to bring others to the Teacher,” ity Edith Prendergast, who minutes before had which was sprinkled with [happy face] moti- our own experiences.” TD Archbishop Gomez said to a packed arena, asked the assembly to recognize the work cons throughout the text, students were par- mostly parish ministers throughout South- of the archdiocesan Office of Religious Edu- ticularly interested in learning about the arch- Contributing to this story were Paula Doyle, ern California who waited for the liturgy de- cation’s team as well as the more than 400 bishop’s vocation and his family support. Doris Benavides, Elisabeth Deffner and R.W. spite the heavy mid-afternoon rain in Orange volunteers that were involved for nearly 12 “Were you very religious as a child?” asked Dellinger. For more photos, see page 20. For County. months in the yearly event’s organization. Giovanna M. more information about Congress (in 2013, Concelebrants included Archbishop Emeri- The assembly also applauded the 200- “Why did you want to become an archbish- Feb. 22-24), go to ww tus Cardinal Roger Mahony, Auxiliary Bishops plus voice choir and orchestra led by John op?” asked Jackson H. w.recongress.org. Joseph Sartoris, Oscar Solis, Alexander Sala- Flaherty; the liturgical dancing companies “Do you feel God is present with you at all zar, Edward Clark and Gerald Wilkerson, and that have been participating in the event for times?” asked Kennedy B. Msgr. James Loughnane, Episcopal Vicar of two decades; Archbishop Gomez and Bishop “Were you born Catholic?” asked Lauren C. the San Gabriel Region. Clark, each celebrating the 10th anniversary “If you could become a pope, would you? To our readers: “[Bring them] to the encounter with Jesus of their ordination as bishops; and Cardinal questioned Joe K. Christ so that they realize he is here, that he Mahony, celebrating 50 years of priesthood “How did your family respond to your deci- nThis week’s (March 30) issue does is alive and present in our world and in our this year.
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