October 2, 1968 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29243 quency, the Association of Federal In­ EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Adjustment Act, as reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement vestigators and just about every knowl­ By unanimous consent, permission to Act of 1937, as amended, and for other pur­ edgeable law enforcement official in the revise and extend remarks was granted poses; with amendment (Rept. No. 1939). country. Mr. HuMPHREY also rejected the to: Referred to the Committee of the Whole advice and recommendations of the Con­ (The following Members <at the re­ House on the State of the Union. gress of the United States. When we quest of Mr. ARENDS) and to include ex­ Mr. PERKINS: Committee on conference. H.R. 18366. An act to amend the Vocational overwhelmingly enacted title III we did traneous matter:) not intend that it be ignored. Education Act of 1963, and for other pur­ Mr. FINDLEY. poses (Rept. No. 1938). Ordered to be printed. Second, Mr. HuMPHREY has now placed Mr. GUBSER. himself squarely in the shoes of Attorney Mr. SCHERLE. General Ramsey Clark. Mr. Clark has Mr. MESKILL. PUBLIC BILLS AND been stubborn and unyielding on this is­ Mr. ASHBROOK. RESOLUTIONS sue for more than 2 years, and like Mr. Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public HuMPHREY, he too has rejected all of the Mr. ZWACH. best advice surrounding him. Where war bills and resolutions were introduced and Mr. ANDREWS of North Dakota. severally referred as follows: on crime is concerned there appears to Mr. EDWARDS of Alabama. be little difference between Mr. Clark and (The following Members (at the re­ By Mr. BROTZMAN: Mr. HuMPHREY. There is no longer any quest of Mr. BRINKLEY) and to include H.R. 20174. A b111 to provide for improved doubt that if elected Mr. HUMPHREY employee-management relations in the Fed­ extraneous matter:) eral service, and for other purpose; to the would either continue Ramsey Clark in Mr. KASTENMEIER in two instances. Committee on Post Ofiice and Civil Service. office as Attorney General or, as is more Mr. HUNGATE. By Mr. KING of New York: likely, he would simply replace him with Mr. YouNG in two instances. H.R. 20175. A bill to establish a Small Tax a carbon copy. Mr. LoNG of Maryland in two instances. Division within the Tax Court of the United Mr. Speaker, this Nation cannot afford Mr. O'HARA of Michigan in three in- States; to the Committee on Ways and 4 more years of Ramsey Clark or some­ Means. · stances. By Mr. SKUBITZ: one just like him in the Justice Depart­ Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON in two in- ment. H.R. 20176. A bill to amend ti-tle 38 of the stances. United States Code to provide a special pen· Mr. FASCELL in three instances. sion for veterans of World War I and their SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Mr. RODINO. widows; to the Committee on Veterans' Mr. VANIK. Affairs. By unanimous consent, permission to Mr. TucK in two instances. address the House, following the legisla­ Mr. RANDALL in three instances. PRIVATE BILLS AND tive program and any special orders RESOLUTIONS heretofore entered, was granted to: Mr. FouNTAIN in two instances. Mr. MoRGAN, for 60 minutes, Tuesday, Under clause 1 of .rule XXII, private October 8, on the late Honorable Elmer J. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED bills and resolutions were introduced and Holland. severally referred as follows: Mr. MADDEN, for 30 minutes, on Mon­ Mr. FRIEDEL, from the Committee on By Mr. BRASCO: day, October 7, and on Tuesday, October House Administration, reported that that H.R. 20177. A bill for the relief of Domenico 8, for 30 minutes. committee had examined and found truly Musso; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. CLEVELAND, for 60 minutes, tomor­ enrolled a bill of the House of the follow­ H.R. 20178. A bill for the relief of Joseph row, October 3; and to revise and extend ing title, which was thereupon signed by Pirrone; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Speaker: By Mr. BROWN of California: his remarks and include extraneous H.R. 20179. A bill for the relief of Aurelio matter. H.R. 14935. An act to amend title 39, United Francisco Dato; to the Committee on the Mr. RuMSFELD <at the request of Mr. States Code, to regulate the mailing of mas­ Judiciary. ter keys for motor vehicle ignition switches, H.R. 20180. A bill for the relief of Saki CLEVELAND), for 60 minutes; and to revise and for other purposes. and extend his remarks and include Dinkclioglu; to the- Committee on the extraneous matter. Judiciary. By Mr. BURTON of California: Mr. O'HARA of Michigan, for 10 min­ ADJOURNMENT H.R. 20181. A b111 for the relief of Brenda utes, today; to revise and extend his Mr. BRINKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I move C. Bala; to the Committee on the Judiciary. remarks and to include extraneous that the House do now adjourn. H.R. 20182. A bill for the relief of Jesus material. Mora Ruiz; to the Committee on the The motion was ~greed to; accord· Mr. RANDALL, for 10 minutes, today; to Judiciary. ingly <at 1 o'clock and 8 minutes p.m.), By Mrs. DWYER: revise and extend his remarks and in­ the House adjourned until tomorrow, clude extraneous matter. H.R. 20183. A bill for the relief of Mario Thursday, .October 3, 1968, at 12 o'clock Guerriero; to the Committee on the Ju­ (The following Members <at the re­ noon. diciary. quest of Mr. ARENDS) to revise and extend By Mr. FINO: their remarks and to include extraneous H.R. 20184. A bill for the relief of Miss matter:) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUB­ Gertrude Zackim; to the Committee on the Mr. BucHANAN, for 30 minutes, on LIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Judiciary. Thursday, October 3. Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of By Mr. HANNA: Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin, for 30 min­ committees were delivered to the Clerk H.R. 20185. A bill for the relief of Honesto M. Magdirila; to the Committee on the utes, today. for printing and reference to the proper Judiciary. Mr. BATTIN, for 15 minutes, today. calendar, as follows: By Mr. WATTS: Mr. MoRsE of Massachusetts, for 60 Mr. POAGE: Committee on Agriculture. H.R. 20186. A bil1 for the relief of Niam minutes, today. H.R. 19910. A bill to amend the Agricultural Farhat; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIO·NS OF REMARK.S WE LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES General of the United States, delivered pleasure is increased when I can come to a. to a joint meeting of the Rotary Club place as beautiful as Corpus Christl. and the chamber of commerce at Corpus I've travelled widely throughout our na­ HON. JOHN YOUNG Christi, Tex., on September 26, 1968: tion-some 68,000 miles of it since becoming OF TEXAS Postmaster General-and I have yet to see WE LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES any setting that surpasses Corpus Christl. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Address by Postmaster General W. Marvin This city has a great future ahead of it, Wednesday, October 2, 1968 Watson, before a joint meeting of the and I know today that I am talking to the Rotary Club and the chamber of com­ two groups who will make that future come Mr. YOUNG. Mr. Speaker, under merce, Corpus Christi, Tex., September 26, true. unanimous consent I insert in the 1968) I have always felt that the businessmen RECORD the excellent speech of the Hon­ I am delighted to get away from Wash­ of this country were a perfect combination orable W. Marvin Watson, Postmaster ington and come home to Texas. And that of the practical and the dreamer. 29244 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 2, 1968 For unless you dream dreams, even im­ Perhaps our good will and our desire for Well, peace is no more an issue among rea­ possible dreams, there will be no goals, no a world and a nation peaceful and prosper­ sonable men than the evil of sin is an issue progress. ous should be sufficient. among churchmen. And unless you have the know how to turn But, unfortunately, we see quite plainly We an want peace. those dreams into reality, they will gradually that mere possession of good intentions often That's not an issue. disintegrate, like soap bubbles ·in the air. serves only to pave the road that leads to The issue is: "How do we find a peace that So, dreamers and businessmen, friends of deeper crisis and deadly conflict. is durable?" the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary, may So I would say that a major issue today How do we build a peace that is not merely I express my appreciation for your invita­ and during the campaign is the need for in­ a momentary pause for breath between two tion, and tell you how much pleasure coming formed citizens to demand that candidates periods of fighting? here has given me. face real issues and produce real programs, How do we construct a peace that involves When I mentioned to the President that and not frustrate political discussion by close cooperation against the common I was coming here to share this meeting with dealing with the world as it should be­ enemies of mankind-hunger, sickness, ig­ you, he asked me to greet you for him, and rather than the world as it is-with all its norance? to give you this message. warts and wens. How do we build a peace that makes more "America's businessmen," the President The third, issue is responsibility.
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