Give Seagram*^ and be Sure SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. BLENDED WHISKEY 86.8 PROOF. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. WHAT A POWERFUL DIFFERENCE You don't have to be on a vacation to enjoy driving. Even the drive back and forth from your job can be fun ... if your car gives you top performance. But to get full power you need a high-octane fuel. You see, the amount of power gasoline can deliver de- pends on its octane rating. So, for maxi- mum driving pleasure — whenever and wherever you drive— stop at the pump with the familiar "Ethyl" emblem and fill up with high-octane "Ethyl" gasoline. ETHYL CORPORATION New York 17, N.Y. Ethyl Antiknock Ltd., in Canada Vol. 57 No. 6, December 1954 THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE ^^"^ Contents for December, 1954 "''"^"^"^ MANN'S BEST FRIEND (fiction) by Walter C. Brown 11 THE ROOKIE COP UNDERSTOOD DOG PSYCHOLOGY. PARTNERS IN A PURGE by Julius Epstein FACTORY TO YOU ^79.95 14 HOW WE DROVE IVIANY UNFORTUNATES TO THEIR DEATH. SUPERSHOP offers you a precision-built complete power tool workshop. lOO^c ball bearinn. RUGGED. Accurate. Big capa- back city, l.** dav FIti:n trial. Money THE THIRD MAN IN THE RING by William L. Vallee 16 puaianfce. Mail postcard for FREE cata- log. lUiy (in easy pay plan. ABOUT THE ALL-IMPORTANT REFEREE. 1266 Yates Avenue rOWER TOOLS, INC. Beloit, Wisconsin DOES THE SMALL BUSINESSMAN HAVE A CHANCE? by Carl Rieser . 18 IT TAKES GUIVIPTION BUT THE ODDS ARE PRETTY GOOD. MORE POWER TO YOU 20 SOIVIE PICTORIAL TIPS ON TOOLS. THE GM STORY by Norman Beasley 22 CONCERNING THE BIGGEST BUSINESS IN THE WORLD. IT'S TIME FOR TACKLE TINKERING by Erwin A. Bauer 24 PREPARE NOW FOR THE START OF THE FISHING SEASON. WILL YOU BE BURNED OUT? by Angela Calomiris 26 WAYS AND IMEANS OF PREVENTING FIRES. NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 33 ^land up Features SOUND OFF! 4 PRODUCTS PARADE .. 8 NEWSLETTER 31 EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 ROD AND GUN CLUB .28 PARTING SHOTS 64 Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. The American Legion Magazine is the official publication of The .^ineiican Legion and is owned exclusively by The Americon Legion. Copyright 1954 by The American Legion. Pub- lished monthly at 1100 W, Brocdwoy, Louisville, Ky. Accepfonce for mciling at speciol rote of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Jon. 5, 1925. Price single copy, 15 cents; yeorly subscription, $1.50. Entered as second class matter June 30, pticeS; . siwP»^ More S 1948, at the Post Office at Louisville, Ky., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Non-member subscriptions should be sent to the Circulation Department of The American Legion Magazine, can »tv»^swd. ^^tdNV*"' P. O. Box 1055, Indionopolis 6, Ind. ^^^^ EXECUTIVE AND EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING WESTERN OFFICE ' ri 111"": „\ans- „i\ ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 720 Fifth Avenue 333 North Michigon Avenue Indianapolis 6, Indiana New Yotk 19, N. Y. Chicogo 1, Illinois '''' ' " r^^Kt POSTMASTER: Please send copies returned under labels Tea*' Form 3579 to Post OHice Box 10S5, Indianapolis 6, Indiana. five Seaborn P. Collins, Nahonot CommancJer, Indionopolis Jofin Stelle, McLeons- Cocrehom, Baton Rouge, schiel L. Hunt, Austin, boro, Illinois, Chairman Lc; Clovis Copelond, Texas; George D. Levy, of the Legion Publica- Little Rock, Ark.; Paul Sumter, 5. C; Dr. Charles R. Logon, R OK tions Commission; Don B. Dague, Dov/ningtown, Lt^A_B W. Emmelt, Ookdole. Pa.; Josephus Daniels, Keokuk, lowo; William California, and Eorl C. Jr., Raleigh, N. C; P. Roan, Plymouth, PAYS B)G! SEND FOR FREE. BIG. ILLUS- Falls, John E. Drinkard, Cull- Penna.; Emmet Sofoy, < Hitchcock, Glens TRATED CATALOG NOW! ; r;Klu;itts report making' substantial iticomes. .Start and run your /book/) N. Y., Vice-Choirmen. man, Ala.; Dove H. Jacksonville, Flo.; D. L. own business quickly. of all ages, Mon, women the Fleischer, St. Louis, Seors, Toledo, Ohio; learn easily. Course covers Sales, Property /mis// Members of Com- MaiiafTemeiit. Appraisinji. Loans. Mortffaffes. and mission; Lang Arm- Mo.; Samuel J. Gor- Horold A. Shindler, or in class- l»ow related subjects. STUDY AT HOME strong, Spokane, Wosh.; man, West Hartford, Newburgh, Ind.; Roy- rooms in IfadinpT cities. Diploma awarded. mond Fields, Guymon, Write TODAY for free hook! No oblifjation. Charles E. Booth, Hunt- Conn.; Earl L. Meyer, .\[>proved for World War II and Korean Veterans ington, W. Vo.; Roland Allionce, Neb.; Her- Okla. WEAVER SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE (Est. lo tr.. Dept. AL Kansas City, Mo. 2020 Grand Aii hJtior Advertiftri'^ Director Jomes F. O'Neil Al Marshall Fred L. Maguire /! j( / to Puhltiher Assot uitt' Editor Eiistcrn Adr. Mgr. Frank lisiecki Irving Herschbein WilliamM.DeVitalis Edtlor Editor ial Ais'ts Western Adv. Mgr. Joseph C. Keeiey Edward W. Atkinson Joseph P. Tiernon A ilyisory hilitor Alda Viorengo Detroit A dv. Rep. AiCtosman Alexander Gardiner Ahiruiger Adv. Sales Assoc. A'fjnjgrn^j Editor James F. Barton H'fjr C<).ijf .Adv. Rep. Company Christmas ^itt Robert B. Pitkin Indianapolis, Ind. The Eschen Please notify the Circulation Department, Publications Division, P. O. Box 10S5. NEW Pellgun Pistol 22S Indianapolis. Indiana, if you have changed your address, using notice Form Be sure to cut off the address label Uses pocket size, throw. away CO- gas filed Powerlets. which you may secure from your Postmaster. provided. Always give your latest mem- Hord-liitling, accurate odiustoble power. Ideal for in- on your Magazine and paste it in the space new and your old address, and notify your local door lorget and outdoor pest shooting. bership card number and both your Adjutant of your Post. everywhere, Post or the P • $1^ dealers rrlCe ^ "T.^** qjJ, f^^ demonstratiort CROSMAN ARMS CO., FAIRPORT, N. Y. Dept. 54 THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • DECEMBER. 1954 The GIFT WORD For Electric Shavers is-REMINGTON H^lfshaved inVza minuie - absolute proof that >/ perfect s/iave where tlie eyes see no whiskers — there are no so-called "hard-to-shave" spots when using a where the finger tips feel no whiskers. A close shave with- Remington. Blade users waste more time lathering up. out nicks and cuts and the mess of old-fashioned methods. Mote Proof! It shaves bristles off a hairbrush tougher than any whiskers — It shaves the tuzz off a peach without irritation. It's Practical and a pleasure to use It's Faster and smoother than every day. It's Economical, no any other electric shaver, yet blades, no soap to buy. It's Safe, shaves as close as a blade. At no nicks or cuts. It's Easy, no fine stores or our 120 Nation- mess, just plug it in and shave. wide Shaver Headquarters. "What's My Line" and "Masquerade Party" on Remington 60 De Luxe television Sponsored by — Remington Electric Shaver Division. A Man-Size electric shaver—the finest ever made. More A Product of MtsmiMMfftma. ^toMui. are sold throughout the world than any other make. — — Without obligation, please give me whatever information is avail- tad able about the following securities which I now own (please give num- ber of shares), or which . r~l I am now considering buying Writers must give name and address. Name luithheld if re- quested. So many leliers are being received it is not possible to promise answers. Keep your letters sliort. Address: Sound Off, The American Legion Magazine, 720 FifOi Ave., A'eu) York 19. N. Y. COULDN'T RESTRAIN HIMSELF sticks to your fingers, and it all comes out of the rent you charge the suckers Sir: It h;is been (]uitc a task for nie who li\e in the houses you've built to restrain m\ sclf from tiic desire to w ith go\ ernment money. These things, Sound OjJ! 1 iust can't do it any long- I know, are sometimes investigated, er. You keep liarping on Ed iMurrow but nothing e\ er comes of the investi- and his big saiar\-. So what? Is this gations so I'd like to get on the gra\ > the business of an>one except Ed train. How do I start? Murrow and the Cokuiibia Broadcast- Name Withheld ing System? I tiiink Ed Murrow is one New York City of the best new scasters in the country and I listen to him e\ cr\- da>'. Of course ><)u McCarthy itcs don't like him because lie tells the truth. The article > ou published in the August issue. Money Talks, w ould be in its proper locale if it iiad been published in Niition''s Business, a publication of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, but FASHION NOTE it was entirel)' out of place in The American Lci^iou Magazine. I guess Sir: At an American Legion conven- before long you will be publishing an tion. National or Department, the ma- article entitled Those Lovable ]f'all jority of delegates dress as if they Street Bankers. were going to work and not to a con- Frank D. Grist vention. They have on cheap T-shirts, Phoenix, Ariz. greasy slacks or overalls, and top it off with Legion caps. Dressed like that they ride in their own cars or taxis, stop at good hotels, go to good res- taurants and night clubs. Respectable businessmen ha\ e to put up with them because the>- represent The American Legion. Take the Legion cap off theni and they look as if they need ten I should like to have your recom- cents for a CLip of coffee. I wish the)' mendations for the investment of THOSE PANTS! would stop dragging I hc American Legion down.
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