E2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2004 citizens’ political power could possibly be di- nomic, social, and political results of illegal resentative for his constituents in the western luted, resulting in more favorable immigra- immigration—in particular, the unique portion of upstate New York. tion and trade regulations for Mexico. issues and problems posed by contemporary As the fifth-ranking Republican on the pow- The state of California is already on its Hispanic immigration—are detrimental to erful House Ways and Means Committee, way to bankruptcy, and the inability to con- the United States. trol illegal immigration is doing more than AMO has been an invaluable member for the WORKS CITED ‘‘some damage’’ to the state’s weakening entire State of New York. After the tragedy Briggs, Vernon and Lawrence Harrison. budget (Coleman 1). More than half of the and destruction of September 11, 2001, AMO ‘‘Immigration Policies Affect Unemploy- Mexican undocumented workers do not have was instrumental in enacting the Liberty Zone taxes withheld from their wages, and are ment.’’ Pittsburgh Tribune—Review. 28 Mar 2004. 3 May 2004. http:// Act, which provided $5 billion in tax breaks able to take advantage of expensive tax- and incentives to help New Yorkers rebuild payer-supported government benefits (Izumi www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/ 1). The result of this has escalated economic opinion/columnists/guests/sl186510.html. lower Manhattan. troubles in California creating a ‘‘welfare Castaneda, Jorge. ‘‘Both Nations Need to He has also been a leader in furthering U.S. and healthcare state’’ benefiting non-Califor- Vault Immigration Hurdles.’’ Los Angeles diplomacy around the world. He is a member nians (Coleman 1). According to the Auditor Times. 7 Apr 2004. 1 May 2004. http:// of the International Relations Committee General, Mexican illegal immigration costs www.newsday.com/news/opinion/ where he is Vice Chairman of its Sub- nyvpcas073743956apr07,0,5700657,print.stor California taxpayers $3 billion annually committee on Africa. He was appointed Co- (Izumi 2). This cost estimate includes bene- ?coll=nyviewpoints-headlines. Coleman, Noelle C. ‘‘Illegal Abomination.’’ Chairman of the Canada—U.S. Inter- fits like education, health-care, social serv- parliamentary Group, serves as Chairman of ices, and criminal justice. American Daily. 16 Aug 2003. 28 Apr 2004. If the United States allows this situation http://www.americandaily.com/item/1997. the U.S. delegation to the Asia Pacific Par- to propagate to other states, the entire coun- Eccleston, Roy. ‘‘Bush visa ‘ploy’ to win liamentary Forum, and was appointed by try will likely have similar economic misfor- Latino voters.’’ The Australian. 9 Jan 2004. 1 President George W. Bush to serve as the tunes as California. Evidence of this is al- Mar 2004. http://0–web.lexis- Congressional Delegate to the 58th General ready beginning to show. Harvard Professor nexis.com.library.lib.asu.edu/universe/ Assembly of the United Nations. Additionally, printdoc. George Borjas claims illegal immigration he sponsored the Clean Diamond Trade Act, costs American taxpayers $133 billion annu- Faux, Jeff. ‘‘How NAFTA failed Mexico.’’ ally just in wage depression and job loss The American Prospect. 1 July 2003. 27 Apr which was signed into law last year. The bill (Wooldridge 1). 2004. http://www.prospect.org/print/V14/7/faux- requires that the President ban the import of Mexican illegal immigrants have monopo- j.html. rough diamonds coming from any country that lized jobs that don’t require skilled labor— Huntington, Samuel P. ‘‘The Hispanic has not made an effort to control their trade in through acceptance of low wages and ethnic Challenge.’’ Foreign Policy. Mar/Apr 2004. 3 diamonds in accordance with the internation- camaraderie—preventing unemployed Ameri- May 2004. http://foreignpolicy.com/story/ ally negotiated ‘‘Kimberley Process.’’ cms.php?storylid=2495. cans from pursuing and acquiring those jobs. I would also like to recognize that AMO’s ‘‘Illegal Immigration.’’ Center for Immi- Even though U.S. employers hire illegal im- service to our country goes all the way back migrants for reduced wages, the average gration Studies. 2 May 2004. http:// American wage still exceeds the average www.cis.org/topics/illegalimmigration.html. to his youth. At just 18 years old, he volun- Mexican wage by a factor of ten—thereby Izumi, Lance, and Alan Nelson. ‘‘How Cali- teered for service in the U.S. Marine Corps. creating an incentive for Mexicans to find fornia Can Lead the Way Against Immigra- He was trained and deployed as part of a Ma- jobs in the U.S. (‘‘Wages and Poverty’’ 1). tion.’’ 20 Oct 1992. 27 Apr 2004. http:// rine Security Detachment on the cruiser USS Also, communities of legal immigrants cre- adnetsolfp2.adnetsol.com/ssllclaremont/gsp/ Macon in the Atlantic theater. HOUGHTON was ate immigration networks for illegal immi- gsp18.html. honorably discharged from the Marine Corps grants so they can conveniently enter the Krikorian, Mark. ‘‘More Guest Workers? as a Private First Class in 1945. Not What We Should Pick.’’ The Washington United States, and find jobs and housing eas- Mr. Speaker, I think the record is clear that ily (‘‘Illegal Immigration’’ 1). These com- Post. 25 Feb 2001. 3 May 2004. http:// bined factors result in a situation where job www.cis.org/articles/2001msk02–25–01.html. AMO HOUGHTON has been a devoted patriot competition prevents Americans from ob- Masci, David. ‘‘Debate Over Immigration.’’ whose service will be missed by his constitu- taining jobs that don’t require skilled labor. The CQ Researcher Online. 14 July 2000. 1 ents as well as all of us who had the pleasure However, this monopoly could be intensi- Mar 2004. http://0–li- of working with him. We wish you all of the fied if the Bush administration follows brary.cgpress.com.library.asu.edu:80/ best in the future. through with the implementation of guest- cqresearcher. f worker programs. Under these programs, il- ‘‘The Mexican Economy, Agriculture and legal immigrants would be granted a three- Environment.’’ The Ten Year Track Record IN HONOR OF MR. PETE year renewable permit allowing them legal of the North American Free Trade Agree- MANETTO’S SERVICE TO OUR rights to work in the United States ment. 8 Apr 2004. http://www.citizen.org/docu- NATION DURING D-DAY 1945 (Eccleston 2). Guest-worker programs were ments/NAFTA–10–mexico.pdf. proposed in response to Vicente Fox’s re- Wall, Allan. ‘‘Undue Influence—the Gov- quest for legalizing Mexican immigrants in ernment of Mexico and U.S. Immigration HON. JACK KINGSTON the United States, and the assumed shortage Policies.’’ The Social Contract. Winter 2002. OF GEORGIA of unskilled workers—especially in agri- 23 Apr 2004. http:// IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES culture (Briggs 2). However, Mark Krikorian www.thesocialcontract.com/cgi-bin/ of The Washington Post, believes guest- showarticle.pl?articlelD=1122&terms=. Wednesday, November 17, 2004 worker programs cause severe social and Wooldridge, Frosty. ‘‘Illegal Immigration Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, Pete Manetto economic problems for the U.S., as well as Costs to American Citizens.’’ MichNews.com. served in 1st Signal Company, 1st Infantry Di- 5 Dec 2003. 3 May 2004. http:// pose a threat to America’s agricultural com- vision, the Big Red One during the D-Day in- petitiveness. ‘‘By artificially inflating the www.michnews.com/artman/publish/article– supply of labor, the government’s inter- 1879.shtml. vasion (Red One). He shares his D-Day ONGRESSIONAL ECORD ference in the labor market keeps wages low, f memories for the C R : resulting in slowed mechanization, and stag- I remember the stormy sea at 0600, as I nating productivity in fruit and vegetable TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN AMO climbed down the rope ladder of the U.S.S. production’’ (1). Two reasons why guest- HOUGHTON Chase. I struggled with my balance nearly worker programs intensify the monopoly il- falling into the water, but managed to land legal immigrants have on low paying-em- in the landing craft. The sight of the armada ployment opportunities are: they increase HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS on that morning was one of the most impres- the amount of illegal immigrants to the OF NEW YORK sive, that I could recall. I turned and caught United States because many of the partici- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the sight of a nervous expression on the face of the coxswain as he pushed away from the pants elect to stay in the U.S., and more ille- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 gal immigrants are encouraged to come in beach. Shortly after this the craft was hit the hope that amnesty programs will be en- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of with enemy fire. acted again in the future (Briggs 2). the gentleman from New York, my colleague There we were on the beach with no one in Throughout time, legal and illegal immi- control of us. We were met with the sight of in the New York delegation, AMO HOUGHTON. grants have crossed America’s border in rows of dead GIs; among them was a member search of opportunity. Recently, however, After eighteen years of distinguished service, of the MP, who I remember being very jovial Mexican illegal immigrants are migrating to AMO is leaving the Congress. AMO was widely the night before. There were many who were the United States in increasingly larger known as one of the most thoughtful and high- wounded, and the scene of the beach caused numbers in order to take advantage of the ly regarded members in the House from both fear to appear on the faces of many of my ac- opportunities America has to offer. The eco- sides of the aisle.
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