TRIENNIAL GENERAL ELECTIONS of the SBI OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION Chanptgarh CTRCLE (2017-2020) Ln Continuation of Our Circular No

TRIENNIAL GENERAL ELECTIONS of the SBI OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION Chanptgarh CTRCLE (2017-2020) Ln Continuation of Our Circular No

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN ELECTION COMMITTEE STATE BANK OF INDIA OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION (CHANDIGARH CIRCLE) SH. SANJAY K. MALHOTRA, Chalrman, Election Committee, SBI Officers' Association, C/O State Bank of India. Sector-17-B, Chandigarh L.H.O. ctRcuLAR NO. E.C./2017/5 oatodr 2"d Novomber 2017. TO ALL MEMBERS TRIENNIAL GENERAL ELECTIONS OF THE SBI OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION cHANpTGARH CTRCLE (2017-2020) ln continuation of our circular No. ECl201714 dated 25'n October 2017, the Committee with a view to organise the Elections systematically has decided to conduct the polling by secret ballot at all Branches with the exception of few Branches in the J & K and Shimla l\4odules. The ballot papers will be made available to the eligible voters individually on spot. lt has been decided to get the Ballot papers printed in different colourc for differcnt modules with a view to facilitate easy identification. The colours will be as under ; CIRCLE WHITE B) LUDHIANA I\4ODULE c) CHANDIGARH I\4ODULE N/A D) PANCHKULA MODULE YELLOW H.P. I\4ODULE F) J&K MODULE GREEN G) ROHTAK MODULE PINK H) BHATINDA MODULE BLUE PATIALA MODULE Ivlembers/voters are requested to take active part in the elections and help in conducting the elections in a most democratic way. The units Secretaries/B€nch Managers at the specified centes are requested to make arrangement tor holding the polling in the Office/Branch premises and seek prctection for the polling day as per the Schedule. They are also requested to seek written permission of the bank for holding polling at the Ofiice/Branch premises under advice to the undersigned. The date, time and venue on which the votes will be casted at the centres is furnished in Annexurc-1 ofthe Circular. NoTE: ALL OFFICERS WHO COULD NOf CAST THEIR VOTE ON PREVIOUS DATES CAN CAST THETR voTE AT CHANDTGARH LocAL HEAD OFFTCE ON 23.11.2017 (Thursday) FROM IO.OO A.M. TO 6.00 P.M. AT THEIR OWN EXPENSES. 1. The officers posted in any branch/office which is left in the above list can cast their votes at nearby polling centre ofthat particular region. 2. The officers are requested to adhere to the polling schedule, however, they may also cast their votes at other centres within the preview of same team in which their branch/office has been scheduled for polling. 3. All officers are requested to bring their identity card or certificate, signature duly verified thereon, by the Branch Manager/Controller. V .4. The ballot papers to the members, who are posted outside the Circle, POs/TOs and others on training to SBLCs outside the Circle and posted in very selective isolated and inaccessjble centres of J&K and HP modules as per list furnished in annexure-2 of Circular No.EC/2017l'1 dated 21.9.2017, has already been dispatched to the officers individually. The members will fill in the ballot papers and return these (BY REGISTERED POST) to the CHAIRMAN ELECTION COMITTEE, so as to reach him by 23-11-2017 upto 4.00 p.m. They are requested to dispatch these by REGISTERED POST OR MAY HAND OVER PERSONALLY TO THE cHAIRMAN, ELEGTION cOMMITTEE AT CHANDIGARH against his acknowledgement. REQUEST & APPEAL As it is the sacred right of the members to cast their vote as per their conscience, they are requested not to succumb to any pressure and cast their vote without fear and in a secretive manner. The contestants and their supporters are also requested to ensure that no pressure is exerted beyond persuasion and the conscience of members is not pricked by snatching their votes. The ballot papers will be kept with the Election Commjttee for one month after the declaration of the result. The Committee will entertain appeals, if any, during the period. The ballot papers will be destroyed by the Committee after one month and no appealwill be entertained thereafter. Members' co-operation in conducting the elections is earnestly solicited. With greetings, (SANJAY MALHOTRA) CHAIR[4AN ELECTION CON4MITTEE Sheet2 J & K MODULE IEAM - 1 POLLING DATE : 10th Nov€mber 2017 Time : 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM VENUE : aDB KATHUA (3233) 1 3233 A.D.B, KATHUA 8 4416 EASHOLI 2 6897 COLLEGE ROAD, KATHUA 9 16423 KALI BAR] KATHUA 3 2331 DAYALA CHAK 10 51168 flATLl |4ORH, KATUUA 4 1T892 HIRA NAGAR 11 2386 MTHUA 5 5661 EUDHI l2 L8O KATHUA 6 5662 MN1KOT 13 R,SEII KAT]-IUA 7 2318 BILLAWAR INO ESTATE MTHUA CENTRE : UDHAMPUR POLLING DATE | 11th November 2017 Tim€ : 11,00 AM to 4.00 Ppl VENUE I UDHAMPUR (1186) 1 3658 A.F 5., UDHAP]PUR 9 2307 BATOTE 2 62?/ KVA 10 1725I CHENANI 3 2457 RAM NAGAR 1I 50616 COURT ROAD UDHAN1PUR 4 3318 CHINAR CN1PO, UDHAMPUR 1,2 RANSOO 5 1186 UDHAMPUR 13 R.SET] IJDHAMPUR 6 2346 GARHI L8O RAP]8AN 7 5895 PANCHART (SAB) t5 LBO UDHANlPUR 8 2456 RAN'BAN 16 R-SETI RAP]8AN POLLING DATE | 12th November 2017 Time : 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM VENUE : A O JANIMU (1104) I 5336 A.D.8..]AI4N1U(TALABTILLO) 42 I1856 SHAfiI NAGAR IAMP]U 2 8547 AKHNOOR 43 11889 ARNIA 3 5932 BARI ERAHrvlNA JAl4lYU 44 10459 BOHRI 4 3706 DHANSAL 45 6596 PIANSAR 5 3132 GANDHI NAGAR,lAlvll4u 46 5284 CCC lANrllU 6 2374 KACHI CHHAWANI, ]AMMU 47 4417 VI]AYPLJR 7 698T KALU CHAK 48 14642 NEW PLOT JAP]lll.l 8 7970 KARAN NAGAR, ]A!]I4U 49 r6419 KHOUR 9 6896 KEHLI N1ANDI (SAMBA) 50 16425 SWANKHA 10 3703 N1ARN 51 17261 KOT 1I 4339 SAINIK COLONY ]AI4MU 52 17695 HNI lAMr4U 12 7353 58LC IAMPIU 53 50282 GOLE MARKET, GANDHI NAGAR, ]AMMU 13 4625 SUPWAL 54 51032 INDUSTRIAL AREA, SAMBHA 14 2491 SIJNDERBANI 55 148s3 R8O_3,.lAr'1MU 15 2494 TALAB TILLOO 56 5161 CHHANI HIT.1N1AT ]AI'414U 16 2357 JAMI'4U CANTT. 57 1r04 AO IAPIMU 17 3261 ]AURIAN 58 10118 8l5HNA 18 3704 ]YOTIPURAM 59 11854 SIDHRA ]AMNlU 19 3965 POUNr 60 5028 RASMECCC,.]A!IN1U 20 4223 KATRA 6] 1O]47 CRPF SANTALAB ]A!]MU 21 4450 R.S.PU&A 62 11890 [1IRAN SANIB 22 6918 REASr (l & K) 63 14501 SME IAMM1J 23 11857 SHASHTRI NAGAR ]AMMU 64 14643 GANGYAL IAIYMU 24 i1855 PURKHU lAlll'4U 65 16698 ]AIN EAZAR IAMN]U (SAB) 25 5273 SARB ]AP]MU 66 99r1 RANSOO 26 1046T NARWAL 6/ 1726. 5JNCAL 27 14641 TRIKUTA NAGAR ]APII4U 68 19081 S8I ]NTOUCI.i HIJDCQ BHAWAN IAMP]U 28 T4644 NANAK NAGAR ]A!]MU 59 51264 SUCHETGARH ROAD, R 5 PORA EARI BRAHMANA 29 16424 RAMGARH 70 51213 I N DIJSTR]AL AREA, 30 17043 RESHAI.4 GARH COLONY lAr'4f1u 7! 17248 RBo 5,lAl4r'1u 31 17693 OLD SATWARI ]AIYI4U 72 3705 R,NPURA (KATHUAJ 32 21776 GREATER KAILASH, ]A{V]MU 73 65/ lAl'411U 33 51449 CANAL HEAD, JAI'4MU 74 11496 CCPC,lAl'4MU 34 18531 EAGLA 75 15250 oAC IAMMU 35 14852 RBO 2,JAP1I4U 76 I]ARI N1ARKET ]AM!]U 36 7974 I4OHALLA JANIPUR, ]AM]V]U L8O JAl,lMU 37 3938 NAGROTA 78 38 1291 PUMNI PIANDI, ]APII'4U 79 LBO SAPIEA Sheet2 R SFrl lAr4r'4lJ 39 7650 EHARAKH (5AB) 80 40 6894 RLY. sTN., JAl.4lvlU 81 REHR] cHoWK (e.BMBL] 9124 REHAR1 COLONY, ]A!]MU TEAM - 2 CEN|RE : DODA VENUE : DODA (3198) PoLLING DATE | 10th November 2017 Time : 11.00 aM to 4 OO PM UDMNA 1 5559 ASSAR (SAB) 8 4595 2 8450 KHELLAN] (SAB) 9 12206 B|IALM KISNT\,IAR 3 4596 KISHTWAR LO 16876 HELIPAD DODA 4 8451 SERI (SA8) tl L8O LBO KISHTWAR 5 6622 PREM NAGAR, DODA l2 R'SFI] DODA 6 3659 THATR] L3 7 3198 DODA (l & K) 14 R.sETI KISI]TWAR CEN|RE :RNOURI VENUE : RAJOURI (1575) POLLING DAIE : 12th November 2017 Time : 1r..00 AM to 4.00 PM RA]OLJR] r 3720 EUDHAL (SA8) 6 16420 ]AV/AHAR NAGAR 2 2441 NOWSHEM 7 3660 POONCH 3 4376 AR!]Y DIV HQ RNOURI 8 1i893 SURANKOT 17260 THANA MANDI 4 2417 T,4ENDER 9 5 1575 RNOURI TEAI| - 3 CENTRE :ANANTNAG PM vENUE : ANANTNAG {1478) POLLING DATE : 10th November 2017 Time:11.00 AM to 4.00 1 1678 A,D,B. ANANTNAC 7 1478 ANANTNAG 2 10736 KULGAI4 8 13713 QAZIGUNO 16496 BI]BEHAM 3 3693 QUIN1OH 9 MI1DAN 4 4594 ACHHAEAL 1O 16832 SEER 5 2501 VERINAG 1! 5660 RAMSU BAN]HAL 6 2445 PAHALGAM 12 2303 CENfRE:SARAMULU VENUE I BARAIVTULLA (1477) POLLING DATE | 11th November 2017 Time-: 11,00 aM to 4.00 P14 7 459I WATHERGAM 1 1377 BAMI4IJLLA oATTA\ 2 6283 EONIYAR (SAB) 8 628/ ADB 3 2500 URI 9 17592 KAN]sPORA 17073 50GAM 4 2447 PALHALAN 10 TREHCAIVI 5 6869 REHAMA 11 4592 6 1570 soPORE CENTRE:SRINAGAR vENUE : RBO'1 SRINAGAR (6176) PoLLING DAIE i 12th November 2017 Time : 10.00 A!1 to s 00 PM 1 6177 A.D,B, TULLAMULLA 29 15982 NOWGAM 2 3996 A,D B.I]ANDWAM 30 15876 RBO 4,5R]NAGAR AIR FIELD, SRINAGAR 3i 16395 CHADOOM 3 5942 (GULNIARG) 4 3594 AWANTIPUM 32 17072 TANGIV]ARG SR]NAGAR 5 2297 BADGAM 33 16785 BEN1INA 17692 SHAL]MAR, SRINACAR 6 1292 BADSNAH CHOWK, SRINAGAR 34 7 4598 BAGATi KANIPOM 35 18694 BEERWAH RNPUM (PULWAN4A) (5AB) . 8 1362 EANDIPUR 36 4593 MWALPORA 1527 BARZULLA ]. E', SRINAGAR 37 6868 9 ENG COL, SR]NAGAR 1O 6593 BOULEVARD, SRINAGAR 38 2460 REG' 11 2295 BADAMi BAGH, SRINAGAR 39 4736 SHOPIAN 12 4597 ZAINA KADAL, SRINAGAR 40 2044 SOIBUG SOURA' SRINAGAR 13 10460 CHINAR SHOP COI'I SRINAGAR 4I 1860 42 SR]NAGAR 14 14645 HYDERPORA'SRINAGAR 122 SUN1BAL 15 13712 PAI'IPORE 43 2489 T'R'C.

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