Yanks Club Warmer Phlladelph. Athle~C8 IOWA: Contbl1lecl clear with 11 to 0 JlIchtIJ w...-r UmJ)erat\ll'tII See 81er, on Pile 4 THE DAILY IOWAN today and tomorrow. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper , fIVE CENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. AUGUST 18. 1942 '1'81 A8&OClATID ..... VOLUME XLn NUMBER 280 'Scets Will , ciVilian e ~l, 5, and will fin. Elmer C' i"eonau~ eunlver. tEe, rUn. es In on ~ Offered ne nlisted here by * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * radlla Uon Jurse are 001 work hours of 1nts, in. 'ompleted ret Deci:sions !ld a pri. 140 houri Dnd 40 Winnie-Stalin, 8 for the Bomb ·Fren'ch City' MarineOccupalionForcesHold 1I0t YeL Indqulat for the Duo Presages, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~ell~tablished' bland Posb Inber ot MORE BAD NEWS FOR JAPS ARRIVES AT PACIFIC BASE First All-U.S. Raid By JOHN M. mOnTQWER rked the Big Offensive WASHINGTON (AP)-Th fi t pha.~ r the An1Prican in­ ling had HJts Rouen Railways vasion of Japanese·held t rritory in ! he !;olltliwest Pllcific h8.8 niversity nded victorion Iy, the navy ill cto. d )'1\ Icrday, with marine , cadets, Discussions Reaffirm o cupation forces in the Guadalcaual-'rllla -i nrl'u of thp , olomon ner Were Friendship of U.S., With,Precision Attack island hotdjng "well established" J)osi tions. 'Iods, in. Th victory wru not won without 10. ., a navy commnniqu 16-week Britain, Soviet Union Gen. Eaker Reports Readiness of U.S.'s made clear, but thp .JapanPse, in addition 10 lwing' fO I'c d 10 reo linquiRh territory of gl'cat strategic vnlu , lost at lrallt 36 nirCI'aft, IUSed in By EDDIE GILMORE Mission Carried Out Egyptian Air Squads ner, The Gives Hopeful Turn suffered damage to their navnl forces uud hnd "a 11umb I'" or elemen· MOSCOW (AP) - Winston 'Nonchalantly, Coolly' troops taken pri oners. ~ fallow. Ohurchill, Joseph Stalin and Tbe no. carefully refrain d from annOllll iug til extent of physics, United States and British field AN AMERICAN BOMBER By EDWARD E. BOMAR damage to American forces, saying that flUC'" informal ion would vigation, and staH commondcrR have met STATION IN BRITAIN (AP)­ Wide World War Analyst be of value to the enemy, but it hnd pr \'iously Ilnl10unced that one Cairo's disclosure that Ameri­ ~ ation of for four days in Moscow and Powerful flying fortress crews ied U.S, cruiser had been sunk and two cl'llisl'l'S, two d· h'Oyers and can ail' fighters are ready now to ary and reached sccret decillions for personally by Brig, Gen, Ira C, one transport damaged. iden!i!]. Eaker d"opped tons of explosives go into .I'oction in Egypt in their tul'l1i1Jg back the aermlJn,~ on a Own squadrons is a hopefuly turn A naval spoke, man said tll campaign" i!ol ('ontiIHli ng," the md dis. tremendons boltlel!'l'ound, tl)e by daylight today on the railway marines' imml'diate problem uppaN.'ntly buing to Illukc 111 ir ini. yards at Rauen in France in the In a situation which otherwise is united na t ions disclosed yester· puzzling and discouraging, tilll positions II cUl'e while vigoroulily hunl ill g down sHc h • cattered courses day. first ,full - fledged all - American w .\Ir· bombing blow against the nazis, r'he development suggests. the JapanI' for as rerumu in th island!; o('cupif'd, Th('s island ... ... ... were not IIIIllU' t1 , l)t'~U mably va City The bare facts of four days of The Americans met and mast­ arrival of substantial reinfore­ but Kremlin confer IICeR, which be­ ered llie Jatest-type German ments .B nd promises further aug­ ;1)(']11(1('(/ both Ouadal anal, with 1ft and ran Witll Church i]{'f; arrival in fighter plnnes, Not a sh'tgle Ameri­ mentation of Egypt's defenders; in itll lIi..rield, and 'I'ulugi with its ith the Moscow last Wednesday aboard a can bomber was lost, and their keeping with the crucial import­ excell ellt IIII l'hOl' , ance of nOl'th Africa and the en­ Text of Navy Prot H. four-motored American Liberator bombs hit "the heart of the target, .. • • • Imer C. bomber with American pilots at "They carried out their mission tire middle east. Th Japane e, the communl­ eronau, the controls, and ended Saturday, nonchalantly and coolly," said Keeping Flow Up . que d Isclo ed. made their rreat­ were disclosed in communiques is­ After months of intensive im­ e t effort to break up the Amer­ mathe- tough, cigar - ~moking General Communique physiCs; sued in Moscow and London, Eaker proudly of his men as he provement of the cross-Africa tcan amphibious attack on the ,ctor in But a source close to the Brit­ clitribed out of bls "yankee doodle" aerial ferry route, it can be hoped night of A u&'Usi 8-9, when thel' that a last and steady stream ' of sent In a force of cruisers a.nd Armel ish prime minister described this craft which made the historlc WASHINGTON (AP)- The text Ebert, first Churchill-Stalin meeting as high-level precision run over short r ange lighter planes as well destroyers to attack the tran - 'SUI. marking an epoch and added that Rauen. as bombers can be kept flowing to oJ the navy communique number ports and carro ships backln&' it might prove a turning point in Egypt under their own power. De!­ 107: up the landin&, parties. A navaJ tHe war, "We will bomb Germany as fast lntte m!ormatfon on tnis point enragement resulted-Ihe first. and as otten as possible un til we Soulh PacUtc Area.: ion Churchill left Moscow Sunday naturally is lacking. on a larre scale between Amer­ wi'n 'the war," declared Maj Gen, L It i:s now possible to issue lDomiJ1g and the communique was Troops, tanMs ond. bulky sup­ Ican and Japanese warshl.PI­ )ved I th~ Ro me details of the aUacks and Carl Spaatz, commander of plies for Hie desert struggle till IUld encl.-a whel\ tlie damaled issued alt r h w out.side the So. landing operations wlbich have IIding viet Union. mt;st mOve by shIps on 14,OOO-mile, Japs \\I nl Into retreat. • • • See Story on American Air Force U-boat imperilled voyages from been in progress in the Solomon • • n board (London viewed the dlsclo­ in En~Iand carried on page 6 of the United States or Britain, islands since the arly mornIng 01 The initial American attack had August 7. s going lUres as mea-nln, that Russia, this issue, The current Egyptain puzzle is been delivered with "complete county !he United Slates and Britain that in the month since General 2. The a.t~k. were in com· surprise," the navy related, on ~oor of had reached a formUla on how to U. S. :lir force in the European Rommel's victorious army was plete 8urprbe to the enemy and Au gust 7 <;,!olomo ns time) and 18 ust Co., beat the axis Ilnd when to open theater, General Eaker heads the brought to a halt, General Auch­ 18 of their seaplanes were de- enemy seaplanes were d stroyed on and a sec.ond fron t,) bomber command on General, inleck has not seeen fit to launch 8troyed before they could ,e& b '(ore they could g t into action. ~ . Spaalz's staft. a full dress attempt to drive the into ~t10n. will be "A number of decisions were One American bomber gunner invaders back to the Liby!!n bor­ 3. Transport borne, omphibious GENERAL MACARTHUR'S [onday, reached covering the field of the bagged one of the nazis' newest del' and relieve the threat to the forces of the United States marine HEADQUARTERS, TUESDAY rlber is war against HI Uerite Germany aIld I Ighter planes, a Focke-Wulf 190, Nile, COrps made several landings on (AP)-AJlJed bombers raided ' her associates in Europe," said the during the flight, and escorting Suspicious 01 Rommel islands in the Guadal CanaItulagl Kavlenl' and Japanese shlpplnl 8 a,m, allied fighters got two more. The Discouragement arises from the Carro shiPS of. transpaelfle'eonvoy steam Into harbor and drop aDohor under the luardian CUD. of a Russian communique (making a erulller, forelround, and a destroyer. center, at an undisclosed southwest PacifIc baH. The Ablerl­ nrea, Enemy resistance was over­ in that New Ireland harbor yes­ n. to 5 clear distinction between the allles lost two fighters. suspicion that the British _comman- come and a number of Japanese terday .In support of the U. S. rlen the "A great pall of smoke and sand del' decided his eighth army was CIlIl ships brourht supplies and munUions to the United States forces at' the outpolt and some of thOle European front and that against supplies now may be In 1:'se In the offensive a,alnst the Japs. prisoners were taken. The shore marine entrenchment far to tile a,m, to Japan in the Pacific, where Rus­ was leU over the railroad tracks," unequal to the task, that now Rom­ positions taken by United States south In the oiomons, and also sia is formally neutral), General Eaker said, He di~ not mel may be gaining in time for re­ forces have since been developed aUacked "enemy dispositions and "In this just war of liberll,tion disclose the number 01 American inforcements, and that when the and are now well established Ilnes of communlcaUon In Dutch both governments (Russia and raiders DOl' the length of their at- desert front flames into a new 4. Durin, theae landinJ' opera­ Timor far to lhe west, the alUed tack on the ancient Normandy crisis it will again be the iDvad· Britain) are determined to carry ~Ioni.
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