F« Veti^-Shop The A* rp Astride All Tile ActivWe* Of The Town With Your ft* LtrgMt AM Bwt Shop hmk Home-Town Paper 8mk«* In Tht Area Art Ov AAmtiatn. Palnmtae HMM! XXVIII—NO. 38 DECEMBER 23, 1949 PRICK THREE COTS iread Joy Hood* County C,rou\t Carteret Churches to Herald Birth of Christ; Set Traditional Yule Mail Vule Is Midnight Masses for Tomorrow and Yule Services Sunday CAHTERFT The birthday an-{ Church, as announced by Rev. or- chiiMmas music by ,the Junior door opens at 10:00 o'clock special Here Sets nf the Christ Child will vllle N IMvldwn. rpctor. follow and Senior Choirs under the dl- music by choir under the direc- Ihbrated imimemorated on Sunday Tomorrow, fl 10 P M children's i resllon of Mrs E. J Bennett. The tion of Sister Mary Loyola Christ- Christians In Cnnertt and carol service. 11 30 P M Christ-! Christmas Sermon will be "The mas Day masses at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 uliciit t,he world celebrate maa Eucharist, special carols, an-; World Incarnate." English maas and 10:30 A M New Record 1 11:1* Surprint** them** and old familiar hymns: Confessions will bt held Saturday churches have arranged (Christmas Day. communion at-8 St. Joseph's Church from 4:00 o'clock to 6:0O o'clock W O. Kflrilitim llrrr ,i, n Dim I- imld nudnlRhl. services tomnr- A M and 6.30 A M , Wednesday, Krv c M, YoRt. 08.M,, Rev. In the afternoon and from 8:00 H M MoHett, O8.M, Rev. B, M, o'clock to 10:00 o'clock P M Strained; Extra Help , is Spread niiihi Christmas Kve -or December 28, Holy Innocents at ship riles on Christmas Day, B ,1(1 A M.. church school Christ- Mauiilrc, O.a.M. pastors. Bolemn AinV with IVIivfriw mas party al 7:30 P. M. IIIRII Mass at Midnight, preceded Mifyar 1 11 FT Joyous observance nf Christmas music wilt by proRiam o( Christmas carols. f'AHTKHKr Heaviest Christ- ih nf Christ and Lrndl- ie:«rd in mral churches Huh- At the Free Magyar Reformed First Precbrterian I,ow Masses at 6:00, 8:00. 9:00 and ina null", in the history ol the ,. • s • v 11J the holiday season <lnv with iosie<l choirs and soloists Church. Rev. Alexander Daroc»,y, Rev Orion C. Hopper, Jr., pis- 10:00 o'clock. High Maas at 11:00 pastor, services will be held at "Jarteiel Pnvi Office are RtrtlDiBf ,„„,. to make Christmas "ilium,' Adcale Fidelia," "8llcnt lor. today at 3:30 —Junior Choir o'clock, followed by Benediction of i. ;i happy occasion for 7:30 o'clock tonight. Tomorrow at Uxmg resource* ant lV Ninhi." "('antique del Noel" and rehearsal and 8:00. Senior Choir the Most Blessed Sarfament. Con- 6:30 P. M, there will be combined oppl.iuc records fur cancellations oihi-r »r:|.loved carols and Chrlst- rehearsal In preparation for- our fessions will be heard Friday* eve- English and Hungarian services and parrel post volume, PoetmasW iDimh residents plan to rnns hvmn.s Ortinnlsti plan to Christmas Day service. Saturday, nlnu December 23rri after the followed by a Christmas party for -I Wi'.iUm .1 IjiU'loi Mid tod*}. day not only with IT- ,)ln\ mii'.ir appropriate to "the r December 24, 8:00 — Christmas, Novcna sorvlces. Saturday, Decem- children: Christmas Day. 8:30 A Its the blmtrM Christmas hip and festive family Yule'lilc Candle Muni and Carol Service, ber 24th. 2:00 to 5:30 P. M. and M. English communion service: rush we've ever had on a Christ- but by liharing what H"iiliin Ciithnlli thun-hes \mt j ThLs early service will permit fam- I'M) to 10 00 P M. Adults only in 10:30 A. M. Hungarian commun- mas holiday ' Mr Lawlor laid. *lt.h perMr>8 I*8" for- t.hp traditional mlrl- tltr ion service: i P. M. ThankselvliiK LAWRENCE E. (OIK Thanks to the mild vwUwr I themselves. ilies to spend the balance of the HOMN. (It nii'hi nwi on ChrlstmaR Eve and i-vpnln* together In their homes service; Monday, l:3« A. M. Com- CARTERET -Rapid recovery Is and absence of rain or wow dur- 1 -.| hr sifts In abundant 1 hen- will he masses on Christmas Sunday, December 25, 9:48—Sun- St. Klixaheth Church munion for Invalids and shut-Ins being made by Lawrence K. Cole ing the past Ir* days. deifmttes it from the large volume ( ARTHU I s.ticmMonimK Diiv day Hchool will meet as usual. At Rev Anlliony Huber. pastor; at their re.tpec.tlvt homes; 11 A.M. | manager of tlir Curteret plant of have tx-en proceeding imoothty, .Ktf in Cartevet slores slnnrr Mdttiird I IMmi. ,|r. who si. Mark's Church , II no I he Christmas morning serv- Rev Albert Poor, assistant pasldY. closing holiday service. ihe II. S Metals Refining Com- "We've had no jams to pretent , und Individuals havi> Is t'onnrctrd wild thr |:tw nfiire Cliiistmas services at. St. Mark's ice of worship will Include special Solemn High Mass at Midnight, 1 Continued on Page 81 pany He is rxpecled to resume ihe mails from moving." the port- ., program of giving of Bornueh AUnrnry H. W. liar his work at the plant noon master said. :iiil provide every needy rlnjtnii has horn elected vlrr Fourteen rxlia clerks are help- 1'it 11 wet. president of ihf Mldiilrvi ing lhta> YfHi al the poal office organisation!! County Fnlfr:illi,n nf Hnlj at Funeral School Board Election Still Samaritan Club here. Tlie local post office has ail havs been busy Name Korlrtlr*. itW.V. Posts Aid regular carriers and each of lh«m ^ Christmas Joy has the a.wlsiance of two men to : .1 Ahfie In the county. Of Francis lukach /n Doldrums; Deadline Jan. 25 To Fete Children Disaby Veterans help iipeed delivery Pins for th« "big day" CARTERFT -- The annual filed, according lo the district Because nf lhe volume of ihUi Safety is Urged 1 innsi households busy (rianl Avenue Man Wan school election will be held in clerk's office Will Provide Toy*, mall and the many parf*U. the (arleret (>ronpM Held facilities at the post office have 1 he night tomorrow. Killed in Auto the BoroiiRh on Tuesday, Feb- Republicans said three candi- (landiefi for Needy, i,'ii 1. employes In varl- For the Holidays ruary 14, but therp Is Tittle nr- dates will receive endorsement, Kiiterliiinuienl al Fete been Jammed in capacity .•,ill net a break by hav- Mishap on Momliiv Uvlly up to lhf> present time ILS but no action on the. part of the Displaced Children "There's not room enoUih here .idod Christmas Imh- fur a.s candidates arp concernnd. nominating committee Is ex- In LVOIIH Honpital to turn around," Mr. Lawlor t»W. Mayor Skilm. sVridun CARTKUCT The military fu- The terms of three members pected until after thc first of CARTERET - The Sum mi Ian He expressed the hope that b| CAT!.lEllKI' - The next CluistinHs the post office wlH i nrr:il nt Fiancis Luk.ich. 24. M expire. They are Andrew Bauin- the year. One leader said that Club, a unit of thr Inriependeni ulsn that I Ami CJiirf Rock IM\\ Order of Odd Fellows will again as imrly for dLsHhled vpternns be Iwatrd in Uie newly propottd \ Oi nut Avenue, killed In sn auto- cartnrr. Stephen Fedlam and several names have been put ii'inerrtbranccs to tlie In the fast ye*rR Rive out Christ- : Lyons Hospital sponsored by the Rovpmmenl buildlni. "We're been Tor Utmost (.aution mnbilr nccident Monday mornlnc. \ District Clerk John Scally. None foith already. 1,' iiRed, the handicap- mas stockings containing toys an;! [c'atliolir War Veterans last, Sat much too cramped here," he WBS he'd Wednesday from the 1 of the three commissioners hnvc c friendless wllf. brlna It is expected that the Board candles, More than one hundred i uiday evening. December IT. was added. CARTERET Mayor Stephen ; Blzub Funeral Home. 54 Wheeler Indicated AH yet whether or not and the of Education will hold a special and fifty stockings will l>e pRsseri I termed « huge success by Slate While oiitiwinu mall today upon the peo- i Avenue. Three mawes ol requiem they will be candidates for elec- mectiriK early in January to out to the underprivHedged and Commander, John J. KCOKII of Al- showed .IRIIS nf falling off. u most tn make this an were celebrated at the 8acred tion. y busy at this draft the 1950-1951 budget for displaced children of Carteret. | lanlic City. Mr. Keo«h visited persons completed mailing of last- RI1(I | nrndrnt-fm> srasnn and Police' Heart R- C. Church The Rev i-miiK film Hw Chief Gcorce Sheridan. Jr urged ; L. .1 •Pctrlck was at the center The deadline (or the filing of presentation at the January U It has b«en a practice of the [every ward at the hospital where minute cards and gifts, Incomuu wherr It will do mos. j petitions is Wednesday, June 25 meeting and subsequent ap- members of the Samaritan Club car:- on drivers and pedestrians altar and the Rev Anthony PluU entertainment was being provided j mail was reaching peak propor- 80 far no petitions have been | proval at a public hearing. for thc last forty-seven years in who imbibe holiday spirit* and the Rev. M. A Konopka were nnd Blfts were being distributed Lions . •• many parties for the pass out stocklnus evny Christmas to thc hospitalised ex-servicemen Mr., Law lor suid every effort to lime is not only at the side altars eve.
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