CLEMSON UNIVERSITY LfBR^Y SOUTH CAROLINA ROOM TAPS Retakes South Carolina's Oldest TAPS will have re-takes on Oct. 8 of The Tiger annual pictures for those who missed having College Newspaper their pictures made. The pictures will be taken in room 27 of Tillman Hall. "He Roars For Clemson University" aEMSON, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1964 VOL. LVIV-No. 4 Circulation-7,000 _ Student Senate Revises Rat Rules, i Passes Bill Limiting Student Fines Student<?+nHont Senators passednaSSed thetl-io newT\OW billHill willmill notn<->+ change/>Vian<m two bills, an amendment to the "traditional" cheering at The bill, creating a Clem- Dean Cox said, "I want to Troy Usher, and Steve the rat rules and a fines sys- supper meals. "Standing on son University Student Schol- see it before I comment on Wright. tem bill, last Monday at a chairs, standing on tables, arship Award, will utilize the it." Mrs. Sybil R. Albert, sec- All juniors voted "yea"; regular Senate meeting. holding of trays high in the fines for the new scholarship retary of student affairs, is they are Doug Driggers, On Wednesday night the air" is outlawed by the bill. which will be based on need opposed to the bill because Charles Foster, Jack Green, Presidents' Cabinet approved and scholarship. It will be "they (students) just don't Archie Harman, Joe Jeffords, the Senate bill which the Dean of Student Affairs awarded by the University have the money." Pat Lawrence, John McKit- Cabinet had proposed last Walter T. Cox signed the bill Scholarship and Loan Com- On a call for the "Yeas trick, Rusty Newton, Larry week after vetoing an earlier Wednesday, but not before he mittee, if the bill is approved and Nays" on the amended Pettus, and John Shelley. Senate bill for revision of the commented "fifteen minutes by the Presidents' Cabinet. rat bill senators passed the Sophomers Ryan Cobb, is too long" and struck out a rat rules. Dean G. E. Coakley, assist- bill with only two dissenting Louise Lindler, John Mat- The new rat bill provides phrasing requiring rats to yell ant dean of student affairs, votes. The roll call vote was thew, Dick Miley, Terry for a minimum of ten min- at noon meals on Saturdays. commented on the fines bill as follows: All seniors pres- Richardson, Phillip Rovner, utes and a maximum of fif- During the meeting anoth- and scholarship, saying, "It is ent voted "yea"; they are and William Thraves voted teen minutes of cheering at er bill, proposing a fine sys- a good idea," but that it Tate Horton, Virgil Irick, "yea." Charles Jager and the noon meals Monday thru tem to augment the existing "needs the approval of the Keys Lewis, Bobby Partridge, Mike Maxwell were the only Friday under direction of the punishment system which Board of Trustees." John Scherer, Larry Smith,: senators voting "nay." cheerleaders. It also requires handles infractions of "stu- rats "to sit in that area of the dent regulations." The bill dining hall between serving set minimum fines at two dol- lines numbered two (No. 2) lars and a maximum at fif- Mixed Feelings Stirred and three (No. 3) during the teen dollars on cases prose- noon meal Monday through cuted by the Men's and Wom- Friday during 'Rat Season'." en's Residence Courts. Fines Unlike the previous bill of that may be imposed by the By New Cheering Rule amendment which was vetoed High Court range from five, by the Presidents' Cabinet, dollars to twenty-five dollars Last Monday night the Stu- to all concerned or whether! rat system little by little to. dent Senate passed a "rat they will be detrimental to the point where it won't bill" amendment that repre- the well known "Clemson mean anything." Language Film Series sents many different things to spirit." "A little misguided because a variety of people. it has no means of telling, This amendment, which is A number of freshmen which rats have yelled 10. shrouded in a cloud of num- commented: "Reasonable! One minutes and which rats have- that won't cause an overly A group of irate Clemson students march in protest before the Clemson registration Commences Thursday erous rumors, is not under- n't yelled at all." amount of cheering." center — they want to vote. (Photo by McKinnon) By BILL JOHNSON The soldiers become his fam- stood clearly by many stu- "Good idea because it helps The Modern Language Film ily and give him a hope to dents. The major points of "Good idea. It will make a to keep the lunch lines from IRATE STUDENTS PICKET Series will open its 1964-1965 live and die for. the amendment are that Rats leisurely and silent atmos- being so long." series on Thursday, Oct. 8, Nov. 12 — THE DEVIL are to cheer at any upper- phere at the noon meal." "All round good idea. Don't with THE CONFESSIONS OF STRIKES AT NIGHT is a classmen's request any time "Fair, the old system was think it will hurt the rat sys- FELIX KRULL. The first German thriller based on the during the supper hours on good enough. It is better than tem." Voters Denied Registration movie and all following mov- Bruno Ludke case. Ludke Monday through Saturday. no rat system at all." "Fair bill, because it bene- ies will be presented at 7:00 was a mass murderer, a half- Rats are required to sit in fits freshmen and upperclass- Some upperclassmen com- By BILL HAMILTON Baldwin said, "and then told and 9:00 p.m. in the Civil wit who killed about 80 wom- the area between the convey- men." Coman Brown, member of mented: "Good idea, because Associate Editor me that if I were a student, the Board of Registration for Engineering Auditorium. en — a fantastic criminal or belt for lines one and two "It's detrimental. If you are. THE CONFESSIONS OF record that was so inoppor- and the conveyor belt for prolonged yelling gets on my going to do away with some Several Clemson students, I couldn't vote. They told my Pickens County, who was di- nerves and gets people excit- not allowed to register for wife she couldn't vote because recting registration proce- FELIX KRULL is a German tune for the Nazi government lines three and four while of the rat system, you should film starring Horst Buchholz that the case was surpressed. eating the noon meal on Mon- ed to such a degree that they do away with it all." voting because of state law, she was the wife of a stu- dures inside the drug store, can't eat." picketed in downtown Clem- dent." said, "To vote, a student must as the picturesque rogue Fe- Nov. 16—THE WOULD-BE day through Friday. A Co-ed stated, "A good lix Krull, part Don Juan and GENTLEMAN, a French pro- During the previously stat- "It's not so good because idea because some people, son on Sept. 2$ and 25 in "I have lived here for two assure us that he intends to the rat system seems to make front of the L. C. Martin years," Baldwin continued. "I live in this area after gradu- part Machiavelli. Zaza, one duction of the play by Mo- ed period Rats are only re- only have a limited time to of the many lovely young liere, gives a rare insight in- quired to cheer for a total of the boys more mature, the bill eat dinner and therefore Drug Co., local registration pay Pickens County taxes. My ation." seems to be tearing down the site. child goes to school in Pick- "A student neither gains creatures whom Krull en- to French theater for all who not more than 15 minutes nor should be allowed to eat." less than a total of 10 min- On Thursday, Sept. 24, Phil ens County. My wife and I nor loses residence by being chants wherever he goes, is enjoy a good laugh. utes. Also they can only be Whitaker, a third year archi- work for the University. Yet in school. A student must played by Liselotte Pulver. Dec. 3 — THE FALL, a SPIRITING THE RALLY made to cheer while under I'm a student. I can't regis- meet the same qualifications to Other movies in the first se- Spanish movie, examines a tecture major, picketed alone the direction of a varsity ter." register as servicemen," mester series are the follow- young girl's search for moral in front of the drug store cheerleader. Rats are not al- Brown continued, "South Car- ing: Oct. 19 — LAZARILLO values in a puritanical en- carrying a sign saying: Baldwin carried a sign say- lowed, to deface the dining Thurmond Lashes Out olina has no absentee bal- DE TORMES, a Spanish mov- vironment. The action takes "Higher Education Means ing: "I am a S. C. Resident, hall by standing on chairs, or Loss of Franchise; For Stu- I am a Clemson student lot." ie based on the classic pic- place in a most unusual turesque novel of the 16th household and centers about beating on the tables, or lift- dents—No Registration, Pick- Learning About Our Govt. When asked about the mar- ing their trays an unneces- At Democratic Party ens County; No Absentee Bal- Therefore I Can't Register. ried students who allegedly century, chronicles the ad- four very unconventional chil- ventures of a twelve-year-old dren who care for, but appar- sary distance from the floor. Senator J. Strom Thur- estimated at 8,000 persons in lots, South Carolina." Students Living in Oconee registered in Oconee County, The question placed to a mond, recently proclaimed front of the Clemson Univer- Whitaker, 21, said he had County Can Register.
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