(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.241,773 B2 Bolan Et Al

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.241,773 B2 Bolan Et Al

US009241773B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.241,773 B2 Bolan et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jan. 26, 2016 (54) MAGING FIDUCALMARKERS AND A61B 2019/547; A61B 2019/5408: A61B METHODS 2019/5425; A61B 2019/5454: A61B 2019/5495; A61B 2019/5458: A61B (71) Applicant: Breast-Med, Inc., Golden Valley, MN 2019/5466; G01R 33/4814; G01 R33/5601; (US) A61M31/005; A61K 49/0002: A61 K (72) Inventors: Patrick Bolan, Minneapolis, MN (US); 49/0447; A61K 49/18: A61K 49/226; Y1OT Michael G. Garwood, Medina, MN 29/4998; Y10T 29/49982; Y10T 29/49888 (US); Michael T. Nelson, Golden Valley, See application file for complete search history. MN (US); Daniel A. Halpern, St. Louis Park, MN (US) (56) References Cited (73) Assignee: Breast-Med, Inc., Golden Valley, MN U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (US) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2,678,195 A * 5/1954 Hunter et al. ..................... 74/87 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,016,639 A 5, 1991 Allen U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (Continued) This patent is Subject to a terminal dis FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS claimer. CA 2579914 A1 11/2006 (21) Appl. No.: 14/634,965 EP 1491147 A1 12/2004 (22) Filed: Mar. 2, 2015 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS US 2015/O1 73848A1 Jun. 25, 2015 “U.S. Appl. No. 1 1/281,801. Examiner Interview Summary mailed Related U.S. Application Data Sep. 2, 2009, 4pgs. (63) Continuation of application No. 14/022.539, filed on (Continued) Sep. 10, 2013, now Pat. No. 8,966,735, which is a continuation of application No. 12/762,837, filed on Primary Examiner — Christopher M Koehler Apr. 19, 2010, now Pat. No. 8,544,162, which is a (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Schwegman Lundberg & continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/281,801, Woessner, P.A. filed on Nov. 17, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,702,378. (51) Int. C. (57) ABSTRACT A6B 9/00 (2006.01) An implantable tissue marker incorporates a contrast agent A6 IK 49/00 (2006.01) sealed within a chamber in a container formed from a solid (Continued) material. The contrast agent is selected to produce a change, (52) U.S. C. Such as an increase, in signal intensity under magnetic reso CPC ................. A61B 19/54 (2013.01); A61B 8/481 nance imaging (MRI). An additional contrast agent may also (2013.01); A61B 17/3468 (2013.01); be sealed within the chamber to provide visibility under another imaging modality, such as computed tomographic (Continued) (CT) imaging or ultrasound imaging. (58) Field of Classification Search CPC ... A61B 8/481; A61 B 17/3468; A61B 19/54; 37 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets v A. 6 A. US 9.241,773 B2 Page 2 (51) Int. 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