Volume 6, Number 4 Winter 1981/82 neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet annual members business meeting . nor anything else we know of accounts for for as long as we, received them ... through the inordinate delay in delivery of the prefer­ about December 2. We're aware that some ential ballot and the last newsletter. people, in disgust, may just not have returned The 70th Annual Members Business Meeting Part of the fault is ours. The ballot was their ballots. There's nothing we can do to will be held on Thursday, February 25, 1982 mailed on October 2, but the so-called "Sep· right that wrong, but it may make people feel at LOO P.M. in the Sutton Parlor North (Sec­ tember" newsletter was not mailed until Oc­ better to know that based on past experience, ond Floor) of the New York Hilton. As last tober 9. Nevertheless, they should not have a dear pattern emerges by the time 500 to 600 year, the business meeting will take place in arrived on November 15, November 23, etc. ballots are received and later ballots simply the ceremonious setting of an Official Open· . as a slew of indignant letters informed us. tend to confirm that pattern . ing Session, which will include highlights of For our own part of the fault, we apologize. One more thing: one of our irate corre­ the coming program as well as a review of the It is particularly unfortunate that the delay, spondents suggested that we could at least Association's activities over the past year. combined with our own dumb optimism in "save face" in the future by dating the news­ Complimentary coffee will be available; those giving an October 23 postmark deadline for letter seasonally, rather than monthly. A wel­ who wish may bring bag lunches. return of ballots, caused many members to come suggestion, indeed, and we hope you feel disenfranchised. In fact, we counted bal­ enjoy this Winter newsletter. Elections lots (and read all those justifiably nasty notes) R.R.W. II The major item on the agenda of the Annual Members Business Meeting is elf"ctions. OFFICERS. The Board of Directors proposes announcements the following to serve as officers for 1982: President: Lucy Freeman Sandler, New York University; Vice-President: John R. Art Journal Future Issues ADAA Fellowship Martin, Princeton University; Secretary: The Art Journal Editorial Board is planning To commemorate its twentieth anniversary, Paul B. Arnold, Oberlin College. future issues on the following topics: Art as the Art Dealers Association of America has es­ Autobiography, Kandinsky, Architecture of tablished a $20,000 fellowship in the history BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Candidates to serve as the Twenties, Film, and Popular Imagery. of art. The ADAA Fellowship will be awarded Directors are nominated by the Nominating Articles, or proposals for articles, on these each April to support a doctoral dissertation Committee, which is guided by returns on the topics are invited for consideration by the in the field of European or American art. The preferential ballot. This year, 1241 ballots guest editors. They should be sent to the Man­ award is of two years duration and is payable were received. The slate reported by the aging Editor, at the CAA, 16 East 52 Street, in two equal installments. Applications may Nominating Committee for election to the N.Y.C. 10022. Those wishing immediate be made only through the chairs of graduate Board of Directors in 1982 (to serve until confirmation that their proposals have been departments of art history in American Uni­ 1986) is: Phyllis Pray Bober, Bryn Mawr received should enclose a stamped, self-ad­ versities. Only one nomination will be re­ College; Oleg Grabar, Harvard University; dressed postcard. It is not possible to specify ceived from an institution. For full details: Isabelle Hyman, New York University; deadlines because issues are not firmly sche· Ralph F. Colin, Administrative Vice Presi­ Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier, New Mexico duled until all the material is in hand; how­ dent, ADAF, 575 Madison Avenue, N.Y.C. State University; Franz Schulze, Lake Forest ever, "the sooner the better" is a generally 10022. Application deadline: 1 February. College; and Barbara ZuckJ!r, University of good approach. Vermont. More Mellons NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Those nominated Fulbright Scholars for Short-Term Visits MellonJunior Faculty Fellowships (more fully to serve on the 1982 Nominating Committee More than 150 Fulbright scholars from all described in the September 1981 newsletter) (which selects those Directors who will be over the world, currently in the United States are generally for recent Ph.D. 's and generally elected in 1983) are: Beatrice Farwell, Uni­ for college and university teaching and ad· involve half-time teaching, half-time for re­ versity of California, Santa Barbara, Chair; vanced research, are available for occasional search. New openings have been announced George Bayliss, University of Michigan; lectures, seminars, and special programs. by, Richard Martin, Fashion Institute of Tech· The Council for International Exchange of Cornell University. Information from nology and Arts Magazine; Edmund P. Pills­ Scholars has limited funds available to facili­ Anna Geske, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow­ bury, Kimbell Art Museum; and Catherine tate travel to interested institutions, particu­ ships, A.D. White House, CU, Ithaca, N.Y. Wilkinson Zerner, Brown University. larly those which have had little opportunity 14853. Deadline: 15 February. Procedures for placing additional can­ to participate in the Fulbright Scholar Ex· Rice U-niversity. Fellows also to partici­ didates in nomination are described in the change Program. For brochure describing pate in faculty seminar on The Culture of Notice of Meeting, which will be mailed the Occasional Lecturer Program (also avail­ Capitahsm, which will focus on relationships separately. For those who will be unable to able, 1981·82 Directory of Visiting Fulbright between market society and fonns of cultural attend the Annual Members Meeting, proxies Scholars): Mary W. Ernst, CIES, 11 Dupont and philosophical expression. Information will be included with the Notice of Meeting. Circle, N.W., Dept. N, Washington, D.C. from Mellon Fellowships Search Committee, 20036. (202) 833·4979. Continued on p. 10, col. 3 II coming soon ... 1983 annual meeting conferences and symposia We always feel a bit silly making this an· Middle Atlantic Symposium Victorian Studies Conference Native American Art nouncement before the preceding annual The twelfth annual MAS in the History of Art The Midwest VS Association will hold its an­ A conference on New Dimensions in Native meeting has taken place. Yet we know that will be held at the National Gallery of Art and nual meeting April 30-May 1, in conjunction A merican A rt History: Confluences oj Tradi­ many of you who wiJi be attending the 1982 the University of Maryland on Saturday, with the Theatre History Conference at the tion and Change will be held at Iowa State annual meeting want to know who the 1983 April 17. Advanced graduate students from Theatre Research Institute, Ohio State Uni­ University, March 22-24. Concurrent with program chairs will be. more important, member institutions will present papers dur­ versity, Columbus. The topic will be Victori· the symposium, there will be exhibitions of what they look like. After all, there are few ing the morning and afternoon sessions at an Humor. For further information: Freder­ Twenty-Four American Indian Artists and better places than a crowded elevator in the NGA. In the evening, a distinguished scholar ick Kirchhoff, Dept. of English and Linguis­ Oscar Howe Retrospective. For further infor­ Hilton for promoting your proposal for the will present a paper at UM. Member institu­ tics, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ., Fort mation: Helen A. Schuster, Dept. of Soc.! following year's meeting. tions of MAS are: Univ. Virginia, Penn State The 1983 annual meeting will be held in Wayne, Ind. 46805. Anthro., 103 East Hall, ISU, Ames, Iowa 50011. Univ., George Washington Univ. , Johns Hop· Philadelphia. (Yes, Philadelphia. And would kins Univ., Univ. North Carolina, Univ. Del­ anyone tempted to comment please remem­ 600 Years of Netherlandish Art aware, Vniv. Pittsburgh, Howard Univ., ber that originality comprises at least some A symposium emphasizing major issues and American Representational Art of the 1940s American Univ., and Univ. Maryland. For component of wit!) The dates for sessions are programs, abstracts, or other information: the state of research will be hosted by Mem­ and 1950s Thursday, February 17 through Saturday, phis State University, April 22-24. Partici­ A symposium to be held February 13, in con­ James Douglas Farquhar, Dept. Art, UM, February 19. Those wishing to propose topics pants include: Laurinda Dixon, John Carroll College Park, MD 20742. junction with the exhibition Realism and Jor sessions should submit them to the appro­ Marcia Brown Hall, Art History Chair David G. Pease, Studio Chair Univ.; Walter Gibson, Case Western Reserve Realities: The Other Side oj A merican Paint­ priate chair by March 31, 1982. Proposals Univ.; Lawrence Goedde, Univ. Virginia; ing, 1940-1960, which will be on view January should be submitted in the form ofa brief des­ viting specific individuals to chair general or and S. Croce, 1565·77 (Oxford University Laura Meixner. Memphis State Univ.; Vir­ 17·-- March 26 at the Rutgers University Art Society for Photographic Education cription (ca. 100 words), to which additional special sessions. The "balancing act" involves Press, 1979), she has published articles in The ginia Rembert, Univ. Alabama; Carol Purtle, Gallery. Participating artists and art histor­ The 1982 National Conference will be held material may be appended. It is useful to in­ such considerations as what topics!periods Art Bulletin, Burlington Magazine, and Memphis State Univ.; Charles Scillia, Old ians are Matthew Baigell, Greta Berman, March 18-21, in Colorado Springs.
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