Photo Quiz What Is Your Diagnosis? CUTIS Do Not Copy A 6-week-old male infant was referred to the dermatology department for evaluation of enlarging facial lesions noted shortly after birth. The patient was delivered at 36 weeks’ gestation by normal spontaneous vaginal delivery with no perinatal complications. His growth and development were otherwise nor- mal. Physical examination revealed large, bright red, nonconfluent macules and plaques in a bilateral temporal distribution extending medially to both eye- lids and laterally to the scalp. PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 119 FOR DISCUSSION Shilpa S. Sawardekar, MD; Heather L. Salvaggio, MD; Andrea L. Zaenglein, MD Drs. Sawardekar and Salvaggio were from and Dr. Zaenglein is from the Department of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania. Dr. Sawardekar currently is from the Department of Dermatology, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk. Dr. Salvaggio currently is from the Division of Dermatology, Bassett Medical Center, Cooperstown, New York. The authors report no conflict of interest. Correspondence: Andrea L. Zaenglein, MD, Department of Dermatology, HU14, Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, 500 University Dr, Hershey, PA 17033 ([email protected]). WWW.CUTIS.COM VOLUME 92, SEPTEMBER 2013 113 Copyright Cutis 2013. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Photo Quiz Discussion The Diagnosis: PHACE Syndrome CUTIS HACE (posterior fossa brain malformations, syndrome is made in the following scenarios: a large hemangiomas, arterial anomalies, cardiac hemangioma greater than 5 cm plus 1 minor crite- Pdefects and coarctation of the aorta, eye and ria, a hemangioma of the neck or upper torso plus endocrine abnormalities) syndrome is a neurocu- 1 major or 2 minor criteria, or no hemangioma plus taneousDo disorder characterized Not by a spectrum of 2 major Copy criteria.4 abnormalities. It also can be referred to as PHACES There are 4 distinct facial regions where segmen- syndrome when sternal abnormalities (supraumbili- tal hemangiomas associated with PHACE syndrome cal raphe, sternal cleft, or both) are present.1 generally localize. The most common site is the man- This syndrome should be considered in children dibular segment, involving the skin overlying the who present with large facial hemangiomas. The mandible, the lower cutaneous lip, vermilion of the majority of PHACE-associated hemangiomas are lower lip, and the preauricular skin. The next most described as large, bright red plaques that occur commonly involved sites are the maxillary segment, almost exclusively on the face and scalp. Charac- the frontotemporal segment, and the frontonasal seg- teristic PHACE-associated hemangiomas are termed ment.2,5 Although segmental hemangiomas usually segmental infantile hemangiomas because they typically present as bright red plaques or clustered papules, they conform to certain facial regions that are thought occasionally can have a predominantly telangiectatic to correspond with distinct developmental units of or reticular presentation, especially in newborns, a common neuroectodermal origin rather than aris- and thus may be misdiagnosed as capillary vascular ing from a discrete focal point as seen in localized malformations (port-wine stains) or Sturge-Weber infantile hemangiomas.2,3 A consensus statement syndrome.4 In some instances, hemangiomas fail to on formal diagnostic criteria for PHACE syndrome proliferate and can maintain such an appearance.4 was published in 2009, which states that a definite Compared to localized infantile hemangiomas, seg- diagnosis requires the presence of a characteristic seg- mental hemangiomas are more likely to ulcerate, mental hemangioma or a large hemangioma (5 cm) persist longer, and have poorer outcomes.3 There on the face or scalp plus at least 1 major criterion have been infants described with large segmental or 2 minor criteria. A diagnosis of possible PHACE hemangiomas of the upper torso and extremities WWW.CUTIS.COM VOLUME 92, SEPTEMBER 2013 119 Copyright Cutis 2013. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Photo Quiz Discussion who do not meet consensus criteria for a definite as secondary events to other primary vascular and/ diagnosis of PHACE syndrome but do have struc- or neurologic phenomena.5 The most commonly tural anomalies similar to those reported in PHACE reported finding is microphthalmia (a small mal- syndrome, suggesting a possible continuum.6 The formed eye) ipsilateral to the facial hemangioma, majority of children with PHACE syndrome present which is considered a minor criterion in diagnosis. with only 1 extracutaneous manifestation; a full- More serious posterior segment ocular defects such spectrum presentation is exceedingly rare.7 Cerebral as retinal vascular anomalies and morning glory disc vascular anomalies are the most common extracuta- anomaly are major criteria. It is recommended that neous manifestations of PHACE syndrome, occur- patients with head and neck hemangiomas at risk for ring in approximately three-fourths of cases. The PHACE syndrome be referred to an ophthalmolo- large cerebral and cervical arteries, often ipsilateral gist for thorough screening. Patients with periocular or bilateral to the cutaneous hemangioma, usually hemangiomas will require close follow-up to screen are involved. Of note, aneurysmal dilatations and for potential amblyopia with surgical correction if it anomalous branches of the internal carotid artery and is caused by mechanical ptosis secondary to the he- absence of the carotid artery are highly specific find- mangioma.4,5 Endocrinopathies including congenital ings of PHACE syndrome. Structural brain anomalies hypothyroidism and growth hormone deficiency have primarily are composed of cerebellar and posterior been reported in infants with PHACE syndrome and fossa malformations. Of these malformations, the a low index of suspicion should be maintained for Dandy-Walker complex and hypoplasia or aplasia of endocrine disorders.5 The pathogenesis of PHACE the cerebellum, including the vermis, frequently are syndrome is not known. No disease-causing genetic reported. Major criteria for the diagnosis of PHACE mutations have been identified. An extraordinary syndrome include the presence of an anomaly of a female predominance (9:1 ratio) has been reported, major cerebral artery (eg, dysplasia, hypoplasia, ste- prompting speculation that it may be an X-linked nosis, aberrant origin or course) or an anomaly of the dominant condition with lethality in males8; how- posterior fossa (eg, Dandy-Walker complex, cerebel- ever, a prospective study showed disease severity to lar dysplasia). When PHACE syndrome is suspected, be equal in males and females.9 A recent study of children should undergo baselineCUTIS screening via mag- X-chromosome inactivation patterns also did not netic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance support this X-linked dominant inheritance and angiography of the head and neck extending down to authors concluded that genetic heterogeneity is likely the aortic arches.4-7 in PHACE syndrome.10 Additionally, there are no Cardiovascular abnormalities are reported known reports of familial cases of PHACE syndrome; in approximately 40% of patients, with the most thus vertical transmission seems an unlikely cause. common findings being coarctation of the aorta; The current hypothesis is that a developmental right-sidedDo aortic arch; and aberrantNot origin of bra- field defectCopy occurring early in gestation could be the chiocephalic arteries, especially the right subclavian cause.11 This theory is supported by the observation artery. These abnormalities are considered major that underlying vascular anomalies in PHACE syn- diagnostic criteria for PHACE. Coarctation of the drome occur ipsilateral to cutaneous hemangiomas. aorta, the most commonly reported cardiovascular The association between genitourinary, spinal, and defect, generally occurs proximal to and at times lower body hemangioma reported in the PELVIS involves the great vessel origins. This presentation is (perineal hemangioma, external genitalia malfor- in contrast to classic coarctation, which occurs distal mations, lipomyelomeningocele, vesicorenal abnor- to the brachiocephalic vessel origins. Detection of malities, imperforate anus, and skin tag), SACRAL blood pressure gradients between the upper and lower (spinal dysraphism and anogenital, cutaneous, renal, extremities is not possible with PHACE-associated and urologic anomalies associated with an angioma coarctation, highlighting the utility of a screening of lumbosacral location), and LUMBAR (lower body echocardiogram, which should be performed in all hemangioma and other cutaneous defects, urogenital patients suspected to have PHACE syndrome. The anomalies, ulceration, myelopathy, bony deformi- most common cardiac abnormalities reported include ties, anorectal malformations, arterial anomalies, and patent ductus arteriosus, atrial and ventricular defects, renal anomalies) syndromes also supports this theory. and pulmonary stenosis; however, complex congenital The pathogenesis of PHACE syndrome currently is disease rarely is seen. Ventral septal defects or a an active subject of research in addition to the estab- right-sided aortic arch are considered minor criteria lishment of more formal management guidelines, for diagnosis.4,5,7
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