Agenda for the meeting of the Management Committee Monday 26 March 2012 at 6.30pm Strategic Command Centre Headquarters Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service Dee Road, Tilehurst Reading Berkshire RG30 4FS For further information regarding this meeting, please contact: Fayth Rowe (Committee Officer) 0118 932 2288 / Facsimile 0118 959 0510 E-Mail at [email protected] 103 Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4FS MEETING: Royal Berkshire Fire Authority’s Management Committee DATE AND TIME: Monday 26 March 2012 at 6.30pm VENUE: Strategic Command Centre Headquarters Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service Dee Road, Tilehurst Reading Berkshire RG30 4FS S U M M O N S You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority’s Management Committee at the time, date and venue indicated above, when it is proposed to deal with the business set out in the enclosed Agenda. A light buffet will be provided. Yours sincerely CAROLINE REDZIKOWSKA Clerk to the Authority To: Members of the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority’s Management Committee: Councillor Jeff Brooks Councillor Dr Paul Bryant Councillor Colin Dudley Councillor Paul Gittings Councillor Mrs Pauline Helliar-Symons Councillor Iain McCracken Councillor Angus Ross Copy to: All other Fire Authority Members (for information) (via E-mail) Principal Officers, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service For further information regarding this meeting, please contact: Fayth Rowe (Committee Officer) 0118 932 2288 / Facsimile 0118 959 0510 E-Mail at [email protected] 103 Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4FS MEETING: Royal Berkshire Fire Authority’s Management Committee DATE AND TIME: Monday 26 March 2012 at 6.30pm VENUE: Strategic Command Centre Headquarters Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire RG30 4FS AGENDA 1. Representative Bodies Purpose: The Chairman may, at his discretion, invite the Representative Bodies present to address the Management Committee once on any Part I item, on the prerequisite that the Representative Bodies advise the Chairman at the commencement of the meeting of those Agenda items they wish to speak to. 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Declarations of Interest Purpose: To receive Declarations of Interest from Members relating to items to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Authority’s Local Code of Conduct, and any from Officers. 4. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2012 (Copy herewith pages 1-9 ) Purpose: To Agree the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2012 and signed by the Chairman. 5. Receipt of Announcements Purpose: To receive any announcements from the Chairman or the Chief Fire Officer. 6. Issues arising from the Audit and Performance Review Committee Recommendation: That it be Noted that no reports have been referred by the Audit and Performance Review Committee. 7. Royal Berkshire Fire Authority Corporate Plan 2012/13 (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 10 -11) plus Appendix A Purpose: To seek approval from Management Committee for the Corporate Plan 2012/13 and Annual Report 2011/12. 8. Thames Valley Fire Control Service Consultation (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 12-14), plus Appendix 1. Purpose: To enable the Management Committee to consider the draft public consultation document on the proposals to introduce a single joint Thames Valley Fire Control Service (TVFCS) in partnership with Oxfordshire County Council Fire and Rescue Service. A verbal update for note will also be given on the Control Project. 9. Waiver of Standing Orders – Upgrade and Integration of Command Support System (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 15-17) Purpose: To enable the Management Committee to consider the proposal to upgrade the Command Support System software including additional, optional modules and integrate it with the forthcoming Control Room solution. 10. Upgrade of Incident Command Unit (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 18-24) Purpose: To enable the Management Committee to consider the proposal to upgrade the Incident Command Unit (ICU) based upon user feedback and the outcomes of the Swinley Forest Fire debrief. 11. Proposed Risk Management Arrangements (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 25-28) Purpose: To inform the Committee of the proposed revised risk management arrangements. 12. Capital Programme 2012/13 (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 29-31) Purpose: The Fire Authority agreed on 15 February 2012 that the Management Committee should review and approve the 2012/13 Capital Programme as details of the fire capital grant had not been announced in time for inclusion in the 2012/13 Budget Report. 13. Principal Officer Arrangements (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 32-34) Purpose: To inform the Committee of the arrangements being put in place during the Chief Fire Officer’s break in service. 14. Bracknell Forest Area Partnership Fire Trials (For Note) (Copy herewith pages 35-40) Purpose: To provide the Management Committee with information on the outcome of the partnership trials in 2010 and 2011 together with plans for a further extension in 2012. 15. Budget Monitoring (To Note) (Copy herewith pages 41-46) Purpose: To inform the Management Committee of revenue and capital expenditure against budgets up to the end of February 2012. 16. Crewing Level Monitoring (Quarterly report) – October - December 2011 (To Note) (Copy herewith pages 47-55) Purpose: To advise the Management Committee of the crewing levels for Wholetime appliances. 17. Forward Plan (To Note) (Copy herewith pages 56-63) Recommendation: That the Forward Plan be Noted. 18. Date of next meeting - Monday 21 May 2012 at 6.30pm in the Strategic Command Centre, Headquarters, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service, Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4FS. 19. Exclusion of the Public Recommendation: To Resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for the following Agenda Items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the said Act indicated and is exempt information if, and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Categories of “Exempt Information” under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. (Copy herewith pages 64-65 ) 20. Part II Minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2012 (Copy herewith pages 66-67) Purpose: To Agree the Part II minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2012 and signed by the Chairman. 21. Budget Working Party Minutes (Copy herewith pages 68-70) Purpose: To Note the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2012 and signed by the Chairman. 22. Paternity Leave and Pay (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 71-76) Purpose: The purpose of the report is to advise the Committee of the potential implications for Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) of new legislation, the Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010 and decide how to address them. 23. Annual Review of local Pay Ranges (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 77-81) Purpose: To enable the Committee to decide its approach to the 2012 review of Local Pay Ranges. 24. Review of Car User Scheme and Allowances for Principle Officers (For Decision) (Copy herewith pages 82-86) Purpose: To report back to the Committee the outcome of the Review of Car User Scheme and Allowances for Principal Officers Working Party and make recommendations for changes to the Car User Scheme and Allowances for Principal Officers. FIRE AUTHORITY MEMBER DECLARATION OF INTEREST FORM Fire Authority Members are reminded of the need to complete the Declaration of Interest form, where appropriate, and hand it to the Clerk and Monitoring Officer at the start of the meeting. Please note that if your interest in any business relates to any body to which you are appointed by the Fire Authority or any body exercising functions of a public nature, you need not declare that interest unless and until you address the meeting. Management Committee: Monday 26 March 2012 Fire Authority Member’s Name: ……………………………………………..………...……………. Agenda Item Number: ………………………. Paragraph No: …….….. Nature of Interest: Personal Interest (Declare and Stay) (Please tick) Personal and Prejudicial Interest (Declare and Leave) Details of Interest: ………………………………………………………………………..……….. If you have a personal and prejudicial interest, have you obtained a dispensation? *YES/NO Agenda Item Number: ………………………. Paragraph No: ….…….. Nature of Interest: Personal Interest (Declare and Stay) (Please tick) Personal and Prejudicial Interest (Declare and Leave) Details of Interest: ……………………………………………………………………………….. If you have a personal and prejudicial interest, have you obtained a dispensation? *YES/NO Agenda Item Number: ………………………. Paragraph No: …….….. Nature of Interest: Personal Interest (Declare and Stay) (Please tick) Personal and Prejudicial Interest (Declare and Leave) Details of Interest: …………………………………………………………………………..…….. If you have a personal and prejudicial interest, have you obtained a dispensation? *YES/NO NOTE: A Fire Authority Member with a personal and prejudicial interest in a matter who does not have a dispensation granted by the Standards Committee, is required to leave the room and take no part in the consideration of the matter. If you have any queries regarding the completion of this form, please contact: Caroline
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