UNAMI LODGE ONE 85TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION MAY 19- 21, 2000 TREASURE ISLAND LL Cctl. Paul W.I<Juauf, .Jr. June 28, 1900-May 14. 1999 Pad Knaufjoined Tr~p 32. Mlila. COli•ICI1 B.S.A. on Jail 2. 1915. and first ~ed Treasure bland mtt.: liUtnmer of 1916. This exrediiiotriYJclucied & trolley ride ftQm Philadelphia to Doylestown, a second trolley ride \0 Pip«sville., a hike t• \ ~r>. - aftd fif\ally a-Oiling onto TJ. by ferry barge. .R.emembering that ad~. be quipped: "We "htlc<:d with suitc:ascs ~ng asaiAst om t:nee$ for Jive miles along dusty roads ;, the blazing $WI... ' ' .. Nat y..,., we 8~ knep~s... .. (TJM N•!ws, Frenc:hto\tln N.J.,_July 31. 1980) D.wiaB the summet" of 1917,ju:st a few days befOre .be ,.-as awant.d the nnk ofFask S~ be was elecoted as Troop J2·s Honor Camper and become member #M ofUoami Lodse w.w.w . He served OD the Trcasae .IJbft4 Camp Staffdutin@ 1911, 8lld then as a student m&he MecbarJM;al Engineering Dept_at Dr.eul tnsuMe ofTechnology·i.c ~ .. invited" to join ~.O.T.C. in prepemion tor Jlis set'lic8 in the Anny ~ ('orps during World War l After he WJIS d"ISCbaJ&ed. be wa ulccd to belp estUfisla (in 1920 oir 1921) another l'tlila. Council camp, Camp Biddle. A1 Camp BiOdle, die UDalilcbtgo LodSC oftheW. W. W. was established, and~ 1921 ud 1924 Paul strwd ~various Loci• offiC.. 111 l92J, he kq>e bif Vtgil. and in 1924 beaJme the l.ocfse Chief In 1925. Unalac:htgo Loctse_metgecliDto Uttami l...odse. and he SIOI"'Ied as Unami·s Asst. Jlccorder (Scribe). Betweeaa t 91l - J7. he smred .S tbt. ~c:ournwtn _of Troop Jl and speat many !UmQlers a& T.l. In 1931. he was swarded the Silver~- one 'of' ..hi1'~ Sc:cuu in Troop .3Z was Georsc H. Kdla', -who hner ser-d as tbe T.L Cwp Dileclor between 19_37 through 1941. A sr*du•e ~ llisticute ofTO!=Moloty·_, Mb:franic:al_&fJIDMring ~~ .. be spear most ofhis eareer as a Staff easineer for Bdl TdephOfle. INring World Warn. he ~as a ltle1nbcr ofthe ~ Sip Corps. Amoot other &Ssipnlam. .he' ""-as ofl dR' cam lha pll)Vjdcd leQire conununicaziom Jtom tbe London Wsr J.oom b~ to the Wbi1c House. :P.ut of dtiJ respOAflbtlicy was usi.ns !~pedal equi_prnem for the new-fangled _ process of ~imae (fa.'\) transmissions. After the war, PauJ ~ on the Troop Committee ofWyndmoor Troop 117. ·· Paw's 1at 'llisii to Tel. was in the $ummer of l~.S, He hiked aDd reminisced -literally. fiom oae eud of'tbe camp &o 11M: o&lter. · Al ColotS, he presc:ntcCJ a arviD& co che Camp which now hang$ io the Camp Office. · The plaque was a carviJta the he naade in 1919. to honoc &hose who had laUM during Wodd War L Letter from the Chairmen Dear Brothers, Welcome to Treasure Island Scout Reservation. I hope your time here is well spent. As you walk around the island this weekend think to yourselves about how the very frrst ceremony of the Order of the Arrow was held here at the ceremony site. Think of how much of an honor it is to be in Unami Lodge One. Think of how it feels to be able to go to Treasure Island, the birthplace of the Order of the Arrow, for the 85th anniversary. Your weekend should be full of events during the day, whether it be playing OAjeopardy, watching the original ceremony, getting a tour of the island, walking through the museum, or meeting the officers from outside of our lodge. I hope you have as much fun, as I had in planning for this weekend. I would like to thank all of my chairmen and their committees for this weekend, because without you this weekend would not have happened. I would also like to thank for the support of the officers of our lodge, and fmally I would like to thank my advisor Mark Chilutti. Thank you for attending this celebration of 85 years for our brotherhood of cheerful service. Yours in Wimachtendienk, Rich Hefner 85th Weekend Chairmen Unami Lodge One Letter from the chief Dear Brothers 85 years ago, on a small island in the middle of the Delaware River, there were two men who were very committed to the scouting movement. They decided that recognition for young leaders in troops was very needed. They founded an organization based on service to camp and inducted their frrst members that summer at Treasure Island Scout Reservation. Since the organization in which was based on brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service has spread across the nation and parts of the world. We are all gathered here this weekend to commemorate that special night. This weekend we will enjoy the company of arrowmen from not only our lodge but also other lodges, who wish to celebrate this momentous occasion with us. Please enjoy the weekend and get involved with and see as many things that are going on this weekend as you can. Again thank you for coming to celebrate this occasion and have a beautiful weekend here at cheerful Treasure Island. Yours in Brotherhood, Matthew McGill Netami Sakima (Lodge Chief) Unami Lodge one Welcome from the Adviser, Brothers, Guests and Friends. Welcome to our 85th Anniversary Weekend. I am glad you could join us as we celebrate the birthday of Scoutings Honor Society, here at it's birthplace. This weekend promises to be the most exciting Lodge Weekend in a decade. We will greet brothers, old and new, share the experiences of almost a century of service, tread in the footsteps of our founder, revisit our past and celebrate our future. My hope is that you leave the island invigorated with a new sense of the order. Therefor, I implore you to make the most of your time here. This weekend you will also here about our exciting Unami Lodge Building Major Endowment Project. Please give as much as you can to one of the largest Lodge Endowment programs ever undertaken, and pick up a few new items for your collection in the bargain ....and/or, for ever emblazon a small piece of Treasure Island for yourself. Together, we can all achieve success. I am honored to have the opportunity to not only serve as a Lodge Adviser, bit as the Adviser of this, the Mother Lodge. But the real recognition to which I offer my heartfelt thanks and congratulations, goes to all the Lodge and Chapter, Officers, Advisers and Chairmen, both past and present, who have worked so hard and given so much over the years to foster and improve upon the dream of two scouters, conceived on this very island,85 years ago. Special kudos to chairman Rich Hefner, and advisor Mark Chilutti and all their staff for the boundless energy and enthusiasm that they expended in putting this weekend together. And finally, I encourage you to rededicate yourself to the high ideals of scouting and the principles of the order. Share the experiences of this weekend with your fellow brothers in your unit and together, we can propel this brotherhood of cheerful service to new heights. Thank you for coming and enjoy the weekend. Yours in cheerful service, John A. Nawn Lodge Adviser Unami Lodge one NATIONAL CHIEF & NATIONAL VICE CHIEF ORDER OF THE ARROW BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA May 11, 2000 Unami Lodge, One Cradle of Liberty Council, BSA Congratulations on your outstanding legacy of eighty-five years of service to Scouting! It is indeed an honor and a privilege that we congratulate you during this 85th anniversary of the Unami Lodge and the Order of the Arrow. Nearly a century ago, Dr. E. Urner Goodman and Col. Carroll A Edson laid the foundation for a rich and exciting brotherhood of cheerful service by founding the Unami Lodge of Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui. Today, the Order of the Arrow has spread nation-wide and has a membership approaching 200,000 members. Thus, the inspiration of the Treasure Island camp director and his assistant has made a tremendous impact on the Boy Scouts of America. As the need for Scouting grows, it becomes increasingly apparent that the role of the Order is growing as well. Largely for that reason, the traditions fostered and nurtured by the Unami Lodge will continue to touch the lives of the millions of Boy Scouts of America. In all, we are not only proud of the indelible mark that the Unami Lodge has left in the Order's history, but also of the vital role that the lodge will play in the future. Again, we congratulate you and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Carey J. Mignerey Jordan Hitchens National Chief National Vice Chief WIMACHTENDIENK- WINGOLAUCHSIK -WITAHEMUI Ed Pea!ie Clul"""'. ~~ \,"~""'' March 27, 2000 Mr_ Marie Chilu~ti, A~sociate Adviser Unami Lodge, Order of the Arrow 7903 Rev~ Street ·PhiladeJ~,hi~ Pennsylvania 19152 ·. Dear Mark, ' ~ri~e to ex len~ congratulat:ions to the membeJ-s of Unami Lodge on the occasion of the 85th anniver-sary of the foo•1ding of the lodge a11d the Order of . tho Arrow. Unan1i'.s rich t.-adition in Scouting, and especially in Scouting's natic)naJ honor- 30cicty, ha$ enriched oil of us through the program born on T rea~ure Island in the summer of 1915. GeneJ<~tions 41 fScoubi and Scouters have c' ,me i.o. unde.-stand, and then to live, the life of cheerful service because .
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