SINCE 1976 Jan Hus at the Council of Constance where he was condemned to death. Artist, Vaclav Brozik (1883) January 2020 | Tevet-Shevat 5780 THE BLOODY BATTLE TO LIBERATE THE WORD OF GOD By Shira Sorko-Ram PART 4 hen religion ruled, the Western World They were separating those writings they could went dark. When the Word of God reap- certify as genuinely written by the original apostles peared, nations arose to create the most of Yeshua from the unverifiable manuscripts. Only advanced civilizations ever. This is the story. 27 books would be included in the New Testament. In the year 393 A.D., devout men of God studied the Certainly, much research and prayer went into mak- Wmany manuscripts circulating among the churches. ing such momentous historical decisions. By Mail: By Phone: By Email: Online: Follow: Maoz Ministries U.S. 214.677.0560 [email protected] www.maozisrael.org maozisrael1 P.O. Box 535788 CAN. 866.712.0188 [email protected] www.istandwithisrael.com @maozisrael Grand Prairie, TX 75053-5788 U.K. 01732 886441 [email protected] 2 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | JANUARY 2020 JANUARY 2020 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | 3 Even before the New Testament was formally In the Eastern part, known as the Byzantine completed as a book, Emperor Constantine Empire, Greek became the official language of universities churn out mostly godless professors, Because of the huge size of complete Bibles, they had ordered 50 Greek Bibles to be distributed the elite – but there, too, were many other local politicians and intellectuals.2 Education matters – were divided into several volumes, and each was to the various growing churches in Constanti- languages spoken by the masses. for good or for evil.) very costly. Only the rich, cathedrals and universi- nople, his capital. For a short time, the Word ties could afford them. Bibles continued to be handwritten in Latin and of God in Latin and Greek spread rapidly. But Greek. But most citizens could not read either EDUCATION FOR THE RICH ONLY Since so few could read, and since Bibles were incred- when the Roman Empire collapsed (476 A.D.), language. Generally speaking, only highly edu- ibly expensive, the Catholic authorities had comfort- and the Church took over the government, cated officials and the rich were literate. During the darkest of the Dark Ages, there were no ably come to the conclusion that their parishioners everything began to change. schools for the poor; however, there was education really had little need for the Scriptures themselves. Over the centuries, the Roman Catholic Church in many cities and towns for the children of the This deprivation would then become law. didn’t promote schooling even among their rich. Oxford and Cambridge grew into universi- Bibles continued to be handwritten monks. That meant there was a dearth of edu- ties before 900 A.D.; in 1320 there were 30,000 STARVING THE SHEEP in Latin and Greek. But most citizens cated religious scholars. These poorly educated students at Oxford! Universities existed in Italy, could not read either language. monks were left to copy the Scriptures in Latin France and Germany – all of which taught Latin. even if they weren’t fluent in the language. So it was for 1,000 years, that the Roman Catholic By the late Middle Ages, production of both authorities, with their popes and their councils forc- “Interestingly, the Christian theologians that religious and secular texts passed to professional ibly took the Word of God from the sheep for which did have enormous influence on Christian copyists. Booksellers placed shops near the univer- they had responsibility. In doing this, Roman Catho- A secular Huffington Post journalist noted, culture such as Augustine, Jerome, Tertullian sities and cathedral schools, and so the book trade lics (who condemned the Jews for their behavior and later on Wycliffe, were all highly educated blossomed. Of course, because most people in the historically) proved that the actions of the Jewish “Wouldn’t you assume that the newly estab- in universities before they became monks.” Middle Ages were illiterate, picture Bibles full of leaders – control and corruption – were simply hu- lished Church [by Emperor Constantine] (This fact is a lesson for now, as today’s wonderful illustrations became popular. man nature. The Roman Catholics were commiting would want its devotees to immerse them- exactly the same sin that Jeremiah the prophet had selves in the sanctioned New Testament, accused the Jewish leaders of in bygone times. especially since the Church went to great lengths to eliminate competing Gospels? As the centuries passed, the domination and control And wouldn’t the best way of spreading the over the people of Europe and everywhere the ‘good news’ be to ensure that every Chris- Church ruled became more extreme. To translate tian had direct access to the Bible?” the Bible into one of the local languages became a crime that could cost a scholar his life – by the “That’s not what happened. The Church sword of the Roman Catholic Church. actually discouraged the populace from reading the Bible on their own – a policy Decree of the Council of Toulouse (1229 C.E.): that intensified through the Middle Ages “We prohibit also that the laity should be and later, with the addition of a prohibi- permitted to have the books of the Old or New tion forbidding translation1 of the Bible into Testament; but we most strictly forbid their native languages.” having any translation of these books.” Ruling of the Council of Tarragona of 1234 C.E.: THE PLUNGE INTO ILLITERACY “No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language, and Other events kicked in that inadvertently slowed if anyone possesses them he must turn them the copying of the Bible for the Christian world. over to the local bishop within eight days after Rome divided into two empires, with Rome and promulgation of this decree, so that they may Constantinople the two capitals. The overthrow be burned...” of Rome was not far behind. Latin faded away, With the Word of God forcibly seized from citi- replaced by many local European languages. zens by the authorities with strict regulations to eliminate “heretics,” and forbidding the translation A university class in Germany, of the Bible into the peoples’ mother tongues, sin by Italian painter Laurentius conquered the Church, starting with the leaders and de Voltolina (1350’s) ending with the Christian world. 4 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | JANUARY 2020 JANUARY 2020 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | 5 A COURAGEOUS VOICE ARISES translation of the whole Bible Jan Hus was a Czech theologian into English, and though he from the University in Prague. But there was always an under- died three years later, his group He is considered the second ground stirring and yearning to of scholars finished the entire church reformer after John read the Bible. Many attempts Bible in 1395. Despite the Wycliffe. He was ordained and were made to translate the Bible church’s efforts to suppress the became a preacher in Bohemia. into different languages, but the Bibles, the common people were But the big change he under- translators were caught by the at last beginning to have an went was when he discovered Church and punished as heretics. opportunity to read God’s Word. the Bible. He testified that he left behind stupidity and fool- Even in the 10th century, a Bible For this “heresy” Wycliffe was ishness “when the Lord gave me scholar who actually managed to posthumously condemned by knowledge of Scriptures.” remain anonymous dared to put Arundel, the archbishop of Can- the Gospels into English. But terbury. By the Council’s decree The writings of John Wycliffe he could only circulate it pri- “Wycliffe’s bones were exhumed had stirred his interest in the vately because it was forbidden and publicly burned, and the ashes Bible. He wanted to place more throughout Christendom. were thrown into the Swift River.” emphasis on the Bible. Becom- Still others in different European John Wycliffe in a 16th-century ing a reformer, he proposed portrait. Artist unknown. countries tried secretly to trans- expanding the authority of local late portions of the Bible. Peter JAN HUS 1372 – 1415 church councils – which meant Waldo commissioned a transla- lessening that of the pope! He tion in France until the Church John Wycliffe giving his At the same time, there were felt driven to clean up the moral JOHN WYCLIFFE translation of the English Bible to already other educated men of decay of the clergy. He began excommunicated him in 1184. Church was all-powerful, and “the poor priests.” Artist unknown. God rising up in different areas 1328 – 1384 the more contact Wycliffe had preaching such ideas as trust- His followers, called Waldensians, of Europe, demanding that the with Rome, the more indignant ing in the Scriptures, “desiring to branched out all over Europe and Burning of Jan Hus at the people receive a Bible in their On the stage appeared a great he became. The papacy, he hold, believe, and assert whatever is waged an underground campaign stake in Constant. Artist, own language. They paid with revolutionary named John believed, reeked of corruption contained in them as long as I have to get the Bible to the people. Spiezer Chronik. (1485) their lives. Wycliffe, whose central doctrine and self-interest and he was breath in me.” For centuries, the Church was, “Every Christian ought to determined to do something launched an endless inquisi- study this book because it is the about it. tion to stop their preaching and whole truth!” He was a profes- handing out Bibles; the group sor and theologian from Oxford Wycliffe firmly believed the Bible was nearly annihilated in the University and the first to trans- should be available to everybody.
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