Vol. 3, No. & pp. 182-187 Afrc-Asian Journal of Ncmatology DecMlbol, 1993 Dlstrlbutlon and Potential Importance of Plant-parasltlc Nematodes Associated with Pigeonpea In Kenya S. B. Sharma*, M. R. Siddiqi", P. Omanp*" and Luman Singh"' .~C~-I~k~w-*rld~*l(IQUSAn,RMq~~h~OI~ ~la*mUb~~lInsUbu d hnsllolo(~39% HaULY W. St Albsa~AM OXU, HeN. UK ***N.Umal Dqland Lm4Rnurrh Caaur, K.Lu.uaI, K.mp **mE.st MI. ~io~lCan11 md Lquas (EARW) Netmrk 10. Bm 39063. Nalrobh I(mp AbuM. 7hc dlstributaon of pi&nt.p&rsaittncmttcdu in different apramio@ulwna reprurnlinp Ihc mljor pi. mn~~a-ptDdYEinpre~iio~ in nonhclrtcrn KmYa wu mdied in lanualy 1992. Fbm tM ncmltodc lpdubelanp ins1.2.5 bncrs &--iatcd with pipanFiin thu. mpiunrApk&ko- snd~&lpp,vsrc 6. qwndy detected SUII~~~IMw, MebidobV IOIMIC. and A*ykn&Iu pwwm ptontislly impomt Ipcim vvriatcd wtth pigeonpca: 5 vnwn wu delcslrd in 44% of the stmpiu, M, ]amice in 40%. andR, pl~vin 37%. lns~den~cof the mt.knot dhvssued by Mebi&lynr spp. wu19.5%. Clop lrwrth wu s~ntcdtnd patchy in man" of the rmt.knot nematode infested fields 41 the nematode ' -at . me bid om^-. so. haw bean n. pondior lhc fimtlmr in ls~ciarionwithpi~conpsain Kcnp. Kqvc.rds: Kenya, Mebrdolynrjo~,Ncmatodc distribution, Pip.onp.8. L~lemhJwpw* ky1dnwm Y.IYm. INTRODUCTlON MATERIALS AND METHODS Forty one location6 in Machnkos, Makueni, KiNi and Embu districts, ropwenting different ~occologicdronu ng.onvca (WQ~~QIQ~ (L.) Millsp.) i~ one of the im. (Pi. I) were randomly lcloctcd for sampling in Iamuy 1992. prtant grain legumes in the semi.arid tropics. In Kenyq the Thelcareuuechar~teri~Cdhi~tem~rst~r~1~20-34~Q semnd largst pmducer in the world, pigeonpea h grom on and low (SW-700 mrm year), eGati;and pborlydi8tr:lbutcdbc wcr 164 000 ha with yields ranging horn MO to 5W kgha modal rainfall (Omanpaal., 1991a, Braun, 1980). A major. (Omangaelnl., 1991). Cultivation of pigeonpahmainly con. ity of thc soils in thwc region1 is Alflsol8 with weak ~rEnce ccntratcd in the Eastern Provincc and WA of the crop is SI~NMdue to low organicmatter and hiph sand mntenu. pmm panirularly in Machakm and KiNi districts (Mbat'ia The nmwss ~lantedin October-Nwembcr and a1 the time ind Kunan~.1991) The legume II ~ntsmoppdmanly mth of the kney, itants sere about 50.60 dlyl dd at mom lots maue wrphumaodficldbem RgeonpCPylcldsarerclatlveb born The dura~cbclwecn plgwnpca row wu very nde km in fnrrnm' fields due m many faaon such ar low nu of and vnrLbie lo nooommodrtii-5 rowr of other UOD Dtvlb. dmtian of barnwed variuicl and the smlencc of inrca The individual fislb wen tha buic unluof the nwk. prrr and dscam (lrm 1991) ' ~ompoutcloll LMPIU were UIIICUC~~i~h UIC hClp dl 'hn ls very liuk tnformatm rvullbb on plmt.prnu(r 25-an lmg 1011 ~amplcrfrom each fwid, down to a &pth d nweyoimlprp~eonpCP~~rop~&~torrg)n- 1ho ~IM~~~IIOwil the The new- rrmrd hruDcLlsd pknt.pr8sitk nemuodu and identify toduwcremrancd horn 250~101lump)a~-d'a( pomadly impanant sautrunu to pigwnpu pro&aion in them in wur, pvring them thr- nested sbva @M,180 ~&i~m(y.Thb mpbnon nematodn of pigwnped in Kenya md 3&rm.pae), and pl+ the-reaidue from ch 3&un- will bc uufui in dmbping Gwpphic Informatbn S~yltorm prerim on a mdl6cd Bwmunn tuaaci (WGwlbf, 1961). olr Ulc bMiEonrtnintl of pigwnpu in FaAfrica. Ruidue mtLaad on a 180w-pore ahwm amidfor Afro-Asian larml of Ncrmtow Vd. 3, No. Z 1993 mbk 1. Lisl olMt-pvuiticnematoda datcdwithpigconpea in Kenya, Won Agr-logial Nemrtok Wol (ncdrcat village) me Embu dlrhlct Embu duler Mcbidogmr Sp., ?#yhw rp., ~Nuspww*(Willi.m9)Sher, Scwcllancma ap., ScweLncm vnwn Shcr,, XWILW~ ID. Maturori Mtb- sp.. R ponw. R&knchvb np.. Stem Q., S. wm' ' Wnp Aphrknchw awnad Basilan*. Apheknchoidu cp.. Me- QP.'. ScuuUonrma sp -'llwyia Machakor dlrlricb I(a1urmni dusler Katumani Aphrknchoidu bicadnlw (Imamurn) Filipjcv & Schuurmaru Skkhwen, Wylenchw sf, Fiknchw sp., Mebidogvnr sp., Fwyknchw sp. Katumani A. avmnc, Ddyknchw sp.. Hclicdfyknchw dihysrcm (Cobb) Sher, Ncodoliehomynch gbdiobrw (Fomner & Arnougou), lairajpuri & Hunt*, Ouaknchw sp.', hmpheknchw sp.', Ruyknchwsp.,Pm@knchwzeas Graham,Sakia sp.*, S, wmm+ Katumani Bokodm sp.*, Wy*nchw sp., Plrmnkhodonu mhor (Colbran) Siddiqi*, Saki. sp., S. unumt A. ~VCMC,D~kIUhwsp.. R. piV~'* Basiri. sp.*, Diryrcnchw sp., Fiknchw sp., L~idorvrspp., Mebido@iu Q., Plrmfylrnchw sp.. Ratyhchw sp., R, pww', Ywclbnema mqn@hnxmum Sher* Machaknr dlrlrlcl, Emall cluntrr A. avcw.A. bicadnhu, DilyIenchw np.. OlraLnchw sp., R, pww' Aphrknchoidu sp., A. aww. Ditykncb np., Filcnchw Q.. GmcQcwpp'rpor~i Schocmaker*, Gmcilanu spp,', Pmryknchw scfactuu Fortuner*, ScurcUoncma bmchyurum (Steiner) AndrBssy'+, l)knchorhynchw wnbwipMlw Tobar Jirnencp* Makuenl district. Wolr eluser Helicolyknchwpmplayinu Siddiqi*, Hclicolyknchuc pcudombusrw (Steiner) Ooldont, Hoplahimw sp., Mcbidopw spp., Ralyknchw sp., S, unwn', 1: venmasi&narw Kampi.ua-mav A, avenac. Mebidogynr sp., S. wm' Wote A, auw,Apkknchoidcs sp., Basiria sp.+, Dityknchuc sp., HimchmndQ ayzae (van Brcda de Haan) Luc & Ooodey.Hopbhimwseinhom18liLuc, Pnmphkncb cp., S, unum:7jknchorhynchw sp. A. owfur. Bask sp., Ddyknchw sp.: Maknchw Q.*, Mcbbiogme spp.', MuUIblhyuhw V.*, OUdmchu Q.. SCUIC~OM~WQ. Kllui dinlricl, MUduster Yatla LM4 A. aww,H, dihyslrm, S. urn', pkmhorhynchwpflani' Yatta LMS A. avmc. R. pvnu,XIphincma Q. KyaW LM S A. avmnr. MtIoidagvnr sp., Pmlyknch ane, R. pww' Kysnrui LM5 Mcb- spp. Yatla LMS Dlqk~ehvrp., *hw sp., Plrwodbnpu q.*, 7?&xhorhptchy sp. Kllui dinlrict. Central Kllui clu#ltr 4-b @.,A, am,Bosida tp., Di&nchw Q..! pat, R. pomu', ~lrkhQ., S. lnap@mm. S. unm A. aw,Ddykmb Q., OUdmchw q., R, pomu, S. nw@+mwn, S, wm', -& v. Bobodonu Q., Wncbsp., !?~~,Pmt#nchw sp.,S, wm' A. aww,Aphrknchoidu rp., LWenchw q.', Fhhwcp., OtroIcnchw rp., Wn#onu q..t!w Afro-&;an Journal of Ncmaldogy Vd. 3. No. 2 163 Matinyani UM 4 A, avr~c',NolhoryLnch sp.', II rear Kitui dlalrlcb Kllul hulk durler Kiwi LM4 A. aww.H. dlhyr1em. htyknchw sp., f rcoe, S, mcylphmmwn, S, unnm' KQSI LM4 A. aww. Filenchus sp., HebolyLnch micmepkrl. Shcrt, S, unnm', 1)Jenchorhynchw sp. Mbilini LM4 A, awnat, Apkknchoidu sp.. DLyLnchus sp.. Filench sp., Mebidogync sp.', Olmknchus sp.. PmyLnchtu sp.. R,pama, S. wm.7: pfl'ni lkanga LM5 A, nve~e.Filench sp,. Ouckmhsp., hlylenchus sp., R. pwu', S. WW, Zpflani Kirinmps dlslrlcl and submion bluer LM 4 ~~htL&;hurp.. ~cbida@n;r~.,Rntyknehuc rpp . S. mngntphmmm. S unwn' bade@ Ul4 ApheLnchus sp . Duyknch sp.. Melouto@w rp. hpknchuc rp. .Uuound~hr LU 3 AphrLnchur Sp . Mrbd~erp.. h~kndursrp.. RolyLnchuku sp. Makueni dlslricl. Klboko cluster Kiboko A, nvenae', A, bicnudalw, DLyknch sp., Gmcilacw sp. Usungu A. ave~e,Ddyknch sp., htyknch ip, ~y&ndurrhy&hpJfani Kalli~ A. avc~e',Ddyknchu~ sp., Otlolench sp., hlybnchur &lal~eILUct hIbuvo A. ~vcM~',Oll0h~hU Sp., h(&~hSp. Kitui disttlcb Kabsll clunlrr A. OVIM~. Dilylench sp.. FilLnchur sp., Helimlylcnchw sp., O~toknchussp., R.pawu', 3, unum, T gofini A, ovenat. Ditylenchur sp.', Filmchuv sp., halyIcnchsu&mwh. RolyknchukLIIep~w Dasgupla a .I.+. Sculellonema sp., 7: gofad, Eb~lenchoidesbbelvs (Loof & Yessin) Siddiqi* Di~lenchw DunrukLu Filench m. Habotvknch sa.. Mcloidonnv an.'. ' Prrdr)minanl ncmatodc population + F1r5t rennrt on niv.conaea (Nenc el 01.. 1989) UM = ~ipcrml;llands:' I I.: - hermidlands Cl;rrrrficat~on of agrcewlugical zones: Zone 3: (%mi.hurnid, averdee annual rainfall 8W-14W mm, mean annual temperature 16.18°C): Zone L (Sum -n~n:d[o srm..ar.d. areragc ann~alramfall 6W.11W mm, me& annual temprs~re 16.20°C). Zocu 5 :Scn..hr 1. a6craac hnn~dra n!all450.900mm. mean annual temperature 2'2-tl°C); Zonc 6 (And, avsragc annual rainfall300.550mm. mean annual ternperakre 24-3O0C) Table 2. Pulcnt~allyimportant nematodc species assoc~atedwth plgeonpca tn Kenya . -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - No of locat~onr. Agrcecalog~cal Dtstr~ct Clustcr surveyed mnef Important spccles - - - - .- - - -- Machakos Katumani and Emali 9 4.5 RolyknchJuc pamu, SculeUomma unum Makucni Makueni 6 4,s Meloidopt jawnica, Scu1rUoncmamum KiNi Yaria and Central Ki~i 11 4,s R, pwur, S, wwn Ki~i South Kitui and Kabati 8 5.6 R. pawus, S. ulun Embu Embu 7 3.4 Mebidopt rpp., R,pawus .
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