206 Radiologic Investigation of Craniopagus Twins (Partial Type) Philip Stanley,' Frank M. Anderson,2 Hervey D. Segall' Conjoined twins are uncommon, occurring in about junction between the occipital region of twin A and the parietal 1 : 50,000 li ve births [1]. The most common form is thora­ region of twin B (fig . 2). It could not be assessed whether there was copagus with the junction in the region of the sternum, and complete bony separation of th e two cranial vaults at the level of th e rarest is craniopagus where the two skulls are joined. the junction because no second projection was taken. The latter occurs once in about 2.5 million births [2]. Nodular and curvilinear calcification was noted in the midline of In most cases of craniopagus twins, surgical separation the cranium of twin B. Absence of the hard palate was seen in twin B along with cervical vertebral anomali es. is attempted. Radiologic methods may be used in evaluating the site of contact between the two heads and the relation of one brain to the other. Vascular anatomy and continuity Cranial Computed Tomography (CT) at the junction may also be assessed. The information derived from these examinations is helpful in planning the Routine tomographic films were obtained on an EMI Mark I machine with the child ren facing upward. Pre- and postenhance­ details of surgical separation if operation is thought feasible. ment scans were obtained, with both twins being injected. We describe the radiologic investigation of one pair of partial The initial sections revealed a bony defect between the two type craniopagus twins with survival of one twin after sur­ cranial vau lts as well as a central lucent structure in the anterior gery. midline of twin B (fig . 3A). (At postmortem, this was found to be a tubular collection of fat lying immediately above the corpus cal­ losum.) A more superior section revealed two areas of calcification Case Report in the midline intimately related to the corpus callosum in twin B. No Craniopagus twins which had been delivered by cesarean section ventricular system was identified in twin B; the bodies of the lateral were transferred to Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles on the second ventricles were seen in twin A and appeared normal. Posten hance­ day of life. Twins (but not the conjunction) had been diagnosed ment studies demonstrated the superior sagittal sinuses, which did prenatally with the mother, a 3 1-year-old gravida 3, para 3 , being not appear to communicate (fig. 3B). The lateral sinuses were not large for dates. Togeth er the twin girls weighed 5, 108 g at birth. visualized. The junction was between the occipital region of twin A and the parietooccipital region of twin B. Twin B had extensive facial de­ formities with bilateral harelip and cleft palate , a bifid nose, and Cerebral Angiography widely separated eyes with a right microphthalmia and a coloboma The twins were unstable during all the investigations, particularly involving the iris. A soft-tissue mass superior to the right eye was arteriography. There was a tendency to develop hypotension, hy­ present, which was later found to be a pinched-off encephalocele pothermia, and apnea. (fig. 1). No other abnormalities were seen in twin B. Twin A had On the second day of life, an arch aortogram and left carotid dextroposition of the heart but no other extracranial abnormality. arteriogram were obtained on twin A via an umbilical artery cut­ Each twin had her own individual motor and autonomic functions, down. On day 24, a right carotid arteriogram was obtained on twin and hematologic and biochemical values were the same for both B via a percutaneous femoral artery approach, and, on day 29, children. Tilting the children caused pallor in the uppermost twin bilateral carotid and left vertebral arteriograms were undertaken on and congestion in th e other. After discussion with the parents, twin A. On day 35, a superior sagittal sinogram was attempted on radiologic investigations were undertaken to determine the feasibil­ twin A. ity of surgical separation. Bilateral carotid arteriography on twin A demonstrated no arterial crossover. Left carotid injection showed indentation of the left Skull Radiography occipital pole seen in the arterial capillary and venous phases. There was inward displacement of the superior sagittal sinus and A si ngle vertical radiograph on the second day of life with the the left lateral sinus by the herniating brain from twin B (fig. 4). children supine demonstrated some flattening of the vault at th e Th ere was no filling of the venous system of the other twin. The left Received April 15, 1982; accepted after revision August 18, 1982. I Departm ent of Radiology, Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, P.O. Box 54700, Los Angeles, CA 90054. Address reprint requests to P. Stanley. 2 Division of Neu rosurgery, Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90054. AJNR 4:206-208, March/ April 1983 0195-6108/ 83/ 0402-0206 $00.00 © American Roentgen Ray Society AJNR:4, Mar. l Apr. 1983 CRANIOPAGUS TWINS 207 A Fi g. 1.- Frontal view shows site of conjunction and angulation of twin heads. Facial deformities of twin B and right eye abnormalities are well seen. Fig. 3. -A, Preenhancement CT scan demonstrates att itude of skull s to each other and bony defect. Midli ne lucency within brain of twin B imm ediately superior to the corpus callosum. B, En hancement scans at th is and other levels showed no apparent junc tion of two superior sagittal sinuses. Calcifi­ cation aligned with falx is in twin B. Fig. 2. - Verti cal projection demonstrates conjunction of two cranial vaults. Calcification ali gned with falx cerebri in twin B; hard palate and upper cervical spine anomali es are present. vertebral injecti on showed similar inward displacement of brain and venous sinuses. Ri ght caroti d arteriography in twin B demonstrated ingress of the pari etooccipital region across the skull defect into the cranial cavity of twin A (fig. 5A). The venous phase showed ve ins draining centrall y to a normal venous system with no drainage into twin A (fig. 5B). Th e superi or sagittal sinus was well seen and did not communicate with the other twin . To obtain further informati on regarding th e venous anatomy, a superi or sagittal sinogram was attempted on twin A via an anteri or fontanell e puncture, but satisfactory flow was not obtained. Fig. 4.-Venous phase of left carotid artery injection in twin A. Inward Surgery displacement of superior sagittal sinus (arrows) and left transverse sinus. Operation to separate the twins was carried out when they were 6 weeks of age. A scalp fl ap was refl ected and bone was removed densely adheren t to one another in this region. Fi ve or six irregular from the skull of twin B, in c luding the dense line of skull fusion. short ve ins were found to bridge between the lateral sinus of twin This exposed th e 3 x 7 cm defect between skulls where the B and dura overlying th e torcular of twin A. However, the major occipital lobe of twin B protru ded into the other cranial space venous sinuses showed no direc t communication . Additional bone indenting the dura and great sinuses. These dural layers were was taken off along the attachment, disconnecting the skulls; thi s 208 STANLEY ET AL. AJNR :4, Mar. l Apr. 1983 Fi g. 5. -Right carotid injection of twin S. A, Late arterial phase with corti­ cal arteries indicate in gress of brain tis­ sue into c ranial cavity of twin A. S, Ve­ nous phase. Central drainage with no crossover into twin A. Edge of herniated brain (arrows). A B provided improved access to th ese veins which were then divided. success [2, 4]. In our case, the dura was partly fused in the Fu sed dura was left intact in tw in A and parti ally resected from the area of skull attachment, and there were some small anas­ occipital pole of twin B. Th e separation was then complete. Th e tomotic veins extending between the lateral sinuses close scalp flap was closed over twin A's skull defect and th e other child 's to the confluence, but without a communal venous sinus. In wound was protec ted with a heavy sterile dressing preparatory to addition, herniation of the occipitoparietal lobe of twin B later grafting . through the skull defect caused some indentation and com­ Postoperative co urse in th e first twin was excell ent; she showed no neurologic defects and progressed well. Twin B had only a slight pression of the brain of twin A. These features are unusual left hemiparesis and no other new problems until th e fourth day for partial craniopagus, a defect described by O 'Connell as when sepsis developed, and she did not respond to appropriate essentially an extracranial abnormality [2]. antibioti cs. Thi s patient died on postoperative day 8. Twin A is now The object of therapy with craniopagus twins is surgical 6 years old . She has remained well, is above average in intelligence, separation. Before this can be contemplated, demonstration and her physical development is normal. New bone growth has filled of certain aspects of cranial and intracranial anatomy is in about half of th e sk ull defect and thi s area feels Quite secure, but essential. CT and plain skull radiographs are mandatory to crani oplasty may be advisa bl e in th e future. demonstrate bony and soft-tissue attachments between the skulls and cerebral hemispheres and angiography is very important to show all details of the complex vascular anat­ Discussion omy.
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