DICKINSON ALUMNUS I Placing Contents in Box at Cornerstone Laying of C. Scott Althouse Science Hall. President Edel, Prof. Vuilleumier and Dr. Althouse. ll~ __vol.-35 N_o. 4 _ ____.II'---__ MA_Y, 19-58 _ ___JJ ] ~be i.Dtckinson llllumnus Published Quarterly for the Alumni of Dickinson College and the Dickinson School of Law Editor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Gilbert Malcolm, '15, '17L Associate Editors - Dean M. Hoffman, '02, Rog er H. Steck, '26 ALUMNI COUNCIL Class of 1958 Class of 1959 Class of 1960 Homer M. Respess, '17 Raymond E. Hearn. '24 Hyman Goldstein '15 Mrs. Helen D. Gallagher, Charles F. Irwin, Jr .. '27 C. Wendell Holmes, '21 '26 Jack H. Caum, '34 M;~i; Helen W. Smethurst, Paul A. Mangan, '34 Mrs. Mary M. Eshelman, Clarence A. Well!ver, '30 John F. Spahr. '36 '43 D~;!O George H. Jones, s»., John D. Hopper, '48 C. Weston Overholt, '50 Arthur L. Piccone, John P. Wlnand. Robert D. Burrowes, Class of 1955 Class of 1956 Class of 1957 GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF DICKINSON COLLEGE President . .C. Wendell Holmes Secretary Homer M. Respess Vice-President ... Charles F. Irwin, Jr. Treasurer . Hyman Goldstein ·<>============================-<>·· TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete Program for 185th Commencement . 1 To Attend Ceremonies and Preach in England . 3 Seven to Receive Honorary Degrees June 1 . 4 Lay Cornerstone During Priestley Celebration . 9 Lycoming College to Honor Two Dickinsonians . 11 Establish Two Alumni Clubs in Florida . 13 Named Exchange Pastor to Church in Ireland . 16 Sent the Scriptures All Over the World . 17 Receives Doctor's Degree in Field of Music . 18 Nearly Two Thousand Alumni Are Life Members . 20 Writes Inspiring Biography of Bishop Spencer . 26 Life Membership Roster . 30 Personals 43 Obituary 51 ·-~11..;;;;===;..;;;;======================== llC>· Life Membership $40. May be paid in two installments of $20 each, six months apart or in $10 installments. Alumni dues $2.00 per year including SJ .00 for one year's mb• scription to the magazine. All communications should be addressed to .. The Dickinson Alumnus, West College, Carlisle, Pa. Entered as second class matter May 23, 1923, nl the post office at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879." ~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.-C~lj THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS MAY 1958 Complete Program for 185th Commencement NE of the features of the 185th O Commencement will be the holding Register In Old West of the Baccalaureate Services in the new Alumni returning for Commence• Dickinson College Chapel-Allison Meth• ment should register in Old West odist Church on Sunday morning, June 1. upon their arrival. Tickets will be The preacher will be the Rev. Edgar A. available there for any events for Henry, '27, pastor of the First Metho• which tickets are necessary. dist Church, York, Pa. Information concerning hotel, In the afternoon the Honorable Ar• motel or tourist home reservations thur B. Langlie, former Governor of can be secured there. Washington and now president of Mc• Call Corporation, will be the speaker at the Commencement Exercises in the will be the presentation of two portraits, Alumni Gymnasium, Six will receive the one of Dr. C. Scott Althouse, mem• honorary degrees, ROTC graduates will ber of the Board of Trustees, for whom receive their commissions and probably the new science building is named and 160 seniors will receive their diplomas. the other that of Dr. Herbert Wing, Jr., Reports from reunion chairman _in• Robert Coleman Professor of History, dicate that there will be a large gathering head of the department and senior mem• of alumni for the three-day Commence• ber of the faculty. Dr. Wing's portrait ment weekend. Many alumni will have will be the gift of the Class of 1933, holidays for the opening day .of Com• meeting in its 25th reunion, though he mencement which is Memorial Day, is an adopted member of the Class. of May 30, and are planning to reach Car- 1923 which gave the Leon C. Prince lisle that day. portr~it at an earlier reunion: Again this year, the Trustees will Alumni Day, as usual, will be a full meet Thursday and will be free for the day opening with the meeting of Phi events beginning Friday .afternoon . of Beta Kappa at 9:30 in Memorial Hall. Senior Day. The annual dinner meeting The Law School Commencement will be of the Alumni Council and the officers held at 10:30 at the Sadler Curtilage and of alumni clubs will be held that evenin,g the Alumni Luncheon will be at noon. in Morgan Hall at 6 o'clock. After their It will be the popular buffet luncheon fine time last year, the Class of 1907 has (boxes were thrown away long ago) at planned a 5 lst reunion dinner at the $1 per person. Class. standards. "".ill be James Wilson Hotel at the same hour. displayed and alumni should sit 1_n the The Class of 1908 will also meet then indicated areas. The program will be for its 50th. short and informal. The Class of 1908 will be seated on The traditional President's Reception the platform at the Alumni Lunche.on on will be held at the President's House Saturday, May 31, which is Alumni Day, and will also be the guests of the _College that afternoon from 3 to 4:30 o'clock and will be followed by fraternity ban• at a dinner on Sunday, June 1, 111 Mor• quets at 6 o'clock. gan Hall. Highlights of the Alumni Luncheon Good weather will be all that will be 2 THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS needed for a fine evening on the campus Any unattached alumni who may want on Saturday night. Old and new Glee rooms in dormitories over Commence• Club members will gather on the steps ment should write to either Gilbert of Old West for a sing at 8: 15 and the Malcolm or George Shuman, Jr. Some Carlisle Band will play an open-air con• rooms will be available in Drayer Hall cert beginning at 9 o'clock. and Morgan Hall. Information concern• After tapping the new members before ing rooms in hotels, motels or guest the Alumni Luncheon, the Raven's Claw houses will be available in the Registra• reunion will be held at South College tion Room in Old West. Go there first starting at 10: 30 Saturday night. on arrival. To Attend Ceremonies and Preach In England RESIDENT William W. Edel will centennial celebrations of Carlisle, Eng• P attend the ceremonies of the sooth land, while on their European tour. anniversary of the founding of Carlisle, Professor John D. Pusey, Artist-in• England, July 6-9, and as Honorary Residence of Dickinson College, has Freeman of the British city, will have been commissioned by the Borough an official part in the welcoming cere• Council of Carlisle, Pa., to do a paint• monies for Queen Elizabeth. ing to be presented by President Edel While in the British Isles, President as a gift to Carlisle, England. Edel will also preach in eight churches, President Edel will preach in the under the auspices of the Interchange of following churches in the British Isles: Preachers Program of the National Emanuel Congregational Church, Council of Churches. One of his in• West Wickham, Kent; Wesley's Chapel, vitations is to Wesley's Chapel, City City Road, London; Wigton Road Meth• Road, London, where he will preach odist Church, Carlisle; St. James Church, from the pulpit occupied by John Wesley Handsworth, Birmingham; Worthing during the last 30 years of his life. Presbyterian Church, Sussex; all of President Edel also will read the England; St. John's Church, Galashiels, Scripture Lesson at Sunday Worship Scotland; and Abbey Presbyterian Services of the 1,000-year old Cathedral Church, Dublin, Eire. He also will speak of Carlisle, during the octo-centennial in Wrekin College, Wellington, Shrop• celebrations of the city. He will be ac• shire, England. companied to Carlisle by Mrs. Edel and At St. James' Church in Birmingham, they will be among the notables to be Presi~ei:t Edel has been given special presented to Queen Elizabeth and Prince perm1ss1on of the Bishop of Birming• Philip. ham, under the Rules of Canterbury Con• President Edel was elected Honorary vocation, to preach from an Anglican Freeman of Carlisle, during a visit in pulpit. 1951, when he was an official emissary of Carlisle, Pa., which celebrated it's bi-centennial in that year. President Edel Joins Reading Company Board is one of four living Honorary Free• Sidney D. Kline, '24, '26L, has been man of Carlisle and the only American, elected to the board of directors of the other than Woodrow Wilson, to be ac• Reading Company. corded the honor. In 1951 he also was Mr. Kline, president of the Berks the first American to participate in the County Trust Company, Reading, Pa., is Worship Services of historic Carlisle a Trustee of the College, chairman of Cathedral. the Finance Committee, and also a mem• Dr. Frank E. Masland, Jr., '18, and ber of the board of the Dickinson School Mrs. Masland, also will attend the octo- of Law. THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS 3 185th Commencement Program DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Senior Day-Friday, May 30 3 :00 P.M. Passing of the Old Stone Steps Presentation of the Class of 1902 Award Ivy Oration Senior Class Induction, Campus Flag Pole 4 :00 to 5 :30 P.M. The Dean of Women's Tea, Sharp Room, Drayer Hall Honoring Senior Women 6 :00 P.M. Dinner Meeting of the Alumni Council, Morgan Hall 6 :00 P.M. 51st Reunion Class of 1907, James Wilson Hotel 50th Reunion Dinner Class of 1908 9 :00 P.M.
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