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Dower Published by the North Pacific Union SUBMISSIONS—All announcements, features, news stories and family notices for publication in the GLEANER may be Managing Editor Nadine Platner Dower Conference of Seventh-day Adventists submitted directly to the editor at the address listed to the left. Copy Editor Laurel Rogers (ISSN 0746-5874) Material sent directly to local conference correspondents may be Consulting Editor Steven Vistaunet forwarded to the GLEANER. Advertising and Copy Coordinator Kara Krieger-McGhee Postmaster — send all address changes to: PLEASE NOTE—Every reasonable effort is made to screen all Design MCM Design Studio, LLC. editorial material to avoid error in this publication. The GLEANER does not accept responsibility for advertisersʼ claims. CORRESPONDENTS North Pacific Union Conference Alaska John Kriegelstein (-&"/&3 GLEANER, (ISSN 0746-5874) is published once per month Idaho Don Klinger P.O. Box 871150 for a total of 12 issues per year by the North Pacific Union Office, Columbia Tech Center. 1498 SE Tech Center Pl. Montana Larry Unterseher Vancouver, WA 98687 Suite 300, Vancouver, WA 98683. It is printed and mailed Oregon Helen R. Smith Phone: (360) 816-1400 at Pacific Press Publishing, 1350 N. Kings Rd., Nampa, Upper Columbia Doug Johnson [email protected] ID 83687-3193. Subscription rate: $12 per year. Periodical Washington Doug Bing postage paid at Vancouver, WA 98687 and additional Address-change requests must be submitted by U.S. mail. mailing offices. Walla Walla College Bradley Nelson ,)4(/53! Adventist Health Heather Preston Wheeler 19ÊÓääÎÊUÊ , Î `ÌÀ> «ÃiÃÊÊÊÊ " Ê 9Ê*/, Ê, 6"` - he school year is new, the school board What I Want! members may be new, but the ritual is the My soul wants to sing the song same. In August, the school board meeting of a thousand angels, begins with a visit to each classroom to pray for My eyes want to see the streets of shining gold the teacher and students soon to enter that room. My heart wants to laugh These board members pray that the teacher will with the friends of a long-lasted sorrow, emulate the Master Teacher and that decisions My mind wants to ask the questions of the ages made will draw the students closer to Jesus. And get answers from the Maker of the heavens Prayers are given on behalf of the students that and earth that watches me their minds will be open not only to scholastic and will not let my foot slip. *>ÌÀV>Ê,iÛÃÊÃÊ ÀÌ Ê learning, but that each will see a glimpse of God My ears want to hear the melodious tune in their daily experiences and remember that the of harps played masterfully, *>VvVÊ1Ê viÀiViÊ greatest thing they can possibly aspire to is to be My hands want to feel the holes >ÃÃV>ÌiÊ`ÀiVÌÀÊvÀÊ like Christ. The last stop for their prayer warriors is of my Saviorʼs hands, iiÌ>ÀÞÊi`ÕV>ÌÊ>`Ê that of the principalʼs office, praying that God will My feet want to walk a hundred miles in every bless the work of this dedicated leader. direction and not once see the pain of sin. ÜÀÌiÃÊvÀÊ6>VÕÛiÀ]Ê Such devotion to students is experienced in a My nose wants to smell flowers 7>à }Ì° variety of ways in our Adventist schools and is that will never wilt, reflective of advice given by Ellen White: “That My tongue wants to speak education alone which brings the student into close in words of great knowledge, $20(+ relation with the Great Teacher is true education” My thirst wants to be quenched with living water, GLIMPSESOFGOD (Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students, And my life wants to be modeled ÜÜÜ°i>iÀ"i°À} p. 496). after the Messiah in every thing I do. Recently Julie Ann Grimstead, a sixth grade That is what I want. student at Tualatin Valley Junior Academy in Oregon, wrote describing what she wants in her life: { ,ÊUÊ19ÊÓääÎ Ê > Þ - V à /À>ÊÕ«Ê>ÊV `Ê ÊÌ iÊÜ>ÞÊ ÕÊ>VÌà iÊà Õ`Ê}]Ê s 4HEREARE+ + + + AND SCHOOLSADMINISTERED BYTHE3EVENTH DAY!DVENTISTCHURCHINTHE.ORTHWEST ÛiÊÜ iÊ iÊÃÊ s 7ITHINTHISSCHOOLSYSTEM STUDENTSWERETAUGHTBYFULL TIME PART TIME ANDLOCALLYHIREDTEACHERS `Ê iÊÜÊÌÊ s !LASKAHASSEVEN!DVENTISTSCHOOLS)DAHO -ONTANA /REGON5PPER#OLUMBIA AND7ASHINGTON 3OURCE.05#/FlCEOF%DUCATION `i«>ÀÌÊvÀÊÌ° *,"6 , -ÊÓÓ\ÈÊ s &ORTY NINEPERCENTOFCOLLEGE AGE!MERICANKIDSGOTOCOLLEGE s 4HREEOUTOFEVERYTEN!MERICANKIDSDROPOUTOFSCHOOLBEFORE GRADUATING s 4HE5NITED3TATESSPENDSBILLIONFOREDUCATIONEVERYYEAR 4HATS FROMEVERYMAN WOMANANDCHILDIN!MERICA s %VERYYEAR STUDENTSGRADUATEFROMHIGHSCHOOL BUT WHENTESTED THEYCANNOTREADASWELLASFOURTH GRADERSARE SUPPOSEDTO s !CCORDINGTOTHE/REGON$EPARTMENTOF%DUCATION FOR EVERYPUPILSINTHETHGRADE ENTERTHETHGRADE ENTERTHETHGRADEGRADUATEFROMHIGHSCHOOLGOON TOCOLLEGEANDEARNABACHELORSDEGREE 7EREMEMBERONETRILLIONTHINGSINALIFETIME 3OURCEHTTPMEMBERSAOLCOMODDWONDEREDUCATEHTMs - >ÀiÊÌ iÊ"iÊ ,Ê ÜÌ Ê>ÊÀi` t’s easy to share the GLEANER with a friend overseas on a student missionary assignment, you or family member, even if they’re 12,000 miles can ask the whole church family to pray for them away. Just point them to GLEANERonline.org by adding a request to our Prayer Warriors page. on the internet. The latest information and all the It’s a way to stay connected, at home, in your past issues are available 24 hours a day, any place offi ce or any where in the world. in the world. And, if you have a son or daughter ÊÊÊ ÜÜÜ°i>iÀ"i°À} 19ÊÓääÎÊUÊ , x ÕÀiÞ Ì ÝViiVi 4HE2INGOF&IREHADTHEHONOROFPERFORMINGATSEVERALOFTHEINAUGURALCELEBRATIONSFOR0RESIDENT'EORGE7"USH " , , , Ê "7 ,, t is 6:59 p.m. and the sanctuary of the First corporate functions, charity events, NBA Church of God in Vancouver, Washington, basketball games, national handbell conventions is buzzing as people wait to hear the Tualatin and three official functions during the inaugural Valley Junior Academyʼs (TVJA) bell celebrations for President George W. Bush. choir, Ring of Fire. At 7:00 p.m., after a prayer, Their style of ringing is unique in the handbell thirteen teenagers march in to take their places world because they memorize all of the music for behind tables weighted with 61 bronze bells. their concerts and play it with energy and focused Their director, Jason Wells, assumes his position motion. Kevin McChesney, a world-renowned and, with a blur of motion and the blended sounds handbell music composer and arranger, says, “Ring of Laudation, another leg in their journey to of Fire has been one of the top groups to raise the excellence begins. musical bar for other handbell choirs. They have This journey was born in the mind of Jason. His achieved things musically that no other group has idea was to take thirteen teenagers in grades 7–10 2INGOF&IREISOFTENINVITEDTOPRESENTACONCERTINA at an Adventist junior academy, mold them into a CHURCHTHATSUPPORTSTHEIROWNBELLCHOIR)N-ARCH world-class handbell organization and reach out THEYPERFORMEDATTHE,IFE#ENTERCHURCHOFTHE to the world. At TVJA, he found not only willing !SSEMBLIESOF'ODIN4AKOMA 7ASHINGTON students, but also a school-wide commitment to $20(+ excellence that feeds the fiery spirit of this group RINGOFFIRE which is named after the volcanoes that ring the ÜÜÜ°i>iÀ"i°À} Pacific Ocean. Since Ring of Fire began in 1997, the group has traveled extensively and played in venues not usually associated with bell choirs. Their unique audiences have included schools, churches, È ,ÊUÊ19ÊÓääÎ i>ÌÕÀi ever done, and they have demonstrated the value of attention to detail and precision.” This level of excellence does not come without a price. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning the members gather at 7:15 to practice for an hour before school and then they stay for an extra hour after school on Fridays. “It takes an incredible commitment,” says ninth grader !FTERTHEIRCONCERTSANDASAPARTOFTHEIRMINISTRY Allison Wyman. “Even when the other kids are MEMBERSOFTHE2INGOF&IREMEETPEOPLEINTHELOBBY TOANSWERTHEIRQUESTIONSANDSHARETHEIRLOVEFOR out of school for breaks we come in for all-day *ESUS practices.” The ringers miss about 25 days of school as Jesseʼs support is definitely appreciated. “He they go on various tours each year sharing their is one of the most passionate educators I know passion for excellence. In spite of all the travel, the pushing for excellence in education,” says Jason. students must maintain A/B grades and get all of Jason not only demands perfection of his their homework turned in. This requires discipline students but also rewards them when they achieve for the students as well as dedication from their it. Each of the ringers echoes the others as they talk teachers.
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