22470 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 December 5, 2006 Civil Engineering. He also obtained a license come. It is what we all become in the process In recognition of his considerable accom- as a Professional Engineer, PE, in the State of to embrace all of the opportunities this country plishments, Jerris was the recipient of the Life- New York. Soon after receiving his degrees has to offer is the real purpose. Alton A. Bur- time Achievement Award from Marquette Uni- and license, Alton A. Burton, PE, joined the ton continues to live his life with purpose. The versity Law School in 2000. In 1969 he re- staff of the Port Authority of New York and people of the City of New York, the United ceived the Belle Case LaFollette Outstanding New Jersey in design engineering. Mr. Bur- States of America and the world became a Professional Award from the Wisconsin Law ton’s assignments included contract plans for better place because Mr. Burton has given us Foundation. He is the author of numerous arti- various facilities, including marine terminals. all his best; and he has created a mark in cles and was frequently invited to speak to Little did Mr. Burton know that he was being American history and the world that cannot be groups throughout the United States. positioned by the hand of destiny for some- erased. Jerris was one of the original true conserv- thing more. During the 1950s and 60s, Mr. Mr. Speaker, I believe that there are no atives, who championed core conservative val- Burton toiled in the eye of the storm of civil words too magnanimous to fully describe our ues throughout his career and through his and political unrest, a time of cultural, human gratitude; we thank former Chief Civil Engineer service in various organizations, such as Free and civil rights crisis. Against all odds, Alton A. Alton A. Burton for inspiring modesty, selfless Congress. His intellect and experience were Burton was able to understand the situation devotion of the advancement of humanity, invaluable to advancing the conservative and conditions of a racially charged environ- through his devoted service to the United agenda, and his engaging personality and en- ment and era that would have been deemed States of America. thusiasm for policy and politics were con- impossible. In 1962, the late Governor Nelson Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent tagious. Jerris was a true statesman who A. Rockefeller of New York, appointed Mr. on this body to recognize that in Alton A. Bur- made friends on both sides of the political Burton the Chief Civil Engineer in charge of ton, PE, we have an outstanding citizen wor- aisle. the planning phase of the multi-billion dollar thy of the highest respect and esteem, from His friendships extended well beyond the project known as the World Trade Center. his community, the City of New York and our realm of politics and career, however. He In the minds of most Americans, the deeply Nation. made friends in all walks of life. ‘‘He treated disturbing images of the inferno that engulfed f everyone the same, and that is what I think the Twin Towers and then the crumbling to the made him special,’’ said his daughter Kate ground after being hit by two hijacked com- TRIBUTE TO JERRIS LEONARD, A Leonard. On the day he was to be sworn in mercial airliners 5 years ago on 9–11–01, will GREAT AMERICAN by President Nixon as an assistant attorney never be forgotten. Most of us are unaware general, Jerris gathered his children and in- that over 40 years ago, Chief Civil Engineer HON. RALPH M. HALL structed them that they were going to meet Alton A. Burton designed and fortified the in- OF TEXAS the President, but they were to remember that frastructure, which accounted for the reliability IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the man who parks the car is just as important of the Twin Tower structures to withstand tre- and just as deserving of respect. mendous force, including that of an earth- Tuesday, December 5, 2006 Jerris was devoted to his wife, Mariellen, to quake. Chief Civil Engineer Alton A. Burton Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I am honored today whom he was married for 52 years, and to his and his team of civil engineers had no idea to pay tribute to a great American, outstanding family. He took an active interest in the lives that some 40 or so years later, terrorists would public servant, and an esteemed colleague of his six children and attended countless fly jets into the towers. Because of the for- and good friend, the Honorable Jerris Leon- sports events and other activities in which they tification of the infrastructure, due to Mr. Bur- ard, whose sudden passing on July 27, 2006, were involved. In addition to Mariellen, he is ton’s vision and preparation for the unex- was mourned by his family and countless survived by his children, Mary Leonard Ral- pected, the towers as damaged as they were, friends whose lives he touched. Jerris’s life ston and husband David, Gib Leonard and managed to hold—giving our first responders, was devoted to God, family, country, and his wife Joni, John Leonard and wife Jeannine, EMS, NYPD, FDNY and other emergency fellow man, and he leaves a legacy of integrity Kathleen (Kate) Leonard, Francis Leonard and units a grace period to do what they do best, and service that will long be remembered and wife Kelly, and Daniel Leonard and wife Kelly, save lives. If not for Chief Civil Engineer Alton appreciated. 16 grandchildren, and four great-grand- A. Burton’s vision of a fortified infrastructure, Jerris received his undergraduate and law children. He was greatly loved. the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers would degrees from Marquette University, where he Mr. Speaker, many of our colleagues in the have immediately toppled to the streets below. was president of the Marquette student body House of Representatives knew and admired With steel beams heating to over 3000 de- and was elected to Alpha Sigma Nu, the Na- Jerris Leonard. I valued his friendship and ad- grees F, the infrastructure still managed to en- tional Jesuit Honor Society. Following gradua- vice, as did so many others, and we will great- dure. The North Tower held for 1 hour 42 min- tion from Marquette University Law School in ly miss him. It is impossible to fully grasp the utes and the South Tower for 56 minutes be- 1955, Jerris began his career in Wisconsin. breadth and depth of a life of someone like fore the total collapse. We note with regret He was elected to the Wisconsin Assembly in Jerris, who gave every project or responsibility that approximately 3,000 lives were lost that 1956, representing the North Shore suburbs of his very best effort and who lived his life with infamous day and we offer our sincere condo- Milwaukee. In 1960 he was elected to the boundless enthusiasm and compassion. He lences to their families. However, keeping in state Senate and became Senate majority was a role model and mentor to so many, and mind Mr. Burton’s efforts to fortify the infra- leader in 1967. In 1968 he was the Repub- he leaves a powerful legacy that will last for structure with the best materials known to ar- lican nominee for the U.S. Senate, but lost to generations to come. As we adjourn today, let chitectural and civil engineering at that time, incumbent Senator Gaylord Nelson. us do so in tribute to this great American, between 10,000 and 20,000 individuals were In 1969 Jerris moved his family to Wash- dedicated public servant, and truly great safely evacuated from the towers and sur- ington, D.C., when he was appointed by Presi- man—Jerris Leonard. rounding areas, so many more lives were dent Nixon and confirmed by the U.S. Senate f saved. as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. PAYING TRIBUTE TO PHIL Chief Alton A. Burton’s prolific civil engineer- He served in that capacity until 1971, when WELLAND ing work carries with it profound moral and President Nixon appointed him the first Admin- philosophical insight, possessing power with- istrator of the Law Enforcement Assistance out arrogance, bringing redemptive clarity Administration, a position he held for the next HON. JON C. PORTER whose truths have never been more nec- two years. Jerris remained in Washington, OF NEVADA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES essary, as we honor the lives of those that where he has been actively engaged in the were lost and their legacy by how we live. practice of law and advocacy. Most recently, Tuesday, December 5, 2006 Alton A. Burton, PE, has risen at the age of in 2005, he launched The Leonard Group to Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 82 years-old to become a Great American focus on legislative and lobbying activities. He honor Mr. Phil Welland for his endless kind- Hero, and we claim him as one of our own, also served on the Bush-Cheney Transition ness to those members of our community who both in title and in spirit. As our Nation moves Department of Justice Advisory Committee, are less fortunate. forward with a unified purpose, we realize that which helped the Administration find key can- Phil spent hours dedicating his life to pro- purpose is perhaps more significant than out- didates for the agency. viding various items to charity organizations to VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:53 May 19, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00210 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR05DE06.DAT BR05DE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD December 5, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol.
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