FumblingFarmersF all Easily To Razor· ac s In Homecomi g Fray Porker's $WC 20,000 Attend Record Even Homecoming By DEANE HARDY (Tra ve le r Sports Editor) By ROBERT McCORD General ineptness on th (T raveler News Editor) part of Texas &M's ggies, Late aturday, veteran campus observers looked with coupled with a solid rkan­ 0 sas ground attack, gave the • L ued ey s on the waning Razorbacks a 27-6 homecom­ moments of celebration and ing win before 20,000 sun­ said, just as they have for the past 2 years, "it was the bathed fans at Razorback sta­ in history". dium Saturday afternoon. gr a t est P AkK.S P 1l,t\ S UP FIVE THROUGH THE MIDDLE- ay a r s, who was one of tne It being t he U n iversity of Ark­ JJerfonners at Saturday's H om ecoming triumph ove r T exa s A&M, is p ictured a s he The Hog win, their second a nsas' homecoming celebration fh y. rJ gain ,n r!Je fir t quar ter. (Staff Photo by McCord.) in conference play against a which was staged here last week­ like number of defeats, mov­ end to the delight of some 20,000 ed them into a tie for third persons. place in the conference. Their season's records now reads 4-2. UNIVERSITY It was a must win for the Ra zor­ A OF ARKANSAS back s a n d t hey were n ot to be --=-----RI NJSAS denied. The hapless Agg ies tried h ard to ma ke a g ame of it a nd succeeded for half of the game, but superior Arkansas line strength told an d t he last ha lf was a rout. Harry Stiteler sent h is Farmer formations, t he AVELER backs into split T straight T, and the double w ing, and from these varied patterns VOL. 44 FAYETTEVILLE, ARK.A S S, TUESDAY, NOVEBBER 1, 1949 NO. 14 A&M quarterbacks chucked a grand total of 31 passes. It was a good try but the aerial attack backfired. Tau Beta Pi · Arkansas' pass defense. though 1 Special Buses To Be leaky, drug down fi\'e timely in- 1 terceptions directly responsible for two Razorback T D's. J im Rine­ Lets 31 Bids ' hart snagged three of the in ter­ ceptions. Run To Mustang Game T he Line Ag ain For For the second stra ight weelc it Pledging University students will have a chance to go to the SMU game was Arkansas' line that stole the ine seniors and two jun­ in Dallas for $12 in special buses sponsored by the Ar kansas Booster Twenty-n yesterday. spotlight. They were smart, a ler t, iors were pledges to Tau Beta Pi, Club, Bob Riley, ABC committee chairman, announced and never allowed the Ag ball car­ highest ranking honorar y fraternity The buses will be the most modern Continental Trailways 30- riers any long ground gains. T hey for Engineering students, October passenger coacheL were slow rushing the passer in 26. Riley said that the schedule for departure from Fayetteville and the first half but caught fire in the Dallas would be arranged according to the desires of the students seniors, in order to be eligible ma king the trip. He a dded that several of the buses could run on last half to smear the F armer fl ing­ PEP RALLY HIT-Charles Beards­ for this honor, must be in the upper ers for many large losses. ley, SAE, L ittle Rock, is pictured d ifferent schedules, some staying in Dallas for the n ight and some fifth of their class. J uniors must returning to Fayetteville after the ga me. Chester Linebarr1er paced the · going through his impersonation of also be high ranking honor stu­ line a nd by hi s performa nce made a rather "tipsy" a lumnus returning Th is will be the first t ime since the Cotton Bowl of 1947 that the dents in Engineering cour es. students will ha ve a chance to travel to an out-of-state game by special it known that he' ll be hard to for the Homecoming game which Those ~-ho received bids are: shuttle back to the bench from scored a big hit with the Friday bus. Luther Fi her. Harold A. Kelley, in the basement of the student union to take which he came to star in the n ight pep rally audience. ( Staff Joy W . Wllistle, N. G. 'oell, Gray­ A booth will be set up Va nderbilt ga me. Pat Summerall Photo b y Eppes.) don Bushart. Jam s London. Mark care of the ticket sales. made another of his c ircus E .. L esem, Alla n M ount, R obert catches, th is one good for a TD, And although it would be hard Frantz, Robert Shaddux, or ma n h is th ird of the season. to determine whether or not it J ames, W illiam Mitchell, K enneth ry, i t Vet Under Public The line was backed splendidly was the greatest in hi sto Croy, Joe Ka ufman, Delbert Combs, Bids Will Be by Louie Schaufele's ground work was certainly one of the most William M. Shaw, William I saacs, and the aerial defense of Rinehar t colorful in many years. And the Leland Campb II , Rchard Gilliam, Law 16 A ked To a nd Billy Bass. It was the best per­ sunshine, which proved the L land Cam pbell, Richard Gillia m , formance of the season for the lat- weather bureau wrong by one day J oel Griffith. Robert Blevins, Willi­ Let For New 1 on its prediction of rain, was Report To Sander ter two. 1 a m D. Bright, and J ack R . Smith, Ar kansas scored first via a C a­ the biggest help of all. seniors, and Willia m Robinson a nd Continued on page 4 What AB C Presiden t Charlie Omer ·orth, j uniors. Gus Sanders, veteran 's coor­ Continued on page 2 dina tor, has a nnounced that all Frat Houses veterans tra ining under Public A SMILE FOR THE SENATOR-Homecoming Queen Bev J ones, W a rren, beams at U. S. Senator J . W . law 16 please report to the guid­ B ids for constr uction of new fra. F ulbright as he presen ts a b ouquet of fl owers to her imm ediately fo llowing her coronation at Sa turday's a nce center in the fa culty club ternity a n d sorority hous es wlll tilt with T exas A&M. At left is R evenue Commissioner Dean Morley, who escorted QuP,e ll Bev, and P resi­ building before November 11. soon b e considered, followin g ap• den t Lewis Webster Jones can b e seen in t he backgrounrl with Pat R ay, m aid of honor. ABC boug ht provel of a bond i ssue by th e Uni- the jowers for B ev, Pat and their five m a ids. (Staff P hoto by McCord.) ver sity board of trustees at a m eet­ ing Saturday morning. The board ~ '~ '1/tllfa ·or"'¾ nt T. C ~ % a ut horized A ice-Preside son to receive the bids immedi­ ~ ~mW- Carl School Chest ately. T he board appointed L. L . Bax­ ter, president of the Arkansas Proposed By W estern Gas company, as chairman of the s tate athletic committee T his body acts as co-ordinator for UA Blue Key all clubs in the state which are concerned with University athlet­ A resolution was introduced into ics . Blue Key (or th e esta blishment of Two fraternities, Pi Ka ppa Alp ha · a U niversity community chest. and Sigma u, are now ready to The proposed chest would take begin construction a s soon a s c on­ care of all orga nizations which hold tracts ar e let. Zeta T a u Alph a fund-ra ising drives on the campus. sorority a nd La mbda Chi frate_i:nity According to the plan, one big drive expect to be r eady s oon. to raise money would be held on Under the n ew fina ncing pla n, the c ampus e ach year. the University will sell bon ds for All organizations desiring to raise construction of the houses and re­ money through a drive would sub­ tain ownership of t hem . Organ iza­ m ft a r equest sheet asking for acer­ tions building t h e houses will have tain sum, and the distribution of exclusive rights to their use as the money to tthe various organiza­ long as the group remains active ttions would be handled through a on the campus. If the organizations committee in charge .. discontinue use of them, the Uni­ Blue Key President Wayne Boyce versity may then use the building a ppointed a committee to investi­ for other purposes. gate the possibility of having a Uni­ Maintenance of the structures versity chest in 1950. will be the responsibility of the University. A portion of all room rent will go to the U n iversity for maintenance and retirement of Extra Travelers bonds. This will be the firs t time to use such a plan on this campus. Are Available Other colleges, including the Uni- Extra copies of last week's 16· varsity of Alabama, have recently page Homecoming edltoon may be begun us ing this method. obtained by calling for them at the Vice President Ca rlson hopes to Travel~r office on the third floor of Ih ave one company build all t he Hill Hall, eritor J ohn Troutt an- houses, a nd thus reduce cons truc- nounced yesterday.
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