MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF BELARUS Polotsk State University EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL DIMENSION IN RESEARCH HUMANITIES Electronic collected materials of IX Junior Researchers’ Conference (Novopolotsk, April 26–27, 2017) 26 Обновляется 1 раз в год Novopolotsk 2017 PUBLISHING BOARD: Prof. Dzmitry Lazouski ( chairperson ); Dr. Dzmitry Hlukhau (vice-chairperson ); Mr. Siarhei Piashkun ( vice-chairperson ); Dr. Maryia Putrava; Ms. Liudmila Slavinskaya РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ : д-р техн . наук , проф . Д. Н. Лазовский ( председатель ); канд . техн . наук , доц . Д. О. Глухов ( зам . председателя ); С. В. Пешкун ( зам . председателя ); канд . филол . наук , доц . М. Д. Путрова ; Л. Н. Славинская EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL DIMENSION IN RESEARCH. HUMANITIES = ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЙ И НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ КОНТЕКСТЫ В НАУЧНЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ : Electronic collected materials of IX Junior Researchers’ Conference, Novopolotsk, April 26–27, 2017 / Polotsk State University ; ed. D. Lazouski [et al.]. – Novopolotsk, 2017. – 1 CD-ROM. Издается с 2017 года ( в печатном виде – с 2009 г.). Сборник включен в Государственный регистр информационного ресурса . Регистрационное свидетельство № 3991711555 от 17.04.2017 г. Первые два печатных издания вышли под заглавием « Материалы конференции молодых ученых », третье – « Национальный и европейский контексты в научных исследованиях » в 3 томах : «Гуманитарные науки », « Экономика » и « Технология ». В настоящем электронном сборнике « Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях . Гуманитарные науки » представлены работы молодых ученых по гуманитарным , социальным и юридическим наукам , спорту и туризму . Предназначены для работников образования , науки и производства . Будут полезны студентам , магистрантам и аспирантам университетов . The first two conferences were issued under the heading “Materials of junior researchers’ conference”, the third – “National and European dimension in research” in 3 parts: “Humanities”, “Economics”, “Technology”. In this Electronic collected materials of IX Junior Researchers’ Conference “National and European dimension in research. Humanities” works in the fields of humanities, social sciences, law, sport and tourism are presented. It is intended for trainers, researchers and professionals. It can be useful for university graduate and post-graduate students. 211440, ул . Блохина , 29, г. Новополоцк , Тел . 8 (0214) 53-63-40, e-mail: [email protected] Техническое редактирование и компьютерная верстка Т. А. Дарьяновой Компьютерный дизайн М. С. Мухоморовой № госрегистрации 3991711555. © Полоцкий государственный университет , 2017 ELECTRONIC COLLECTED MATERIALS OF IX JUNIOR RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE 2017 Linguistics, literature, philology LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE, PHILOLOGY UDC 81.111'25=111 TRANSLATION OF EUPHEMISMS TATSIANA STELMAKH, ALENA KHRAMTSOVA Polotsk State University, Belarus The article deals with the problem of euphemism translation in publicistic literature. It describes what the translator should take into account while interpreting euphemisms. Moreover, the article determines the preva- lent methods of translation of the euphemistic units found in the newspaper texts. The interest of researchers in the problem of euphemisms has grown for the last decades. It has become a subject of numerous studies of both national and foreign scientists. Euphemism, as a linguacultural phenomenon, is of particular interest because the process of euphemisms formation is taking place with increasing intensity and they are widely used in various spheres of speech activity. The word "euphemism", according to the majority of researchers, derived from the Greek word "eu- phemismos" (eu – well, ph ēmi – speak). Comparing the works of various authors, we found out the lack of a universal definition of euphemism. Among all the currently existing definitions of euphemisms, the definition given by D.N. Shmelev re- flects the concept of euphemism more accurately and clearly: "a word or a phrase that serves in certain circum- stances to replace such signs which seem to the speaker undesirable, not very polite or too harsh[quotation: 3, p.402]. It should be noted that the problem of rendering euphemisms into the Russian language has become of great important, which in its turn has become the object of study. The translation of euphemisms depends on the context. One and the same lexeme may acquire different interpretations depending on the context and back- ground information[1, p.16]. So it is very important for the translator to know the linguistic peculiarities of using euphemisms in speech in order to rate the role of implication correctly especially in fiction or publicistic literature. For example, a guitarist ( гитарист ) prefers to call himself not a guitarist, but a recording artist or enter- tainer ( художник по звукозаписи ). Thus euphemistic language permeates deeply into all spheres of life. The translator should pay attention not only to the main meaning of the word, but also to the secondary meanings which are used in various speech situations. Moreover, he should take into account not only the con- text but also background knowledge and sociocultural information. Among the translation methods, used to translateproblematic lexical unitsthe scholars distinguishthe fol- lowing types: the method of equivalents selection,interpreting translation, concretization, generalization, para- phrasing, translation loan, metonymic translation, additions, and others. We have selected 31 cases of using euphemisms in such British newspapers as “The Guardian”, “Inde- pendent”, “Financial Times”, “New Scientist” and“BBC”. We have analyzed the articles about politics, medi- cine, science, economy[2, 4-7]. The main purpose of our study is to determine the peculiarities of translation of the euphemistic units found in the newspaper texts. In this article, we have worked with the euphemisms taken from the British newspapers and analyzed the ways they were translated into Russian. We have determined the prevalent methods of translation of the lexical items in our analysis. Thus, it is known that the translation of expressions that do not have equivalents in the Russian language is carried out by means of translation methods. The study has shown that the prevailing method of translation of the identified euphemisms is translation loan (36%). The translation of euphemisms by means of translation loan helps to introduce new lexemes into the vocabulary of the Russian language, as well as to transfer stylistic and connotative meanings of the expressions. Below you can see some examples of the translation of euphemisms by means of translation loan (Table). Also, it is necessary to note that we have met the use of translation loan with elements of addition (10%): military activity – активизация военных мероприятий ; a policy of “launch-on-warning”– принцип « запуск по сигналу предупреждения »; сontempt – презрительное отношение and with elements of transposition (23%): pregnancy termination – прерывание беременности ; money laundering – отмывание денег ; income legislation – легализация налогов . 3 ELECTRONIC COLLECTED MATERIALS OF IX JUNIOR RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE 2017 Linguistics, literature, philology Table – Translation of euphemisms by means of translation loan Euphemism Translation into Russian Bloodshed Кровопролитие Change tack Менять курс Heavyweight targets Солидные мишени Illegalaccess Несанкционированный доступ Militarytension Военная напряженность Trading partner Торговый партнёр Surreptitiousactivities Тайная деятельность Technicalandsupportpersonnel Технический и вспомогательный персонал To meet one’s end Встретить конец Use public resources for personal enrichment Использовать государственные ресурсы для личного обо- гащения Vanquish Покорить Apart from this, we have found the use of such translation method as interpreting the meaning (13%).For example, hairstylist –парикмахер ; the downward spiral– ухудшениеотношений ; to ditch – оставитьнапроиз- волсудьбы . Besides, we have identified some cases of metonymic translationmethod (19%). For example, leak top- secret documents– предатьгласностисовершенносекретныедокументы ;make noises – подаватьсигнал ; the mess from the day before –вчерашняянеприятность .We present the correlation of translation methods of the selected euphemisms in the following diagram (see Fig.). Fig. Correlation of translation methods Thus, we can draw the following conclusions based on our analysis of translation of euphemisms: the translation of emotionally evaluativeand stylistically colored vocabulary in general and in particular euphemisms is impossible without taking into account background information and linguacultural background.Translation loan is the most effective translation method of the identified euphemisms.This method contributes to a better understanding of information and uncoversthe implicitly expressed in the English language information. REFERENCES 1. Кунин , А.В. Английские идиомы . / А.В. Кунин . – Изд . 3-е. – М. : Учпедгиз , 1957. – 264 с. 2. Иносми .ру [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://inosmi.ru. – Date of access: 15.09.2016. 3. Skrebnev, Y.M. Fundamentals of English Stylistics / Y.M. Skrebnev. – M. : Higher School, 1994. – 240 p. 4. Financial Times [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://www.ft.com/home/uk. – Date of access: 15.08.2015. 5. New Scientist [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: https://www.newscientist.com. – Date of access: 19.08.2016. 6. The Guardian [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://www.theguardian.com/international.
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