HOTICB TO SUBSCRiABSfl suiBcims plsasi iionci A blue mark around this notice thowt that tha m This paper will atop it once If paid to date and mbtcription it due and should be paid at once. If so ordered by the subacriber. Not forced on any you wish the paper stopped, notify the publisher one who quits, square. Regular 10-page edition immediately. Otherwise it will be continued in- 12.00 per year, or 6-page local edition 11.50 per definitely. Kinflly observe and greatly oblige the year, in advance. Please observe and oblige tha publisher publisher. LOWELL, MICHIGAN. OCT. 23, 1924 VOLUME XXXllf NUMBER 21 and THE ALTO SOLO HOME AFTER GERALD WHITE HENRY-BLAIR LYCEUM COURSE FIFTY YEARS HOLD-UP VICTIM WEDDING NOTES BEGINS OCT. 27 NEXT WEEK .1. F. Deveiulorf ami (hiiiMhtui', Mrs. Gerald White, son of Dr. and Mrs. - Before an improvised altar of When your neighbors all tell you (•ibbs, of Carmel-by-the-Scji, Mon- F. E. White, who is employed at the Southern pine, zinnias and mari- what a line time they had at the Sunshine and terey euiinty, Ciilifornili. have been National Co-operative Co. station at golds, Miss Alice Sayles Henry, Lyceum Course, that you didn't get Thursday Saturday KiU'sts of Mr. ami Mrs. V. T. Kin^ at Ionia avenue and Pearl street. Grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. a ticket. Be prepared. Buy your Friday tlu'ir Madison avenue home, (Iraml Hapids. was robbed of the com- Henry, became the bride of lleber ticket now. Kach senior has been Hapids, several days and Tuesday pany's money bag, containing about Weslev Bbiir, son of Hev. and Mrs. assigned a delinite territory to Oct. 30 Nov. 1 the former aecompanied Mr. Kin^ *20, at 0:45, Tuesday evening. Ger- Allen .1. Bbiir, at half after six cover, so tlnit no part of the town Oct. 31 Storms on a visit to Lowell, where the Dev- ald says that a man drove a dark o'clock. Sunday evening ;il the home will be neglected. The seniors are ehdorf family lived prior to 1H74 green Oldsmobile to the station and of the bride's parents. busy now and you will receive :i and left here at that time, now llfty waited until the latter approached Preceding the ceremonv Master call presently. years a^o. the driver's seat, when the driver Joseph Gibson of Greenville sang J. Smith Damron, the Potter J. F. I)evendorf is a nephew of opened the door and covering Ger- "Twilight" by Kalberine A. (den, ('.raftsman, who will appear here Our Big ('.lark Deveiulorf and a cousin of ald with a revolver, ordered him to and "My Tlmugbls Are of You" by on the l.yceuin Course on Monday In the ttorni we always have the expectancy Fred Devendorf, all of whom will throw his money bag into Hie car. Cadman. Mrs. Joe Gibson played evening, Oct. 27. has made hosts of hi remenibered/tiy the few remain- While had had his instructions not the wedding march and the bride friends all over the country wher- of the sun to follow, and, in the atorm the farm- ing old Lowell residents of 50 years to light hold-ups, so he complied and groom entered unallended. The ever he has delivered his unuiue en- Rexall One Cent Sale atfrt. with the order and was then told to ring service was then performed in tertainment demonstration, "The era of the country have recently experienced, — • 1 -— ' ^ v They have prospered during that gel inside and gel the cash •in the an impressive manner by Hev. A. J. Potter and the Clay." there haa always been the hope and ex- time and are now enroute for their safe. Apparently yielding he was Hlair, father of the groom. Follow- The art of pottery-making is one p3:titi3.-i o? ths jiu.ilijht af mira profitable Western home after a trip to Fn«- sidling toward the rear of the car to ing the cemnony Mr. Donald Cook of the oldest handicrafts known to land and Hurope. gel the license number when the of Helding sang "1 Love a Little man, and one that is rapidly be- times. As may he imagined, Mr. Deven- bandit look the alarm and sped Cottage" and "One Fleeting Hour." coming extinct in America. Mr. More Merchandise for this dorf fouml few here who knew him. away. Miss Henry wore :i gown of rose Damron is a skilled craftsman, hav- Now, these hopes and expectatlona seem to Not man remains who was in busi- White informed Detective Marry and grey tuflcta and carried a ing worked as a practical potter for be materializing, and we cannot but be opto- ness here in the early seventies ex- VanKouglinel of the holdup, but al bouquet ef bride's roses and sw;m- years, and he gives with marvelous Sale than ever before. eept \V. B. ItieJvert, who is still with lasl report no arrest had been made. sonia. skill a demonstration of this time- mistic of the farmers' future as we see the us on the sunny side of Kasy street, (hil of town guests included Mr. honored art, accompanied by pitln world's difficulties smoothing out and pros- as heeomes his 811 years. Most «>f .'I-WEEKS-OLD INFANT FOUND and Mrs. Ilnrold Hlair of Jackson. :md humorous character-building the pioneers, business men and IN PARKED CAR Mr. :in<i Mrs. Donald Cook ami lesson. perity seemingly marching over the hill. their early day friends sleep at A blue-eyed boy baby about three daughter Heat rice of Helding, Mr. Mr. Diimron is doing the work he DON'T MISS IT Oak wood. weeks old was taken to the county and Mrs. Joe Gibson and sons .lus- loves. Not only does he hold the at- Other old friends si ill living are jail early lasl night by 11. .1. Kngle- eph and Cbarles and daughter An- tention of !iis audiences, keeping the Mrs. Lura Vining and Mrs. Nl.. M. hardt, of Lowell, after he found the netta .mil Miss Alice llenr\ ol" eye, ear and mind entertained with Perry. IS. 1). Slocking was "just a tol wrapped in a blue woolen Greenville, Dr. and Mrs. G. G. 'rows- his pnicticid demonstrations of the kill" in "those days" and is only a blanket in Hie rear seal of his auto- ley, Mrs. N. L. VcCarly and Mr. and art of pottery nniking. but the cor- eonneetin^ link with the pioni'er mobile, which he had left parked Mrs. lid. Bring of Grand Hapids. dial. courteous and kindly spirit in D. G. LOOK dwellers at "The Month." on Ionia ave. in the rear of the Fos- Gerald llenrs of Ann Arbor, Mr. and his presence, lie is a humorous and City State Bank of Lowell, Mich. Me.ssrs. Kiiijj ami Devendorf were ter-Stcvens company store while at Mrs. Monlie Sayles and Mr. and thorough student of human life, as Oneol the 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores. school males when S. P. IIirks was luhrb. Mrs. Frmik Sayles and son Hoberl well as ii master potter. principal and fne latter with his Police Ollicer Joseph Keller re- of Muskegon. So great h:is been his popularity Member of the Federal Reserve professional miiiKlibor of many moved the baby from the jail to Mr. iiml .\lrs. Blair are taking .1 that in I'.Kil the I'niled Stales gov- Banking System years. Dr. O. (!. MeDannell are held the Juvenile home. Walter Carl, wedding journey to Denver, Colo. ernment sent him to the Panmna in lender memory by tlm old boy snperinlemlent, reports the baby The groom is a graduate i>f Clove- Camil /one In entertnin government from (larmi'l-by-the-sea. was neatly dressed in white with ii land School of Arts and the bride employees. He gave his entertain- Oh. yes, there are slill more blue trimmed bonnet. Police are in- attended the Beechwood school :i! ment lifteen limes in the government % M friends of the dear "Id years, (irand vestigating.—Grand Hapids Herald, Jenkinlown. Pa., and taught in the club houses there. river and Flat river and the hills Oct. 18, kimU rgarten deparlment of the Scores nf letters pour into the GENUINE and valleys and the blue sky over Lowell schodls two vears. ollice of the lU-dpiith lUireiiu. thru all are slill faithful and Iruc; Come OLD AGE AND SICKNESS SEND which Mr. Damron comes here, testi- RADIOL AS back to Lowell, you wanderers, wc MOST "OVER HILL." ()UITl AKV—ANNETT C. DERBY. fying to the immense favor in which he is held li\ American :iii(li- will mecl you and tfreel you as of Old age was the greatest single Mrs. Annell C. Derby, a resident of and RADIO SUPPLTKs yore. cause in sending Kent county resi- ences. Lowell for the past 15 years, died SeJison tickets: *2.00 and >1.00. ilenls to the county inllrmary for at her home at 418 High slrect,Tues- Single admission 7.'»c ami Hie. adv will now be one of our regular lines. See the the year ending Sept. 30, according day. Oct. 21. aged 80 years. Funeral Take Care of the NEWS OF THE to the report submitted to Hie board services will be held at 2 p. m., on of supervisors yesterday by the sup- Thursday, al Hie home, Hev. A. J. beautiful RADIOLA CONSOLE on our floor. If erinlemjents of poor. Of the Bbiir ollicialing clergyman; burial NOTES OF THE Children's Eyes HOME CHURCHES inmates during the 12 months, 241 at Oak wood cemetery.
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