News and comment on the United Nations and UNA–UK UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF THE UK Business and Human Rights Page 10 3 Whitehall Court London SW1A 2EL www.una.org.uk UNA Edinburgh Says ‘No’ to Trident Page 16 Cluster Munitions AprilJune 2007 Page 17 Ban’s New Team Page 18 £3.00 Films Not to Miss Page 22 UNA-UK CONTENTS Letter from the Executive Director 3 UNAUK Directory 4 UN Miscellany 5 Annual Conference 2007 6 Engagement with the UK Government 8 Humanitarian Photo Exhibition 9 Business and Human Rights 10 The War on Science 12 Edinburgh UNA Says 'No' to Trident 16 Regulating Cluster Munitions 17 Ban's New Management Team 18 Commission on the Status of Women 20 Six Films Not to Miss 22 John Who? 24 The World Can't Wait! 25 The Membership at Work 26 Future Events 27 Letters 30 Resources 32 Young Professionals Network 34 Newer World 36 New World Research, drafting and copyediting is published by Joyce Adams, Tim Kellow, Mark Rusling UNA-UK, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL and Natalie Samarasinghe www.una.org.uk Subscription: Copies of New World are included Advertisements: in the membership fee for UNA-UK. To advertise please call Veronica Lie on 020 7766 3451. Design: ISSN: John Schwartz, 1742-0067 [email protected] Editor: The United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is Veronica Lie, [email protected] a company limited by guarantee (registered no. 2885557). The deadline for submission of material for the next issue of New World is noon on 4 June 2007. The next issue will cover the period 1 July to 30 September 2007. All contributions should be typed and sent by e-mail where possible to [email protected]. Digital photos should ideally be 300 dpi resolution. JOIN UNAUK TODAY! UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF THE UK 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL • Tel: 020 7766 3456 • Fax: 020 7930 5893 Membership costs £25 (£12 unwaged) per year or £35 (£14 unwaged) for two people at one address. For students and young people (under 26), the cost is £6 per year. Name: _________________________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to UNAUK for ________ Please charge my credit / debit card the amount of _________ Card Number ________________________________________________________ Exp Date ________ Issue Number (Switch only) _________ Valid From Date ________ Signature _________________________________________ Date ________ I would like to set up a Direct Debit. Please send me a form. Please feel free to photocopy this form if you do not want to cut it out of the magazine. You can also join online at www.una.org.uk 2 • NEW WORLD • April–June 2007 UNA-UK FROM SAM DAWS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR elcome to the Can't Wait can be found on page 25. from cluster munitions to the BAE spring 2007 issue New UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- Systems corruption investigation (see of New World. moon has appointed a strong manage- page 8). Edinburgh UNA held an This issue covers a ment team (page 18) and has been excellent workshop at the Scottish broad canvas of vocal in recent months on Darfur, Parliament to consult Scottish people Wissues facing the United Nations. nuclear proliferation and climate on Trident and the NPT. The event Our cover feature is on the war change. In his personal message to included international experts and against science – UNA-UK aims to UNA-UK's 2007 Annual Conference representatives of all the main political place a spotlight on those who, at Warwick University, he praises the parties in Scotland. See page 16 for through malice or ignorance, misrep- Association's work (page 7). more details. resent the science behind the fourth We are delighted that Dame report of the UN Intergovernmental Margaret Anstee will be giving the Panel on Climate Change. The vast keynote speech to Annual Conference. majority of the world's eminent scien- UNAUK Her biography can be found on page tists believe that global warming is asserts“ that 6. The conference will also see the happening, and that human-generated unveiling of the next incarnation of carbon emissions play a key role in there is a UNA-UK's website, with increased temperature rises. Sir Nicholas Stern strong moral multimedia capabilities. has shown there is a strong economic This issue of New World profiles a argument for immediate action to case to act now selection of films which feature the combat climate change. UNA-UK to ‘stop climate UN or areas of its work (page 22). asserts that there is also a strong moral chaos’, since Films so rarely depict the UN judi- case to act now to 'stop climate chaos', ciously, so we have tried to include since those countries and people least those countries some which rise above the norm. equipped to mitigate the effects of cli- and people Because of reduced income UNA-UK mate change will be most affected. has begun the process of restructuring See page 12. I encourage all readers to least equipped head office operations and administra- support the ‘I Count’ campaign. See to mitigate the tive work, so as to undertake the work our website for more details. with fewer staff. We aim in a relatively The Millennium Development effects of short period of time to be in a position Goals were set in the year 2000 and aim climate change to provide the same (or better) levels of to lift over a billion people out of debil- will be most service to our members and supporters, itating poverty by the year 2015. We but please bear with us over the next are nearing the halfway mark towards affected three to six months, as we put new sys- this deadline, and the progress thus far ” tems in place. remains mixed. UNA-UK has joined a Please remember the UNA Trust in number of the country's leading devel- your wills. Legacies are a vital source of opment NGOs in creating a new coali- UNA-UK's intensive lobbying of income for us, and your contribution tion to build on the achievements of the government continues, with a can help ensure that UNA-UK is Make Poverty History and maintain recent meeting with Foreign Secretary around to inspire the next generation momentum to end global poverty. Margaret Beckett and several letters to to support the values and work of the More information about the World the government on subjects ranging United Nations. April–June 2007 • NEW WORLD • 3 UNA-UK • Directory Directory UNAUK UN Mis Website: www.una.org.uk • Fax: 020 7930 5893 EXECUTIVE OFFICE Executive Director: Sam Daws 020 7766 3457 • [email protected] Executive Assistant: Natalie Samarasinghe 020 7766 3457 • [email protected] Khalilzad to be US ambassador to UN MEMBERSHIP & FINANCE Finance Officer: Ajay Vasa On 28 March, the US Senate Foreign 020 7766 3454 • [email protected] Relations Committee approved the nomina- Fundraising & Membership Administration Officer: Katherine Ronderos tion of Zalmay Khalilzad as US ambassador to (3 days per week) • 020 7766 3456 • [email protected] the UN. An Afghan-born Sunni Muslim, London & South-East Region Development Officer: Bruce Robertson Khalilzad is the former US ambassador to both (not based at head office; 2.5 days per week) • 020 8983 4215 • [email protected] Afghanistan and Iraq. The next step is for POLICY & ADVOCACY Khalilzad's nomination to be considered by Head of Advocacy: Veronica Lie the full Senate, where no serious obstacles are 020 7766 3451 • [email protected] expected. If he wins Senate confirmation, Campaigns & Education Officer: Mark Rusling Khalilzad will replace John Bolton, who 020 7766 3459 • [email protected] resigned in December 2006 amid expectations John Bright Peace & Security Programme Officer: Tim Kellow that the Senate would not confirm him when 020 7766 3446 • [email protected] his temporary recess appointment expired in Communications Consultant: Matthew Ripley January 2007. (contractor; 1.5 days per week) • 020 7766 3459 • [email protected] General Assembly agrees to peacekeeping revamp UNA Wales • CCU Cymru On 15 March the General Assembly agreed, against the backdrop of a swell in the num- Address/Cyfeiriad ber and complexity of peace operations, to The Temple of Peace/Y Deml Heddwch Cathays Park/Parc Cathays, Cardiff/Caerdydd CF10 3AP endorse Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's proposals for restructuring the UN's peace- Telephone/Ffôn: 029 2082 1055 • Website/Gwefan: www.wcia.org.uk/unawales keeping architecture. The Department of OFFICERS/SWYDDOGION Peacekeeping Operations will be split into a Secretary/Ysgrifennydd: Stephen Thomas [email protected] Department of Field Support and a Department of Peace Operations; according Assistant Secretary/Ysgrifennydd Cynorthwyol: Sioned Bevan [email protected] to the Secretary-General's plans, both departments will be headed by an Under- A lack of legacy income this year has given additional urgency to the need to restructure and Secretary-General. reduce staffing at UNAUK head office. We say goodbye and wish good luck to Olliver Southgate who left us in early April 2007 by mutual agreement. Olliver has been of considerable ICC moves against alleged Darfur help in codifying a number of our operations procedures. UNAUK's Executive Director Sam war crimes perpetrators Daws will assume the Deputy Director's duties, performing those alongside his own while the On 27 February the International Criminal necessary restructuring of UNAUK's operations and administrative work takes place. Court Chief Prosecutor asked judges to issue summonses against Sudan's humanitarian We also now say a fond goodbye to Mike Wood, who has worked as an administrator at UNA affairs minister and a Janjaweed militia leader.
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