ISSN: 2277- 7695 CODEN Code: PIHNBQ ZDB-Number: 2663038-2 Received: 02-08-2013 IC Journal No: 7725 Accepted: 03-09-2013 Vol. 2 No. 9 2013 Online Available at www.thepharmajournal.com THE PHARMA INNOVATION - JOURNAL The Research of Antibacterial Activity of Tarragon and Other Species of the Genus Artemisia L. Alla Kovalyova1*, Olexandr Ochkur1, Natalia Kashpur2, Yana Kolesnik1 1. Pharmacognosy Department, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2. Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Kharkiv, Ukraine [Email: [email protected]] The results of the research of antibacterial activity of tarragon Artemisia dracunculus L. extracts are shown. The aim of this work was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of tarragon herb extracts. Keyword: Artemisia dracunculus L., thick extract, antibacterial activity. 1. Introduction were established, the analysis of BAS of other Species of the genus Artemisia L., which have groups is carried out. Component composition of long been used in official and folk medicine in essential oil of tarragon from Ukrainian flora is many countries of the world, are very promising different from essential oil composition of for medicine and pharmacy as sources of tarragon from Russia, Germany, France and other biologically active substances (BAS) [9]. countries [12]. In the essential oil of Ukrainian At the Pharmacognosy Department of the tarragon aromatics compounds dominated: National University of Pharmacy the study of the estragole (methylchavicol) - 39.7%, chemical composition and pharmacological methyleugenol–18.7%, 4-4-metoxybenzaldehyde activity of the Artemisia L. species growing on –3.2%, eugenol–1.2%, terpenoids: humulen-1,2- the territory of Ukraine is carried out. Previously, epoxyde–6.8, spatulenol–6.4% and linalool–1.2% we investigated the composition of essential oils, [1, 2, 4, 5, 6]. The lipophilic extract contains these carboxylic acids and amino acid composition of aromatic compounds and terpenoids. In samples several species, isolated phenolic compounds of various essential oils and lipophilic extract of (flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid) of A. tarragon α-and β-pinene, camphene, borneol are absinthium L., A. vulgaris L., A. austriaca Jacq., absent or present in small quantities. These A. abrotanum L., A. annua L., A. dracunculus L., features influence on the degree and type of A. scoparia W., A. marschalliana Spreng., antibacterial and antifungal activity. A. nutans Willd. [4, 8, 16, 17]. Presently, we continue Research of the antibacterial activity of lipophilic the research of the chemical composition of herbs and phenolic thick extracts of the A. absinthium and extracts of these species as well as A. L., A. vulgaris L., A. austriaca Jacq. and A. caucasica Willd., A. arenaria DC., abrotanum L. herbs obtained by liquid-liquid A. campestris L., A. taurica Willd., A. fractionation in a sequential series of gradually balchanorum Krash., A. cina Berg. Essential oils increasing solvents polarity had been carried out. of these species herbs were obtained and the The revealed antimicrobial activity against strains specific features of their chemical composition of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Vol. 2 No. 9 2013 www.thepharmajournal.com Page | 48 The Pharma Innovation - Journal Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, study were lipophilic and phenolic thick extracts Proteus vulgaris, and Candida albicans [3, 7]. of tarragon herb obtained analogously to the Research of the acute toxicity and allergenic above extracts. For the experiment extracts’ effect of A. absinthium L., A. vulgaris L. and A. solutions in 96% ethanol were prepared. austriaca Jacq. extracts had been carried out, whereby founded that investigated dosages (20, 2. Materials and Methods 500 and 5000 mg/kg) did not show acute toxicity For the cultivation of the studied strains Mueller- under the conditions of a short duration with Hinton agar and Sabouraud growing medium intragastric insertion and sensitizing effect on were used. The activity was determined using the hematological parameters. disc-diffusion method [10]. In order to evaluate the Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) is cultivated activity the test strains of Staphylococcus aureus in many countries including Ukraine. A number ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, of researchers have investigated the antibacterial Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Bacillus activity of essential oils and extracts of different subtilis ATCC 6633, Proteus vulgaris ATCC species of tarragon against some pathogens [11, 13- 4636, Candida albicans ATCC 885-663we used, 15, 18], but the study of the antibacterial properties which were obtained from the Collection of of the lipophilic and phenolic extracts of this Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and plant, which grows in Ukraine, was never Immunology. Degrees of sensitivity of the published. studied strains to the tested extracts were The aim of this work was to evaluate the evaluated by the diameter of growth inhibition antibacterial activity of tarragon (Artemisia zones in millimeters (mm). dracunculus L.) herb extracts. The objects of The experimental results are shown in Table 1. Table 1: The sensitivity of microorganisms to Artemisia dracunculus L. extracts, mm Test strains, diameter of growth inhibition zones (mm) Staphylococcus Escherichia Pseudomonas Bacillus Proteus Candida Preparation aureus coli aeruginosa subtilis vulgaris albicans 25923 25922 27853 6633 4636 885-663 2% solution of the lipophilic 30,4±0,3 10,1±0,2 18,3±0,3 20,2±0,2 14,2±0,3 x extract 5% solution of the lipophilic 32,4±0,3 12,0±0,2 20,1±0,2 22,3±0,3 15,1±0,2 х extract 2% solution of the phenolic 28,3±0,1 12,2±0,2 22,0±0,3 30,0±0,3 13,2±0,2 х extract 5% solution of the phenolic 30,2±0,2 11,1±0,1 20,2±0,3 35,0±0,2 14,0±0,1 x extract 3. Results and Discussion P. vulgaris strains. Increasing in the The test preparations showed different degrees of concentration of the lipophilic extract solution led activity against all bacterial strains, but to increasing of sensitivity of the studied strains, C. albicans strain was insensitive to them. All test but for the phenolic extract preparations this preparations showed high activity against the regularity is not observed. The degree of strain of S. aureus; the strain of B. subtilis antimicrobial activity to various strains can be showed high sensitivity degree relative to the explained by the differences in composition of preparations of phenolic extract, and relative to biologically active compounds in the extracts the lipophilic extract preparations it showed which have different mechanisms of action moderate sensitivity. Investigated preparations against studied strains. showed moderate activity against the strain of It can be concluded that studied tarragon extracts P. aeruginosa, low activity – against E. coli and have f pronounced antibacterial effect on S. 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