FRONT PAGE A1FRONT PAGE A1 TOOELE StansburyStansbury beats RANSCRIPT first-place Park T City in last- SERVING minute penalty TOOELE COUNTY SeeSee B1 BULLETIN SINCE 1894 THURSDAY October 6, 2016 www.TooeleOnline.com Vol. 123 No. 37 $1.00 County denies duplex plan for Stansbury Over 60 Stansbury Park citizens show solidarity against permit for dwelling TIM GILLIE Chief Deputy Tooele County STAFF WRITER Attorney Gary Searle came for- A room full of Stansbury ward at the end of the public Park residents went home testimony. happy Wednesday night. “I think you should deny The Tooele County Planning this,” he told the planning Commission voted unani- commission. “A conditional mously to deny a conditional use for a duplex is not part of use permit for a proposed the development plan [for this duplex at 5478 Brienne Way in area]; it is single family homes Stansbury Park. only. In reality, it never should More than 60 Stansbury res- have been allowed to be filed.” idents turned out for the meet- An energetic round of ing, which included a public applause and cheers followed hearing on the duplex. Eleven Searle’s comments. citizens spoke in opposition to His remarks affirmed points the proposed dwelling. made by the first speaker, Cary Other than the property Caldwell, a Stansbury Park owner, nobody spoke in favor resident and an attorney who of the duplex. But the final nail works in real estate law. in the coffin against the CUP She told the planning com- appeared to be delivered not mission that although the area by a Stansbury resident, but by the last speaker — an attorney. SEE DUPLEX PAGE A6 ➤ FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO The Tooele County Planning Commission has voted to deny a property owner from building his proposed duplex in a Stansbury neighborhood. FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Incorporation Power turned back on 27 power poles voters will also and 11 miles of transmission line get to pick form damaged after of government train snags wire SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE UV INDEX STEVE HOWE The Sun Rise Set FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAYTIM GILLIE WEDNESDAY THURSDAYThe outcome of the incorpo- STAFF WRITER Friday 7:32 a.m. 7:01 p.m. STAFF WRITER Saturday 7:33 a.m. 6:59 p.m. ration vote will also decide the Power has been fully Sunday 7:34 a.m. 6:58 p.m. Incorporation won’t be the fate of a small, unused piece restored to customers in north- Monday 7:35 a.m. 6:56 p.m. Tuesday 7:36 a.m. 6:55 p.m. only decision Stansbury Park of land at Mills Junction both east Tooele Valley after a mas- Wednesday 7:37 a.m. 6:53 p.m. and Lake Point voters face prospective newF Sacities Su have M Tu W Th sive outage on Sunday caused Thursday 7:38 a.m. 6:52 p.m. when they cast their ballot in claimed. The higher the AccuWeather.com UV Index™ FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO by low-hanging wires and a The Moon Rise Set number, the greater the need for eye and skin Friday 1:25 p.m. 11:31 p.m. this fall’s general election. Stansburyprotection. Park 0-2and Low; Lake 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 train. Saturday 2:14 p.m. none Along with a vote on Point incorporationVery High; 11+ petitionExtreme Final estimates from Rocky Sunday 3:00 p.m. 12:22 a.m. incorporation, voters in both sponsors included the land A splintered power pole (top) was one of 27 Mountain Power said the train, Monday 3:43 p.m. 1:18 a.m. ALMANAC poles replaced after a train snagged a downed Tuesday 4:23 p.m. 2:18 a.m. communities will be asked to east of SR-36Statistics on forboth the week the ending north Oct. 5. which snagged a low-hanging More sunshine than Brilliant sunshine and Partly sunny and power line Sunday and dragged it, snapping Wednesday 5:02 p.m. 3:22 a.m. Mostly sunny Plenty of clouds decide whichClouds formand sunshine of govern- Cloudyand south sideTemperatures of Center Road wire while passing through Thursday 5:39 p.m. 4:30 a.m. clouds pleasant pleasant poles along Bates Canyon Road. The 27 snapped ment their new town or city where CenterHigh/Low Road past meets week SR- 80/37 power poles (above) caused a power outage Erda, pulled down 27 power First Full Last New will use if incorporation is 36. Normal high/low past week 72/47 poles and damaged 60,000 66 40 71 41 73 49 75 54 74 54 70 50 69 50 Average temp past week 60.0 that affected more than 4,000 customers. Power approved. If both communitiesNormal average temp vote past week 59.3 was fully restored on Tuesday, according to feet — or nearly 11 miles — of TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Stansbury and Lake Point to incorporate,Daily theTemperatures land in High Low Rocky Mountain Power. Emergency crews (right) transmission wire amidst gusty Oct 8 Oct 15 Oct 22 Oct 30 Shown is Friday’s weather. voters will also be asked to question will become part of responded calls of downed power lines along winds Sunday evening. Forecasts and graphics provided by Temperatures are Friday’s Bates Canyon Road on Sunday. highs and Friday night’s decide if they want their new Lake Point because Lake Point The resulting power outage AccuWeather, Inc. ©2016 lows. council members to be elected by district or at-large. SEE VOTERS PAGE A9 ➤ SEE POWER PAGE A5 ➤ COURTESY OF RICK POLLOCK UTAH WEATHER Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Logan BULLETIN BOARD B6 Grouse 63/28 Wendover PrecipitationINSIDE (in inches) Creek 63/38 Knolls Clive WEATHER Lake Point CLASSIFIEDS C6 59/28 63/38 64/39 66/42 Ogden Stansbury Park Stansbury Stallions sweep HOMETOWN A10 65/41 Erda 67/43 OBITUARIES A8 Vernal Grantsville 67/42 Pine Canyon Park musician Buffs in three sets, Salt Lake City 58/32 67/41 55/34 KID SCOOP B7 Tooele 68/43 Bauer recognized for look forward to 66/40 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal 65/40 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D SPORTS B1 Provo Roosevelt 66/40 original jazz future wins 61/30 65/37 See Stockton Pollen Index Price complete 65/38 See A4 See B1 60/36 High Nephi forecast Rush Valley 66/32 64/34 Ophir Moderate on A9 59/35 Low Delta Manti Absent 66/39 66/35 Green River Th F Sa Su M Tu W 69/35 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 65/38 69/32 Moab 61/38 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 71/41 Beaver 67/38 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m. Wednesday 68/34 Ibapah 63/35 24-hour 65/29 Stage Change Vernon Creek at Vernon 0.93 none Cedar City Blanding South Willow Creek St. George 69/33 65/40 at Grantsville 1.41 none 82/52 Kanab 70/39 Eureka 59/32 Great Salt Lake Elevation at Saltair Boat Harbor 4189.13 A2 A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY October 6, 2016 Grantsville council OKs raised water and sewer impact fees Funds to be used for replacing pipes below Main Street STEVE HOWE fare at the same time as the Street reflected a project STAFF WRITER road project, Marshall said that would increase service The Grantsville City during an Aug. 18 work meet- to existing residents while Council approved an amend- ing. providing service to new resi- ment to its capital facilities The water main replace- dents. plan Wednesday that will ment project is expected to Under the amended capital raise the city’s sewer and cost more than $3.5 million. facilities plan, the single fam- water impact fees. Grantsville City ily residential water impact Grantsville City Mayor Councilman Tom Tripp said fee would increase from Brent Marshall urged the he was concerned current res- $2,244.39 to $2,545.23. council to approve the amend- idents may take on too much The sewer impact fee for a ed capital facilities plan so the of the burden for growth- newly-constructed single fam- city could begin to set aside related capital projects. He ily building would increase funds to replace the antiquat- said he had reviewed the capi- as well, from $1,916.17 to ed cast iron water and sewer tal facilities plans in the cities $3,257.22. mains under Main Street. of Herriman and Washington, The city’s capital facilities Marshall told the council the which looked at the condition plan attempts to anticipate impact fees and other aspects of infrastructure before it was future infrastructure projects of the project could be adjust- upgraded to determine how for the next 20 years and ed following approval. much growth resulted in the determine the total cost of the “Currently we’re not set- project. projects and the proportion of ting any money aside for that “Every project was looked the cost attributed to growth project, which we need to get at individually and one of the and new development. started on,” he said. “We’re categories in each evaluation The capital facilities plan just wasting time by not was deficiency,” Tripp said. was last updated in April FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO approving something.” “So you could tell this is only 2013 and called for $16.8 mil- The Grantsville City Council agreed Wednesday to raise water and sewer impact fees to help pay for replacing water The Utah Department of a growth project or this is a lion in culinary water-related and sewer lines underneath Main Street before the roadway is reconstructed by the state in 2019.
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