Higher Education Backlog Plagues State SEE STORY PAGE 25 Sunny, Milder THEDAEY FINAL Sunny, milder today. Clear, T Red Bank, Freehold f cold tonight. Cloudy, rain pos- Long Branch J EDITION / sible, tomorrow. SEGMER «. *u*. ^ n Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL 93, NO. 122 RED BMK, N- J#> THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1969 44 PAGES 10 CENTS ••••••• Addonizio Pledges 'Business as Usual' By RICHAKD L. STERN Gov. Richard J. Hughes said -Contracters Joseph Bian- sewerage project in 1965 by travel restricted to New Jer- NEWARK (AP) - The "New Jersey law does not cone, Marie Gallo, Ralph Vi- "the wrongful use of fear, of sey. The mayor is to be ar- mayor of New Jersey's larg- authorize removal of a public caro and Benjamin Krush. financial injury and under the raigned before Shaw Friday. est city pledged "business as official because he is under The 55-year-old mayor also color of official right." One of 3 Probes usual",today despite his in- indictment." was charged with income tax The indictments contained The indictments resulted dictment by a federal grand The indictments allege ex- evasion. The indictment 65 counts alleging each of the jury probing alleged corrup- from one of three investiga- tortion of $253,000 from an en- charged that in 1968 he re- 15 defendants obtained pay- tions U.S. Atty. Frederick B. tion in Newark's government. gineering concern identified ported an income of $38,423, ments ranging from $500 to But pressure mounted in Lacey has been conducting as Constrad Inc., a contractor while actually making much $57,000 from Constrad Inc. in New Jersey. The others are some quarters for removal on various city projects, in- more. The extortion indictments from office of Mayor Hugh aimed at gambling and al- cluding sewer construction Boiardo, son of reputed Ma- alleged that the 15 violated leged links between the Mafia J. Addonizio and other offi- and urban renewal. fia boss Euggiero "Richie the federal law by interfering cials indicted yesterday on and the U.S. Internal Reve- Those indicted besides the Boot" Boiardo, was charged with operation of Constrad, nue Service in the state. charges involving extortion with reporting an income of mayor include: which "is dependent upon in- So far, two former and tax evasion. —Anthony "Tony Boy" $265,052 in 1966, less than his terstate commerce for ma- The Star-tLedger, a Newark actual income. Two other New Jersey IRS officials Boiardo, whom the FBI has terials, equipment, supplies have been indicted, and on morning newspaper, said in named as a Mafia figure. counts charged he reported and labor for completion." an editorial that "the best in- Tuesday a federal grand jury —Municipal Court Judge false incomes of $80,763 in The indictments said that terests of the city would be 1967 and $67,191 in 1968. The in Newark indicted 55 per- Anthony Giuliano. from Jan. 1,1965 to the pres- sons, including alleged Mafi- served if those under a cloud —City Councilmen Calvin younger Boiardo had been of suspicion were to remove ent, the defendants did "wil- oso Simone "Sam the Plumb- West, Irvine Turner, and sought for grand jury ques- fully, unlawfully and felo- themselves from office." And tioning but disappeared last er" DeCavalcante on charges Frank Addonizio, who is a dis- niously conspire with each oth- connected with an alleged $20 the Greater Newark Chamber tant cousin of the mayor; and week. of Commerce said, "We urge er, and with other persons to million a year interstate former City Councilman Lee Also charged with income the grand jury unknown, to gambling operation. the legally constituted author- Bernstein. tax evasion were Frank Ad- ities to suspend these men obstruct, delay and affect in- Last week Mayor Addonizio —Former corporation coun- donizio, Bernstein, Calla- terstate commerce." MAYOR ADDONIZIO INDICTED — Mayor Hugh J. from office inimediately and' sels Philip E. Gordon and ghan, Gordon, Giuliano, La- was subpoenaed before the until these grave charges are Norman N. Schiff. Morte, Vicaro, Biancone, The mayor surrendered grand jury and refused to Addonizio appears saddened after learning thai he either proven or disproves' —Anthony LaMorte, hesd Turner and West. about an hour after the indict- answer a number of questions and 14 other persons were indicted by a federal grand ? Hughes Replies ments and was released on of the Municipal Utilities Au- In one extortion count, the the jury asked. He took the jury yesterday on charges involving income tax viola- From Trenton, the state thority, and James Cal- defendants, except for Bian- $25,000 bail by U.S. District tion; and extortion. With the mayor is his attorney capital, however, after the in- cone, were accused of delay- Court Judge Robert F. Shaw, Fifth Amendment on grounds laghan, an employe of the au- Bernard Hellring, right. (AP Wirephoto) dictments were announced, thority. ing construction of a Newark who ordered the mayor's of possible self incrimination. Lacey Leads War on By JAMES M. MARKHAM "As erosion of the pillars of our institutions The U. S. attorney perhaps derived his in- NEWARK (AP) — Three months after be- — at both the state and federal level — is per- clination for gangbusting from his late father, coming New Jersey's first Republican U.S. at- petrated by corruption, by organized crime, also named Frederick B, Lacey, who was torney in almost a decade, Frederick B. Lacey there can be only one inevitable result: destruc- Newark's police chief. called attention to his state - and to himself — tion of public confidence in our form of govern- "Newark hasn't always been Democratic," by announcing that "organized crime is, in the ment," Lacey said in a recent interview. Lacey said. "My grandfather was a Republican vernacular, taking us over." ^'Our society is not going to survive if we freeholder in Essex County. Both my father and Lacey charged that mobsters have purchased cannot convey to the public—and, particularly to- my mother were lifelong Republicans." the allegiance of New Jersey judges — particular- day, to the younger generation—a form of govern- Young Lacey graduated from Rutgers Phi ly municipal judges — ponce officers, politicians, ment that functions well and'functions honestly." Beta Kappa in 1941 and Cornell Law School..He businessmen and labor leaders. Buttressing this perception of a contempo- was editor of the law review in 1948—serving Since then, the 48-year-old attorney has rary crisis with a bit of. 18th century wisdom, in between as a lieutenant commander in the Navy launched a .campaign — he calls it "open war" Lacey added: during the war. He Was employed by a Wall — to expose corruption and extirpate the Mafia "I have long remembered that which I was Street law firm before taking his initial plunge from his home state. taught, attributed to Alexander Pope: 'For forms in public prosecution. of government, let fools contest. That which is To date one federal grand jury has indicted -GAINED FAME Newark Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio and eight best administered, is best.' " LOOKED TIRED He worked from 1953 to 1955 in the New past or present city officials, as well as a reputed Jersey attorney's office, and at the age of 33 Mafia boss and five other persons, on charges Looking tired, Lacey rested his hands in his hands and leaned his elbows on the conference gained a measure of local fame by successfully involving extortion and tax evasion; another pfosecuting Harold John Adonis, a clerk to former federal grand jury has indicted 55 persons includ- table in his spacious, mostly empty office in the Federal Court Building. Only one adornment Gov. Alfred E. Drlscoll, for tax evasion. He also ing alleged Mafia leader Simone "Sam the won a conviction of reputed Mafia leader Albert Plumber" DeCavalcante in an alleged $20 mil- stood out from the office's pale blue walls—an upright American flag. Anastasia, lion gambling ring; and a third federal • grand In 1955 Lacey turned down an offer to work jury has indicted two Internal Revenue Service "We have been Working a 60-to 70 hour week since September," Lacey said. "I see no prospect for the Justice Department in Washington—know- men in a probe that is continuing of alleged ing he could better support his wife, four sons 1 links between organized crime and some seg- that the work load is going to diminish." TINT TIM WEDS 'MISS VICKY — Falsetto-voiced singer Tiny Tim poses yester- Lacey had a staff of 18 lawyers when he took and three daughters in private practice. day with his bride Victoria Budinger, perhaps better known as "Miss Vicky" dur- ments of the IRS in the state. This he successfully did with the Newark Lacey is big (6-4,225 pounds) and very earnest. over. He requested an additional 11 from the ing taping of NBC-TV's Johnny Carson show. The couple were married during Justice Department, and has received three so firm of Shanley and Fisher, ending as a senior He talks about crime in the steady, apocalyptic partner with a string of corporate clients. the program. |AP Wirephoto) tones of an evangelical preacher. far. SIC Head Assails Sinatra By BOB DUBILL • The clash occurred in U.S. alleged governmental corrup- Bruce Kauffman, a Phila- grounds that it is an accusa- NEWARK (AP) - Frank District Court, where Si- tion in Newark. delphia attorney representing tory body with no legislative Sinatra was accused in Fed- natra's attorneys pushed for It was disclosed at the Sinatra, rejoined that Sinatra purpose. Kauffman asserted eral Court yesterday of convening of a three-judge hearing that Phelan sent a was merely seeking equal that Sinatra could be ques- "filthy hands" in seeking to federal panel to consider memorandum to Coolahan protection under the law.
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