X SATURDAY, JANUARY 81, 1859 Average Daily Net rresK Run The Weather Foreeut of C. 8. Wmther Bui« m For the Week Ending January 31, 1959 iianrlfPBtfr Itt^ttittg l|fralb Fair, eoM tonight and Tneadny. I/ow tonight near zero except 6-lB CHARGE YOUR 12,879 below In normally eolder. aoeUaua. Greens Fee 'Member of the Andit High Ttfeoday In Ma. Meter Money PRESCRIPTIONS HERE Burean of Oircnlatton. About Town Heard Along Main Street M anchester^A City of Village Chanm Carrie Seymour and Mia* Can Pay for Main Issue Harriet Fraaten wUl eerve aa hoa- Aiitd on Some of Manchester's Side Streets, Too PINE MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRllARY 2, 1959 (naMifled Ad\erH»lng on Pago Iti PRICE FIVE CENT'S teaaes at tlie Lula Junior Mhaeum VOL. LXXVIII, NO. lot (FOURTEEN PAGES) tomorrow from 2 to 5 p.m.. the Traffic Light Skating Advisory In Golf Plan PItARMAfTT regular Sunday vlsitinK houra. Never The Twain *plns besides those of the safety Center Springs Pond will be Visitor entering a room in the variety. The coat of Installing and main­ Manchester Country Club Pres­ A nondenomlnatlonal aer\*lre will Seem* the bowler had made ar­ open to public Ice skating today 6M CENTER ST. Municipal Building "Hot in here, taining traffic lights can be paid ident Clifford Varney said today be hrid In Orange Hall at 4 o'clock rangements for a baby-alller to from parking meter funds, in the from 1:30 to lO p.m. The annex tomorrow afternoon, with Mias ien’l it? ” "stand by" while his wife was will be reserved for hockey playing he does not know whether the club Weak Radio Signals X Another visitor entering a room opinion of Town Counsel Philip V Mary Clarke and Miaa Luise Liff- sway so that he could lend hta aup- during the period. will accept the golf course lease scros* the hallway at the same Bayer. In charge. poi t" In the weekly office bowling Charter. Oak Pond today will be the town la preparing to offer it. time - “ Cold In here, Isn't it?" Parking metrfr money la set game. aside In a special fund from which open from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Schools Integration Starts The aticking point is the *4-*2 Th^v Friendahlp Club of St. And thus it goes, a.s the ap­ At the last minute, however, the Tomorrow, the hours for skating parent erratic healing ayatam the Parking Authority expects to greens fee schedule for the occa­ Raise Faint Hopes John'a Rollah National Catholic baby-sitter became ill and daddy draw for Improving parking facili­ at Center Springs will be 10 a.m. sional golfer—a schedule Varney Churoh w tojneet Monday night at pour* WTSnith into one aid* of the didn't want to let hi* team down to 10 p.m., with the annex reserved b llding and neglecls the other. ties in town. said the club’* negotiating commit­ , $ cA« ic c 4L 2:30 at the Church. A meeting of SOOoooooooo! The fund contains about *100,- for hockey during that time. Hours tee and Board of Governors never the Sodality o^the Blessed Sacra­ Tho*e working in the building s Despite the usual slsm-bang 000. at Charter Oak Pond will be from That Interpret The ment be held Tuesday night at "polar region' solve the problem approved, win bowling alley nolaea, baby slept on The question as to use of the 10 to 12 noon and 1:30 to 5 p.m. "Right now, 75 per cent of the For Ship Survivors the same'hour. with sweater*, but the solution undisturbed. Wishes Of The Family O isn't a* easy for those employed money for installing, operating, members and 75 per cent of the and maintaining traffic lights Board of Governors, would reject in the "tropical sone.'' On the Hoof Without Strife in Virginia Marine Cpl. Buford A. Scott. "A fter all,' one pointed out." ............. ......... came up at a recent meeting of the the lease as it stands.” Varney JOHN B. BURKE By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS o cranked radio* mad# to tranamlt B«t of Mm. Olga Scott. «4 L ^ k - The Chamber of Commerce, . Rembrandt Studio, Boston you can take off Just so much! " | yj-hif.), has been seeking an ele- Board of Directors. Bayer was In­ Virginia Seen said. Weak radio signals stirred on a .500 .lilocycle frequenc.v- wood St.. Is serving with the 12th structed to draw up an opinion. FUNEKAL HOME - i phant costume for u*e during its However, he said he did not Chriatian*en said the change of Marine Regiment at Camp Hsuge, Top Marksman He said the "Parking meter ordi­ know what the Board'of Governors faint hopes today that some of frequency wa* technically poa- Famll.T Triple* Quickly I upcoming Washington'* Birthday TEL. M I 8-8868 Otoaw a. nance, as amended, states that the For Almond’s would do if the lease were present­ the 95 persons aboard the The group of children from the while elephant sale, reeaived a Marine Pfc. Harry L. Roy, son of 87 EAST CENTER ST. jrible. 1 coins collected from the parking ed to it for signariire. The Board is missing Danish ship Hans Irregular transmission would Lenox St, area who. it will be re- j telephoned offer the other day, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Roy of Cov­ AMBULANCE SERVICE Space Chief 21 Negroes Manchester Auxiliary Police meters are to be turned over to the empowered to act' for the members called, collected *42.7.5 for the i The unidentified man who Called Hedtoft might yet be found' reault. he »aid, if an inexperienced will meet at Police Headquarter* entry, won the Maj. Gen. E. P. collector of revenue lo "provide for Tuition Plans in this matter. ' March of Dimes last year, topped »«id he had amid the iceberg-dotted seas i P'^son tried to operate Monday night at 7 o clock for Moses trophy for outstanding the proper regulation and control The town’s Board of Directors— after studying the brief instruc­ that record Sunday Between 10 j Chamher was seeking and that It of traffic upon the public streets' off Greenlaiifl. Join Whites target practice. arcommodate two marksmanship while in recruit (Coiitlniied li<im Page One) the second to be involved with the tion.*. Says Time, pm. and ^ pm the total collected easily and upon a town-owned parking Hang G. Cliristiansen, director of The ahip also had a motor boat Irsining at Parris Island. S. C. club in lease negotiations that have Denmark’s Greenland Department, The monthly meeting of the amounted to »7V Th» VO'mg 1'"';? „f„„„n «ie lv the Chamber's lol, as well as for the rcgulalion of Jiialice Warren promised Arling­ stretched over three years— will for 11 persons and four rubber Array and Navy Club Auxiliary ; vaaaera were Carol Cronin, t a- Roy received the trophy last parked vehicles in metered zones, ton swift action on yesterday's re­ *aid in Copenhagen there was lit­ rafLs. whicii carried automatic ra­ J r* II r. » hopes were dashed hv the rallei's week at ceremonies. He won the hold a public hearing on the pro­ tle doubt the signals, picked vp by First Time will be held Wednesday night at | incia last words, delivered just before purchase and maintenance of quest for a delay. Written argu­ dio beacon equipment. There al.so Effort Vital Falco, Fred Aiidelle snd ‘^^^e'-y'; trophy for shon'ling a scoroeof 2J7 posed lease - ordinance Monday a rescue ship and two Greepland the clubhouse. A potiuck st a .m meters. piirchRse of lease of land ments against the delay were sub- night at the Waddell School. were portable radio tran.sr.iitters rnsSikU shore stations, came from a sur- By INH'GLAS B. OOBJUEIX will precede the meeting. Members Comeaii. Their names are listed ■Of'fourse. the elephant is all'll i " puatible 2,50 with for off-street parking, etc. mi lied this morning by atlomeya The greens fee schedule to W'hich available on the Hans Hedtoft's Washington, Feb. 2 — . ' •••FI,*rifle, 4the I*A Isin'laAatfhighest score•r*,*t**A c\rposted by \ivor of the Han* Hedtoft which are reminded to bring a hot or here, as s TV reference to the wearing it. he said. "It is my opinion that control of for the four Negro .pupils involved. Varney said a majority of the club bridge. Kichmond, Va., Feb. 2 (/P)—^ cold dish and a comic, valentine. collecUon erroneously gsve credit any Marine recruit at Parris traffic would include installing and collided with an,iceberg last F'ri- The nation's' civilian space Pnlleo Guard Orderwl membership is opposed calls for a day. Search Reaimie* .cliief called toda.v for an nr- Virginia reluctantly but calm­ to "Mrs. F. J ■ Cronin and her Sure They W ill Island during 19.5S. operating a traffic light and there­ Arlington School officials said fee of *4 a round for weekend days Five plane.a and four ship* re­ The Kiwanta Club will meet at SIX children. ' Slie hs* only two. Roy is now serving as a marks­ fore, that the proceeds from the On Wrong Frequency jrent I ’.S. effort over a Ioiik ly pulled down the ’historic An enterprising but "grave" re­ plans were complete for enroll­ and holidays and *2 a round for But Royal Canadian Air Force sumed the search for pos.sible sur­ barricades to racial integra­ 12:15 p.m.
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