ASIAN PERSPECTIVES THE BULLETIN OF THE FAR-EASTERN PREHISTORY ASSOCIATION VOLUME VI. 1-2 SUMMER-WINTER, 1962 Editor WILHELM G. SOLHEIM II HONG KONG UNIVERSITY PRESS 196 3 © Hong Kong University Press, I963 Printed in September I963, I200 copies THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, AMEN HOUSE, LONDON, E.C.4 ARE THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ALL COUNTRIES EXCEPT ASIA EAST OF BURMA Printed in Hong Kong by CATHAY PRESS 3I Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen ASIAN PERSPECTIVES Bulletin of the Far-Eastern Prehistory Association Editor: Wilhelm G. Solheim II; Regional Editors: Northeast Asia-Chester S. Chard; Korea-Won-yong Kim; ]apan-Ichiro Yawata; Ryiikyii-Allan H. Smith; China Mainland-Richard Rudolph; Hong Kong-S. G. Davis; Vietnam-Truong Buu Lam; Cambodia-Bernard P. Groslier; Thailand-Chin You-di and Vidya Intakosai; Burma-U Aung Thaw; Malaya-Alastair Lamb; Indonesia-R. Soekmono and R. P. Soejono; British Borneo-Barbara Harrisson; Philippines-Alfredo E. Evangelista; Formosa-Kwang-chih Chang; Micronesia­ Allan H. Smith; Polynesia-Robert C. Suggs; New Zealand-Roger Duff; Melanesia-Richard Shutler Jr; Australia-Frederick D. McCarthy; Topical Editors: Trans-Pacific Contacts-Gordon F. Ekholm; Linguistics-Milton E. Barker; Geography-Ooi Jin Bee; Occasional Contributors: Hallam L. Movius Jr. THE FAR-EASTERN PREHISTORY ASSOCIATION International Officers: Council Members : Chairman-Wilhelm G. Solheim II, =1= Secretary-Roger Duff* (New Zealand), Ichiro Yawata* and Namio Egami (Japan), Bernard P. Groslier* (Cambodia), Frederick McCarthy and Jack Golson* (Australia), A. P. Okladnikov** (Russia), Yu-ho Toh** (North Korea), Che-won Kim (South Korea), Li Chi (Republic of China, Taiwan), Hsia Nai** (China, Peking), F. S. Drake (Hong Kong), --- (North Vietnam), Nghiem Tham (South Vietnam), Georges Condominas (Laos), Prince Dhani Nivat (Thailand), U Aung Thaw (Burma), Alastair Lamb (Malaya), R. Soekmono (Indonesia), Barbara Harrisson (British Borneo), Antonio de Almeida (Timor and Macao), Alfredo Evangelista (Philippines), Takeo Kanaseki (Ryukyu), Douglas Osborne (Micronesia), Kenneth Emory (Hawaii), Bengt Danielsson (French Polynesia), Jacques Barrau (New Caledonia and New Hebrides), C. A. Leembruggen (Fiji), Alexander Spoehr, Chester S. Chard, and Clement Meighan (United States of America), Gonzales Figueroa (Chile), Pierre Verin (Madagascar), and H. R. van Heekeren (Europe). (*Executive Committee, **acceptance of position not yet received). Asian Perspectives, established in 1957, is the official publication of the Far- Eastern Prehistory Association, and appears semi-annually. All editorial correspondence should be adtlressed to Wilhelm G. Solheim II, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu 14, Hawaii, U.S.A., or to the proper Regional Editor. Commercial enquiries and orders should be sent to the Publisher, Hong Kong University Press, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Vol. I (1957) and Vol. II (i. Summer, 1958) are out of print. Copies of Vol. II, ii(Winter 1958) are obtainable at HK$30, in America US$5 and in Europe and the Commonwealth at £1-15; Volumes III(i, ii) 1959, IV 1960, V(i, ii) 1961 , VI 1962 each at HK$35, US$6·50, and £2-5. Subscribers in Europe and the Commonwealth should place their orders with the Oxford University Press, Amen House, London E.C.4 or with the O.U.P. Branches overseas. Members of the F-EPH Association may obtain back issues ofAPfrom Dr Solheim at the published price less 20%. Addresses of Regional and Topical Editors CHESTER S. CHARD (Dr), Dept. ofAnthropology, University ofWisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin, U.S.A. WON-YONG KIM (Dr), Dept. of Archreology and Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. ICHIRO YAWATA(Dr), Tokyo University of Education, Otsuka-Kubomachi, Bunkyo­ ku, Tokyo, Japan. ALLAN H. SMITH (Dr), Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, U.S.A. RICHARD RUDOLPH (Prof.), Dept. of Oriental Languages, University of California, Los Angeles 24, California, U.S.A. S. G. DAVIS (Prof.), Dept. of Geography and Geology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. TRUONG BNU LAM, Vien Khao Co, 66-68, Le Thanh Ton, Saigon, Vietnam. e BERNARD P. GROSLIER, 4 rue Torricelli, Paris 17 , France. CHIN YOU-DI, National Museum, Na Phra-dhart Road, Bangkok, Thailand. VIDYA INTAKOSAI, National Museum, Na Phra-dhart Road, Bangkok, Thailand. U AUNG THAW, Director, Archreological Survey Dept., 32-D, Prome Road, Rangoon, Burma. ALASTAIR LAMB (Dr), Dept. of History, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Federation of Malaya. R. SOEKMONO (Dr), Kepala Dinas Purbakala R.I, Djalan Kimia 12, Djakarta 111/19, Indonesia. R. P. SOEJONO (Dr), Seksi Bangunan Dinas Purbakela Dan Peninggalan Nasional (Archreological Service Branch Office), Gianjar, Bali, Indonesia. PIERRE VERIN, Universite de Madagascar, Tananarive, Madagascar. BARBARA HARRISSON (Mrs), The Sarawak Museum, Kuching, Sarawak. ALFREDO E. EVANGELISTA, Dept. of Anthropology, National Museum, Manila, Philippines. KWANG-CHIH CHANG, Dept. of Anthropology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. ROBERT C. SUGGS (Dr), 12 Weeping Willow Lane, Fairfield, Conn., U.S.A. ROGER DUFF (Dr), Director, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand. RICHARD SHUTLER JR, (Dr), Dept. of Archreology, The Nevada State Museum, P.O. Box 495, Carson City, Nevada, U.S.A. FREDERICK D. MCCARTHY, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia. GORDON F. EKHOLM (Dr), American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York 24, New York, U.S.A. MILTON E. BARKER, Summer Institute ofLinguistics, P. O. Box L 11, Saigon,Vietnam. 001 JIN BEE (Dr), Dept. of Geography, University of Malaya, Singapore. HALLAM L. MOVIUS JR, (Dr), Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts, U.S.A. CONTENTS Editorial IX Letter to the Editor Alasta£r Lamb XU REGIONAL REPORTS I. Eastern Asia and Oceania Wilhelm G. Solheim II I 2. Northeast Asia (including A.P. Okladnikov's Report) Chester S. Chard 8 3· Mainland China - Richard C. Rudolph 19 4· Southeast Asia (including P. I. Boriskovsky's Report) - W.G.S. 21 5· Indonesia (3 figs, 3 plates) R. P. Soejono 34 6. Madagascar Pierre Verin 44 7· Philippines - Alfredo E. Evangelista 46 8. Polynesia Robert C. Suggs 48 9· New Zealand Roger Duff 54 10. Australia - Frederick D. McCarthy 59 TOPICAL REPORT I. Linguistics- Milton E. Barker NOTES AND ORIGINAL ARTICLES I. New Dates for Early Pottery in Japan Toshio Oba and Chester S. Chard 75 2. Ryiikyu Survey 1960 (19 figs, 6 plates) N aoichi Kokubu and Erika Kaneko 77 APPENDIX: Note on the skeletal material collected during the 1960 Survey (I graph, 2 tables, 5 pIs) Takeo Kanasaki 139 3· On the Origins of Traditional Vietnamese Music (4 figs, 4 plates) Olov R. T. lanse 145 4· La Station Prehistorique de Hang Gon pres Xuan-Loc (Viet-nam) (2 plates) E.. Saurin 163 5· A Century of Prehistoric Research in India (I fig, I plate) - - A. P. Khatri 169 6. 'Mahadevian': An Oldowan Pebble Culture of India (5 figs, 2 plates) A. P. Khatri 186 7· Retrospective et Problemes de l'Archeologie aMadagascar (2 plates) Pierre Verin 198 viii ASIAN PERSPECTIVES CONTENTS (Continued) 8. A First Classification of Prehistoric Bone and Tooth Artifacts Tom Harrisson and Lord Medway 219 9· Archreological Research in North Borneo Thomas Rhys Williams 230 10. Addenda to 'Ken-Pai': A Glass Bracelet from Yap Inez de Beauelair 232 I I. Translucent Glass Rings from Borneo - Tom Harrisson 236 12. An outline of Easter Island Archreology Carlyle S. Smith 239 Members of the F.-E. Prehistory Assn and Subscribers to AP Publications Received.
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