Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5771 Vol. 21. No. 6 July/August 2011 Website: www.saskatoon.uscjhost.net THE BULLETIN Congregation Agudas Israel 715 McKinnon Ave, Saskatoon S7H 2G2 (306) 343-7023 Fax: (306) 343-1244 Hazzan Neil Schwartz President: Heather Fenyes Folkfest 2011 - The Jewish Pavilion “One World – at Your Doorstep” Jewish Pavilion Theme: “L’Dor V’Dor” THURSDAY AUGUST 18TH 5 PM TO MIDNIGHT SATURDAY AUGUST 20TH 8 PM TO MIDNIGHT Pavilion Managers: DaviD KatzMan and Patricia Pavey aDULT aMBassaDors: MarsHa and grant scHarFstein yoUtH aMBassaDors: sHira Fenyes and JONATHon KATZMan Master oF cereMonies: ari AVIVI ENTERTAINMent: DAVID KaPlan anD tHe KlezMer BanD, tHe tzaHalaH Dance groUP gUest PerForMers: Joseph ashong ( master drummer from ghana), singers carl and susan goerz from Hepburn Bangaladesh singers and dancers anD FroM oUr oWn coMMUnity: laura Buckwold, shira Fenyes, Jardena gertler Jaffe and a special drum ensemble anD scores oF CONGREGATION agUDas israel volUnteers For information about volunteering contact: David Katzman – 955-3563 or e-mail:[email protected] or Patricia Pavey – 668-7629 or e-mail: [email protected] The 12th Gerry Rose Volunteer Award Winner Ralph Katzman by Gladys Rose shortly after my husband gerry rose died, sid Katzman, then President of saskatoon B’nai B’rith lodge #739, approached me with the suggestion that a deserving volunteer in Gladys Rose and Randy Katzman presenting the Gerry Rose Award to Ralph. our Jewish community be recognized and that this would be a suitable memorial to gerry. was a fair-sized Jewish community in Prince summer.” in the ‘forties, ralph’s parents, My reason for being here is to talk about albert. included were three Katzman brothers labe and ethel moved to saskatoon. ralph’s this year’s volunteer awardee and his work of the last generation and their parents. they siblings were the late saul and sister June in the community. it is with much pride and earned their living purchasing hides and furs, avivi, ruth charach, the late Joe and chan.. pleasure that we recognize ralph Katzman as “travelling the rough northern saskatchewan if i am correct, the only Jew left in Prince the recipient. ralph was born in Prince albert, terrain in a heated, horse-drawn sled during albert is Herschel Davidner, a member of this saskatchewan, in 1940. at that time there the winter, and with a horse-drawn buggy in continued on page 12 This page is sponsored by Dr. Lou and Mrs. Ruth Horlick This page is sponsored by Naomi Rose and Stan Sinai of Toronto. Deadline for the next Bulletin is August 15, 2011 Holocaust Memorial 2011 by Jan Gitlin the 2011 Holocaust Memorial weekend to connect with leon will stand out as one of our most emotional. Bass. “now, we appear the Holocaust Memorial committee wanted together as often as to bring back one of our own, robert Waisman we can,” robbie says, to tell his story. robbie was a 14 year old “leon tells about what young man, when a 19 year old gi from the he saw, and i tell what United states, leon Bass, walked into the the Holocaust means Buchenwald concentration camp with his to me-the impact it had group to liberate it. robbie told us that it was the first time he had ever seen a black man. He ran up to leon Bass, who was standing in the camp yard and had to touch him to believe he was real! this year was the first time we were able to bring together a ‘survivor’ and his ‘liberator’ to share their stories to over 2,000 school children May 12th and May 13th, from the saskatoon and area school district and to over 700 saskatoon citizens at the Memorial , May 15th. robbie Waisman, who now lives in vancouver, has dedicated his life to sharing his personal story in order to inform, educate, on my life”. and make people aware of the evils that robbie said “of the six million Jews and respect these two men have for each other can result from unchallenging hatred and exterminated in the Holocaust, one and a is remarkable. one very special moment to racism. robert Waisman and his liberator half million were children. i feel i have a me when robbie was presenting to students Dr. leon Bass reconnected in the early responsibility to those children to do what i can on the 12th of May, he was asked what he 1980’s after robbie saw leon’s picture in to break down walls of prejudice and hatred, would say to Hitler if he had an opportunity. a magazine. robbie said “the article was to teach compassion and understanding”. He looked at the young student, and without about how leon had begun speaking about his this year was so impactful. to have hesitation said, “i would tell him, i Won!” experience walking into Buchenwald camp. robbie Waisman and Dr. leon Bass both in the whole room stood up and gave him a i recognized him as the solder i had touched saskatoon, speaking to students and to the standing ovation. to make sure he was real.” robbie contacted citizens of saskatoon at the Memorial at our amazing men, an amazing weekend! the american War Department and was able synagogue was truly inspirational. the love from the Gerry Rose Dinner.... Cantor Neil Schwartz David, Steven and Randy — the Three Tenors leading the Motzi Ralph Katzman Naomi and Gladys Rose This page is sponsored by Dr. Syd z'l & Miriam Gelmon of Vancouver 2 Editorial FROM OUR CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY by Steven Goluboff The Mission Statement of Congregation Agudas Israel Congregation Agudas Israel is a spiritual, religious, educational and social home committed to deepening the quality of Jewish life in Saskatoon and district. We are an evolving link in although we all the historical traditions of the Jewish people. We are a progressive, democratic and sensitive like to take a sabbatical congregation responding to the widest spectrum of Jewish thought and practice. summer leave from our Written at the 2002 Kallah by the members of Congregation Agudas Israel regular commitments, CONGRATULATIONS AND MAZEL TOV TO: much is still happen- Grace Goluboff on the celebration of her 90th birthday on July 16, 2011. ing in our small Jewish Dean and Arlene Deobald on the birth of a 9.9 pound baby girl, ruth rachel, a brother to community. realizing garrett, Justin and chris, May 31st 2011. that work must be done David Katzman upon his retirement after 31 years of service in the saskatoon Public to bring our Website into school Division. David will be continuing to work as a mediator for both civil and family the 21st century, significant changes should issues. be seen in the next few months and i hope Miriam Katzman, daughter of David and susan, who graduated from the college of that many of you will go to our site and see Medicine at McMaster University. she will be continuing her studies at the University of the accomplishments of Heather ross, seth saskatchewan. shacter and gord Holtslander. Hopefully it Jonathon Katzman, son of David and susan, who qualified on May 21st to compete in the can become another source of information for international young riders competition to be held July 26th – 31st in lexington, Kentucky. those wanting to know more about congrega- Dr. David Kaplan whose music was part of the launch of a cD at the Doblinger recital tion agudas israel. Folkfest 2011 will be soon Hall in vienna. David’s piece, Doina and Frailach for violiln and Piano and Monte Keene upon us and this is an event where we hope Pishney Floyd’s vanished for solo violin and his sonata for violin were part of the cD. to see many of our members volunteering the canadian launch has been scheduled for november 15th at convocation Hall at the and participating in this multicultural event U of s. which gives us an opportunity to showcase Elaine and Sherwood Sharfe on the birth of another granddaugher, sarah tova, a daughter of synagogue, our culture, our music and our to Paula and yehoshua in Jerusalem, israel. food. Please see the front page for details and Jeff and Tanya Stromberg and grandparents Bob and sandra stromberg on the birth of a contact David Katzman or Patricia Pavey and baby girl, ella Myrna on June 10th, 2011. offer your volunteer services. congratulations Marion Maymon, the Past President of Mercaz canada who received the Mercaz to ralph Katzman, another worthy recipient award in recognition of her tireless work promoting the zionist agenda within the Masorti of the gerry rose volunteer award. ralph’s movement and the Jewish community at large. work at our cemetery has made it a serene and Chan Katzman who was invited to join the First nations veterans of saskatchewan, the beautiful island for any of us to visit our loved first and only non-aboriginal to be given this honour. ones who are buried there. yasher Koach. in Ari Avivi who was recently appointed as a Marriage commissioner for the Province of the broader canadian Jewish world, some saskatchewan. major changes are in the development stages Gladys Rose, whose granddaughter, Mira sophie Kates rose, daughter of David rose to bring together under one organization, ca- and Marlene Kates, received her Master of arts degree in the child study and educations, nadian Jewish congress and the canada israel under oise at the University of toronto. committee. these are advocacy organizations Gladys Rose, whose grandson, aaron Mathew Kates rose, son of David and Marlene that will now be amalgamated into CIJa, received his Honours Bachelor of arts, with High Distinction from the University of the canadian council for israel and Jewish toronto.
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