
^ HERALD COOKING SCHOOL AGAIN TOMORROW, STATE THEATER AVBBAOB DAIUr OOKJCtATIOM fw the Moath n( JhMMy, U8S FOrMant of O. 8. Wontkor Hartford 6,048 •f «kn Audi* Fair aad eontlnned eeld tonight. &ttr^pBtrr Supnittg ifpraUi Wedaeoday fair with slowly Hotag temporatnre. MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL, NO. 104 I Advortisiag on rugn 12) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Ice Jam in Niagrara Power Plant WOMEN BRITISH SHIP SUNK HE FIRST HERALD BY AN ITAUAN SUB, HOMEMAIUNG CUSS| Stite Theater HHed For ARMIES _ IS LOYAUSTJCHARGE Openiiif Cooknis Demon- HAND TO HAND stratioii; Andience Ap- BORAH ISSUES phods Lectnrer's SIdlL IN CHINA zo ne! Claim Warships Loaned WARNING NOTE —' With an admomuon to the aoaom- ^ For 190-Mile Wide bljL that tha rolo of the homemaker ON AUJANCES To Spanish Insurgents wao an Important foundation in thie Corridor Widi Ceoter All country and ohoujd be conducted by EVERYTHING’S SET all In a pleaoant,'cheerful manner, TeHs Senate World Has Beoi iBrifldi AdmiraltT O n k n Mmflnngg; Chiiiese Tefl FOR GROUNDHOG «™BraiI urmn Mlaa Bklna H. Ferguaon, naM«.,^|]y known economist opened the Led To Believe Britain Foot Destroyers RoslNd Herald Cooking School'at the State Of IhrSii; Bock Inraders Gobbler’s Knob and Quarry- Theater at 9:30 this morning with ville Groups Ready to Tell 1100 women in the auditorium, And U. S. Have Agreement the World What's What To Scene Of Torpedmi^ tmportaat Onttaa Shanghai, Feb. 1— (A P )—Chi- Tomorrow. The audience was at oaoe put'at nese and Japanese armies clashed On Boildmg Of Naides. Where 11 Lives o#ae with the excnllent, practical OobbleFa Knob. Punxautaw- way In which this weU known home hand-to-hand today In a struggle ney. Pa., Feb. 1 — (AP) — ^minlatrator began her lecture. for the 190-mlIe wide corridor sepa- Orouhdhog Day tomorrow Lost; Takes Very Sc She declared that many women had rating areas Japanese have occu r ‘ Bridge- that Suffered from the lee Jam In Niagara gorge. Ice also Washington. Feb. 1— (A P )—San- brings tbe “faithful" to two complained to her because of the pled Iri nearly seven months of war w »16,000.000 plant of the OnU Ho hydro-oleclrlc commifsion at the foot of the Horae- ator Borah (R-Idabo) told the Sen- aelf-appotnted “weatherworka apparent drab and lUeleaa round of fare. The engagements centered shoe Falla, inflicting damage—as show-n In this Interior view—»nlch rommisslon officials aald would require ate today the world has been led to of the nation’’ to learn tbe View Of The Sitoatiof duUea of the homemaker. She aald, along the southern border of the believe Great Britain and the IDtlt- woodchuck’s forecasts for the these complalnera wore told that corridor, at Mlngkwang, some 230 next six weeks. making a home pleaaant, clean and miles northwest of Nanking. Chi ed Statea liad an “eUlanee" for building up their navies. * Tradition has it that if tha London, Feb. 1.— The Spu)« neat for those that return at end nese and Japanese repoi-ta of the The Idaho veteran warned It was Seer of Gobbler’s Knob, or a of day, weary with toU. worriM, batUe were at odds, with both aides rival prognosticator at the ish government today charfhd perhaps and out of aorta with the asserting they had taken a heavy the same kind of situation that led Italy had assigned four do-' NEW CAPITAL NEEDED ACT TO STRENGTHEN to the World War. slumbering Oroundhdg Lodge ^ l y contacts with business or pro- toll of enemy Uves. aenos tbe stete in QuarryvUle. atroyers and two submarinag fessional life, waa an important Mlngkwang, on the railway Borah gave hla views on the for- eign altuation during a general de- sea their shadows tbsr* will be to the Spanish insurgent flecit’ duty, and in addition preparing mnnlng north from the Yangtae stormy weather. If there are those proven oddttlonn to the fam- river opjioslte Nanking to 'nentsln, HAWAH’S DEFENSES bate over American foreign poUey, and that an Italian submarbih - FOR SMALL BUSINESS In which It was defended by chair- no shadows, then wUl be ily menus, which so often change Caunese told o f burUng back Japa- balmy sraather—ao the “faith- sank the British merchantrahii the enure aq>ect of the home life, nese after repeated bayonet charges man Pittman (D-Ncv.) qf the for- eign relations committee nnd at- ful” beUeve. Endjrmion off Spain’s south- adda to the aatlafacUon of all con- agxinat troops reinforced with tanks No one has yet figured out ^ cerned. and airplanes. That W3i Be Cbnsensos Of U. S. Deploys Units Of Its tacked by Senator Johnson (R- east coast with a loss of e le i^ ' Callf.) what the weather might be If Uvea. Along thla vein Mlaa Ferguson Japanese, however, said they bad tha Qobblei's Knob groundhog mad a abort poem wbli^ adequately puafied . .Oiinese northward toward Pittman, replying to remarks yes- The British Admiralty nub- Report To Be Made At LATE NEWS Fighting Forces Over terday by Johnson, said American seea his ahqdow and th* Quar- demonatrated the counM and affect Pengpu, neat obJecUve in tbe J^m- ryvlll* woodchuck doesn’t ed four destroyers arm^ w^h ; of cheeifuhiaae In the home Ufa At neae drive from Nanking toward foreign policy was the same aa It Suchow, junction point on China's had been ever since Prealdent depth charges to the MedltsrwV the dose .of the mading -mim gar- Wide Area Of The Pacific. guaon was given a fine ovation ftor main eaat-<weat railway. beringOfSOO "SoiaD FLASHES! Rooaevelt took office—“non-lntar- ranean area where the coa,^ bar ipirttuaJ oftering. - Nerthem Herder Qniei venUon, non-lnterferenoe In the af- laden freighter was torpedoqcL Lmqf bMtom 9 o'eloek a huadmd Tim nertliewi berder s i lUe --nr- Bnsness** Meo Tomorrow fairs ct other govenuneata." HALT Azearata y Florez, Spanjisli uaee^cotrldur. In nopthenr Sbentung HOUSntO BILL PASSED San Francisco, Fob. I —(A P) — Johnson retorted that Preoldant P«tromi Of the Omktng JSchopi wem government ambassad(»’, ac- asaembied In the lobby of the tha- province north of Suchow, nppar- Wnahlngton, Feb. le—(AP)—Sen- Tbo United Statas d^loyed nnlts at. Ghiaama odomAr Its fighting forces over m wide area ster awalUag the opening o f the Washington, Feb. 1 — (AP) — ate actioa gave final Oongreealenai ing a ‘'quarantine’' of warring na, IEI5’ ADVANCE cused Italy In a notr handed to doora Among thasa attending w m (Omtl—nd na. jingo fwn) sppro\-al today to tbe admlnlstra- of the Pacific front today and mov- tlons, followed by tbe Inoonciuaive E3ght hundred representatives of the British foreign office. many ntwoomnra, easily tlon’e Honsing BUI. ed toward strengUienlng Its vital Brussels conferenoe on the Far The Spanish government,^ he t a o ^ by Uulr lack of knfiwledge the nation's small business men. The vote of appro\-al nas 42 to Hawaiian defenses with more men Etestern situation, had left tha ns' a the datalla or signing and sung gathering tomorrow toi formulate 40., and bombing planes. tIon "In tha puslllanimoua posltloa declared in another communi- Offensive h Sonthwestem que, fa “amazed” that “fereifi tbotr naiaaa for tbe many piiaao of SAY BIGGER NAVY ] auggeaUons for President Roosevelt, ’ihe Housing BUI was tbe first The activity touched unite aa of having threatened a nation and demonatratioa diahea aad heaping will report that their most urgent major legislation to go to the tVhlte widely ^.eparated as Alaska, south- not carried through." intervention in Spain ia pei> . xnarlnt baffs. Honse since the beginning of the trn California and China and Involv- Borah, former chairman o* the need ia a source of new capital. Spain Is Tomed Back; mitted to such an extent as to . Ubes ntmnckmttr special eeeston last Norember. ed all three defeiue arms, the Army, foreign relations committee, said be Ernest O. Draper, aaalstant secre- .- • • » allow the rebels (insurgents) Mlsa Ferguson, shortly after NOTNEIXSSARY tary of commerce, said today that Navy and Marine Corps. had heard Pittman's statement VOTE OF CONnOENCE Ninety - eight warsbipa and 280 “with great gratlflcatlon” beeauoe to receive whole, importont " opening the four-dby school. Intro- topic was tbe theme of hundreds of Amies StiH Deadlocked duced her aeeletant. mim Maigwt fighting planes launched five days of the “relatlonahlp between the letters sent to admlnlstraUon of- Barcelona, Spain, Feb. I.— (AP) units of a foreign fleet.” Mader, who said she was pleased to ficials from all over the country. —The Spanish Parliament voted of Intensive war games off southern chairman of the forelgik relations Have Na SnbanullMa California In tbe fleet’a initial teat come to Manchester and enUKirn tB,} Some Members Of House The beat banking brains In the confidence tonight In the Madrid- committee and the State Depart- Handaye, Firnnce, at the Spanish Aacarate y Floras denied that tha a pleasant stay here. Mias Fer- by Its new commander-in-chlef. Ad- ment." Frtmtler, Feb. l . - ( A P ) —Stubborn government, Secretary Morgentnau Baroelona government. It met nnex- miral Claude C. Bloch. Inaurgcota have aubmartaca o f thair guson said that other lecturers who Group Want Definite h - commented, have been studying the pectedly In a monastery at Montser- Dangerous Poaitloa government defense turned back the own aad declared “It must be clear had filled engagements here had rat, about 85 miles from here. Five planes of the naval bombing But he added that America waa Insurgent offensive In the ftenar- squadron VP-16 w»re at Sitka.
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