R MS-831: Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation Records, 1980–2008. Series A: Jewish Education Committee of the Jewish Agency. 1984–1988. Box Folder 1 1 Jewish Education Committee/Jewish Agency. Israel Experience Project, 1984-1988. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org Chairman Morion L Mandel n-,,11,Pil n1)::>ioil ?'ll ,11il, 11),n? i11Ynil Co-Chairman THE JEWISH EDUCATION COMMITTEE OF THE JEWISH AGENCY Avraham Kai z • Comm,uee Louis Bemsle1n USA Shoshana Cardin USA Martm Citrin USA Jaime Consiantiner Mel(rCO Heinz Eppler USA Ma• Fisher USA Hert1el Fishman Israel Jacobo F11erman Argentina Ralph Goldman RESOURCE BOOKLET NO 2 USA Uri Gordon Israel Richard Hirsch Israel Submitted by Nati v Policy and Planning Consultants Issac Jolie South Africa Stanley Kalms Eng/and Mendel Kaplan South Afnco Kenny Katz Sourh Africa Charles Kroloff USA Ari hur Levine USA BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS Norman Lipofl USA Rolw, t Loup USA for Yit,hak Mayef l,rMI Michal Moda1 /,roe/ THE ISRAEL EXP ERIENCE PROJECT: PHASE II - FROM DAT A TO ACTION Jose Ness1m USA Esther Leah Ritz USA Avraham Schenker Israel Mark Schlussel Compiled by USA Stephen Shalom USA Haim Aronovitz Ed Shapiro USA Sari Gillon Elreze, She/fer Batya Stein lm1el Fred Sichel USA Henry Taub USA El, Tav,n lsracl Melech Top1ol Fronce Judi Wtde1zk1,1 Israel Carlos Yunger Argentina Ex of/i,oo Arye L Dulzin Jerold C. Hoflberger Ak,va Lewinsky Consultanrs Seymour Fox. s.. mor Consultant Arthur Rotman Carmi Schwariz Jonathan Woocher Ha,mZohor 02"638928 02"6687l8 )l!l)IJ .93102 Ql)\!J)ll N2Z ;,-p!)~i1 Jln"l • deceased 22a Hatzfira Street, 93102 J erusalem Israel. Telephone 02-668728 02-638928 INTRODUCTION Th is r e source booklet -as its predecessor in June 1986- comes t o share with the reader back~round materials tor projects pr~sented to the- Jewish Education Committee and its Sub­ committees on the Israel Experience project ~nd on Personnel for Jewish Education at their meetin~s in Jerusalem in Februarv 1987. As in the pas t. we are choosing to sh&r~ with members ot the Committees and with interested professional plannin~ data, research instruments and back&round documents that have formed some of the basis tor our proposals. · By doinc this we are invitinc . tha reade~s to join the creative thinkinc process that wi ll l ead to chances and developments in the field of Jewish educatio n and the use or ~srael as a n educa tional resource . Moat documents are presented in draf t form a nd we ask the reader' s indul&e n ce for t h is. Th is bookle,t represents work­ in-prog;~ess and is an invitation to j oin. None ot the documents shoul d be viewed o~ used as f i nal . The Resource Booklet represents an extensive collective plannin~ etfort undertaken between the end o t December 1986 and Februar~ 17, 1987. Man~ peo ple have cont ributed to the writinc ot the documents. I would like to thank in particula~: Ala n Hottman: Noa Barkan; Ami Bo u~anim: Israel Maizel: Prof. Moshe Ke~em: D~. David Mittelbers: Linda and Steve Schattz in: Zeev Mankowi tz: Rabbi Lee Diamond: Haim Maverson and Dr. Jacob Ukeles. Annette Jloch stein Froject. Director TABLE OF CONTENTS , P'aa;o General Introduction ••• •• . • • . 11 The Israel Experience Project ·- Phase II Start and Consultants •• ••• •• •• ••• • • • • • V Introduction ••••••••• • •••• • • • • • • vi Supportina: Documents: I-1 Kibbutz Institutes tor Jewish Experience Proposal (Project no. 3) . .. .• •• •• • • • 1-13 Experimental Summer Proa;ram - Youth & Hechalutz Dept. (Project no. 5 ) ; I-2 Newsletter ~or Israel-bound Hi ~h Schoo1 Youth - Proposal • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11'-22 I-3 Dail¥ Pro8:ram tor Summer Tours • • • • • • • • 23-:-30 I-4 Vacation Villa~es tor, Youna: Adults (Project no •.6) . • • ~ .• • ..• •• • • • •• 31-53 lj THE ISRAEL EXPERIENCE PR03ECT Phase II: Pr~• Data To Act~on Sub-COIUl.ittee on the l•rael Experience Pro~eat Chairman: ROBERT E. LOUP Co-Chairman: RABBI RICHARD G. HIRSCH Staff, Consultants and Associates Project Director Annette Hochstein Pro;1ect Staff Estelle Albe& Haim Aronovitz Ami Bou&anim Yoram Cohen Sari Gillon Edna Levv Micky Lichtenstein Batva Stein Beth Weintraub Michal Yehuda consultants nn. Methodology Prot. Seymour Fox Prot. Michael I nbar Pro;1ect consultant Rabbi Lee Diamond Project Associates Experimental Unit. Youth & Hecha1utz Dept •• ~ Planning Group: Haim Maverson (co- ordinator ) Jonny Ariel Garv Copitch Steerin~ Committee: Alec Meir Menachem Revivi Project "Ore n", K1bbutz Moyem~nts Israel Maizel (co-ordinator) Len Go ldzwele Prat. Moshe .Kerem Dr. David Mittelber~ Introduction The Ierael Experience Project has as its &o al to brin& about the development o~ educational programs in Israel for visitors t1•om t he Diaspo ra. The proje c t was besun in early 1985 aR a research p r o je~t aimed at findins out whether there is a potential for increasin s the n umber of part icipants in such procrams and whether the impact ot pro~r ams c ould be increased. In June 1986, a summary report was presented t o the Jewish Educati.on Committ ee answerin& these two questions in the af'fi1:mative. The committee d e c ided t o undertake the translati.on ot the f1ndi nca into recommendations for ac tior1. This is Phase II of the Isr ael Experienc e Projec t " From Data to Action. " The d ocuments t h at follow pro vide backcround material tor the prosress report of February 1 9 87 and include: 1) A detailed propo s al, desis ned toseth er b~ r e presentatives of Oren and Nativ , of the new Kibb u tz Institute& tor Jewish Experience. 2 ) A proposal t or the p r oduction o f a n ewsletter and other material to be circulated a moncst v o uncst ers who will be participat~ns i n the expe r i me ntal summer p~osrams ot the Youth and Hechal utz. 3) A detailed s chedule o~ the daily proc~am for the three Youth and 'Hecha1utz e xpe rimental summer pro~ram, 4 ) A detailed proposal for the vacation v illases. includin& a c o nsideration of the economic feasi b i l ity o f various implementat~on options. THE ISRAEL EXPERIENCE PROJECT - PHASE II DOCU1QtNT .I- 1 Kibbutz Institutes r or Jewish Expe~ience l -------~~-~­ UNiiii Jewlah Bducallon and' lhe Kibbutz Eaperl enoe A PROPOSAL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF KIBBUTZ INSTITUTgs FOR JEWISH EXPERIENCE SUBMITTED TO THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE ISRAEL EXPERIENCE PROJECT OP THE JEWISH EDUCATION COMMITTEE OF THE JEWISH AGENCY Submitted bV PROJECT "OREN" ORANIM FEB, 1987 - ..==== ===========---- -~ti=oRANIMt========-==.:::::::-..:::=::-..:::=::--==--==-...:::::::--~ -- -.~· .~--..-- ... ~~=-------- - --------- Introduction Of the many excellent ideas which have been cxnsidered both in the Kibtutz Mavement and in discussion with Nativ a:nsultants and '4th Professor Seym:,ur Fax, Senior Calsultant to the Jewish Diucatioo 0:mnittee of the Jewish Agency, we propose to ooneentrate in the first stage of our efforts oo inprovi.D;J am increasing the soope am effectiveness of the Israeli Experience in the kitb.ltz as discussed in the following pages. It is prqx>sed to establish a series of Kil:bltz Institutes for Jewish Experience. 'lbese Institutes, located in kili:l.ltzim, will be fw"mnentally changed versialS of what have cane to be koown as kilx:utz ulpanim for the sbxiy of Hebrew (various programs operated in kil:t,utzim by various ncvnents ' \lOOer a variety of names have built Upal the basic "ulpan" framework). We have asked oorselves a number of questia,s: ~bat is the best way to intm'W the effect of ocntact with the kibbutz as a factor making for l~-tem Jewish a:mnittnent? Of the 20, UOO young people who visit kil:bltzim annually £ran one day to a year on a variety of programs, including sane 3,000 participants in ki.brutz ulpanirn - which type of program should we start with as a lever for improvement? 'Mlat is there al:0ut a stay in kibhltz whic.'1, if we "work it right," is to be fO\ll'D cruy in a kilbltz, is attractive to young people arxl can be used consciously as an educational factor? 'Ihe answers we came up with were the following: the kibbutz is a 1 11 tix>listic · enviran"TIE!nt - where one can integrate intellectual sbxly, erootiooal e>:perience and actual behavioral interaction - thus addressing all of these three elerents mald..ng far possible ccmnitnent. FurtheI1IDre, because it is a ~lete way of life, it enables the participant to enter these 3 .-2- areas beginning with his own point of interest - whether it be work , sport, music, dance, politics, or acade:nic stooy. 'Ihis possibility, arrl the research available, supp:>rts the asslr.lPtioo that long-term cxmnitmant correlates with kibb.ltz programs which were relatively successfully inplemented. This does n~ necessarily ha~ in every kibbutz or in every program. What goes wrong in. unsuccessful f~rks arrl what can we do to ensure their success? What type of program shrul.d we begin with? We have chosen to establish the Kibrutz Institutes for Jewish Experience ( and the change in name is deliberate; it represents a change i n educatiooal awroach) because the length of the ulpan- type program is suitable - a minimum anotmt of time is needed far educational affectiveness - because a significant arrl successful change of four such programs wil l positively affect all kil:butz ulpanim. '1be proposal itself is ocntained in the follc:Min:;J pages.
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