" ^ CATALOGUE OE BUILDING AND PLACE NAMES AT RUTGERS, TFR STATE UNIVERSITY COMPILED BY T.TOYD RAY GUNN 1973 •'iLlo.Kv^iV 5CJEt^jQi A L P H A B E T I C A L J U D E X ' MEP: of . DIVISION AND FACILITY NAMES of R U T G E R S - T H E S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y UP-DATED THROUGH 9-13-T^ Name Location Ackerson Hall 180 University Avenue Newark N e w a r k S c h o o l o f L a w Allison Road Busch Campus Piscataway Archibald Stevens College Avenue and Huntington Sts. New Brunswick A l e x a n d e r L i b r a r y College Avenue Campus Annitage Hall 311 North 5th Street Camden Ballantine Building George Street, Queen's Campus New Brunswick Bartholomew Road Busch Campus Piscataway Bartlett Hall Lipman Drive, Cook Campus New Briinswick B e c k H a l l Avenue E, Livingston Piscataway B e i v e r H o u s i n g Bevier Road, Busch Campus Piscataway Biel Road Cook Campus New Brunswick Bishop House College Avenue New Brunswick College Avenue Campus Blake Hall Greenhouse Lane, Cook Campus New Brunswick B o w s e r R o a d Busch Campus Piscataway Boyden Hall 195 University Avenue Newark Boyden Greenhouse U n i v e r s i t y A v e n u e Newark B r a d l e y H a l l 392 University Avenue Newark Braun Animal Laboratory Rear of Waksman Institute Piscataway Busch Campus Brett Hall Bishop Place, College Avenue Campus New Brunswick Brett"Road B u s c h C a m p u s • * ' Piscataway B r o w e r C o m m o n s College Avenue Campus New Brunswick J Name Location Cit: Glenn L. Gardiner Hall Lobby of the Continuing Education New Br\mswick Center, Clifton Avenue, Douglass Campus GeLhardt Dwelling Cook Campus New Brunswick G i b b o n s C a b i n George Street, Douglass Campus New Brunswick Hardenbergh Hall 615 George Street New Brunswick College Avenue Campus Headlee•Research Part of John B« Smith Laboratories New Brunswick Laboratories Complex, Cook Campus Hegeman Hall 600 George Street New Brunswick College Avenue Campus Henderson Apartments Clifton Avenue and Ryders Lane New Brunswick (corner), Douglass Campus College Farm Road, Cook Campus New Brunswick Herrman Hall Ryders Lane, Cook Campus New Brunswick (Institute of jtfenagement and Labor Relations) Hickman Hall George Street, Douglass Campus New Brunswick Hill Hall 380 High Street Newaxk H i l l C e n t e r f o r M a t h e m a t i c a l Frelinghuysen Road, Busch Campus Piscataway Sciences W i l l i a m L . H u t c h i s o n Amwell Road East Millstone Memorial Forest Jameson Dormitories Nichol Avenue and Suydam Street New Brunswick Douglass Campus Johnson Apartments Davidson. Road, Busch Campus Piscataway Alexander Johnston Hall Somerset Street and College Avenue New Brunswick Queen's Campus Katzenbach Hall Clifton Avenue, Douglass Campus New Brunswick J o y c e K i l m e r Wo o d s Busch Campus New Brunswick K i r k p a t r i c k C h a p e l Queen's Campus New Brunswick Leupp Hall The Quad, George Street and New Brunswick College Avenue, College Avenue Campus Name Location City Lipman Hall Lipman Drive, Cook Campus New Brunswick * Lipman Drive Cook Campus New Brunswick- Lippincott Hall Dudley Road, Douglass Campus New Brunswick Livingston College Pi scataway Lbree Gymnasium Clifton Avenue, Douglass Campus New Brunswick M c K i n n e y H a l l East on Avenue and Hamilton Street New Brunswick College Avenue Campus McLean Research Part of John B..Smith laboratories New Brunswick Laboratories complex. Cook Campus Marvin Apartments Marvin Lane, Busch Campus Piscat away Marvin Tiane Busch Campus Piscataway M e t t l e r H a l l 117 College Avenue New Brunswick M i l l e d o l e r H a l l The Mall, Queen's Campus New Brunswick M i l l e r H a l l lU College Avenue, New Brunswick (Formerly 12 College Avenue, Rear) College Avenue Campus o. M o r r i s R o a d Busch Campus Piscataway M u r r a y H a d l The Mall, Queen's Campus New Brunswick Neilson Dining Hall Clifton Avenue, Douglass Campus New Brunswick Nelson Biology Busch Campus Piscataway Laboratories Newell Apartments Ryders Lane, Cook Campus New Brunswick N i c h o l a s H a l l Douglass Campus New Brunswick Olson Laboratories U n i v e r s i t y A v e n u e Newark Osborne lane Busch Campus Piscataway Payson Lane Busch Campus Piscataway Mary Bogart Pell Hall George Street New Brunswick College Avenue Campus B a i l e y B . P e p p e r George's Road (Located in John B. New Brunswick E n t o m o l o g y L i b r a r y Smith Laboratories), Cook Campus Name Location P r e n t i s s S t r e e t Busch Campus Q ^ e e n s B u i l d i n g Queen's Campus- New Brunswick William Rieman Laboratory (Located in Wright Chemistry) Piscataway of Chemistry Busch Campus Robeson Center 350 High Street Newark Russell Apartments Bevier Road, Busch Campus Piscataway S c h a n c k O b s e r v a t o r y Queen's Campus New Brunswick Scott Hall k3 College Avenue, Queen's Campus New Brunswick Silvers Apartments Brett Road, Busch Campus Piscataway Frederic W. Smith Hall 101 Warren Street Newark John B. Smith Laboratories George's Road, Cook Campus New Brunswick Smitkers Hall (Center Busch Campus Piscataway f o r A l c o h o l i c S t u d i e s ) L u c y S t o n e H a l l Academic Building, Livingston Campus Piscataway S t o n i e r H a l l 135 College Avenue New Brunswick College Avenue Campus Strong Road Busch Campus Piscataway Sutphen Road Busch Campus Piscataway Ta y l o r R o a d Busch Campus Piscataway Thompson Hall Cook Campus New Brunswick Tillett Hall Livingston Campus Piscataway T l n s l e y H a l l 113 College Avenue New Brunswick College Avenue Campus Titsworth Place Busch Campus Piscataway Upson Lane Busch Campus Piscataway Vandermeulen Road Busch Campus—Perpendicular to and at Piscataway the end of Winchester, Morris and Strong Roads. Name Location Va n I ) y c k H a l l The Mall, Queen's Campus Van Nest Hall Queen's Campus Voorhees Campus Queen's Campus (hounded by Hamilton New Brunswick Street, College Avenue, Seminary Place and George Street.) Vo o r h e e s C h a p e l Chapel Drive, Douglass Campus New Brunswick V o o r h e e s H a l l The Mall, Queen's Campus New Brunswick Waksman Institute of Busch Campus Piscataway Microbiology at Rutgers University W a l l e r H a l l Short Course Building, Cook Campus New Brunswick W a l t e r s H a l l Douglass Campus New Brunswick Welschman Dwelling Cook Campus New Brunswick Wessells Memorial Hall The Quad, College Avenue Campus New Brunswick W i l l e t s I n fi r m a i y S u y d a m S t r e e t , D o u g l a s s C a m p u s New Brunswick W ^ i n a n t s H a l l Queen's Campus W i n c h e s t e r R o a d Busch Campus Piscataway W o o d b u r y H a l l Dudley Road, Douglass Campus New Brunswick Ralph G. Wright Laboratory Busch Campus Supplement to Alphabetical Index of Division and Facility Names of R u t g e r s - T h e S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Updated through 6/30/75 Name Location Philip J, Levin Theatre F i n e ! A r t s C o m p l e x New Brunswick D o u g l a s s C o l l e g e N i c h o l s A p a r t m e n t s Davidson Road Piscataway Busch Campus Serin Physics Laboratories Frelinghuysen Road Piscataway Busch Campus #7214- HENRY E. ACKERSON JR ACKERSON HALL Erected 1965 Born Oct. 15, 1880, in Holmdel Township, N.J.; Died Dec. 9, 1970, at Holmdel, N.J.; attended Packard School and Senftner Preparatory School in New York City; IL.B. (New York Law School, 1902), LL.D. (Rutgers University, 1953); ad mitted to New Jersey Bar, 1904; practiced law in Keyport, N.J.; Special Counsel to the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Monmouth County; Special Master in Chancery; Supreme Court Com missioner; Director of the Jamesbxirg Home for Boys; State Senator from Monmouth County, 1914- 1919; appointed Judge of the Court of Errors and Appeals, 1919; Circuit Court Judge, 1924- 47; New Jersey State Supreme Court Justice, 1948-52; General Chairman of the New Jersey Law Center Development Committee; Trustee, Rutgers University, 1955-70.
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