LOS CERRITOS 2013 LA Press Club Award Winner for Best Investigative Newspaper in Los Angeles Serving Artesia, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, La Palma, Lakewood, Norwalk, and Pico Rivera • 45,000 Homes Every Friday • April 11, 2014 • Volume 29, No. 8 • LosCerritosNews.net La Palma Mayor Cerritos Art Commissioners Attend Lavish Hit and Run Pursuit in Shanahan Delivers $8,000 Miami ‘Sculpture Symposium’ Cerritos Results in ‘State of City Address’ Arrest of Suspect By Rico Dizon By Randy Economy La Palma Mayor Steve Shanahan de- Cerritos Sheriff Deputies swung into livered the communities annual “State of action on Wednesday at around 12:38 the City” address this past week by re- p.m. after they received a call of a hit and minding residents, civic and business that run traffic collision that had just occurred “Building a Brighter Future for La Palma” at the intersection of 166th Street and takes effort and cooperation from every- Bloomfield Avenue. one. As the deputies responded, additional To make his point, Shanahan present- information of the hit and run traffic col- ed a mini flash light with a tag that read, lision indicated that a local citizen was “Here’s to your bright future,” chasing the fleeing suspect, who was run- Shanahan began his comments by ning away from the scene. standing in front of an image of the “La Further information on the call re- Palma Eternal Flame” that sits in front of vealed the fleeing suspect had carjacked the civic center and told those in atten- a female adult while she sat inside her ve- dance that “the torch burns continuously hicle at a nearby parking lot. since it was put there in 1972 and the past Responding LASD deputies observed generations are those who sacrificed to the vehicle traveling eastbound on Moore keep La Palma the City of Vision.” Cerritos Commissioners [l-r] Julietta Williams, Elaine Shiohama and Janet Beach at- Street from Carmenita Road. As the sus- Shanahan delivered praises to “the tended the ‘Art Symposium’ in Miami, costing Cerritos taxpayers over $8,000. Dolores great partnerships” between the local gov- Iglesias who also attended is not pictured. Graphic by HMG-CN. See HIT AND RUN page 7 ernment and private businesses that helped the City “stand on its feet even with the re- By Brian Hews and Randy Economy submitted by the four commissioners show cession and loss of redevelopment dollars that two of them paid a lower air fare cost HMG-CN Exclusive: three years ago.” Hews Media Group-Community News of $382, while the other two commission- Among the partners he singled out was has confirmed through a public records re- er’s air fares were dramatically higher at Central Basin Water the California Joint Powers Insurance Au- quest that commissioners of the Cerritos $651 and $743. thority, where the location of the address Fine Arts and Historical Commission went Further examination showed that the Candidate Stinnett Demoted took place. The mayor stressed that the on a lavish trip to Miami Florida, spending spouses of Williams and Iglesias attended CJPIA is one of the biggest sub-district over $8,000 to attend the 2013 Internation- and participated in various activities but From Commerce City Job See LA PALMA page 7 al Sculpture Symposium that took place the spouses only had to pay back the City between November 30 and December 4. partial costs of the trip. By Brian Hews and Randy Economy The commissioners who attended were Williams stayed five nights for a total Janet Beach, Dolores Iglesias, Elaine Shio- of $900, but her spouse was only charged Hews Media Group-Community News Gangs Out of hama, and Julietta Williams. for one night at $180. has confirmed through a public records re- One commissioner, Nora Benzon, who Iglesias stayed for four nights for a total quest that Jason Stinnette, who is running Downey G.O.O.D. is an appointee of Mayor Mark Pulido, of $720, but her spouse was not charged. for election for the Division 3 Seat on the choose not to attend. Beach, who represents City Councilman Central Basin Municipal Water District, The show was touted as “bringing to- George Ray on the Commission, also had was demoted from the position of Public for the Community gether artists, collectors, curators and art her $413 registration fee paid for as well Information Officer in the City of Com- enthusiasts for panel discussions, keynote as hotel room at $190.97 per night at the merce to a Media Specialist back in No- By Tammye McDuff addresses, optional tours, a reception, and Hyatt Regency Miami. Beach also turned vember 2013. a multi-day iron pour by the Iron Maidens, in receipts totaling $109.39 for meals. HMG-CN has reported in the past Gangs Out of Downey [G.O.O.D.] an international sculpture group.” Shiohama, who represents Councilman number of months that the controversial was created with support from Downey The four stayed at first-class accommo- Bruce Barrows on the Commission, also Stinnette has been attending Central Basin Unified School District and the Downey dations paying an average of nearly $200 spent four nights at the Hyatt Regency Mi- Board Meetings during regular working Police Department to provide ‘at risk’ a night, racking up $3,200 in total accom- ami and had the same room rate as Beach, hours. youth an environment of addressing the modation fees. records show and also had taxi fares of $66 In light of that, HMG-CN requested the ramifications of good and bad decisions. One former commissioner who did not and meal expenses totaling $164.51. pay stubs for Stinnette from January 2013 In the late 1980’s, Downey began to want to be identified commented, “the Cer- According to the City of Cerritos offi- to the present under the Freedom of Infor- see an increase in gang related activity. ritos City Council is constantly saying we cial website, the Commission main purpose mation Act. The surrounding cities were beginning to have no money, we have no money, why is to “assist the City Council in administer- The records confirm that Stinnette was have a difficult time with gang affiliations. are we sending commissioners, a group ing the Art in Public Places Program.” paid $41.82 per hour, earning over $1,600 With the help of local businessman Phil that meets every other month, on trips to Also stated as their priority, according a week as the Public Information Officer Miami to look for artwork?” See G.O.O.D. page 7 A deeper review of the travel reports See ARTS COMMISSION page 8 See STINNETT page 7 Only She Knows She had Surgery... Virtually Scarless Surgery with the da Vinci Robot Call 877-877-1107 for a FREE consultation Pioneer at Carson | www.tcrmc.org *model - not an actual patient 2 APRIL 11, 2014 HewsMediaGroup.com TO ADVERTISE CALL 800-901-7211 Cerritos Community Prayer Breakfast May 14 Easter Egg Hunts, Events Set In La Mirada, Norwalk The public is invited to join us as we message of Risk, Originality and Virtuos- celebrate our Fourteenth Annual Cerritos ity (ROV) - and discusses how they apply Community Prayer Breakfast at the Cer- to success in business and in life. His mes- ritos Sheraton Hotel on Wednesday, May sage brings something unique and refresh- 14th from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. The cost is ing to his audience. $27 per person or $270 for a table of 10. Peter Vidmar is the highest scoring In addition, we have VIP ta- American gymnast in Olym- bles at $300 for a table of 10 pic history. The winner of where you will have prefer- numerous national and in- ential seating and your name ternational titles, Peter fin- and organization will be ished his successful career printed in our program. Mr. at the 1984 Olympic Games. Don Knabe, Los Angeles As the USA men's gymnas- Fourth District Supervisor tics team captain, he led his will again serve as Master of teammates to America's first Ceremony. team gold medal with their This year our keynote stunning upset victory over speaker is Mr. Peter Vidmar the defending world cham- a two time Olympic Gold pions, the People's Repub- Medalist. He is a power- lic of China. He went on to ful and entertaining speak- Peter Vidmar will be the key- win the silver medal in the er. With over 2 decades of note speaker at this year’s individual all-around com- By Peter Parker bring it with you to the Information Booth experience helping people Prayer Breakfast. petition (the first American at Norwalk’s Egg Hunt. throughout the country to to have ever won an Olym- Be on the lookout for Peter Cotton City officials want participants to ar- realize their own potential, pic All-Around medal), and Tail, who will be running around Norwalk rive early to the event due to the large an- Peter does much more than just speak with a perfect score of 10, he captured the and La Mirada this Easter season. ticipated attendance. about his experiences. In his inspiring, gold medal on the pommel horse. Both the City of Norwalk and City of The City of Norwalk is in need of Vol- humorous, and energetic presentations, he For more information please call 562- La Mirada will be holding special events unteers for the event. If you would like to actually performs world class gymnastics 860-9607 or email to: mecsnanny@aol. to celebrate the annual Rite of Passage. participate please call (562) 929-5702. on the pommel horse to drive home his com.
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