CONCURS Qui Som INTERNACIONAL CONCURS Qui Som MassanaOrgue 2018 CONTACTE INTERNACIONAL Dedicat a Francisco Correa de Arauxo Associació Amics dels Orgues de les Valls d’Andorra MassanaOrgue 2018 CONTACTE Dedicat a Francisco Correa de Arauxo Associació Amics dels Orgues de les Valls [email protected] d’Andorra [email protected] 5-6 d’octubre 5-6 d’octubre Concurs internacional d’orgue, participants internacionals Concurs internacional d’orgue, participants internacionals 22 23 22 23 1st International Organ Competition dedicated to Francisco Correa de Arauxo 5-6th of October 2018. la Massana, Principality of Andorra ___________________ Program 1st Round * th th 1) A work of iberian music (16 -17 centuries). Recommended composers: Antonio de Cabezón, Manuel Rodrigues Coelho, Francisco Correa de Arauxo, Pablo Bruna. 2) A work of (chose one): Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Georg Muffat, or Girolamo Frescobaldi. 3) A work of Johann Sebastian Bach: a movement of a trio sonata, a prelude or a fugue. (*) pre-selection on video (wmv, mpg. o .mov. Max. 20’) The name of the candidates should not appear on the video. The jury will favorably rate the program selections that prove to be suited for a competition. nd 2 Round (face-to-face) 1) 6 candidates will be selected. 2) The 6 organists selected will play a public concert of 30'. 3) Concerts will be in two sessions of 1h30’ each, with three candidates in every session. 4) The program of the concert will be up to every participant, and should be fitting for the features of the instrument. It should include at least: a) A work of Francisco Correa de Arauxo. th th b) A work of Iberian repertoire of the 16 - 18 centuries. Recommended composers: those of the first part plus Juan Bautista Cabanilles, Vicente Rodríguez, Carlos Seixas, José Elías, Antonio Soler or José Lidón. See the list of recommended publishings. _________________ Conditions The maximum age of candidates: 35 years old (born from 1983 on). The registration fee is 30€. The deposit must be made in the account of Amics del Orgues of the bank ANDBANK of Principality of Andorra (Av. Sant Antoni 32, la Massana) IBAN: AD35 0001 0000 4141 6910 0100 Swift: BACA ADAD. The inscription only will be effective once the payment is made. Other specifications: st The name of the selected organists of the 1 round will be published in our web page. For the concert, every organist will dispose of a minimum of two hours of preparation. Shall any participant need it, he or she will dispose of one assistant for the concert. __________________ Inscription Send to [email protected] the Registration form, with the requested documents. ___________________ Dates st 31 July: deadline of the Inscription th 15 August: publication of the finalists th 5 October: preparation of the competition th 6 October: Morning, preparation for the Competition Afternoon, International Competition MassanaOrgue st 1 Session: 16 - 17.30 2n Session: 17.45 - 19.15 Jury's decision and delivery of diplomas: 20.30 in auditoriom of Les fontetes de la Massana. ___________________ Awards st 1 Prize 2.000€ award and paid concert in the Jornadas de órgano ibérico, year 2019. nd 2 Prize 1.000€ award Special prize Montserrat Torrent to the best perfomance of iberian music 500€ award Public award 250€ award The first and the second prize may be awarded ex aequo. The jury reserves the right to not grant awards if the performances is not satisfactory enough. Special prizes are indivisible. The participants will agree with the transfer of the rights of perfomance in case that the recordings of the second round would be on broadcast. ___________________ Acommodation and maintenance The organization can advise about the accommodation, at the request of the participant. The selected organists will receive a 200€ scholarship in concept of spending aid. ___________________ Jury The jury will be composed of prestigious organists who are also specialists on Iberian music. ___________________ Contact Secretary of the competition: [email protected] Registration form 1st International Organ Competition MassanaOrgue, 2018 Name ______________________________________________________ Last Name ______________________________________________________ Place and date of birth ______________________________________________ Current address _________________________________________________________ Studies _________________________ e-mail _______________________________ Phone number ___________________ Repertoire – Name of the composer and work st 1 Round 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________ nd 2 Round Detailed Program I have read and accept the conditions of this competition Signature: _________________________ Attach: 1. Recording on video of the works of the first round (15-20') 2. Copy of ID/Passport 3. Curriculum Vitae 4. Artistic Photo 5. Proof of payment Recommended publishings Iberian music Pablo Bruna - Obras completas para órgano (Stella), Institución Fernando el Católico, Zaragoza, 1993. Juan Bautista Cabanilles Ausgewählte Orgelwerke 3 vol. (Bernal/Doderer), Bärenreiter, Kassel, 2017. - Opera Omnia 9 vol. (Anglés) Biblioteca de Catalunya (desde 1927). - Música de tecla valenciana, 4 vol. (Sagasta), Institució Alfons el Magnànim, Valencia, desde 1986. Antonio de Cabezón - Ausgewählte Werke für Tasteninstrumente, 4 vol. (Bernal/Doderer), Bärenreiter, Kassel, 2010. - Obras de música…, 4 vol. (Artigas y otros), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona, 2010. Manoel Rodrigues Coelho - Flores de Musica (1620): Ausgewählte Werke für Orgel, Pro Organo nº 1010 (5 versos “Ave Maris Stella”, 5 Tentos, 1 Susana glosada), (Doderer) Willy Müller-Süddeutscher Musikverlag/Bärenreiter Kassel. - Flores de Musica, 2 vol. (Kastner), Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1976. Francisco Correa de Arauxo - Libro de tientos y discursos… Facultad Orgánica, (Bernal), Sociedad Española de Musicología, Madrid, 2005 (2ª ed. 2013). - Facultad Organica (Guy Bovet), Ut orpheus edizioni, Bologna, 2007 Josep Elies - 24 peces per a orgue (Pedrero-Encabo), Tritó, Barcelona, 2008. José Lidón - La música para teclado, 2 vol. (García Fraile), Sociedad Española de Musicología, Madrid, 2004. Vicente Rodríguez - Peces per a orgue sobre el Pange Lingua español (Preciado), Institució Alfons el Magnànim, Valencia, 1981. - Dos toccatas para órgano con clarines (Climent), Catedral Metropolitana, Valencia, 1982. - Ilustracón Valenciana (Ros/Voortman), Institució Alfons el Magnànim, Valencia, 1998. Carlos Seixas - Ausgewählte Sonatas I-XV, XVI-XXX, Organa Hispanica vol. VII-VIII, nº 2726-2727, Willy Müller-Süddeutscher Musikverlag/ Bärenreiter Kassel. - 80 sonatas para instrumentos de tecla (Kastner), Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1965. - 25 sonatas para instrumentos de tecla (Kastner), Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1980. Antonio Soler - Música para órgano (Sierra), Ediciones Escurialenses, San Lorenzo del Escorial, 1997. European music Johann Sebastian Bach - Samtliche Orgelwerke. Peters. - Samtliche Orgelwerke. Bärenreiter - Samtliche Orgelwerke. Breitkopf & Härtel. - Neue Bach Ausgabe Girolamo Frescobaldi - Opere complete (Darbellay y otros), Suvini zerboni, Milano. - Toccate d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo. Partite di diverse, arie e corrente, balletti, ciaccone, passaghagli. Libro primo, (Ed. facsímil) Spes, Firenze, 1980. - Il secondo libro di tocate... (Ed. facsímil) Spes, Firenze, 1980. - Orgel- und Klavierwerke, 5 vol. (Pidoux), Bärenreiter, Kassel, 1949. Georg Muffat - Apparatus musico-organisticus (Walter), Musikverlag Alfred Coppenrath, Altötting, 2008. - Apparatus musico-organisticus (Radulescu), Doblinger, 1982. Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - Werken voor Orgel en Clavecimbel (Seiffert) Alsbach & Co., Amsterdam, 1943. - Sämtliche Orgel- und Klavierwerke (Rampe), Bärenreiter, Kassel. Sant Iscle and Santa Victòria church, la Masssana organ: Joaquín Lois, 2007 The organ consists of two keyboards of 56 notes and a pedalboard of 30 notes and 19 stops. All the stops are divided in bass and treble (between c' and c#’). Other features: Mechanism to commute between normal octave and short octave in the Órgano Mayor. As toys the organ has birds and 2 drums (d0 and a0). Pitch 440Hz Asselin 1/8 temperament Órgano Mayor Cadireta II teclado I teclado Flautado de 13* 8’ Flautado tapado de 13 8’ Octava 4’ Flautado de 13 m.d. * 8’ Docena 2 2/3 Tapadillo 4’ Quincena 2' Quincena 2’ Lleno 4H 1 1/3’ Docena Nazarda 2 2/3’ Corneta 6H 8' Diecisetena Nazarda 1 3/5’ Trompeta Real 8’ Decinovena 1 1/3’ Bajoncillo-Clarín 4’ - 8’ Orlos 8’ Pedal (30 notas) Acoplamientos Contras tapadas de 26 16’ I/II Contras abiertas de 13 8' I/P Octava 4' II/P * en fachada.
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