n THE WEST BANK BUFFER West Bank Computer Center University of Minnesota SUMMER EDITION 1973 BLOCK TIME USERS checking out a key from Hugh Smith or Helen Nelson in 93c Blegen Hall. A new policy allows block time users to run, connected to the 6600, on Sunday nite between 4:00 p.m. and mid­ FISCAL YEAR ENDS night. All persons interested in ALL ACCOUNT -NUMBERS WILL becoming qualified block time operators CLOSE UNLESS RENEWED on the 3200 should contact Hugh Smith or Helen Nelson in 93c Blegen Hall. All 3200 and 6600 account numbers will Remember, if you have taken the block become invalid on July 1. You must time course but have not operated in renew existing accounts in order to the last six months, your qualifica­ continue storing tapes at Lauderdale tion has lapsed and you must requalify. or to maintain disk pack space reserv­ ed under the old number. SUMMER HOURS The forms are even simpler to fill out than last year so hurry down to 93c Summer hours are identical to spring Blegen and pick one up from Helen. hours. We will be open on Saturdays. The schedule is reprinted below. NIFTY MOD PROVIDES ~29 CAPABILITY Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 midnight Sat 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Tom Berg has implemented an ~29 to ~26 conversion routine as part of our The center will be closed on Wednes­ IMPORT package. Thus it is now possible day, July 4 for a Civil Service to read cards punched on an IBM 029 holiday. keypunch without converting them. From a users point of view, this modifica­ tion is identical to one available at TIME SHARING LAB Experimental Engineering. The write-up from U.C.C. Notes and Comments is The West Bank instructional time reprinted here to provide documentation. sharing lab is available during summer sessions. Any instructor who wishes to use the MERITSS system for a class 029 KEYPUNCH CARD INPUT related project should contact Hugh Smith. The time sharing lab is The installation standard for the Exp located in 167 Social Sciences tower Eng & West Bank remote station is the and its hours are as follows: 026 keypunch card input. The user may override this standard to select 029 Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. keypunch card input by punching con­ secutively the characters 2 and 9 into Additional hours may be scheduled by providing a room monitor and -2- ' 029 KEYPUNCH CARD INPUT (cont'd) minus, asterisk, and slash. columns 79 and 80 of his J~B card or Caution to 029 F~RTRAN users: The use any 7/8/9 end-of-record card. The of the apostrophe ' to denote hollerith newly selected keypunch mode then re­ strings is nonstandard F~RTRAN and is mains in effect until the end of the acceptable only to the MNF compiler. job or until it is reset by the charac­ ters 2 and 6 consecutively punched into Hollerith Card Conventions table is on columns 79 and 80 of a 7/8/9 end-of­ page 3. record card. The user may correctly read an input file of records having consecutive or alternating keypunch CRTFTN TWEAKED AGAIN modes by punching 26 or 29 on appro­ priate 7/8/9 cards preceding the CRTFTN is now disguising itself as a corresponding 026 or 029 records. If real live compiler by sneakily calling columns 79 and 80 of a 7/8/9 end-of­ FORTRAN on its own. This saves a lit­ record card is blank or does not contain tle more time and provides a simple the character pair 26 or 29, the pre­ one control card call to process CRTFTN viously selected keypunch mode or the programs. The parameter list on the 026 default mode is used. CRTFTN card now includes these options L,X,~,F which are described below: The particular conversion of 029 card codes to CDC display code that has been L if present causes a CRTFTN listing implemented on our system is described to be produced. in the attached table. This mapping was designed to enable F~RTRAN, SN~ ,X = ii specifies the file to which BOL, and C~B~L users of the IBM/360 executable binary will be writ­ to run their card programs on the CDC ten by the FTN compiler. De­ 6600 without any major repunching of fault is ii = 56. cards. Since many of the 029 keyboard characters are not directly available ,~ = jj file ordinal of output from CRT­ in the CDC 6600 63 character set (par­ FTN and input to FTN ticularly those needed in SN~B~L) the Default jj = 54 conversion maps 029 card codes into the corresponding display code substi­ ,F = i if i = 0 no FTN call made tutes which are generally accepted by i = 1 generates FTN, I=jj ,X=ii CDC 6600 compilers. i = 2 generates FTN, I=jj ,X=ii,L i = 3 generates FTN, I=jj ,X=ii,L,M Often, minor changes must be made in i = 4 generates FTN, I=jj ,X=ii, an 029, IBM/360 program deck in order L,M,A to be compatible with the CDC 6600 Default is i = 2 compilers. For example, in a F~RTRAN program, a program card may be a nec­ ,I = kk specifies that ordinal or unit essary addition in order to declare files from which CRTFTN input is read. used in the program. This additional Defaults to input card must either be punched on an 029 machine or punched by an 026 machine ,999999 The size of the array IDATAW. simulating an 029 machine. In the This array holds literal strings latter case, the attached table of produced by define statements. comparative punch codes may be quite Thus the array can be eliminated useful. The punches made by both if no define statements are used. keypunch machines are identical for many of the most common keyboard characters including the alphabetic, the numeric, and the comma, period, -3- West Bank Computer Center Hollerith Card Conventions CDC Display 63-Character 029 Hollerith Hollerith Set Keyboard (026) (029) 01 A A 12-1 12-1 Identical thru thru thru thru thru 11 I I 12-9 12-9 12 J J 11-1 11-1 Identical thru thru thru thru thru 22 R R 11-9 11-9 23 s s 0-2 0-2 Identical thru thru thru thru thru 32 z z 0-9 0-9 33 0 0 0 0 Identical thru thru thru thru thru 44 9 9 9 9 45 + + 12 12-8-6 46 11 11 47 11-8-4 11-8-4 Identical * * 50 I I 0-1 0-1 51 ( ( 0-8-4 12-8-5 52 ) ) 12-8-4 11-8-5 Identical 53 $ $ 11-8-3 11-8-3 54 8-3 8-6 55 blank blank no punch no punch or 6-8 or 0-8-2 Identical 56 (comma) (comma) 0-8-3 0-8-3 57 ' (period) ' (period) 12-8-3 12-8-3 60 - 0-8-6 11-8-2 or 11-0 61 ¢ 8-7 12-8-2 or 12-0 62 (underline) 0-8-2 0-8-5 Identical 63 (colon) : (colon) 8-2 8-2 64 ~ I (apostrophe) 8-4 8-5 65 .... ? 0-8-5 0-8-7 66 v 11-0 12-8-7 or 11-8-2 67 A & 0-8-7 12 70 t II (quote) 11-8-5 8-7 71 + @ 11-8-6 8-4 72 < < 12-0 12-8-4 or 12-8-2 73 > > 11-8-7 0-8-6 74 -< II 8-5 8-3 75 > % 12-8-5 0-8-4 76 -s- .., 12-8-6 11-8-7 77 (semicolon) (semicolon) 12-8-7 11-8-6 -4- STATISTICAL CONSULTANT Ralph Krishnan will be our statistical consultant during the first summer session. He will help users who have problems with OMNITAB, BMD, or SPSS programs. Ralph will be available in room 167 Social Sciences Tower during the following time: Mon, Tu, Th 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Weds. even. 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Fri. 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. The night time hours are scheduled to help those extension students who have consulting problems. .
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