Back The Attack! Back The Attack! Better Bonds Tban Better Bonds Than Bondage Bondage The Glengarr® New THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO $2.00 A TXAA VOL. LI—No. 19. Alexandria, Out., Friday May 7, 1943. Glengarry Loan Total At $250,000 Nixon Is New Major G. Falkner Mrs. Irvine Heads Rev. N. McCormick Cheese Board May Killed In Action W.M.S. Glengarry 25 Years A Priest Meet Bi-Monthly As Half-way Mark Of Drive Reached Liberal Leader & Descendant of Prominent Sixtieth Anniversary Silver Anniversary Of Secretary’s Report Shows More Determined Effort-Required If Toronto Convention Glengarry Family Meeting Held At Popular Cleric Being 68,608 Boxes Boarded Counts To Reach $595,000. Goal—Lochiel Elects Him On First Killed In Tunisia Maïtintown Last Week Observed Tuesday. Here In 1942 Alexandria District Leads. • Ballot—Conant 111 TORONTO, May 1—Ontario. Liberals Major Graeme Falkner, descendant The 60th anniversary of the Glen- Invitations have been received by, The annual re-organization meeting With less than 50 per cent of its | today looked-to Barry Corwin Nixon as] of a prominent Glengarry family ^ has garry Presbyterial of the Woman’s relatives, here, to be present at cere- of Alexandria Cheese Board was'held objective attained at the half-way' CHOICE OF LIBERALS their standard-bearer in the political been killed in action in- recent fight- Missionary Society, organized hr a monies marking the 25th Sacerdotal last Thursday evening April 29th, to mark, Wednesday night, Glengarry life of the province. I ing in Tunisia, according to an official small group of women in 1883, was Anniversary of Rev. Neil McCormick,1 the Fire Hall, here with a represen- ■wik have to finish strongly In the a popular priest of the Alexandria dio- tative attendance. Arch A. McDougall, PB»»!» The 53-yeav-old Brant county farm- announcement Saturday. Major Palk- observed at the 17th annual meeting Fourth Victory Loan Drive if it is- to ner of the Glengarry Presbytegial of W. cese and native Glengarrlan. Fatheri 4th Kenyon, was re-elected President er was selected party leader on the* enlisted In the Stormont, Dundas remain true to Its past history of M.S. of the United Church of Canada McCormick will mark the day at Ho- and the other officers were also re- surpassing every goal set in the war first ballot yesterday as the Liberal and Glengarry Highlanders In June tel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, where he appointed. provincial convention closed Its two-1 an<1 went overseas with his unit held in St. Andrew’s United Church, effort. The latest returns rrMn coun- 1110 Martintown. j is serving as Chaplain, and the Sis-| day gathering. The ballotting gave the following year. He was among a Horace Marjerison, Apple Hill, was ties’ headquarters shew a total of A meeting of the executive aad ters of St. Joseph of that Institution voted to the chair and S. O’Connor, the former Provincial Secretary a clear group of Canadian soldiers who went $253,700. subscribed by Glengarry re- are sponsoring the observance which^ Secretary persented his report for the cut majority over his three opponents to North Africa .soira: weeks ago fori nominating committees pseceded the sidents who. must raise -that sum to will consist of a Solemn Anniversary! —418 of a possible 582 votes. training in action against the Axis sessions at which Mrs. G. W. Irvine^ season of 1942 which showed a total $595,000 in the next ten days. forces in Tunisia. j president, presided. Apple Hill, North Mass In the chapel at 10.30 follosVed, of 68,608 boxes of cheese boarded dur- Coupled with the leadership election Lochiel - Alexandria was leading A son of Major James Falkner, M.O. Branch, and Glen Gordon Auxiliaries by a dinner, immediate relatives and ing last year of. Which 67,909 boxes of were exhortation^ by party stalwarts Wednesday both In total subscription and Mrs. Falkner, who resided at 19 took the worship service preceding members of the elergy will be among white and 701 boxes of colqred sold for unity of thought and action with and in percentage attained : with Natre Dame Street, Hull, Que., the each session. j the Invited guests. ' at the celling price of E 5-8 cents. Federal Liberalism and an end to In- $77,650. already reported for a 55.46 young officer was closely connected: Reports for 1942 were given by Mrs. A son of'the late Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Alexandria Board had dropped from • percentage. In the interval the total ternal differences. Jlsa wttfa many of Glengàrryls finest fami-j G- W. Irvine, Mrs. A, P. MacGregor, bert H. McCormick, 3rd Lociriel,, Rev. second place In boardings to fifth be- has passed the $90,000. mark aided sub- Former Premier Mitchell Hepburii, Iies H]s paternal grandfather was Dr corresponding secretary; and Miss’ Eathar McCormick graduated from St.] ing exceeded to safees by Belleville Laura stantially by a $22,000 purchase bj vtfio long ago yoke with the Federal Duncan Falkner of WUllamstown and Binnie, treasurer, the latter Augustine’s Seminary, Toronto, : and Vankleek Hill, Kemptville and Corn- Lochiel Township Council, Which was administration of Prime Minister Mae- his father was bom there. Major Falk-j reporting an Increase In givings over was ordained to the holy priesthood to wall. It was Interesting to nbte that voted at Tuesday’s regular meeting. kenzie Bing, was not present at tne ner’s mother was the former May Me 1—41. Mrs. A. H. Johnson had on her St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto, May the Ontario government bonus of 2c tal>le a llne Total sales for the other Glengarry convention. It was Mr. Hepburn’s, re- Dougall of Alexandria a niece of Col' collection of literature and 12th, 1918. ; The reverend gentleman per lb., at an estimated weight of 90 'divsiions, with percentages attained, signatlon as Premier last October^ R R McLennan of Alexandria, who' reviewed briefly a few books at the left almost immediately for Western lbs per bôx amounted to the hand- were as follows Wednësday: Chariot- ivhen Hon. Gordon Conant took over Member of Parliament for Glen-] luncheon hour. j HARR^- C. \lXON, new yOntarlo was Canada, he. having joined the Cal- some total of $123,494.40 onu Alex- tenburgh, $66.250—36.81 percent; Ken- the government leadership—thait ul- y f 1391, to 1900. Mrs. D. C. MacDougall, Majÿville Liberal leader. lgarr rom gary diocese and most of his priestly andria Cheese Board sales lone. As a yon-Maxvill|e, $52,650—31.97 percent; timately brought about the party con- He ^ survived by his widow, the president of the first Presbyterial un-] career was spent to fruitful work to considerable proportion of the cheese —Lancaster, $57,150—47.62 percent. the vention: I former Ellzabteh Mulholland of Peter-] ^ United Church of Canada the parishes .of that district, ^oms maunfactured in Glengarry were sold United Counties figures show a to- Mr. Nixon’s opponents in the vot- borough, and two children, Peter and gave 111 “Memories” very Interesting eight years ago he returned to his on Cornwall and Vankleek Hill Boards tal of $1,094,850 subscribed, some 35 Funeral Mass For Ing were Arthur Roebuck former On- Ian. In addition to his parents, he1 lacls down the tyears. At the close native diocese and for the past lew the bonus was estimated to hire dis- per cent of the $3,100,000 objective. tario Attorney-General and now mem- leaves twe brothers Capt. Keith Falk-] 01 h6r a<Mress she was presented with years he has been stationed at Hotel tributed oer $200,000. mong the Matilida township, leads with $122,450 Hubert Morris bér of the Federal House for Toronto ner, R.C.A.M.C., at present In the a corsage of rosebuds by Miss Ida Dieu Hosptial. cheese producers of Glengarry county in subscriptions 64.45 percent of its Trinity; Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Min- Maritimes, and Lieut Erie FalknerJ MacKenzle In recognition of her many The officers for 1943 are as follows: quota. Lochiel-Alexandria is . In second Attended by many relatives and Is ter of Highways; and Walter, Thom- wth the Royal Canadian Dragoons 5th] year8 01 lalth^al service. Miss Eliza President—Arch. McDougall, Secretary place" in the percentage column. I family friends, a Funeral Mass for son of Toronto, making his first bid Armored Division overseas. ' MacGregor, Alexandria wpast travell- Diocesan Council —S. O’Connor; Directors —Kenyon— The national objeptive of $1,100,000,-: Sergt.-Fllot Hubert Morris, son of Mr.' jor office ing secretary of W.M.S. was also the G. McRae; Lancaster — Rod McLeod,. 000 was still far from attainment yes- and Mrs.. John J. Moqrls, Alexandria H _ recipient of a corsage which tn her 1 harles Cox MP P fOT Arthur Charlottenburgh—Finlay McIntosh. tesday though subscriptions had pass- was chanted by Rev. Dr. W. J. Smith, ° ’ - ’ Ü ’ absence was received by her niece, Convenes C.W$L. ed half-way mask.. Late reporte from1 In St. Fthnan’s Cathedral, here, Thurs-1 was KÜ but wlthdrew before the Lancaster Flax Mr Marjerison, who is also President I baHotting. Miss Ethel Ostrom. 1 The semi-annual meeting of the Ottawa showed loan sales at $564,106: day morning at 7.36 J o’slock, Sergt. of the Glengarry Cheese Producers The address of th^ afternoon was executive committee of the Alexandria Association, announced that Rod Mc- -500.00 more than 100 million dollars' Pilot Morris, one of Alexandria’s most’ Conant Taken IB i Plant Hit By Fire given by Miss Ida MacKenzle, trav- Diocesan Council of the Catholiq Wo- 1 Donald would test the milk for the above sales at the same point In the popular youijg citizens, has been re-^ Premier Conant, who was to have elling secretary of W.M.S.
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