S9048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 23, 2002 ‘‘(iii) inform populations, as appropriate, ‘‘SEC. 1707A. INDIVIDUAL OFFICES OF MINORITY to data on Americans of Spanish origin or that members of the populations may be eli- HEALTH WITHIN PUBLIC HEALTH descent). gible to receive services or otherwise partici- SERVICE. ‘‘(f) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this sec- pate in the activities carried out with such ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The head of each agency tion: awards. specified in subsection (b)(1) shall establish ‘‘(1) MINORITY HEALTH OFFICE.—The term ‘‘(3) CULTURAL COMPETENCY OF SERVICES.— within the agency an office to be known as ‘minority health office’ means an office es- The Secretary shall ensure that information the Office of Minority Health. Each such Of- tablished under subsection (a), subject to and services provided pursuant to subsection fice shall be headed by a director, who shall subsection (b)(2). (b) are provided in the language and cultural be appointed by the head of the agency with- ‘‘(2) RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITY GROUP.— context that is most appropriate for the indi- in which the Office is established, and who The term ‘racial and ethnic minority group’ viduals for whom the information and serv- shall report directly to the head of the agen- has the meaning given such term in section ices are intended. cy. The head of such agency shall carry out 1707(g). this section (as this section relates to the ‘‘(e) GRANTS AND CONTRACTS REGARDING ‘‘(3) SPECIFIED AGENCY.—The term ‘speci- agency) acting through such Director. DUTIES.— fied agency’ means— ‘‘(b) SPECIFIED AGENCIES.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out sub- ‘‘(A) an agency specified in subsection ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The agencies referred to section (b), the Deputy Assistant Secretary (b)(1); and in subsection (a) are the following: may make awards of grants, cooperative ‘‘(B) the National Institutes of Health. ‘‘(A) The Centers for Disease Control and agreements, and contracts to public and non- ‘‘(g) FUNDING.— Prevention. profit private entities. ‘‘(1) ALLOCATIONS.—Of the amounts appro- ‘‘(B) The Agency for Healthcare Research ‘‘(2) PROCESS FOR MAKING AWARDS.—The priated for a specified agency for a fiscal and Quality. Deputy Assistant Secretary shall ensure year, the Secretary may reserve not more ‘‘(C) The Health Resources and Services that awards under paragraph (1) are made than 0.5 percent for the purpose of carrying Administration. only on a competitive basis, and that an out activities under this section through the ‘‘(D) The Substance Abuse and Mental award is made for a proposal only if the pro- minority health office of the agency. In re- Health Services Administration. posal has been recommended for such an serving an amount under the preceding sen- ‘‘(2) NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH.—For award through a process of peer review and tence for a minority health office for a fiscal purposes of subsection (c) and the subsequent has been so recommended by the advisory year, the Secretary shall reduce, by substan- provisions of this section, the term ‘minority committee established under subsection (c). tially the same percentage, the amount that health office’ includes the Office of Research ‘‘(3) EVALUATION AND DISSEMINATION.—The otherwise would be available for each of the on Minority Health established within the Deputy Assistant Secretary, directly or programs of the designated agency involved. National Institutes of Health. The Director through contracts with public and private ‘‘(2) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR STAFF- of the National Institutes of Health shall entities, shall provide for evaluations of ING.—The purposes for which amounts made carry out this section (as this section relates projects carried out with awards made under available under paragraph (1) may be ex- to the agency) acting through the Director paragraph (1) during the preceding 2 fiscal pended by a minority health office include of such Office. years. The report shall be included in the re- the costs of employing staff for such office.’’. ‘‘(c) COMPOSITION.—The head of each speci- SEC. 363. ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF HEALTH port required under subsection (f) for the fis- fied agency shall ensure that the officers and cal year involved. AND HUMAN SERVICES FOR CIVIL employees of the minority health office of RIGHTS. ‘‘(f) BIENNIAL REPORTS.—Not later than the agency are, collectively, experienced in (a) IN GENERAL.—Part A of title II of the February 1 of fiscal year 1998 and of each sec- carrying out community-based health pro- Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 202 et ond year thereafter, the Deputy Assistant grams for each of the various racial and eth- seq.) is amended by adding at the end the fol- Secretary shall submit to the Committee on nic minority groups that are present in sig- lowing: Energy and Commerce of the House of Rep- nificant numbers in the United States. The ‘‘SEC. 229. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CIVIL resentatives, and to the Committee on Labor head of such agency shall ensure that, of RIGHTS. and Human Resources of the Senate, a report such officers and employees who are mem- ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT OF POSITION.—There describing the activities carried out under bers of racial and ethnic minority groups, no shall be in the Department of Health and this section during the preceding 2 fiscal such group is disproportionately represented. Human Services an Assistant Secretary for years and evaluating the extent to which ‘‘(d) DUTIES.—Each Director of a minority Civil Rights, who shall be appointed by the such activities have been effective in im- health office shall monitor the programs of President, by and with the advice and con- proving the health of racial and ethnic mi- the specified agency of such office in order to sent of the Senate. nority groups. Each such report shall include carry out the following: ‘‘(b) RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Assistant Sec- the biennial reports submitted to the Deputy ‘‘(1) Determine the extent to which the retary shall perform such functions relating Assistant Secretary under section 1707A(e) purposes of the programs are being carried to civil rights as the Secretary may assign.’’. for such years by the heads of the minority out with respect to racial and ethnic minor- (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section 5315 health offices. ity groups; of title 5, United States Code, is amended, in ‘‘(g) DEFINITION.—For purposes of this sec- ‘‘(2) Determine the extent to which mem- the item relating to Assistant Secretaries of tion: bers of such groups are represented among Health and Human Services, by striking ‘‘(1) RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITY GROUP.— the Federal officers and employees who ad- ‘‘(6)’’ and inserting ‘‘(7)’’. The term ‘racial and ethnic minority group’ minister the programs; and f means American Indians (including Alaskan ‘‘(3) Make recommendations to the head of Natives, Eskimos, and Aleuts); Asian Ameri- such agency on carrying out the programs STATEMENTS ON SUBMITTED cans and Pacific Islanders; Blacks; and His- with respect to such groups. In the case of RESOLUTIONS panics. programs that provide services, such rec- ‘‘(2) HISPANIC.—The term ‘Hispanic’ means ommendations shall include recommenda- individuals whose origin is Mexican, Puerto tions toward ensuring that— SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or ‘‘(A) the services are equitably delivered TION 145—RECOGNIZING AND any other Spanish-speaking country. with respect to racial and ethnic minority COMMENDING MARY BAKER ‘‘(h) FUNDING.— groups; EDDY’S ACHIEVEMENTS AND ‘‘(1) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— ‘‘(B) the programs provide the services in THE MARY BAKER EDDY LI- For the purpose of carrying out this section, the language and cultural context that is BRARY FOR THE BETTERMENT there are authorized to be appropriated most appropriate for the individuals for $21,000,000 for fiscal year 2003, $25,000,000 for whom the services are intended; and OF HUMANITY fiscal year 2004, and $28,000,000 for fiscal year ‘‘(C) the programs utilize racial and ethnic Mr. KENNEDY. (for himself, Mrs. 2005. minority community-based organizations to CLINTON, and Mrs. HUTCHISON) sub- ‘‘(2) ALLOCATION OF FUNDS BY SECRETARY.— deliver the services. mitted the following concurrent resolu- Of the amounts appropriated under para- ‘‘(e) BIENNIAL REPORTS TO SECRETARY.— tion; which was referred to the Com- graph (1) for a fiscal year in excess of The head of each specified agency shall sub- $15,000,000, the Secretary shall make avail- mit to the Secretary for inclusion in each bi- mittee on the Judiciary: able not less than $3,000,000 for carrying out ennial report under section 1707(g) (without S. CON. RES. 145 subsection (b)(2)(E).’’. change) a biennial report describing— Whereas the Mary Baker Eddy Library for SEC. 362. ESTABLISHMENT OF INDIVIDUAL OF- ‘‘(1) the extent to which the minority the Betterment of Humanity will officially FICES OF MINORITY HEALTH WITH- health office of the agency employs individ- open on September 29, 2002, in Boston, Mas- IN AGENCIES OF PUBLIC HEALTH uals who are members of racial and ethnic sachusetts, thereby making available to the SERVICE. minority groups, including a specification by public the Mary Baker Eddy Collections, one Title XVII of the Public Health Service minority group of the number of such indi- of the largest collections of primary source Act (42 U.S.C. 300u et seq.) is amended by in- viduals employed by such office; and material by and about an American woman; serting after section 1707 the following sec- ‘‘(2) the manner in which the agency is Whereas the namesake of the Library, tion: complying with Public Law 94–311 (relating Mary Baker Eddy, achieved international September 23, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9049 prominence during her lifetime (1821–1910) as powerful legacy that ideas can inspire (4) small business concerns owned and con- the founder of Christian Science and was the individuals, empower them and trans- trolled by socially and economically dis- first woman in the United States to found form their lives.
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