THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE A L A B A M A OF THE ALABAMA STATE PORT AUTHORITY SEAPORT MarCH 2009 ICS ad-8.5x11-Alabama 3/10/09 1:24 PM Page 1 Alabama Seaport PuBlishED continuOuSly since 1927 • marCh 2009 On The Cover: an aerial view of the progress of the Pinto Island Steel Terminal shot march 2. governor Bob riley and representatives from Thyssenkrupp Steel toured the facility in February. 4 8 Alabama State Port Authority P.O. Box 1588, Mobile, Alabama 36633, USA Contents P: 251.441.7200 • F: 251.441.7216 • asdd.com alabama governor Surveys Progress at new Pinto Island Terminal ........4 James K. Lyons, Director, CEO Larry R. Downs, Secretary-Treasurer/CFO Flanagan Steps up as Interim Port Police Chief .........................................7 EXECutiVE a global Investment in mobile and the Port: PErsonnEl Charles F. Sleeman, Manager P: 251.441.7209 Introducing global Stainless Steel Corporation ............................................8 FinanCial SerVICes hispanic-american association Seeks to Strengthen Community .........10 Larry Downs, Secretary/Treasurer 251.441.7050 Linda K. Paaymans, Vice President 251.441.7036 Port Calls: alabama Coastal Birding Trail ................................................. 12 COmptrOllEr Pete Dranka 251.441.7057 Information TechnOlOgy Stan Hurston, Manager 251.441.7017 at the helm: austal uSa ................................................................................16 human Resources Danny Barnett, Manager 251.441.7004 made in alabama: alabama river Pulp marks 30 years of Operation ......18 Risk managEmEnT Kevin Malpas, Manager 251.441.7118 Internal auditor Avito DeAndrade 251.441.7210 Currents ......................................................................................................20-22 Marketing AAMA reception Photos ..........................................................................24-26 Judith Adams, Vice President 251.441.7003 Sheri Reid, manager, Public affairs 251.441.7001 Of men & Ships: an american hero, Commodore Stephen Decatur .....27 Pete O’Neal, manager, real Estate 251.441.7123 Pat Scott, manager, Fixed assets 251.441.7113 John Goff, manager, Theodore Operations 251.443.7982 Operations H.S. “Smitty” Thorne, Executive Vice President/COO 251.441.7238 Departments Bradley N. Ojard, Vice President 251.441.8133 Glenn Reibe, Training & Quality Control manager 251.441.7156 Sailings .............................................................................................................. 32 Ron Adler, asst. general manager, Operations 251.441.7316 Postcards from the Past ...............................................................................35 Bulk OperationS Raymond Dearmon, Manager 251.441.7676 Melvin Barnett, Operations Superintendent 251.441.7675 Port of mobile Directory ................................................................................36 TErmInal raIlway Bill Otter, Interim GM 251.441.7301 GenEral CargO/Intermodal Steamship agencies & lines ........................................................................38 OperationS Mike Parker, Manager P: 251.441.7232 F: 251.441.7231 CustomEr SErvice Marx Nicholson, Manager 251.441.7047 Traffic/Sales Anna Ward, Manager 251.441.7516 Chuck Camp, logistics manager 251.441.8179 ICS Logistics keeps your cargo moving. With facilities strategically located in the Southeast, a state of the art information POrT POlice Chief Jimmie Flanagan P: 251.441.7777 system and a service commitment that you can rely on, we are the strongest link in your supply chain. Give us a call F: 251.441.7072 TruCk COnTrOl Lester Davidson 251.441.7098 today to learn how we can keep you as flexible as the marketplace demands. InterIm harbor master Capt. Terry Gilbreath 251.441.7074 Transportation Planning & SECurity ICS Logistics Transportation Hal Hudgins, Vice President 251.441.7237 TECHniCal SerVICes 12 18 Dry & Perishable Storage Joseph L. Threadcraft, Vice President 251.441.7220 Industrial Cold Storage / JaxPort Refrigerated Services EngIneerIng managEr Jerald Kichler 251.441.7253 ICS Logistics Mobile Refrigerated Services / Global Stevedoring EnvirOnmEnTal, HealTh & Safety Robert C. Harris Jr., Manager 251.441.7082 Pacorini Global Services An Equal Opportunity Employer ALABAMA SEAPORT (ISSN 1524-8259) is published monthly by the marketing department, Alabama State Port Trade & DEVelopment Marine Services Mark I. Sheppard, Vice President 251.441.7201 Authority. The magazine is provided free of charge upon written request from customers and friends of the Alabama Global Stevedoring / Pacorini Global Services Todd Jones, Director Trade & Development 251.441.7144 State Port Authority. Material contained herein, except when copyrighted, may be reproduced in whole or in part. A latin amErica Sales & Trade DevelopmEnT credit–line “Reprinted from ALABAMA SEAPORT” will be appreciated, and it is requested that a copy of the publica- Maria Mendez, Director 251.441.7535 tion, containing the material used, be sent to Editor, ALABAMA SEAPORT, Alabama State Port Authority, P.O. Box 1588, Mobile, Alabama 36633 U.S.A. JACKSONVILLE / 904.786.8038 / WWW.ICSLOGISTICS.COM ALABAMA GOVERNOR SURVEYS PROGRESS AT NEW PINTO ISLAND TERMINAL Bob Riley, governor of alabama Alabama State Port AutHority Tim Parker Jr., Chair, Tuscaloosa Term expires July 31, 2013 William B. Bru, Mobile Term expires July 31, 2009 H.L. “Sonny” Callahan, Mobile Term expires July 31, 2009 David J. Cooper, Mobile Term expires July 31, 2013 Maj. Gen. J. Gary Cooper, USMC (RET) Term expires July 31, 2010 An artist’s rendering of Pinto Terminal captures the functionality of Mike Fields, Tuscaloosa Term expires July 31, 2009 the new state-of-the-art facility due to be completed by year-end. Barry Morton, Birmingham Term expires July 31, 2010 Steve Thornton, huntsville Term expires July 31, 2010 Sam Jones, Mobile Alabama Governor Bob Riley and ASPA director and CEO Jimmy Lyons answer questions Term expires July 31, 2009 for news crews during the tour. Pictured at right is Bob Soulliere, president and CEO, ThyssenKrupp Steel USA. Alabama Seaport Editorial Staff Judith Adams, Editor-in-Chief It has been said that necessity is the mother of invention. So when depth Jennifer Jenkins, managing Editor limitations on the Tombigbee River looked like it might hinder Mobile’s Maureen Smith, managing Editor chances to recruit ThyssenKrupp Steel and Stainless USA LLC, the Scott Rye, Contributing Editor Alabama State Port Authority went to work to find a solution. Sheri Reid, Editor at large The result was the Pinto Island Steel Terminal located on the lower Mobile Editorial Contributors Harbor. The proposed terminal is situated on the federal channel maintained Blake herndon at an authorized depth of 45 feet. “The terminal’s construction is ahead of Jennifer Jenkins An aerial view of the progress of the Pinto Island Steel Terminal Jimmy Lyons, director and CEO of ASPA, points out the progress on the terminal shot March 2. Governor Bob Riley and representatives from to Governor Bob Riley; Peter Urban, ThyssenKrupp Steel AG vice chairman of schedule,” said Jimmy Lyons, director and CEO for the Port Authority. “We niki lim Vanessa mcgee ThyssenKrupp Steel toured the facility in February. executive board; Erich Heine, member of the executive board of ThyssenKrupp expect to complete the wharf and take delivery of the cranes in October Steel AG; and Bob Soulliere, president and CEO of ThyssenKrupp Steel USA. megan Prawdzik and will be operational by December this year.” Tracie ray Working with business – not against it – to make them a part of HP piles, 33,217 linear feet of steel pipe piles 20 inches in greta Sharp your community. That’s the way to truly stimulate the economy, diameter and 56,259 linear feet of concrete piles 20 inches In February, Alabama Governor Bob Riley visited the marine terminal site to maureen Smith check on its progress and to applaud the German steelmaker for creating and that’s exactly what we’ll continue to do here in Alabama.” square. About 200 contractors are building the marine terminal. American Bridge is the Port Authority’s contractor jobs for Alabamians. “There’s a lot of talk about bailouts these days,” said PHotograpHY Gov. Riley at Pinto Island. “A lot of people seem to have this bailout mentality Sheri reid The $100 million terminal’s construction cost is expected to and Shaw GBB is the engineer of record on the project. that has set in over the last few months. It almost makes you wonder how come in on budget with Lyons contributing much of the cost we ever got anything accomplished without the federal government doing all Editorial offices of ALABAMA SEaPOrT magazine are controls on effective project management and the Authority’s ThyssenKrupp had two executive board members from the work. I wish everyone in Washington could be here to see what we’re located at the International Trade Center, 250 n. water strategic move to secure steel sheet pile and concrete under Germany on hand for the February event as well. Peter Urban, doing here today. I wish the whole country could see this because, ladies and Street, mobile, AL 36602. To be added to or deleted from contract. “Most of this construction material was procured CFO of ThyssenKrupp Steel, and Erich Heine, who provides gentlemen, this is true economic stimulus. We have local officials joining forces the mailing list, contact the alabama State Port authority locally,” said Lyons. Building the 70-acre terminal required board oversight for the Alabama project and its associated to create
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