Cancer Crusade falo, will speak at the Roches-' Dr. Michael Laskowski, Amer­ ter Cancer Crusade fund drive COURIER-JOURNAL A ican Cancer Society Lifetime kicl&frat m SBSraton^ffo^el; -Fridayr-March 24; 1967- -,-->-%- Research Professor ~at Roswell Tuesday, Blarch 28. The cam- ParkiMemorial-Irutituter-^uf. paign^is^scSedured April tWi. Tuesidey,-Mqr. 2Z «f-~<8«15!- For Condemned Films Beqytiful, New, Color Travel Film By J. D. NICOLA with the American film indus­ ated with the old, negatively- CLIPandSAVE New York—The "condemned" try. oriented Legion of Decency. Curtis NagePs It's felt that the condemna­ movie rating — strongly associ Notes film critic Moira Walsh, tions, infrequent though they ated with the old Legion of De­ a long-time NCOMP Consultant: may be, are taking too much FRANCE 1 cency but still retained by its They condemned 'Blow-Up' be­ attention away from what successor, the National Catholic cause they didn't want to see NCOMP really regards as its See every corner of this most glittering and glamorous H Current Film Ratinjt Office for Motion Pictures — films like 'The Swinger' (an prime function: to educate film- country: Paris, Versailles, Loire Valley, Carcasonne, Nice, g is undergoing an important Ann-Margaret film aimed at goers and create a climate for Cannes, Old Normandy, French Alps, Mont . St.rMfehel. g transformation that will prob­ adolescents), in the form they superior films. National Catholic Off Ice For Motion Pictures ably culminate in .a—re-naming would be if they didn't have of that famed category or its SEATS NOW! $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 I CLASS A. Section 1 — UnohJectioiuMe far Genual Fttnnas* the 'C to hold over their heads." 3. The condemnations are abolishment altogether. even taking attention away from A Man For All Seasons Frontier Hellcat Namu, the Killing Still, while officially object­ Eastman Theatre Fastest Guitar Alive Gambit Wtiale NCOMP's "B" category (moral­ Batman. The Goal I Plainsman The most significant change ing to 'BlowJUp' for "a sexual ly objectionable in part for all), Beau Geste Gospel According to Reluctant Astronaut .The treatment which, in certain se­ Bible, The that has occurred, chiefly in the which contains many films that , St. Matthew. The Return of the Gunfighter quences of this film, will im- Billie the Kid Gulliver's Travels Rings Around the World last three years, is that the "C" are much .more serious threats ^_ VL. Dracula .Beyond—the—Moon —- -Ronieo-and.Julie+-{Bri)-—.- classification—no_ longer-means Bress.jdejKers_a& -going, .beyond.to—publiCTTnoratiit y -than—man; BirdsDo It How to Steal a Million Run^Appaloosa.Run what it used to mean: namely, reasonable limits of moral ac­ Bolshoi Ballet, The I Deal, in Danger .' Russians are Coming, The "C" films — i. e., thoroughly Born Free Is Paris Burning? Russion Adventure, The that any film placed in that ceptability for a public ' enter­ sadistic films like "A Fistful .of Cat( The Jack Frost (Rus.) Smoky Christmas That Almost category was judged to present tainment medium'," NCOMP Dollars." Ironically, NCOMP .Khartoum. ^Snow=SMh»U» mevertheless-cites-its-"bfiiliance -tast-o-f-ttWRenegaaTes' 'Sound of Muih fgMialEpbteiitral-moTaTTiarm To places many rums in "TTHfather Country Boy Las Vegas Hillbilies Spinout, The the viewer. of camera technique and beau­ than "C" because "we don't Daydreamer. The Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. Tanin and the ty of image composition." As Dr. Who and the Daleks Man Called Flintstone. Texas Across the River want to give them that much Evening with Royal The Thunderbirds Are Go Combined with this is the little as four years ago, the film notoriety." Ballet, The Monkeys Go Home That Tennessee Beat growing suspicion at NCOMP office never said anything good Fighting Prince ol Munster Go Home Valley of Gold Endless. Summer, The that however effective the about-a film it was condemning, 4. The "condemned" category My Fair Lady Tiko and the Shark DnnerjaL threat of a-condemned rating is egardless of how brief the of­ long ago became associated pri­ Frahkeristein Conquers in maintaining certain stand­ fending sequece. marily witrr"is*ir''-aTitHhe-^!rtt the World ards of morality in films, it office-has,-as -a-result, nevet NCOMP^" distinction ITetween ^ccnlalTkt-to-fuJly-get^acrosstho j-JilmJj^eaamfflnsded-to-th* patronage ot trie entire family as superior may actually be doing-ihe-fUnr films that are condemned in entertainment. office's apostolate more harm concept of voluntary Christian CLASS A, Section 2 — Unobjectionable for Adults and Adoleicmita "word and those that are con­ witness in the ° filmgoer's setec than good. demned in spirit (there are still After the Fox (Br.) Fort Utah i Secret Agent Fireball tion of motion pictures. Film on More Appalooosa, The Gunfight in Abilene Shadow of Evil The transformation in the many of the latter, such as "Kiss Briaes of Fu MancFu, The Gypsy Girl Snamelesst)ld Lady, The Me, S t u p i d" and "Night 5. Finally, there is the theory PARISHIONERS of St. Thom Brown Eye-Evil Eye, "C" category's meaning can be Hostile Guns Shameless Old -Lady, Games") has been slow in Come Spy With Me It Happened Her* . _Ihe_(£r.)_- _sejen JnJ^e_&cjidemnedjrating5_ that the. Catholic fiilm office as More Church have re» C mon TetT live a Jokers, The (Br.) Sweet Light in a given to a number of films over reaching most CatholiTSirbtrt Iff may have a more positive long -served^heUegent Theater on Little Marco, the Magnificent Dork Room the last month two diocesan range effect on the movie in­ Counterfeit Constable •Mystery of Thug Texican, The the past several years, among April 21 for a Family Movie Deadly Bees, The newspapers carried very favor­ Island, The To Sir, With Love them: "The Silence," "The dustry if the. industry is able Defector, The (Gr.) O.S.S. 117, Missiqn Tobruk able reviews of "Loves of a Night - performance of the Die, Monster, Die Pawnbroker," and the more cur­ to look upon NCQMP without for a Killer (Fr.) Traitor's Gate Blonde" and "Blow-Up" — both Doctor Zhivag,o Poppy'ls Also A Tramplers, The rent "Loves of a Blonde" and thinking of it primarily as a prize-winning film, "A Man Eye for an Eye Flower. The tfncie. The ~" ^Blow-Up^1 = rjf-themj-significantly^- by con- box-offlee- threat whichHhe For"All Seasons.'' Pictured is "Fahrenheifrir P rejectee!Ma.a.-TJl«-.. JA&ong—Box—The "Frrst-to-Fighi ReaTomaKaw k Warning Shot suitors on NCOMP's reviewing Paul Scofield 4n the role of While at one time the film board. ."jiOndemnedlLxjating^ow-repre-J. JDMunas._-Morc, - Tickets—are - office suggested that all con­ In the Diocese of Paterson, sents. (Catholic Press Features) available by calling 244-4656 CLASS A. Section I — TJnobJtetlonaM* far Adult* demned films should be regard N.J., "The Beacon" carried a -Ambush—Bay Hotel •Raqe : ^^i8^5^.^^^11 -review-of-^oves-of-a-Blend^ Any Wednesday Hotel faradiso Return of the Seven NCOMP commentaries indicate *-Alvarez-— Kelly - •Hot-ftacHftrHelt-'- •• Sandra-(Htaf.) • -'• ^pay_fieoxgeJ5:eeiien.,(i'.3Chejr« isn!t Bang, Bang You're Dead Idol The Secret Agent Super. that this is" no longer Tffie~ffliff a slick, glib, or otherwise dis­ BlueS'for Lovers Inside Daisy Clover Oragon office's attitude. Indeed, honest moment in the film") Busy Body, The Island of Terror Shoot Loud. Louder NCOMP observations on some Chamber of Horrors Kaleidoscope ... I Don't Under­ and "The St. Louis Review" Contest Girl, The Kiss the Girls and stand Oral.) C" films, such as the above went so far as to back up Broth­ Slates 'Young MozarF Crazy Quilt, The Make Them Die Spirt Is Willing. The four, have had more good things Deadly Affair. The La Vista (The Visit) Shop on Main Street, to say than NCOMP has said er George Wead's right to praise A New" York production of the musical, "Young Devil's Own, The (Ital.T The "Blow-Up." Said the newspaper -Dirty- Gome? Tne - -Main-Ghence-.-The-- —r4-Spy-WHh-e Gold-Nose- - -or-will say -—-about-many in­ in an editorial: "We" do not Mozart", will be presented by Peter Pan Playhouse at Dead Heat on a Man Called Adam, A Study in Terror. A (8r.) nocuous films that receive Merry-Go-Round Modesty Blaise Sucker, The subscribe to the idea that be­ Theatre East, Friday, March 31, at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 El Greco McGuire, Go Home Sweet Love. Bitter "A-l" ratings. cause of a 'condemned' rating p.m. It will be the last presen- _ Eldorado Not With My Wile Three on a Ccuch Thunderball a film has nothing more to be tation of this season's children's Enough Rope (Fr.) You Don't • The reason for this apparent Fortune Cookie, The Naked Prey, The Time Lost and Time said for, or against, it." series. ' atre Conference for its New Fireball 500 Niaht of the Generals Remembered (Br.) contradiction — a "C" but some York Showcase as an example Funny Thing Happened Pad and How to Use 1 To Trap a Spy good words — appears compli On the Way To the Penetope Trunk to Cairo But the "condemned" classi "Young Mozart" is one of the 0f outstanding plays for the Forum. A Pawnbroker. The U p To Hit Ears cated at first (and this is one fication itself, close observers Venetian Affair. Preludes to Greatness Series co-| young. Funeral in Berlin (Revised) The- of the factors that may speed of NCOMP are certain, is being produced by Jay Harnick and," Grand Prix Professionals.
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