JHa»trl)p0tpr Bpralb Monday, Nov. 14, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents Court takes state law on beer prices By Richard Carelll The 1984 Connecticut law, how­ The Associated Press ever, stated that the posted Connecticut beer prices only had WASHINGTON - The Su to reflect the lowest prices being preme Court today agreed tc offered “ at the time of the judge the constitutionality of a posting.” Connecticuttlaw aimed at assur­ The law did not prevent brew ing that beer sold in the state ers from lowering prices in the costs no,^ore than it does in three three neighboring states “ at any neighboring states. time during the calendar month The court said it will review a covered by such posting.” ruling that the 1984 law regulating Beer brewers immediately beer prices unduly interfered challenged the 1984 law but a with interstate commerce. federal trial judge upheld it. Raginild PInto/Minchaatcr H trild The justices in 1983 voted 5-3 in The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of GATE CRASHER — South Windsor police said a man the truck through this locked gate at the company on striking down as unconstitutional Appeals last June 13 reversed the charged in connection with a fatal six-vehicle accident Kennedy Road, South Windsor. The truck has been a similar Connecticut law. judge’s ruling and struck down Saturday in South Windsor reportedly stole a truck from The earlier law prohibited the law. impounded, police said. brewers from selling its brand ol "The realities of beer price Paul’s Distributors Inc. before the accident and crashed beer in Connecticut at a price regulation in the border state higher than the lowest price area show that Connecticut’s which it sold beer in New York, statute inevitably exercises con­ Massachusetts or Rhode Island. trol over the prices set for sales Survivor of fatal crash improves Under that law, the controlling occurring wholly outside its terri­ price was adjusted each month. tory,” the appeals court ruled. The retail price of beer gener­ Bv Nancy Concelman broken or cracked sternum and South Windsor police arrested involved in the cra.sh “ Accordinjgly, we hold that the ally has been higher in Connecti­ Manchester Herald may have a broken vertebra. Britto and charged him with Vivian and Richard Stewart amended Connecticut beer price cut than in its neighbor states, Killed in the crash was Glen T. driving under the influence of both suffered neck injuries and affirmation provisions directly and many Connecticut consu­ A Manchester woman was Christensen. 19. of 31 McGrath alcohol, second-degree mans­ Croteau suffered a knee injury, a regulate interstate commerce in mers buy beer in one of the three listed in guarded condition today Road, South Windsor, who.se car laughter with a motor vehicle, Manchester Memorial Hospital violation of the Constitution,” it neighboring states. at Hartford Hospital after being was struck from behind by a second-degree assault with a spokesman said today. All three added. The earlier law was struck injured in a six-vehicle accident truck and caught fire. South motor vehicle, operating under were treated and released Satur­ The 2nd Circuit court’s ruling Saturday in South Windsor in Windsor police said. suspension, third-degree crimi­ day. down because it was deemed to was appealed by state officials affect the price of beer outside which a 19-year-old South Wind­ Police said the accident oc­ nal trespass and first-degree Britto was held on $50,000 bond and in-state beer wholesalers. Connecticut by locking beer pri­ sor man was killed. curred at around 5 p.m. Saturday larceny. and was scheduled to appear in The cases are Healy vs. Beer ces in all four states for one- Police say John Britto. 23. who hen four vehicles and a stolen Police said Britto stole the Manchester Superior Court to­ Institute, 88-449, and Wine and month periods to the level posted was charged in connection with truck were traveling eastbound truck from Paul’s Distributors day, police said. Spirits Wholesalers vs. Beer in Conneetteutr-^- ' the crash, was driving a stolen on Sullivan Avenue near the Inc.. 67 Kennedy Road. South Britto had completed eight Institute, 88-513. truck while under the influence of Colony Shops, near Hillside Windsor. Milt Bayer, general months of a one-year sentence alcohol. He had been released Drive. The truck, driven by rpanager of Paul’s, said Britto and been released eight days from prison eight days earlier. Britto. of no certain address apparently climbed a barbed- before the accident, said William Labor role is unlikely The Manchester woman. Phyl­ struck Christensen’s car. police wire fence and crash the truck Flower, director of communica­ lis Lateano. 49, of 28 Concord said. through a gate to tget to the road. tions with the state Department Road, was flown from the scene of The three other vehicles and a Also injured in the accident of Corrections. the accident by Life Star helicop­ pickup truck parked near a were James Croteau. 25, of Henry Britto was arrested Jan. 14 of in Shamir government ter and was originally listed in Sullivan Avenue gas station were Street. Manchester: Vivian Ste­ this year and charged with critical condition Saturday, a also hit, but police said they did wart, 53. of Enfield, and her second-degree larceny. Flower By Louis Meixler share power with Labor as he did hospital spokeswoman said. La- not know if the pickup truck was husband. Richard Stewart. 59. of The Associated Press after the 1984 stalemated .'teano reportedly suffered a occupied. Enfield. All were in other vehicles See ACCIDENT, page 10 elections. JERUSALEM — President Shamir promised to include in Chaim Herzog asked Prim e Min­ his Cabinet all the parties "that ister Yitzhak Shamir today to would agree to be part of a Groups fight stigma of mentai iiiness form Israel’s next government, Likud-led government.” and Shamir pledged to make a However, Labor Party "tremendous effort” to advance Secretary-General Uzi Bar-Am By Nancy Pappas ces and observations with about prejudice.” going to parties when we were the peace process with the Arabs. said Labor would accept nothing Manchester Herald 16 people in Center Church’s O’Connor has spent the last four younger and hearing the wives The president called on Israel’s less than an equal partnership Woodruff Hall. The meeting was years learning to live with a standing in the kitchen swapping two major parties, Shamir’s with Likud. Several months after Raymond a kickoff fora newself-helpgroup mental illness known as manic delivery stories. But that is right-wing Likud and the rival After the 1984elections, Shamir O’Connor was released from the for those with psychiatric prob­ depression. Tho.se with this il­ something that’s denied to men­ left-leaning Labor, to try and and Peres agreed to divide psychiatric unit at Manchester lems, which will begin meeting lness have periods of unbridled tal health patients.” form a national unity Cabinet posts equally and both Memorial Hospital, he ran into a tonight at 7 at the Genesis Center. energy and wildly frenetic activ­ That is why self-help and government. served as prime minsters for two fellow ‘ alumnus” in a local 105 Main St, ity. followed by deep depression support groups for people with But it appeared most likely years. This time, however, Likud supermarket. Funding has come from the and anxiety. psychiatric problems are so Shamir would form a government has the ability to form a govern­ (cticut ’The two men were in the same Department of Mental Health’s Although his medication, psy­ worthwhile, said O’Connor. At with small right-wing parties and ment with small religious and snap- aisle, walking toward each other. Community Support FVogram. chotherapy and change in outlook such a group, all types of mental three religious parties. right-wing parties and was un­ treak. •’’There we were, just a few feet according to Nanette LaTre- are now keeping his condition health concerns may be aired, he Shamir, speaking at the presi­ likely to grant Labor’s demand i 4-4-1 apart,” O’Connor recalled. ” If we mouille. who is the mental health quite stable. O’Connor knows that said. He said he has traveled as dential mansion after being sum­ for equality. had both been heart patients, or department’s acting coordinator what he terms the "terrible, far as Norwich to find such a moned by Herzog, a greed to try to Herzog referred to the growing w e’d had our legs in traction, for human resources in-this frightening, terrorized feeling” group, and is now a regular ige 47 explore a unity government but tension between secular and 9 we’d hove been all smiles. We’d region. She and Vicki Smith, who may return. member of a support circle in made it clear he alone would lead have greeted each other like old is coordinator of the Connecticut Yet it is not the uncertainty of Farmington. the government and would not See ISRAEL, page 10 buddies. But as it was. we looked Self Help/Mutual Support Net­ his disease, but the certainty of Within a self-help group, men­ away, avoided eye contact. Es- work, chaired last week’s his public dishonor, which con­ tal patients can overcome the ‘sentially we denied what we’d meeting. cerns him. Even close friends stigma — imposed both by society been through together. The “ When you choose to walk into don’t want to hear about expe­ and by patients themselves — PLO draft declaration stigma is just too great.” a support group, you’re ending riences in a mental health institu­ which is the biggest obstacle to As one of three speakers at a the denial.” said O’Connor, an tion.
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