The Wilsonian 2020-21, Volume 113 Wilson College, Serving Since 1832 2020-21, Volume 113 a REV. DR. JOHN WILSON Pencil sketch by our student Mr. Pranriyad M. Padayachi SYJC (ARTS) b 2020-21, Volume 113 EDITORIAL BOARD Chairperson: Principal Prof. Anna P Nikalje Editor: Ms. Veronica Bhonsle Co-Editor: Ms. Kshama T Jayaraj Sub-Editors: Ms. Sandra Kavarana Dr. Biraj Mehta Ms. Lorraine Ramos Vaz Ms. Asilata Karandikar Section Editors: English : Ms. Vinita Mathew Hindi : Dr. Satyawati Chaubey Ms. Sunita Chauhan Marathi: Ms. Rashmi Satpute Student Editors Graphics Student Representatives Miss. Jigeesha Banerjee Miss. Pooja Kargatiya Miss. Aazka Patel Miss. Hemangi Malshe Mr. Pranriyad Padayachi Mr. Rounak Chatterjee Miss. Akanksha Puradkar 2020-21, Volume 113 1 vecemJeÀej, ceQ efJeumeve ceneefJeÐeeue³e yeesue jne ntB~ H³eejs efJeÐeee|Le³eesb, ceQ DeeHeJeÀe efJeumeve ceneefJeÐeeue³e yeesue jne ntB~ JeweféeJeÀ ceneceejer JeÀesjesvee JesÀ JeÀejCe mebHetCe& efJeée ceW neneJeÀej ce®e ie³ee~ ceeveJe peeefle JeÀer megj#ee nsleg uee@JeÀ[eGve JesÀ ®eueles nce efceue venerb meJeÀles, lees Je̳ee ngDee? ceQ lees meowJe DeeHeJesÀ ceve-ceeqmle<JeÀ ceW,DeeHeJeÀer ³eeoesb JesÀ PejesKeesb ceW yemelee ntB~ ceQ JeÀYeer DeeHeJeÀes Yetue veneR meJeÀlee, ve ner DeeHeJeÀes JeÀYeer cegPes Yetueves otBiee, Je̳eesbefJeÀ DeeHe cesjer Deeve, yeeve Deewj Meeve nQ~ DeeHemes ner cesjer Hen®eeve yeveer ngF& nw~ JeÀesefJe[-‰‘ JeÀer Jepen mes DeeHe DeHeves Iejesb ceW yewþves JesÀ efueS efJeJeMe nQ, Hejbleg efnccele nejves JeÀer JeÀesF& DeeJeM³eJeÀlee veneR~ Fve efJeHejerle HeefjeqmLeefle³eesb Hej efJepe³e ÒeeHle JeÀjJesÀ ³en mebmeej SJeÀ yeej efHeÀj DeHeveer meeceev³e efove®e³ee& ceW ueerve nesiee~ H³eejs efJeÐeee|Le³eesb , cegPes DeeHeJeÀer yengle ³eeo melee jner nw~ efpeme ÒeJeÀej SJeÀ ceeB DeHeves Heg$e JeÀes ieeso ceW uesves JesÀ efueS lejmeleer nw; Deepe Gmeer ÒeJeÀej ceQ Yeer DeeHe meyeJeÀer ®enue-JeÀoceer, nBmeer-efþþesueer, Meesjiegue Deewj Mejejleesb JeÀes osKeves JesÀ efueS lejme jne ntB~ DeeHeJesÀ yeiewj Ssmee ueie jne nw pewmes Mejerj lees nw ceiej ÒeeCe veneR~ DeeHe meye cesjs ÒeeCe nQ FmeerefueS peneB jnW, mJemLe Deewj megjef#ele jnW~ DeeHeJesÀ efyevee Deepe Fme JeÀe@uespe JesÀ jemles-ieefue³eejs efyeuJegÀue megvemeeve Heæ[s nbw~ JeÀ#eeDeesb JeÀer veerjJelee cegPes yes®ewve JeÀj jner nw~ HegmleJeÀeue³e JeÀer efJeÀleeyeW GHeeuebYe JeÀj jner nQ~ mecemle efJeYeeie, mìeHeÀ ªce, Òe³eesieMeeueeSB efMe#eJeÀesb JesÀ efyevee metves Deewj efJejeve Heæ[s nQ~ yuewJeÀ-yees[&, ®ee@JeÀ-[mìj, cespe-JegÀe|me³eeB DeeHeJeÀer Òeleer#ee JeÀj jns nQ~ efJeÀmeer lejn efieves-®egves JeÀce&®eeefj³eesb JesÀ men³eesie mes JeÀe@uespe ®eue lees jne nw, Hej me®e lees ³ener nw efJeÀ DeeHe meye JesÀ efyevee GveJeÀe Yeer JeÀneR ceve veneR ueielee nw~ efÒe³e efJeÐeee|Le³eesb , DeeHe ncemes efceueves veneR Dee meJeÀles, lees Je̳ee ngDee? ceQ lees DeeHemes efceueves DeeHeJesÀ Iej Dee meJeÀlee ntB efMe#eJeÀesb JeÀer DeeJeepe JesÀ ªHe ceW~ %eeve JeÀe Deeoeve-Òeoeve SJeÀ Deveg÷eve nw, pees peneB nw Jen JeneR jnJeÀj Fme %eeve-³e%e ceW Deengefle os; leYeer ³en mebJeÀì JeÀer Ieæ[er Deewj SJeÀeJeÀerHeve leJeÀueerHeÀosn veneR ueiesiee~ Deye DeeHe meyeJeÀes JeÀ#ee ceW osjer mes Deeves ³ee DevegHeeqmLele nesves JeÀe JeÀesF& ve³ee yenevee {tB{vee Heæ[siee~ Dele: DeeHe meye mJe-DevegMeemeve ceW jnW, mJe-DeO³e³eve JeÀjW Deewj mece³e JeÀe mecegef®ele meogHe³eesie JeÀjW~ cesje DeeMeerJee&o ncesMee DeeHe meYeer JesÀ meeLe nw~ megveerlee ®eewneve efJeYeeie ÒecegKe, eEnoer-efJeYeeie JeÀefve÷ ceneefJeÐeeue³e 2 2020-21, Volume 113 Contents 1. Message from Hon. Sec. JWES Mr. Prem Masih ................................................5 2. Message from Bishop Prakash Patole (Chairman BOM) ......................................6 3. From Principal’s Desk ..........................................................................................7 4. Editorial ...............................................................................................................9 5. Student Editorial ................................................................................................10 6. Fond Farewell ....................................................................................................11 7. Obituaries ..........................................................................................................13 8. Staff Achievements ...........................................................................................15 9. Students’ Accolades ..........................................................................................16 10. Special Events of 2020-2021 .............................................................................17 11. Photo Gallery .....................................................................................................37 12. Many Thanks .....................................................................................................47 14. Campus Reports ................................................................................................48 15. Language Sections ............................................................................................79 16. Department Reports.........................................................................................134 17. Scholarships, Awards & Prizes ........................................................................142 18. Result Analysis ................................................................................................350 1. Place of Publication : Wilson College, Mumbai - 400 007 2. Periodicity of Publication : Annual 3. Publisher’s Name : Prof. Anna Pratima Nikalje Nationality : Indian Address : Wilson College, Mumbai - 400 007 4. Editor’s Names : Veronica Bhonsle, Kshama Jayaraj Nationality : Indian Address : Wilson College, Mumbai - 400 007 5. Name and Address of individuals : Wilson College, Mumbai - 400 007 who own the newspaper and partners of the shareholders holding more than one percent of the total capital I, Principal Prof. Anna Pratima Nikalje hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge. 2020-21, Volume 113 3 TO PRODUCE INTELLECTUALLY WELL TRAINED, MORALLY UPRIGHT, SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS AND SPIRITUALLY ORIENTED MEN AND WOMEN F ID E S S TA SPES CARI MISSION TO PROVIDE HOLISTIC EDUCATION TO A DIVERSE STUDENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPING IN THEM CONTEMPORARY SENSIBILITIES AND, PREPARING THEM TO MEET PROFESSIONAL CHALLENGES AS GLOBAL CITIZENS 4 2020-21, Volume 113 Message from Honourable Secretary of John Wilson Education Society I Bring Greetings to the Staff and Students of Wilson College. 2020-2021 has been an unprecedentedly challenging Message year for all, we as the Wilson Family have had our share of ups and downs and have emerged victorious by God’s Grace, Mercy and Goodness. I Bring Greetings to the Staff and Students of Wilson College. I Thank the Almighty for His protection and preservation of all of our Teaching and Non Teaching Staff and 2020-2021 has been an unprecedentedly challenging year for all, we as the Wilson Family haveStudents had this our year. share of ups and downs and have emerged victorious by God’s Grace, Mercy andI congratulate Goodness. Principal Prof. Anna Nikalje for her unstinting efforts to cope with the challenges of this IPandemic Thank the Year. Almighty She and forher Hisexcellent protection Team have and seen preservation to the smooth of allrunning of our of theTeaching Online Teaching and Non Teachinglearning experience, Staff and efficient Students conducting this year. of the online examinations and the exhaustive amount of online courses and Webinars organised which surely has enhanced the morale and capacity of our Teachers. I congratulate Principal Dr Anna Nikalje for her unstinting efforts to cope up with the challenges ofIt isthis commendable Pandemic Year.that Wilson She Collegeand her has excellent conducted Team a number have ofseen curricular to the and smooth co-curricular running online of the Onlineactivities, Teaching certificate learning courses experience,and programs efficient the year conducting round which of have the onlinehelped examinatiothe studentsns develop and the exhaustiveintellectually amountand academically of online and courses also for and the Webinarscontinuous organisedencouragement which and surely communication has enhanced that has the moralekept all movingand capacity forward ofinspite our ofTeachers. all odds. IIt appreciateis commendable the efforts that taken Wilson by the College IQAC hasand conductedAutonomy Committee a number towards of curricular making and the co autonomy-curricular onlineproposal activities, and hopefully certif byicate next academiccourses yearand Wilson programs College the will yearhave theround autonomy which Status. have helped the students develop intellectually and academically and also for the continuous encouragement andI’m happycommunication that new, unconventional that has kept courses all moving like Bforward Voc, have inspite begun of allthis odds. year, along with other new courses, this will definitely enhance the employability of the students making them globally competent. I appreciate the efforts taken by the IQAC and Autonomy Committee towards making the autonomyIt gives me greatproposal pleasure and to releasehopefully the 113th by nextvolume academic of the College year Magazine Wilson which College continues will tohave record the autonomythe invaluable Status. legacy of this great institute, the achievements of staff and students, the programmes, I’mwebinars happy and that competitions new,
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