A I 'Let Each Become Aware" Founded 1957, Incorporated 1976 Volume XXXIX, Number 19 . Monday, November 6, 1995 __First Copy lFree Candidiates Run: Unopposed in This Week's Electio ns Secretary. to be made aware of all that is included Acting Polity Treasurer Andres "I believe that the more students know within their activity fees. They then need Vazquez wants to make all- students about their student government, the more to be made aware of the ways to influence aware of what their student active they will become. And that," the decision-making process and government has to offer. Zolotov said, "is the bottom line." implementation of policies. Once While holding a position as Zolotov has a background in student awareness and knowledge is spread, Assistant Treasurer in the Spring '95 activism. She has worked with SASA and stduents will be more in favor of the fee." semester, Vazquez became interested USSA. She has been a Senator from in the office. After speaking with Gershwin College and served as President Tameka Reid, who was treasurer at for the Center of Womyn's Concerns. the time, he was drawn in to the Zolotov addresses, certain student position. He said he believes that issues as follows: students should vote for him because Interaction between students and of his position as the acting treasurer, Polity: saying that he has the knowledge "Through the Polity newsletter, I hope required to fill the position. to encourage--an open dialogue among Vazquez says that the ability to students about the different issues and communicate with people is the most concerns that affect us." important quality he's developed. He Keren Zolotov also believes that it is crucial that the Student Apathy: Polity treasurer have this Position: Polity Secretary "I have been working on the tuition characteristic. Candidate: Keren Zolotov increase and financial aid cuts through When asked about his stance on SASU and USSA, trying to raise students' the Activity Fee Referendum, Age: 20 Vazquez said, "I, personally believe Status: Junior, Resident awareness about the different levels of political involvement that students could that the referendum being mandatory Major: History, with a participate-in." has been beneficial. We've been able to have free movies, have numerous minor in Women's Studies Andres J. Vazquez Activities on weekends: See VOTE, Page 3 Acting Polity Secretary Keren "'SABhas been increasing the number Position: Polity Treasurer Zolotov wants to raise student awareness of events on campus during the weekends. Candidate: Andres J. r and student involvement. I feel that campus life could be improved Vazquez - She said that communication with if a continued effort is made." Age: 19 students-and the consequent image of c* O- 4-la -: T -mla Oft I .l 0 n : Ao + -INDEX Polity -in the students' eyes are two Activity fee referendum: N-amus: junior, vesclUeni k important responsibilities of the Polity "Make it mandatory. Students need Maj or: English /.Finance I NEWS (pages 1-5) CAMPUS CALENDAR Sentate;: Frweedom of The Press? - Page 2 Homecoming King & Queen BY ALEXANDRA CRUZ respect. "I don't think the seconded and Joshua Prever, who took - Page 3 Statesman Editor organizations that we represent here over as chair, opened the floor for Dean of Medical School Nicole Rosner, Polity vice at Stony Brook should be treating discussion. - Pages 3 president, stepped down as chair other organizations like this," she "Before we make a resolution, I EDITORIAL (page 6-7) during part of last Wednesday's said. think we should have The Press up I Senate-meeting to address the senate "I really find this upsetting," said here just to find out why they did what EDITORIAL: on The Stony Brook Press' cover on- Erika Abel, Senior Representative. they did," sa-id Karen Gleisberg, Elections their last issue, which had three "Student money is-supposed to go to acting president for the Commuter - Page 6 people supposedly urinating on these student clubs. Part of a Student Association. "Although this Concerts on Campus Statesman's door. newspaper's job is to educate the was going too far, I'm not sure if you - Page 7 Rosner held the October 31st campus and part of their job is for guys are aware of the fact' there has issue of The Press in her hands and people working there to gain been a feud on the papers. from both FEATURES (pages 8-12) expressed her disgust with the cover. experience. It's supposed to be a good sides. And if [the Senate] is going to three people experience and I think it's a great -reprimand The Press for this specific Beastmaster III "It appears'there are - Page 8 urinating on the front do-or of The thing to have a variety of papers, but reaction, that we should have a general Statesman.," she said.. "Whether I think this is really going too far. ,reprimand for The Statesman as well." This Week at Staller they're actually urinating, I -don't "I'm not proud of my money Debate went back and forth on the- -Page 10 know. funding this right here," said Abel, .Senate floor about what should be "Besides being disgusting, these picking up an issue of The Press. "I'm done in regards to the reprimand of Faustaqnd Nowhere to Here are two of our Polity organizations. really not proud of this and I think this The Press. Some Senators suggested -Page 11 .and basically, it's a lack of respect," is ridiculous." the Senate write to both papers and tell SPORTS (pages 13-16) X Rosner said. "You would never see Immediately following Abel's them this was not acceptable behavior, AASO with 'a picture [of -people] remarks, Dave Shashoua, a commuter while others said something should be Football Drops- Second urinating on the door of CASB." Senator, made a motion to pass a done immediately.- Conference Game Polity organizations, Rosner said, resolution condemning The Press for "Is this -what you want people to, : Back Page should treating each, other with their last issue.- The motion was not See SENATE, Page 3 SCARLET AND GRAY -:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keep Browns in Cleveland Polity Elections Are Tuesday and Wednesday. Election -Page 14 fIce Hockey Wins Opener -Page 14 Stations will be located throughout campus. I I 2 Womenswisdom - an exploration of 632-7620. Distinguished Teaching Professor Lecture TUESDAY, NOVEMIBER 7 spirituality forwomen ofany-faith tradition. 8:00 Series,'Teaching Is My Life," Dr. ElofCarlson, p.m. Room 240, Humanities. For information, Campus Lifetime Concert. 12:40 - 2:00 Distinguished Teaching Professor, Election Day. Classes in session. call Protestant Campus Ministry, 632-6563, or p.m. Recital Hall, Staller Center for the Arts. undergraduate studies. 4:00 p.m. Room N- Unitarian Campus Ministry, 632-9476. Free. For information, call 632-7330. 4069, Melville Library. For information, call Training & Organizational Development 632-7355. Workshop, Connections. 9:00 - 11:30 am.; 3 Stony Brook Fencing Club. 8:00 - 10:00 Prime Time: Economics, "Planning Your sessions (November 14, 21). Room 111, p.m. Main Arena, Sports Complex. Call Leon Economics Major." 1-:00 p.m. Sixth Floor Graduate Recital -Jocelyn Diklich, Horn. Humanities. To register, call Christina Vargas Moy, 588-3956. Lobby, Social & Behavioral Sciences. Call 632- 4:00 p.m. Recital Hall, Staller Center. Law, 632-6136. 7550. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 International Studies Prime Time. 7:00 - "Look Good, Feel Better ProgramE, for Training & Organizational Development, 9:00 p.m. Stimson College Main Lounge. Call women undergoing cancer treatment. 1:00 - Prime Time for Students. (Through Dealing with Difficult People and Hostile 632-6896. 3:00p.m. 15thFloor,NorthConferenceRoom, Thursday, November 16.) University Medical Center. Free parking. Call C.O.C.A. Film, 444- 2880. Prime Time: Study Abroad, - - - _ "Pocahonias." 7:00 & "Explore, Discover, Flourish: Study ^''3 P'm.. Stony Brook Free Employee Breast Screening Abroad Opportunities." 10:00 am. - fff yS^ 'HRfl^W^^^dl^ Program. 1:00 -4:00 p.m. Surgery Mod, Level Noon;22:00-4:00p.m.RoomE-5340, 5, University Medical Center.-No appointment Melville Library. Also November 15. 6472. necessary. Call 4 4 4 7820. J Hispanic Languages and f I The Live Wires, a support group for Literature Open House. 11:00 am. - ||j 10 ^@t En~~~~~~~~~~~~~~vironmental. Studies. patients implanted with automatic 1:00 p.m. Room N-3035, Melville - 0 - -;- - Reception, Information defibrillators. 2:00 p.m. St. John's Lutheran Library. Call 632-6935. and Advising. 8:00 p.m. Church, Holbrook. Call William Kilkenny, Situations. 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Room 226, Stony Gershwin Lobby, Roth Quad. Call 632-6664. 277-3745. Ticket Sales: Autumn Evening's Wine & Brook Union. To register, call Christina Vargas Food Tasting. 11:00- a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Law, 632-6136. 'Graduate Recital - Patrick Armann, Department of Physics Colloquium, Administration Building 2nd Floor Lobby and Percussion. 8:00 p.m. Recital Hall, Staller "Vector Potential, Corrections and Gauge Level 5, HSC/UH. For information, call 800- Prime Time: Mechanical Engineering, Center. Fields," C.N. Yang, Institute for Theoretical 451-5866. "Special Advising for Your Change of Major Physics. 4:15 p.m. Room P-137, Harriman. to Mechanical Engineering." 1:30 -3:00p.m. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Call 632-81 10. Catholic Mass. Noon. Level 5, Chapel, Room 173, Light Engineering Lab Building. Health Sciences Center. Call 444 2836. Refreshments. Call 632-8310. FSA Flea Market. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Prepared Childbirth Courses. 7:30 - 9:30 Stony Brook Union Bi-level. Call 632-6517. p.m. University Medical Center. Preregistration Prime Time: Anthropology, "Forensics in Diabetes Support Group.
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