658- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 31 Lama Gwynne, Brownfield, Pa. Office be­ George R. Merrell Harold Shantz dier general, for a period of 4 years from came Presidential July 1, 1945. John J. Muccio Edwin F. Stanton date of acceptance. Agnes Duffy, Cardale, Pa. Office became Alfred T. Nester Clifford C. Taylor Roscoe Campbell Crawford to t>e Assistant Presidential July 1, 1944. Albert F. Nufer John Carter Vincent to the Chief of Engineers, with the rank ot Norman D. MacMullan, Center Square, Pa. Christian M. Ravndal br~gadier general, for a period of 4 years from Office became Presidential July 1, 1945. Foreign-service o1fice1·s of class 2 date of acceptance. Besse Daugherty, East Millsboro, Pa. ·office Thomas Bernard Larkin to be Quart er­ Donald F. Bigelow Thomas McEnelly became Presidential July 1, 1944. master General, with the rank of major gen­ Harriet B. Parkins, Elco, Pa. Office be­ Harry E. Carlson Warwick Perkins eral, for a period of 4 yearr- from date of ac- , came Presidential July 1, 1945. Cecil Wayne Gray Austin R . Preston ceptance. Elisabeth L. Pierro, Hiller, Pa. Office be­ David McK. Key Joseph C. Satter- Marcel E. Malige thwaite To be assistants to the ~uartennaster Gen­ came Presidential July 1, 1944. eral, with the mnk of brigadier general, Foreign-service officers of class 3 Edward R. Sparks, Indian Head, Pa. Office f01·,a period of 4 years from date of accept­ became presidential July 1, 1944. Gilson G. Blake ance Gertrude E. Shank, Normalville, Pa. Office Leonard G. Dawson George Anthony Horkan became Presidential July 1. 1945. Fo1'eign-service officers of class 4 Leona S. Mansuy, Ralston, Pa. Office be­ John Brandon Franks came Presidential July 1, 1944. George M. Abbott Charles A. Hutchinson Herman Feldman Pete D. Lapenta, Uledi, Pa. Office became George D. Andrews John B. Ketcham To be assistants to the Surgeon General, with Presidential July 1, 1945.· . Robert D. Coe George D. LaMont the rank. of b1'igadier genemL, for c period Robert B. Boerio, Wendel, Pa. Office be­ Charles H. Ducote Rufus H. Lane, Jr. of 4 years from date of acceptance came Presidential July 1, 1945. Archibald E. Gray James E. Parks Raymond Whitcomb Bliss Harold P. Henry, Westland, Pa. Office be­ Benjamin M. Hulley Eric C. Wendelin George Corwin Beach, Jr came Pres!dential July 1, 1945. ' Foreign-service officers of class 5 Edward Allen Noyes SOUTH DAKOTA Earl T. Crain John Peabody Palmer APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR Thomas E. Callan, Mitchell, S. Dak., in Frederic C. Fornes, Jr. Elim O'Shaughnessy ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES place of A. J. Rozum, resigned. Foreign-service officers of class 6 To Quartermaster Corps Frank X. Clarey, Sisseton, S.Dak., in place Hiram Bingham, Jr. Reginald P. Mitchell Lt. Col. Edwin Joseph McAllister. of J. A. Robertson, removed. Walter J. Linthicum Paul H. Pearson Lt. Col. Arthur Launcelot Moore. TENNESSEE Odin G . .Loren Maj. George Patrick O'Neill. Flora B. Williams, Buena Vista, Tenn. Of­ Foreign-service officers of class 8 First Lt. Charles Theodore Biswanger, Jr. fice became Presidential July 1, 1944. V. Harwood Blocker Keeler Faus To Finance Department Ervin M. Peters, Clarkrange, Tenn. Office William H. Christen- Sidney K. Lafoon became Presidential July 1, 1945. Capt. Stilson ~iifton Smith, Jr. sen Harry Clinton Reed To Ordnance Depa1·tment TEXAS Clifton P. English Terry B. Sanders, Jr. Lt. Col. Clarence Edward Jones. Esther E. Walker, Blessing, Tex., in pl~ce Thomas S. Estes · Merlin E. Smith of M. F. Selkirk, retired. First Lt. Thomas Worthington Cooke. REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE First Lt. Edison Albert Lynn, Jr. Madison G. Wilson, Maypearl, Tex., in place Mrs. Eudochia Bell Smith to be register of To Signal Corps of c. N. Hooser, retired: the land office at Denver, Colo. Hattie M. Stadden, Wilmer, Tex. Office be­ First Lt. Olin Lee Bell. WAR DEP.-\RTMENT came Presidential July 1, 1945. To Infantry ASSISTANT SECRETARIES OF WAR UTAH Capt. Harvey Julius Jablonsky. William A. Rhodes, Ferron, Utah., in place Howard C. Petersen First Lt. James Wetherby GrRham. of Melvin Bryan, transferred. W. Stuart Symington First Lt. Jules David Yates. THE TAX COURT OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON To Air Corps Byron B. Harlan to be a judge of The Tax John W. Weaver, Rochester, Wash., in place Maj. Francis LeRoy Ankenbrandt. of P. B. Hoover, deceased. · Court of the United States for the une){pired term of 12 years from June 2, 1936. ~pt. Lawrence Mcilroy Guyer. WISCONSIN Capt. Maurice Monroe Sima· ·. UNITED STATEs MARITIME COMMISSION Bessie L. Severson, Couderay, Wis. Office APPOINTMENT IN THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE Richard Parkhurst to be a member of the became Presidential July 1, 1945. UNITED STATES~ .ARMY OF THE UNITED ST!. TES Violet M. Wiita, Iron Belt, Wis. Office be­ United States Maritime Commission for the unexpired term of 6 years from April 16, 1942. Butler Buchanan Miltonberger to be Chief came Presidential July 1, 1945. of the National Guard Bureau, with the rank Stanley Jasicki, Weyerhauser, Wis., in place UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS of majOl' general, for a period of 4 years ff'om of F. L. Daniels, transferred. - John D. Hill to be United States attorney date of acceptance, and · najor general in the for the northern district of Alabama. National Gua rd of the United States, Army CONFIRMATIONS Patrick J. Gilmore, Jr., to be United States of the United States. attorney for division No. 1 of Alaska. TEMPORARY APP6INTMENT IN THE ARMY OF THE Executive nominations confirmed by UNITED STATES MARSHAL the Senate January 31 (legislative day of UNITED STATES August Klecka to be United States m arshal Henry Alfred Byroade to be a brigadier January 18), 1946: for the district of Maryland. general. FoREIGN SERVICE COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS UNITED STATES COAST GUARD APPOINTMENTS OR PROMOTIONS Craig Pottinger to be collector of customs TO BE COMMO;.>ORES, FOR TEMPORARY SERVICE IN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten­ for customs collection district No. 26, with THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD, TO RANK tiary of the United States of America to headquarters at Nogales, Ariz. FROM JANUARY 1, 1946 Belgium and to serve concurrently and Louis T. Rocheleau to be collector of cus­ John H. Cornell toms for customs collection district No. 5, ?.Oithout additional compensation as Envoy John S. Baylis Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary with headquarters at Providence, R. I. of the United States of America to Luxem­ SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM bourg Troy w. LeWis to be Chief, Legal Division, Vice Adm. Alan G. Kirk Arkansas State headquarters, Selective Serv­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Consul generals of the United States of ice System, with salary of $5,180 per annum. America Colgate Hoyt to be Assistant Chief, Vet­ erans' Personnel Division, national headquar­ . THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1946 Sydney B. Redecker ters, Selective Service System, with salary of Robert Lacy Smyth $6,230 per annum. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. <;:onsuls of the United States of America Louis Carl Pedlar to be information anal­ The Chaplain, Rev. James She.ra yst, national headquarters,- Selective Service Montgomery, D. D., offered the following Merritt N. Coates William Witman 2d System, with salary of $5,180 per annum. prayer: Edward P. Maffitt Elbert G. Mathews Edmund A. Flagg to be executive, Commu­ S. Roger Tyler, Jr. Leon L. Cowles nications and Records Division, national Unto Thee, 0 King eternal, we come PROMOTIONS IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE, EFFECTIVE headquarters, with salary of $5,180 per again to the solemn yet tender mystery DECEMBER 17, 1945 annun~. of Thy throne. We believe that there is Foreign-service officers of class 1 IN THE ARMY one God and one infinitely divine and Merwin L. Bohan Julian F. Harrington APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE holy Saviour through whose ageless sac­ George H. Butler Harry C. Hawkins UNITED STATES rifice we are redeemed. We praise Thee J. Rives Childs George D. Hopper Thomas Jefferson Davis to be Assistant The for the Christ who has brought a loving Wa.Iter A. Foote Charles A. Livengood AdJutant _General, with the rank of briga- Father out of the far-away and unseen .1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE into the near and dear. We thank Thee the day and special orders heretofore Mr. MASON. They would all be de· that while Thy judgments are so often entered for that day. feated. mysterious, yet they are merciful and The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Mr. SABATH. Chairmen are not al­ gently correct us by that loving pity that the request of the gentleman from ways correct. gives us rest and peace. Be unto us an Michigan? The SPEAKER. The time of the gen· ever-present reality, and make Thy pres~ There was no objection. tleman from Illinois has expired. ence like unto the nearness of a true EXTENSION OF REMARKS friend. Give us large conceptions of our EXTENSION OF REMARKS office and a more profound knowledge of Mr. KEARNEY asked and was given Mr. SCHWABE of Missouri asked and all things needful that we may rise above permission to extend his remarks in the was given permission to extend his re­ petty prejudices and narrow misunder­ RECORD and include a letter. marks in the RECORD and include an ar­ standings. Help us to bring the vision OPEN LETTER TO CONGRESS ticle appearing in this morning's Wash­ to the task, the revelation to the duty, Mr. COLE of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, ington Post entitled "Henry Ford Tells and the truth to everything. In the I ask unanimous consent to proceed for the United States It Could Remove name of our Saviour whom to know is life 1 minute.
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