Summary 2 / 2001 SUMMARY n Viktor Niitsoo. Unarmed Resistance 19401941 Continuing on from the start of the series in the n Alexander Zaitsev. Is a New Renaissance last issue, this article covers the numerous, but Possible? small resistance groups which sprung up after the The spiritual leader of the St Petersburg classical USSR occupied Estonia. Many of these groupings philologists, Alexander Zaitsev, under whose guid- also continued activity during the German occu- ance many Estonian classical scholars have stud- pation (19411944), and at the beginning of the ied, died at the beginning of 2000. This essay writ- new Soviet occupation. (p 31) ten by Zaitsev in 1990 talks about the value of an- n Tiit Noormets. The Relocation of Estonians cient cultures today. Zaitsev considers the most and Other National Minorities from North-West important possible effect of classical education to Russia During the German Occupation be intellectual sovereignty. Marju Lepajõe provides When the German army occupied North-West Rus- the translation and commentary. (p. 2) sia in autumn 1941, all local Estonians, Ingrian- n Marek Tamm. When Did the Dominicans Finns, Izhorians, Votians, Germans, Latvians and Arrive in Tallinn? Lithuanians were registered, and relocated in The arrival in Tallinn by the Dominican Order from 19421944 to their historic homelands. Two docu- Denmark is described by our only source, which ments published here describe the organization has survived by being transcribed numerous times and implementation of the census and relocation the anonymous chronicle from the mid-13th cen- by the Security Police. (p. 39) tury Historia Ordinis Praedicatorum in Dania. Here n David Vseviov. The Puzzle of the Former 1229 is noted as the year the Dominicans settled Residents of Narva in Tallinn. This, however, is difficult to reconcile It is a puzzle to this day why the Soviet occupation with the rule in Tallinn of the Brethren of the authorities did everything they could to hinder the Sword, from 12271238, which saw Denmark as return of the former Narva residents to their home- the enemy. Proceeding from both historical and town at the end of the war. In spring of 1945 there paleographic arguments, Simon Tugwell, historian was a secret meeting in the Kremlin between high of the Dominicans, proposed in 1998 that it is more Soviet government officials and leading scientists. than probable that the Dominicans arrived in Under discussion was the exploitation of the ura- Tallinn for the first only in 1239. The preaching nium deposit discovered in Estonia. Preparatory brothers, however, were soon forced to leave the work for establishing a plant had already started town due to opposition from local residents, re- in autumn 1944. Narva would become a closed turning only in 1246 as a result of the Ribe provin- town. These plans had a vital role in both the de- cial council decision in 1246. (p. 13) velopment of the town of Narva as well as in the n Vello Helk. The Moscow Trip by the Danish formation of its population. (p. 60) Kings Retinue Through Estonia n Jaak Pihlau. Pages From Recent Estonian In 1578 King Frederik II of Denmark sent state History: Sea Escapes From Occupied Estonia counselor Jacob Ulfeldt to Moscow to ensure that Although, during the period of Soviet occupation, Russia ratified the 1562 agreement, where Mos- the Estonian sea border was closed, there were cow recognized Danish sovereignty over the conti- repeated attempts to flee to the West. Unfortu- nental part of the former Saare-Lääne diocese. The nately, ten times more people failed than suc- Russians treated Ulfeldt badly and he agreed with ceeded. In the period 19701989 there were 78 an unfavorable interim peace because he feared court cases. The most attempts were made before arrest. The Danish King and the State Council ac- 1947, when the border had not yet been completely cused Ulfeldt of exceeding his instructions and he closed. According to archival data, during 1947 was expelled from the State Council. Jacob Ulfeldts 1989 there were at least 15 successful border cross- travel diary, where he attempts to explain and jus- ings, and almost half of these were sea escapes. tify his actions, was published only after his death (p. 68) in 1608. Since the journey passed through Esto- nian territory, his travel diary also throws light on n Valdur Ohmann. Structure and Personnel of the difficult conditions experienced at the time by the Estonian SSR Ministry of Interior, 19531954 the Estonian population. (p. 24) After Stalins death, Lavrenti Beria carried out a reform whereby the state security structural units were subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior. This radical restructuring also affected Estonia. 159 Summary 2 / 2001 The article includes a diagram of the Estonian SSR published studies on Estonian history, particularly Ministry of Interior structure, where there are also of the book, and childrens books as well. Peep noted, as overview information, those structural Pillak has found Millers file in the Ministry of units which existed only on an all-Union basis. Interior archives, and this describes his interest- (p. 82) ing life. (p. 121) n Olaf Kuuli. The Year 1953 n Voldemar Miller. Opportunities and Reasons The changes which occurred after the death of for Cooperation Between Libraries, Archives and Joseph Stalin also directly affected life in Soviet Museums occupied Estonia. The power struggle in the Although most of Voldemar Millers ideas, which Kremlin culminated in the execution of Beria and he recorded more than ten years ago, have been the coming to power of Khruschev. The article uses inspired by his speech presented in 1940 at the information provided by the Estonian Communist joint session of libraries and museums, they have Party to the USSR Central Committee, the retained their relevance today. Miller also recom- stenographs of the 8th plenum of the ECP Central mends creating a local reference work in the style Committee in 1953, and the ECP decisions regard- of World of Learning. (p. 129) ing the work of the Writers Union. (p. 90) n S. Muller, J. Feith, R. Fruin. Handbook for n Anniversaries of the Archives Archivists The first half of 2001 sees the celebration of many Covers the agreed notation for terms. (p. 132) archives anniversaries. In April 1921 the Estonian n Artur Veisserik. Secret Mobilization Plan National Archive was founded in Tallinn, and in The role of Estonias higher political and military May the National Central Archives in Tartu, which figures in the 1939/1940 events has been seen in was the forerunner of the Estonian Historical Ar- different ways. One of the accusations is that they chives. Thirty years ago the Estonian Film Archive were inactive. A. Veisserik, a contemporary of these was established. This issues Photo Corner reflects times, describes the situation and the people then, these events, and it was commented by Peep Pillak. also mentioning the secret mobilization plan de- (p. 95) veloped by the Maritime Department. However, n The Estonian Writers Cooperative, as Assessed the author is convinced that its implementation by the Literary Collegium: Leonid Tretts mem- would have been an even greater catastrophe for oirs of A. H. Tammsaare the Estonian people. (p. 140) This issue continues with the correspondence be- tween the Estonian Writers Cooperative and n In theREVIEWS section: Enn Tarvel examines Leonid Trett. Tretts attempts to publish his Latvian historian S. Cimermaniss study Fishing memoir Tammsaare, As I Knew Him through the and Fishermen in Latvia in the 19th Century. Estonian Writers Cooperative failed. (p. 109) Margus Laidre, diplomat and one of Estonias lead- ing historians recently defended his doctoral the- n Peep Pillak. Voldemar Miller 90 sis Life in the Swedish Army, 16541700. On February 7, Voldemar Miller, noteworthy Esto- One of his opponents in the defense was nian archivist, librarian, local historian, writer and Aleksander Loit, and there is an overview provided journalist, celebrated his 90th birthday. Miller was of his opinions, together with Margus Laidres born in Saaremaa, and during his history studies responses. at the University of Tartu he also worked tempo- rarily at the National Central Archives, becoming n In VARIA, Peep Pillak writes about Margus the head of the archives in 1945. In 1950 he was Laidres defense of his doctoral thesis. Tartu county forced to leave the archives since he had been archivist Esta Porgasaar provides an overview of mobilized into the German army in 1944. Thereaf- the international archive conference held in Seville ter he worked for many years as a miner, and in in September 2126, 2000. Velly Roots looks at the 1952 he started work in the Academy of Sciences conference organized to commemorate five years Library, where he remained until his pension as of activity for the Konstantin Päts Museum. Valdur the head of the Baltica and rare books department. Ohmann explains the assumed inaccuracy pub- Voldemar Miller has for decades been a leading lished in Tuna 3/2000 regarding the biography of light in Estonias local history movement. He has Karl Säre. AS Pakett trükikoda, Laki 17, Tallinn.
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