frmiTiTTWirriiir!K a Bvy.iyg woiifD, fkidaYh yoymjij, 7, im. it ENQINE-ORASrHNJUR- FIVE. JGLQAK MODELHSKS $00,000- - A Wide Variety Virm Truck Goes Through Window of Men's and Young Men's Ur WAK PLANb bNUlNbtH --One Man Will Die. Bench Made Fall and Winter Shoes In Black, Tan and the New Christmas Spectacle Opens With a 7, Great BVltACUSE, N, York's T.. Nov. One man 9ic Charges He Is Now Going to waa fatally Injured and four others new Browns. In Marry Another terlouil) hurt yesterday when an Calf, Kid and auto fire engine crashed through a Woman. Cordovan. big plate glass window nnd Into the Unusual WANAMAKER'S. 1 lobby Saturday, tM.OOO ot Hotel 10.30 Suit to recover for attest the Winchester. The at values. Carnival Parade breech ot promise was brought yeater-6- T driver had tried to avoid colllalon In the 8upremfi Court. Brooklyn. I.v with u twin car. At MUi Marxuertte Frohman, k pretty Both trucks were apeedlng In $9.00. Jack-and-the-Bean-S- World-Ba- cloak model of No. Wl Lincoln ru v. aporise to an alarm uf fire and met up talk and Toy ng! They're Off! against James A. May. engineer. In at rlsht angles In. front of the hotel. oluxre ot the plant ot the Nentor Ma- William Ammurman of Moravia, a nufactory; Company, No. 40 Wet 13th travelling salesman, was hit. Hla Street, Manhattan, which during the skull was fractured and he was In- - war luppllcd airplanes to the dovern ternally hurt. Ills death is but a E. VOGEL, Inc. mutter of hours. 64 NASSAU ST. 14 Kent. CnnL Arthur Ulrrord and Hnseman For Miss to 20 Throash her attorney, Joaeph C. it. Itslnli Phnn of the flro department: Boot and Shoe Made to Older on Norrls Williams of Vulton and William Ttrnn, Mlu Frohmiui obtained I'crkins, u switenman, worn Dadiy order from Bupreme Court Juatlou Scud-d- er hurt. SUNDAY WORLD "WANT" WORK WONDERS. A Doeuillet Coat reproduced at $55 for May's arrest. He was held In UW) ball, which be furnished. This coat created by that master of tallor-msdc- 9, Doeuillet, has a wonder- MJu Frohman In her suit charged that fully smart silhouette. It la tho severely plain type of coat with distinctive May promised to marry her two years lines that the Parisicnncs wear with much grace. successful of the -- J Beoently, Miss Kronraan'a affidavit HIGHEST POLISH with LEAST EFFORT! We have reproduced the model in wool ratine ono of tile most 1 ctsUed, May became 111 and was Utcen new materials. In falsan, reindeer, brown or taupe. IllustrsM. ' to the New York Eyo and Ear Hospital. I wool K visited him there frequently, tilir ELECTRO-SILICO- N Coats of "Sllvcrtono" velours, Smart Frocks of velours, said she waa told there ot another wom- $40.75 $39.75 an who often visited May. quickly cleans and Imparts a beautiful and luting lustre to As the "sllvertone" velours is of a soft, The next time 1 visited the hospital fine quality the colors arc in beautiful tones Quite as dresses of duvetync X met this other woman," Miss Frohman Silverware, Aluminum, Klckcl, Cut Glass, and all fine metals as effective continued. "She told me ahn and Mr. Danish blue, falsan, reindeer and navy and yet the prico Is a mere fraction of the May expected to be married. I said that without scratchlao or marring blue. Model is stunning has tonneau Mr. May I were engaged. Together rOWDER 10c CREAM 10c. great event of tho children's vah nm tho Twinkle Boys present quotations of frocks of that costly and and 20c Engirio Boys pockets. Lined with silk and Interlined. vra confronted him In his room. JIc Bold by Grocers, Druggists, and leading dealers everywhere. THE is the opening of the John the material. Her Into a rage and ordered me to Wanamakcr Toy world. Tnis year Flag Boys leave. Ha even assisted In pushing mo Song Glib and Boys As matter of fact, $39.76 la a very littlo mt or iM room, i ne last mint; I near J will be a year of years. Everytlhing a him aay was that he was 'through with will be beyond a child's happiest Christmas Tree Boys Frocks at $29.50 price for these wool velouis frocks as they dreams. Holly Girls grade. and Fainter Girls. our $45 grade measure up to our $65 Bean Velveteen wine color, green, navy 'Jack and the Stalk" Then Santa Claus Himself blue or black. Trlcotlnc in navy blue. Two models one with the new tassel il Think of It, children I A hugo me- Satin In navy blue or black. .Wool other is finished with fine pin chanical toy reaching three floors on His Bubble Throne trlmmlnr. STORE OPEN 9 A. M. TO S P. M. in the Jersey in blue, beaver, brown and tucks. In Joffro blue, beaver, ftUan and high. Jack climbs the stalk and The whole Third Gallery henna. Marly gets caught by tho Giant. New Building will be devoted to the brown all fashlonablo shades. hugo spectacle, scenic effects and ' Jack's Mother toy Second floor, Old f ulltlng Tenth Street . the Fairy The little scenic effects 'which the Cow cover tho pillars of Toy World this and all the various characters in year are fascinating the story will appear and do their huge magic moving pictures Women's Dresses, $25 little stunts. inrldc of tops rouUtnUi Stmt WmI at ruu Arbi The lights, the color and tho move- the Funny Men A special purchase some are copies or ment will mako it one ot tho most Girls with Mnglc Picture Slates fascinating things ever seen. endlws big Santn Claus figures. adaptations of our most expensive dresses. Everything revolving. ' All A Carnival Parade Everything going. Georgette crepe U used in two models; one Special Saturday Opportunities in will herald tho unveiling of the All lights in blazing color. charmingly embroidered with gold thread, the spectacle. Children in masquerade A sight Indeed to see something other featuring a pleated oversttirt. costumes. both children and grown-up- s will First tho three Pago Boys, then novcr forget. Crepe meteor frock (sketched) we have sold tho King and Queen Third Gullcry, Ncv Bldg. for $G5. Sty o 1 s, lwear Clothes Velveteen is used in two m o d one sketched is inspired by a $210 dress. Tho , For Men and Young Men other has a jacket. Satin is used for one charmingly youthful N 1 The Merita of Stylwcar arc openly praised by older and younger men. basque model. 'i Wn linvn nnrfrii rlroauw tnr S2S which we have reordered because they have proved I so popular. There are three roMels In serge well-ma- de and of excellent material. Second floor Old Building Fur-triiime- d Hats, $7 Children's Shoes Real filet lace in Two hundred, specially priced, for Saturday. Smart little bats of moIlr.e( seallne, and nutria, to lx worn for tailored wear, In many trim and becoming shapes ed which, we believe, stand out above BLOUSES at $10.50 sailors, and smnll toques; combined with vtlvrt, and satin. Some of th shapes any other shoes made for ehildrtn have a bit of flower trimming to give them color. First floor, Old Building Special purchase of $15 grades, 1 They were made for the Wanamakir for Saturday Store. Before we gavo our order, our own Close-fittin- g Shoe Chief (who has children of his own) We bought qulto a number in order to get Fur Scarfs visited tho factory, selected the upper wo them to sell at tills low price. But were photographs we have had from Paris show that the Parislenne Is favoring leathers and the sole leather to go into the The latest glad to buy them, for their goodness mid there llttl" rlosc-fitti- ng fur scarfs thJjjform so bei om!ng a frame for tho face. We have a shoes, and suggested certuin chungi-- a in scWfs charm. And most women will feel the samo vory satisfying collection of such lasts and patterns, bused on these essentials- - - way about thim. There are 160 of Geor- in kolinsky, m n Australian (1) Upper leathers must be Htrong, but opossum, skunn and squirrel not (2) soles must be good leather, gette crepe of u good heavy quality, wliitn hah; Price $17,50 and $10.50 for small choker scarfs, and go up to lirge at enough to withstand the pounding In the of fhsh. Tho rollur is a be- start at stols stout or tint $175, for tlioso who desire plenty of warmth as well as smartness. Second f cor, Old Bldg, of always busy feet; (3) shapes must be coming type thr.t fits up lo the netl; in ti e allow perfect frwdom for the such as to hack and opens iti front. Little tltut tiiv feet. the desirable fullness in front. The rod very And the prices arc moderate filt t Insets In rrillur, cuffs and down the front 125 more of these There is a LlurW lco S7.1J hIz-- h Jl r,ivo bloti6c on r.ir of being tacU fully boot prlcci at t a. the 4.50 for sixes 6 to S. 19 fnr s ies 2V4 l elaborate. 8 to K stout weight tun 45 for sixes It storm shoe It Is a very serviceable model, excellent 10. 11 2. sires to 10V& ss for sires to e. 8i Ulsters Ht at tho price.
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