The Oldest Golf Publication in America NO. FOUR The Day of the Deep- Faced Iron By P. A. VA1LE Are You Doing Your Bit? By H. B. MARTIN . Henry C. Frick, Golfer Gil. Nicholls, Gftlfer Is Ouimet Through? Portraits of Investment Bankers at Play And Other Feature* year Born 1820 —still going strong. r I Johnnie Walker: "' ALL IS NOT OOT.D THAT GLITTERS.'" Wise Man : YF.S BI'T THERE 1^ MORK THAN GOLDEN GLITTER ABOUT 'JOHNNIE WAIKKK KI:U LABEL IT IS GENUINE' Every drop of Red Label is over 10 years old before released from bond. GUARANTEED SAME QUAUTY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. I i Agents: WILLIAMS & HUMBERT, 1158 Broadway, NEW YORK. JOHN WAI K R * =ONS I.TTV. WlllKirv DlKTILLRRS, KILM A KNOCK. SCOTLAND. THE OLDEST GOLF PUBLICATION IN AMERICA^ Vo.40 | QOJjP ' *-« ESTABLISHED IN 1894- W. W. YOUNO, Editor CONTENTS FOR APRIL, 1917 PAGE Frontispiece—Henry C. Prick at Play ..... 200 The Day of the Deep-Faced Iron—By P. A. Vaik. Illustra- tions from Diagrams ....... 201 Gil. Nicholls, Golfer. Illustrations from Photograph , . 205 What Produces Bad Form 207 Gallery of Banker. Golfers. Illustrations from Photographs of Investment Bankers Taken During the Recent Meet' at White Sulphur Springs . .213 A Psalm of Golf—Poem 218 The Mechanics of a Useful Golf Shot, the Wind-Cheater—By Our Own Expert, Illustrations from Diagrams . .219 Henry C. Friek, Golfer 220 Are You Doing Your Bit?—By H. B, Martin. Illustrations from Drawings by the Author . 222 Is Ouimet Through?—By W. W. Young .... 227 The Woman of It 280 Through the Green 232 Editorials: "The Ouimet Outrage" — "Balfour and Lloyd George Lack Follow-Through" ..... 285 Periseopie Peeps ......... 2-1.1 Golfers' Calendar 254 Golfers' Hotel Directory 2.56 Entered as second-class mutter September 14, 1897, at the post office at New York. N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1897, > AKAX AAAA J*. Ai. t/x A\AXAXXy GOLF is published monthly at 286 Filth Avenue, New York, N. Y., by Golf, Incorporated, and is entered at the Post Office in New York as second-class matter. The subscription price is three dollars per year, single copies twenty-five cents. Postage free in the United States and its possessions and in Canada; other foreign countries a dollar extra. Contribu- tions on approval must be accompanied by sufficient postage to insure their return if rejected. • I Just What You Want for Home, Hotel or Club=House A Beautiful, Large Art-Print (12^ by 15£ inches) Colored by Hand of the Mas terful Verse by David R. Forgan with Decorative Design as Shown Below : is a science-tVjc stuby, of a lifetime, in )u mau^exljaust^purself but neuc ^ is a contest, a buel or a melee, calling for courage, sHill. strategy anb serf-control. is a test of temper, a trial fffijonor. aTCuealcr M affbrbs a chance to plau tfje man, anb act thc^gcntlcman. ^ means^oing into yob's out-of booTS^cttin^ cfo5e to nature, jresr; air, exercise, a sujecpirj awau, oftl)c mental cobuicbs^cnui^c re- .;. creation of the tireb tissues. is a cure for care-an antibote to It incfubes companionship uiitl) frienbs. social intercourse, opportunity, fur courtesu,.kinblmess anb^gencrositu^to an opponent. t promotes not onlu phusicaf Health but moral force. fin W»TUJ.TI:iri SENT POST-PAID TO ANY ADDRESS FOR ONLY $2 Make Checks or Money-Orders Payable to GOLF, Inc. Address: GOLF 286 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY Modern Golf Architecture <J If you are contemplating laying out a new golf course, or having your present course reconstructed, or bunkered, according to modern ideas, consult me first. I have made a special study of MODERN GOLF ARCHITECTURE and have a very accurate knowledge of all the leading foreign golf courses. My wide experience in this country and abroad has taught me to design scientifically and to construct economically. •I Correspondence solicited. Address ARTHUR G. LOCKWOOD Care of "Golf" 286 Fifth Avenue, New York In answering advertisements please mention GOLF 198 Gratifying Reception of the Monel =Vaile Clubs OST gratifying has been the hearty reception of the Monel-Vaile Golt Clubs following my first advertisement in the most recent issue of GOLF. After ten years' experimenting with all kinds of metals I find <5%Conel metal ro be absolutely perfect for producing the Vaile putter, the best putter in the world. All other metals have defects. Hand forgings vary too much. Castings are too brittle. Malleable iron is too soft. Monel Metal alone stands every test. By means of it J am able to produce a rustless putter of non-corrodible met- al, perfect in balance, grip of the ball, and in scientific construction, and absolutely without variation—which I was, before this time, unable to do. Read what James Braid has to say: To I'. A. VAILE, ESQ., Dear Sir—I have been using your patent putter and am putting very well with it. * * * The prin- ciple from a scientific point of view is certainly right, and I have no doubt that any player who suffers from bad direction will find this a valuable Club. Yours very truly, JAMES BRAID. George Duncan, the famous Scotch professional, used the Vaile putter when he defeated J. H. Taylor, five times open champion of Great Britain, at Lee-on-Solent, thereby making golf history, as this was absolutely the first time a center-shafted club had been used in first-class golf. Duncan putted brilliantly with it, and his work on the green contributed materially to his great win. The price of this re- markable new head is $1.75, and if, after using one, you find that there is a word of exaggera- tion in what J say, put it up to me. The Monel-Vaile Putter TflP Plllfpf ^ ^e Monel-Vaile putter reduces one's anxiety on the green to length, as it is practically perfect for direction. This is only the beginning of what ZXConel metal is going to do for the golfer. When, in 1908, I announced in London that I intended "to knock the pimple off the golf ball," there was a big smile; then, for six months, a furious controversy. Where are they now—the pimple and the smile? Now, I am going to make another interesting announcement. Monti metal is going to prove a revelation and work a revolution in golf dub construction. It is going to be the most popular revolution that ever "happened along." It will make the golfer enjoy his game more at less cost than before. In the meantime please remember that putting is half the game, and unless you are perfectly satisfied with your putting—which you should not be—write to the BAYONNE CASTING CO., Bayonne, N. J., for the MONEL-VAILE PUTTER I call it the '"Monel-Vaile," for without Monel metal this club, the best putter made, would not have been available for golfers as it now is. Also we are producing a neiv Monc! metal club, called, to distinguish it, "The Vim." If you are starting golf this 011c club, although a solid regulation bead, will provide you with all you need for some time, for it really is five clubs in one. If you are already playing and are not doing well with your driver, brassie, driving- iron or cleek, get this club-head. You will never use a cleek again if you do. Send $1.75 for the new "Vim" head, get it shafted to your taste, and you will be surprised at the rapid improvement in your game. 'Tins is a straight golf club without any mechanical device, but it is all we claim. It is the greatest innovation in golf that has taken place in years. You will never suffer from lack of confidence in your iron-play if you use this club. There is not an iron club of any description that cannot be supplied in Monel metal. Any club can be duplicated exactly. All the famous models are kept in stock. P. A. VAILE, Author of "Modern Golf," "The Soul of Coif," "The New Golf," "How to Learn Golf," etc. Send orders for these new Monel-Vaile club-heads or any others you zcaitf to BAYONNE CASTING CO. : : Write for a Copy of the Monel Metal Golf Club Booklet The New "Vim"—Five Clubs in One Facts? Yes, and something more— anent the negro, his trials, tribulations, and triumphs that has ever appeared in Consider "The Negro," that picture print," a view that echoes progressive- of the sad, happy, lovable, tragic race sentiment North and South. "What —the American Peasant. Or "What Happened in California" is at once Happened in California," that brilliant accepted by both parties on the Coast analysis of men and motives which as the final statement. Prohibition reveals that the 1916 election result— workers everywhere call "One Year astounding to the East—is as simply Dry" a smashing national blow for explained as a child's sum. their cause. Collier's in its handling Or "One Year Dry," a story full of of the international situation is hailed human touches by -a former "wet" as the leader of those agencies which leader, telling what the State-wide ban have awakened America to the real on booze does and doesn't do. Or meaning of the conflict to her. "Our Challenge to Germany," that relentless arraignment of illegal subma- Thus Collier's is aiding the nation to rine warfare and bugle call to America develop according to the American to defend the freedom of the seas.
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