US 20070034178A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0034178 A1 Stephens (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 15,2007 (54) TWO-CYCLE SWASH PLATE INTERNAL Related US. Application Data COMBUSTION ENGINE (63) Continuation of application No. 10/939,010, ?led on Sep. 10, 2004, noW Pat. No. 7,137,366. (75) Inventor: Thomas Glenn Stephens, Grand Publication Classi?cation Prairie, TX (US) (51) Int.Cl. F02B 75/18 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: 123/56.4 IP SECTION, MICHAEL E. MARTIN mL S,RA: .n KX mm...wLRm s, www.mmlwfmm .DTEL n ENmTTT MSTQ GES 1 NuI2 AMMAP$ NWEON5EITalN00 N4, 0(SGSU 9 VW? % A Amhsmsaa?mwe6 efmqntw.10.;S AG31D in...R01L.We NoEHLA% P, D A L L A S, oh?ecgmayarPna 0 er .unatlmis vaaOweaOQA o?mcwutmonT amPEAmemfa no,eoaleo 31 ehnAPaCa 72 xl. wstnlna Wodhwhohnr ( ) omempmmemcb noahwxetrgn?eaetdos ahcrhgumm .OdeleeleC @nemspnmhstdm ?mmsBkdxfe misnmgawnaoC?tgdaxmcn AOrmTiOaenE %nmsaomogtIagh?unrh cnrspsglTfe em.IUaaSaO (22) Filed: Oct. 23, 2006 of thew%sw??demw ethts?wmde ?rst wenchsdmncttu sWash nenastuwcoplaterwufduotsmn surface. mem?roootmr ?mdwamcwnt OHlUhPSIWeOemdmhmwi?rmdno ,mmimww?dm??mimmmemfw??mm J.“ Q3 a). Patent Application Publication Feb. 15, 2007 Sheet 1 0f 8 US 2007/0034178 A1 \ \\.......................2_ ..(.\ \ 0'112 ‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1. 1 vI9 1 1 6‘ I I 104 w) / JJ Patent Application Publication Feb. 15, 2007 Sheet 2 0f 8 US 2007/0034178 A1 110\__ 116 Patent Application Publication Feb. 15, 2007 Sheet 3 0f 8 US 2007/0034178 A1 m a ' 114 114/‘ '\114 ?.' *.\ I 116 Patent Application Publication Feb. 15, 2007 Sheet 4 0f 8 US 2007/0034178 A1 H H C: l “\114 114 _ Fig.4 Patent Application Publication Feb. 15, 2007 Sheet 5 0f 8 US 2007/0034178 A1 110 156 Fig.9 154 -152 154 \--15s \flso K110 160 ______._.._|_'_—\162 114/“ 114/ 114/- F185' Fig]' » Fig' .8 116 164 Q 164 U 166 . 166 164 168 168 Patent Application Publication Feb. 15, 2007 Sheet 6 0f 8 US 2007/0034178 A1 106 106—\ 108 10 118 200' _ 200 120 122 122 106 106\ Fig.11 Fig.12 Patent Application Publication Feb. 15, 2007 Sheet 7 0f 8 US 2007/0034178 A1 A; [00* m “7' /0Z_'\_ / 1R>° 16F _ _____ __ __ _____174172 __ __ q16 15 _ __ __ _ 15 Z50 \ \x Q\ \ : \\ \ i IE 166"1 ‘ : ‘04- @5 I E 4,56 “\ /' 252 7.54 Fig.14 Patent Application Publication Feb. 15, 2007 Sheet 8 0f 8 US 2007/0034178 A1 US 2007/0034178 A1 Feb. 15, 2007 TWO-CYCLE SWASH PLATE INTERNAL the ?rst four-stroke piston cycle internal combustion engine. COMBUSTION ENGINE Otto’s four-stroke engine Was the ?rst practical poWer generating alternative to the steam engines of the time. TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION Otto’s revolutionary four-stroke engine can be considered the grandfather of the millions of mass-produced internal [0001] The present invention relates generally to engines, combustion engines that have since been built. Otto’s con and in particular to sWash plate internal combustion engines. tribution to the development of the internal combustion engine is such that the process of combusting the fuel and air BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION mixture in a modern automobile is knoWn as the “Otto cycle” in his honor. Otto received U.S. Pat. No. 365,701 for [0002] An internal combustion engine derives poWer from his engine. the volumetric compression of a fuel-air mixture, followed by a timed ignition of the compressed fuel-air mixture. The [0007] Ten years after Klaus Otto built his ?rst four-stroke volumetric change generally results from the motion of engine, Gottlieb Daimler invented What is often recogniZed axially-reciprocating pistons disposed in corresponding cyl as the prototype of the modern gasoline engine. Daimler’s inders. In the course of each stroke, a piston Will vary the gas engine employed a single vertical cylinder, With gasoline volume captured in a cylinder from a minimum volume to a imparted to the incoming air by means of a carburetor. In maximum volume. In an Otto cycle, or “four-stroke” inter 1889, Daimler completed an improved four-stroke engine nal combustion engine, the reciprocal motion of each piston With mushroom-shaped valves and tWo cylinders. Wilhelm compresses the fuel-air mixture, receives and transmits the Maybach built the ?rst four-cylinder, four-stroke engine in force generated by the expanding gases, generates a positive 1890. The carbureted four-stroke multi-cylinder internal pressure to move the spent gases out the exhaust port and combustion engine became the mainstay of ground trans generates a negative pressure on the intake port to draW in portation from the early 1900s through the 1970s, ultimately a subsequent fuel-air gas charge. being supplanted by fuel-injected engines in the 1980s. [0003] The modern internal combustion engine arose from SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION humble beginnings. As early as the late 17th century, a Dutch physicist by the name of Christian Huygens designed an [0008] The present invention is a sWash-plate engine hav internal combustion engine fueled With gunpoWder. It is ing a number of features and improvements distinguishing it believed that Huygens’ engine Was never successfully built. not only from traditional crankshaft engines, but also from Later, in the early nineteenth century, Francois Isaac de prior sWash plate designs. RivaZ of SWitZerland invented a hydrogen-poWered internal [0009] In a ?rst embodiment, the present invention is a combustion engine. It is reported that this engine Was built, poWer-generation device comprising at least one cylinder but Was not commercially successful. having an internal volume, an internal cylinder surface, a [0004] Although there Was a certain degree of early Work central axis, a ?rst end and a second end. At least one on the idea of the internal combustion engine, development cylinder head, having an internal cylinder head surface, is truly began in earnest in the mid-nineteenth century. Jean disposed at, and secured to, the ?rst end of one of the at least Joseph Etienne Lenoir developed and patented a number of one cylinders. At least one piston, having an axis of motion electric spark-ignition internal combustion engines, running parallel to the central axis of at least one of the cylinders, and on various fuels. The Lenoir engine did not meet perfor having a croWn disposed toWard the internal surface of the mance or reliability expectations and fell from popularity. It cylinder head secured to that cylinder, is disposed in the is reported that the Lenoir engine suffered from a trouble internal volume of the cylinder. The croWn of the piston, an some electrical ignition system and a reputation for a high internal cylinder surface, and the internal surface of the consumption of fuel. Approximately 100 cubic feet of coal cylinder head for that cylinder together form a combustion gas Were consumed per horsepoWer hour. Despite these early chamber for that cylinder. setbacks, a number of other inventors, including Alphonse Beau de Rochas, Siegfried Marcus and George Brayton, [0010] The ?rst embodiment further includes an output shaft, having a central axis having a ?xed angular relation continued to make substantial contributions to the develop ship to the central axis of the cylinder. A sWash plate, having ment of the internal combustion engine. a ?rst sWash plate surface having a normal axis disposed at [0005] An inventor by the name of Nikolaus August Otto a ?rst ?xed angle to the central axis of the output shaft, is improved on Lenoir’s and de Rochas’ designs to develop a ?xed to the output shaft. At least one connecting rod, having more efficient engine. Well aWare of the substantial short a principal axis, a ?rst end axially and rotationally ?xed to comings of the Lenoir engine, Otto felt that the Lenoir a piston, and a second end, is secured to at least one piston. engine could be improved. To this end, Otto Worked to At least one folloWer, having a ?rst folloWer surface having improve upon the Lenoir engine in various Ways. In 1861, a normal axis disposed at the ?rst ?xed angle to the principal Otto patented a tWo-stroke engine that ran on gasoline. axis of the connecting rod to Which it is secured, is secured Otto’s tWo-stroke engine Won a gold medal at the 1867 to the second end of a connecting rod. The ?rst folloWer World’s Fair in Paris. Although Otto’s tWo-stroke engine surface contacts, and conforms to, the orientation of the ?rst Was novel, its performance Was not competitive With the sWash plate surface. steam engines of the time. A successful tWo-stroke engine [0011] In a second embodiment, the present invention is a Would not be developed until 1876. poWer-generation device comprising an output shaft, having [0006] In or around 1876, at approximately the same time a central axis, and at least tWo cylinders, disposed symmetri that an inventor named Dougald Was building a successful cally about the central axis of the output shaft. Each cylinder tWo-stroke engine, Klaus Otto built What is believed to be has a central axis parallel to the central axis of the output US 2007/0034178 A1 Feb. 15, 2007 shaft, an internal volume, an internal cylinder surface, a [0019] FIG. 1 depicts a partial cutaWay isometric vieW of central axis, a ?rst end and a second end. an internal combustion engine according to one embodiment [0012] At least two cylinder heads, each having an internal of the present invention; cylinder head surface, is disposed at, and secured to, the ?rst [0020] FIG.
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