~ ~ ~ ~ BACK TO WORK ISSUE - • ~.,I~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ SEPTEMBER 196~60c.~, ~e~ • ~;~ ~ ~~'~~ ~ ~....... 'i~:~:,iil~ A TTENTION NEW YORK DEALERS and TEACHERS! You are invited to visit LONG ISLAND CERAMIC CENTER 77 West Merrick Road Freeport, New York 11520 (516) 378-8288 NEW YORK'S NEWEST and MOST COMPLETE CERAMIC HOBBY CENTER • . a new concept in "ONE-STOP" ceramic shopping Hundreds of new ideas * Complete stock of all ceramic supplies • Greenware from latest molds • Instruction for---dealers and hobbyists Featuring ALL molds - glazes - underglazes - unfired stains DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN THE BEST! Stop by for a visit soon-- 9 C/) ,,, U) UJ ',') ~ U.o o 0 o < 2=+ "~ ~'6-~ ",J~ ='=+ z £++ e~ o, u. - + n* ILl =="i ++'+ L'2:B',= +r<=++m :: ¢J~ ~o~-~" .~ ,., +: 8 + o ~ Z ,.~1 <= ................ , .... 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Thousands of items, mortars, engobes, squeegees, from necessity to whim, await the flux, stilts, solders, and cones, needs of potter, sculptor and racks and forks and jar mills, enamelist. flannel, setstone, wax resist, From cufflink backs to kilns, spurs, from underglaze crayons to ball mills, setters, hangers and supports, the American Art Clay Co., Inc. cement, seal and wash, manufactures and sells spotters, spatulas, and sprayers, the most complete line of ceramic plasters, pestles and palette knives, supplies and equipment and of course in the country. kilns, wheels, clays, glazes, Browse through this department liquid, semi-moist and crayon store at your leisure. underglaze decorating media, Send today for your free copy of and metal enamels. Amaco Ceramic Catalog No. 53. AMERICAN ART CLAY CO., INC., 4717 West Sixteenth Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46222 B&I Automatic Shut0ffs Are Great But POTIER Y MAKER LET'S FACE IT Power Driven Sometimes They Fail! Variable Speed oSS )L KILN-FUSE IS A FOOLPROOF HEAT FUSE THAT PREVENTS COSTLY KILN DESTRUCTION. Professional features, versatile enough for advanced crafts- Use KILN-FUSE also to back-up your Shut-Off. men, yet simple enough for beginners' use. Precision built, Cuts power at kiln's temperature limit. compact, portable. Mounts anywhere. New variable speed KILN-FUSES reducer with adjustable foot controls provides speed range for all kiln makes and models. from :38 to 130 r.p.m. Built-in water container, attached All your electric power lines have electric fuses wedging wire, reversible 9-inch throwing head with recess to protect against overload; now all kilns can have for molding plaster bats. Ideal for school or home studios. a "heat fuse" to protect against destructive heat Also available for pottery maker is a new workbench with a convenient seat to allow operator to control position at "overload". all times. $22.50 each, F.O.B. Burlington, Wis. Order by PATENT PENDING mall now . • or write for complete literature. Distributorships and Dealerships OPEN. Inquire: TEPPING STUDIO SUPPLY CO. Write for Factory distributor for KILN-FUSE and KILN-KARE Lapidary Equipment :}517 Riverside Dr., Dayton, Ohio 45405 Literature Burlington, Wisconsin 5310S 4 Ceramics Monthly fire th" imagi MONTHLY with t BIG I£ Volume 17, Number 7 September 1969 colors Special BACK-TO-WORK Issue THOM Letters to the Editor ................................ 6 Suggestions from Our Readers ....................... 9 Itinerary ........................................... 11 Kimpei Nakamura by Michael and Michi Zimmerman ___14 Ruth Duckworth by Thomas W. Collins ............... 18 Junior High Students Can Throw Big Pots by Charles D. Rash ............................. 22 Sack Casting by Louise Wood ........................ 24 Oven and Range-Top Bodies and Glazes by Richard Behrens ............................. 27 Found Objects as Stencils by Polly Rothenberg ........ 28 Show Time: Creative Crafts VI--Pacific Dimensions .... 31 CeramActivities ..................................... 32 Teaching or creating, ideas come alive with New Books ......................................... 37 Thompson porcelain enamel colors. From the Index to Advertisers ................................. 38 most basic instruction books on enamel work and On Our Cover glasscraft to the most sophisticated tools and CM readers are urged Back-to-Work by the vigorous action of materials, Thompson has Been the pacemaker in Japanese potter Kimpei Nakamura, pictured on our cover. This inventive young ceramist, who feels that clay should be used supplying the industry for over 70 years. to enrich and animate interior and exterior architectural space as well as carry food and support flowers, designed and ex- Send now for the FREE Thompson Catalog and ecuted the dramatic relief walls for the Japanese Pavilion at "Expo '67" in Montreal. A feature article on Nakamura by Color Guide featuring the widest selection of 14 of this issue. Michael and Michi Zimmerman starts on Page colors, new findings and pre-formed shapes for making something new every day. Your catalog, and most orders, are on their way to you within Editor: THOMAs SELLERS after receipt. Start teaching and doing Art Director: ROBERT L. CREAGER 24 hours Thompson, the pacemaker. Business Manager: SPENCER L. DAVIS with Circulation Manager: MARY RUSHLEY Editorial Assistants: CoNxIE BELCHER, FRANCES SAWYER COMPANY Advisers and Special Contributors: F. Carlton Ball; Richard !i THOMAS C. THOMPSON Behrens; Kathe Berl; Edrls Eckhardt; Zena Holst; John Kenny; ! Dept. CM-9 Karl Martz; Ken Smith; Don Wood. i ]539 Old Deerflelcl Road Western Advertising Representative: Joseph Mervish Associates, Highland Park, Illlno~s 60035 4721 Laurel Canyon, Suite 211, North Hollywood, California 91607. Telephone: TR 7-7556, Area Code 213. Please rush my FREE catalog of complete enamel- Copyright 1969 Professional Publications, Inc. ing craft supplies with Color Guide today. Ceramics MonthIy September 1969. Vol. 17 -- No. 7. Published monthly except July and August by Professional Publications Inc. -- S. L Davis, Pres., P. S. Emery, Sec. at 4175 N. High Street, Co umbus, Ohio NAME_ 43214. Second class postage paid at Athens, Ohio, U.S.A. Subscriptions: One year $6; Two years $10; Three years $14. Copyright 1969. All rights reserved. The articles in each issue of Ceramics Monthly are indexed in The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. Microfilm copies are available ADDRESS to subscribers from University Microfilms, 313 IV. First St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Manuscripts and illustrations dealing with ceramic art activities are welcome and will be considered for publication. Manu- scripts should be typed double-spaced
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