THE NUNTIUS National Journal of Eta Sigma Phi VOL. XV, No. 1 NOVEMBER, 1940 THE NUNTIU NATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETA SIGMA PHI Volume XV November, 1940 Number 1 Board of Editors MARGARET S. DUKES, Alpha Alpha ALEX MEKEDIS, Gamma JANET FULLINWIDER, Alpha Omicron EVALYN THOMAS, Gamma MARY LOTT, Gamma JOYCE WALKER, Rho ROBERT H. MCGREGOR, Alpha Psi MARY K. BROKAW, Editor-in-CMe/ National Officers Table of Contents MEGAS PRYTANIS EDWARD A. SCALLET Pen Portraits of the National Officers.... 2 7546 York Drive Clayton, Missouri The New Board of Trustees 3 MEGAS GRAMMATEUS CARL MILLER 424 Marshall St. A Message from the Megas Prytanis .... 4 Jackson, Mississippi MEGAS CHRYSOPHYLAX Eta Sigma Phi Adds Fiftyfirst Chapter to HARRIETTE COCHRAN Organisation 5 Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia Membership Cards for Initiates 5 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MARY K. BROKAW Ohio University Editorial Policy of the NUNTIUS 5 Athens, Ohio Medal Report for 1939-1940 6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PROFESSOR ROY C. FLICKINGER, Chairman Report of the Megas Chrysophylax for The State University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 19394940 7 PROFESSOR VICTOR D. HILL Ohio University Athens, Ohio Breezes from Helicon 9 PROFESSOR H. LLOYD STOW University of Oklahoma Translations from Martial 10 Norman, Oklahoma PROFESSOR A. PELZER WAGENER Among the Chapters 11 College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia Chapter Directory 15 PROFESSOR HORACE W. WRIGHT Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Here and There 4, 6, 9, 14 Published four times a year, in November, January, March, and May, by the national society of Eta Sigma Phi. The office of publication is 213 Ellis Hall, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. All matters relating to publication should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief. Application for re-entry as second-class matter at the post office at Athens, Ohio, pending. THE NUNTIUS Pen Portraits of the National Officers It seems only fitting that members at places full confidence in his ability to large should make some acquaintance carry out its wishes. with their national officers, and the ob­ Equal confidence is given to the ject of this sketch is to present to them Megas Grammateus, Mr. Carl Miller, some notion of the people who are guid­ and the Megas Chrysophylax, Miss ing the organisation this year. Inade­ Harriette Cochran. Both Miss Cochran quate as this is—and we do apologize and Mr. Miller are from the South, Miss for its brevity and its many faults—it Cochran coming from Georgia, and Mr. may serve to give some slight conception Miller from the Mississippi Gulf Coast of these student officers. country. Mr. Miller hopes to become a Some knowledge of the Megas Pry­ college professor of English and is well tanis can be obtained from his message on the way to his goal even now, for he to the chapters (page 4). The Con­ is teaching freshman and sophomore vention at New Orleans last spring was classes at Millsaps College. At Millsaps the second National Convention that he has an English-Latin major, and writ­ Mr. Scallet had attended, having been ing is one of his chief diversions, al­ present at the one of the year before at though dramatics and debate occupy his Gettysburg. At both Mr. Scallet took attention too. In spite of the fact that an active part and is consequently well the Convention of last spring was his versed in the workings of the organisa­ first, he showed keen interest in the tion. In particular, at the last Conven­ issues that were being debated and in the tion he served faithfully on the Constitu­ general welfare of the organization. Be­ tion committee, which, because of the sides holding national office, Mr. Miller pressure of limited time, worked at odd is the enthusiastic prytanis of the Alpha hours and places and almost constantly. Phi Chapter. It was obvious to other members of the Also president of her group, Alpha committee then that Mr. Scallet was on Delta Chapter, is Miss Cochran, Megas the way to being a lawyer, and by his Chrysophylax. Already Miss Cochran own confession he admits that his work has attacked her job with energy and now at Washington University is pre­ resolution that augurs well for its suc­ paratory to attendance at Law School. cessful accomplishment. Thoroughly To Mr. Scallet the classics are a hobby, devoted to the study of the classics since the chief one of three (the others being high school days, Miss Cochran has the theater and sports), and what this studied both Greek and Latin at Agnes hobby means to him is easily discernible Scott College. As hobbies, Miss Coch­ from what he has written for this issue ran enjoys music and reading and occa­ of the NUNTIUS. Numerous activities sionally writes verse. She hopes to enter in connection with the theater and the field of religious education following sports, as well as offices on the campus her graduation from Agnes Scott Col­ (among them the directorship of Stentor, lege. centralized campus publicity organiza­ tion, and the presidency of the Student Such, in a word, are the national of­ Council) have not prevented his main­ ficers. Really to know them, of course, taining his scholastic position on the one must have been-at the last Conven­ Dean's Honor List as well as his scholar­ tion or be planning to attend the next ship to the University. An active and one. All are enthusiastic, capable, de­ energetic person, a forceful speaker, a voted to the aims of Eta Sigma Phi, and young man with ideas for the betterment anxious to do all they can to promote of Eta Sigma Phi—such is the Megas them. The national organization takes Prytanis, and the national organization pride in them and hopes that the local Page Two chapters will share in this feeling. THE NUNTIUS The New Board of Trustees The greatest single change that was chosen Chairman of the Board. Always inaugurated when the new Constitution interested in the organization and pres­ was adopted at the last National Con­ ent at several of its National Conven­ vention was the creation of an actively tions, Professor Flickinger has well functioning Board of Trustees who demonstrated his fitness for this position. would act in an advisory capacity to the Members may not generally know that organization and who would work with it is to Professor Flickinger that credit the Executive Council in furthering the is due for the inception of the Eta Sig­ welfare of the society. For a number of ma Phi Medal, and that the Medal was years Eta Sigma Phi has had a Board of first issued from Iowa City. Even this Trustees, consisting of three members, early in the year Professor Flickinger but a Board of five members, faculty has been busy sending out letters and as­ members of active chapters, who interest certaining the status of chapters in the themselves in the formation of policy organization. The society is fortunate and who exercise general supervision in having Professor Flickinger as Chair­ over the society is an innovation in the man of its Board of Trustees. His term organization. In earlier years members of office is for a two-year period. discussed the advisability of establishing a Board of alumni members of Eta Sig­ Also with two-year tenure is Professor ma Phi who would serve in the same Horace W. Wright, of the Alpha Epsi­ capacity as the Board of Trustees is lon Chapter at Lehigh University. Pro­ serving now. Even at that time there fessor Wright has been actively con­ was felt the need for stability such as a nected with the organization as faculty Board would furnish. adviser of his group and has always been interested in the welfare of the national Last year these ideas were crystalized, society. For the last several years he and the hope for the formation of a has attended the National Convention Board of Trustees who would be active where his help on problems that have participants in the society's affairs was confronted the delegates has proved realized. In order that the personnel of most valuable. His aid has always been this Board may be varied and that the at the disposal of members of the society. same faculty members may not have to Professor Victor D. Hill, of Ohio give their efforts so continuously to the University, and Professor A. Pelzer organization, an arbitrary scheme of Wagener, of the College of William tenure of office was evolved for this and Mary, were chosen for three-year year, until the Board should be function­ terms of service. Both have been ac­ ing after the manner provided in the tively connected with their chapters and Constitution, that is, that each member have served as faculty advisers to their should serve for three years, two mem­ - groups. Professor Hill has been con­ bers being elected each year and one nected with the organization from its member every third year. Members earlier days, and shortly after its estab­ may, of course, be re-elected to the lishment was instrumental in securing Board at the expiration of the three- the incorporation of the society. year term. Professor H. Lloyd Stow, of the Al­ Following correspondence among the pha Lambda Chapter at the University members of the Board themselves, Pro­ of Oklahoma, who has served as adviser fessor Roy C. Flickinger, sponsor of of the organization since his student days Epsilon Chapter and chairman of the at the University of Chicago, is the Department of Classical Languages at other member of the Board, serving for the State University of Iowa, was a one-year period.
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